How to copy aws s3 files to lightsail bucket? - amazon-web-services

How do we cp s3 files to lightsail bucket files?
I want to copy or move all s3 files to lightsail bucket.
Because lightsail bucket is much cheaper than s3.

I leave solution:
aws configure
You need to configure for s3 download.
Just put your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET for s3
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<bucketname>/ ./s3
Download all s3 fles to s3 folder.
aws configure
You need to apply lightsail bucket access key id and secret like s3.
aws s3 cp --recursive ./s3 s3://<bucketname>/
Then all files are copied.
It's so easy as long as you divide steps.
But I was trying to copy from s3 to lightsail bucket directly.
It's very complicated Because IAM role can't be shared.
I think lightsail is isolated service by s3 and ec2.
So it's cheap and easy.


How to download from requester payer aws s3 bucket?

How can I go about downloading from this s3 bucket:
aws s3 cp --request-payer requester s3://adatascientist/parler/v1/
I am not very technically minded, do I need a particular software or programme to do this? I have already created my AWS account I am just not sure on the next steps.
The website is here for any extra information:
Assuming that you have installed the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI), then:
Use aws configure and provide your Access Key and Secret Key
Use aws s3 cp --request-payer requester s3://adatascientist/parler/v1/ . to copy the file to the current local directory
There is no Data Transfer charge if you do this from an Amazon EC2 instance in the same Region. If you download to your own computer, you will be charged for Data Transfer (9c/GB).

How to copy files from AWS S3 to local machine?

How to copy the files which are newly updated in S3 bucket using AWS CLI to local machine?
Can we compare the logs and do the copy?
You can use either the aws s3 cp command, or if you want to only synchronise new files you can use the aws s3 sync command.
The syntax is below
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket . --recursive
The documentations are available below:
aws s3 cp
aws s3 sync

Not able to get data from Amazon S3 to EC2 for Training

I'm new to cloud infrastructure for Deep Learning and trying to use AWS for deep learning first time and I don't know how to access my data from EC2 launched instance.
My data is stored is S3 bucket but I'm not able to find a way how to get it together and start training.
In that EC2 instance. login via ssh.
install aws cli if its not there
configure credentials are add permission for ec2 instance to use s3 bucket.
otherwise add aws secret and access key
get files to your local system
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/test.txt test2.txt
Get files from local to s3
aws s3 cp test.txt s3://mybucket/test2.txt

aws s3 bucket encryption

i have created an S3 bucket and assigned SSE bucket policy(server side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys ) to it via cloud formation. how to upload an object to S3 bucket via AWS cli with x-aws-server-side-encryption set on the object? An example would be much appreciated.
You don't mention what tool or SDK you are using to interact with S3. To use the AWS CLI tool to copy a file to S3 with the server-side-encryption flag set:
aws s3 cp <local path> <s3 path> --sse AES256
There are other -sse options you can use to specify other encryption keys such as KMS keys.

How to download all the contents of an S3 bucket and then upload to another bucket?

I need to get the contents of one S3 bucket into another S3 bucket.
The buckets are in two different accounts.
I was told not to create a policy to allow access to the destination bucket from the origin bucket.
Using the AWS CLI how can I download all the contents of the origin bucket, and then upload the contents to the destination bucket?
To copy locally
aws s3 sync s3://origin /local/path
To copy to destination bucket:
aws s3 sync /local/path s3://destination
The aws cli allows you to configure named profiles which lets you use a different set of credentials for each individual cli command. This will be helpful because your buckets are in different accounts.
To create your named profiles you'll need to make sure you already have IAM users in each of your accounts and each user will need a set of access keys. Create your two named profiles like this.
aws configure --profile profile1
aws configure --profile profile2
Each of those commands will ask you for your access keys and a default region to use. Once you have your two profiles, use the aws cli like this.
aws s3 cp s3://origin /local/path --recursive --profile profile1
aws s3 cp /local/path s3://destination --recursive --profile profile2
Notice that you can use the --profile parameter to tell the cli which set of credentials to use for each command.