How to download from requester payer aws s3 bucket? - amazon-web-services

How can I go about downloading from this s3 bucket:
aws s3 cp --request-payer requester s3://adatascientist/parler/v1/
I am not very technically minded, do I need a particular software or programme to do this? I have already created my AWS account I am just not sure on the next steps.
The website is here for any extra information:

Assuming that you have installed the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI), then:
Use aws configure and provide your Access Key and Secret Key
Use aws s3 cp --request-payer requester s3://adatascientist/parler/v1/ . to copy the file to the current local directory
There is no Data Transfer charge if you do this from an Amazon EC2 instance in the same Region. If you download to your own computer, you will be charged for Data Transfer (9c/GB).


How to upload local system files in my Linux server to Amazon S3 Bucket using ssh?

I am trying to upload a file which I have on my Linux server onto my AWS S3 bucket. Can anyone please advise on how to do so as I only find documentations which is related to upload the files to EC2 instead.
I do have the .pem certificate present on my server directory.
I tried to run the following command but it doesn't solve the issue
It is not possible to upload to Amazon S3 by using SSH.
The easiest way to upload from anywhere to an Amazon S3 bucket is to use the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI):
aws s3 cp MY_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED.txt s3://my-bucket/
This will require an Access Key and a Secret Key to be stored via the aws configure command. You can obtain these keys from your IAM User in the IAM management console (Security Credentials tab).
See: aws s3 cp — AWS CLI Command Reference

How to copy aws s3 files to lightsail bucket?

How do we cp s3 files to lightsail bucket files?
I want to copy or move all s3 files to lightsail bucket.
Because lightsail bucket is much cheaper than s3.
I leave solution:
aws configure
You need to configure for s3 download.
Just put your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET for s3
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<bucketname>/ ./s3
Download all s3 fles to s3 folder.
aws configure
You need to apply lightsail bucket access key id and secret like s3.
aws s3 cp --recursive ./s3 s3://<bucketname>/
Then all files are copied.
It's so easy as long as you divide steps.
But I was trying to copy from s3 to lightsail bucket directly.
It's very complicated Because IAM role can't be shared.
I think lightsail is isolated service by s3 and ec2.
So it's cheap and easy.

Will there be data transfer fees using aws s3 cp (locally) to move data from my S3 bucket to my EC2 instance?

The question is mostly self-explanatory.
If I run aws s3 cp <s3_bucket> <ec2_host> locally (assuming both the bucket and the instance are on the same region), does the data go from s3 to ec2 internally (in which case there are no data transfer costs), or does it go first from the bucket to my computer, and only then to the instance (in which case there are s3 download data transfer costs)?
Thanks a lot.
AWS S3 pricing writes:
Transfers between S3 buckets or from Amazon S3 to any service(s) within the same AWS Region are free.
Please note that if you are using NAT gateway to access S3 from private subnet you will pay for NAT transfers. Use VPC S3 gateway endpoint instead. So if you are using aws s3 cp from private subnet through NAT, you will pay for them.
The documentation for the cp command states this at the beginning:
<LocalPath> <S3Uri> or <S3Uri> <LocalPath> or <S3Uri> <S3Uri>
In other words, each of the x and y in aws s3 cp <x> <y> can be either a S3 URI or a local reference. There is no option there to point it at an EC2 instance. If you did try to run aws s3 cp s3://bucketname/, you would just end up with a file called on your machine.

Not able to get data from Amazon S3 to EC2 for Training

I'm new to cloud infrastructure for Deep Learning and trying to use AWS for deep learning first time and I don't know how to access my data from EC2 launched instance.
My data is stored is S3 bucket but I'm not able to find a way how to get it together and start training.
In that EC2 instance. login via ssh.
install aws cli if its not there
configure credentials are add permission for ec2 instance to use s3 bucket.
otherwise add aws secret and access key
get files to your local system
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/test.txt test2.txt
Get files from local to s3
aws s3 cp test.txt s3://mybucket/test2.txt

How to transfer data from Amazon S3 to Amazon EC2

I am using an EC2 instance and I have enabled the log service of Elastic Load Balancer. The logs are stored in Amazon S3 and I want that data to be used as dataset for Elasticsearch which is present on my EC2 instance. Is there a way I can transfer the data to my EC2 instance or access the data directly from S3 only to be used for Elasticsearch ?
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) has commands that make it easy to copy to/from Amazon S3.
You can run them on your EC2 instance to download data from Amazon S3.
aws s3 cp s3://bucket/path/file .
aws s3 cp s3://bucket/path . --recursive
aws s3 sync s3://bucket/path .