Using Google Cloud Natural Language API with Healthcare Content - google-cloud-platform

I am trying to use the Node.js SDK for the Natural Language API (#google-cloud/language). I can successfully analyze the entities for a string as per the docs.
What I want to do is analyze the same string but using the Healthcare Natural Language API. This seems like it should just be a flag or extra parameter to the language client, but I cannot find any documentation at all about how to specify which topical language API to use.
Can this be done from within the SDK or does this require making raw requests to

The Cloud Healthcare API documentation reference does not mention any language API's, at least at the moment.
So you have to use REST/RPC or maybe you can raise FR. It's not quite clear how to do this for this product, but I am sure it should be done via "Sent Feedback" button on mentioned documentation page.
Anyway, for all Google products, language APIs (like mentioned Node.JS SDK) are just convenient libraries that use REST API under the hood.

Because of the unique requirements of medical documents, the Healthcare NLP API exists separate from the general purpose NLP API.
You can analyze entities using the analyzeEntities API method
curl -X POST{nlpService=projects/*/locations/*/services/nlp}:analyzeEntities \
-d '{
"documentContent": "<your doc here>"
You can find the documentation here and a how to guide here.


Add "Formality" parameter to Google NL API

Is it possible to force the delivery of a more or less formal response via parameter for Google NL or the AutoML models?
Other MTEs have this functionality but we've not been able to find anything similar while working with the REST API.
No, the Google Translate API, like most machine translation APIs, does not support parameters for formality or gender.
You could try to achieve it with an AutoML custom model or with the glossary feature.

How do I generate a .NET Standard client SDK based on RestAPI in AWS API Gateway?

Ive read within documents that AWS RestAPIs within the API Gateway service supports automating the process of generating SDK's.
I'd like to generate a .NET Standard library based off of an API that is contained within RestAPI (which had swagger doc used for generating docs/method)
How exactly can I auto-generate (by way of scripts) .NET standard library based on an ASP.NET Core WebAPI which is using swagger and has been placed behind RestAPI front-end?
Does AWS support .NET Standard?
What other methods of automatically generating the SDK should I consider to do the job? Any insight is appreciated, fundamentally I really liked the idea of auto generating a client sdk based on api documentation based off of swagger. And those customers I would like to do it for have heavy use of .net.
Note: Im not looking for java , javascript , android , objectivec (for iOS), swift (for iOS), and ruby. Specifically, I am looking for .net.
I have used NSwag.CodeGeneration.CSharp to generate .NET clients from swagger definition. Here is my code I used for my AWS re:Invent presentation last year.

How do you use Amazon's Mechanical Turk API?

I'm using Amazon's Mechanical Turk as a requester and need to automate some things (specifically bonus payments).
I feel really stupid for asking this, but... how does one actually use the MTurk API? I was reading the API reference, and it specifies some details about a lot of requests, including this one for bonus payment, but there's nothing about how to actually perform such a request. I assume it's an HTML request, but there's no mention of which endpoints to use or how to obtain keys for authorization.
You could call it via the AWS CLI or via your preferred programming language, such as Python.
For an introduction, you could do a web search and read articles like Tutorial: A beginner’s guide to crowdsourcing ML training data with Python and MTurk.
You'll need to have an AWS account and make a call from code or the CLI. For working code examples using the API in a variety of languages, check out mturk-code-samples on GitHub. The MTurk blog also has end-to-end examples.

How to retrieve data from cloud using rest service

Our employee salary data are stored in the cloud provided by the third party. Currently, the third party need to send us a copy of the database to us and we recover it to our local server for reporting purpose. I need to build a application to retrieve the data directly from the cloud and use the only tables we need for report purpose. the third party provide restful service to do this, but since I am new to web service programming, I am kind of lost here to decide what to do. So my question is what is the best way that i could proceed this.
Any help will be appreciated.
The first place to start is to familiarize yourself with a coding language you'd like to use. You can usually find documentation from the REST API provider on the 'developer' section of their website. Once on their site, you can usually setup a developer sandbox account and grab a few quick examples from the documentation in the most popular languages i.e Java, PHP etc. Then, using the documentation, tweak the example to get the data you want for your app.
It is common for REST APIs to assign you a key/token that you will use with each request. Refer to their documentation for more examples.

Google Apps Calendar Resource API in PHP

I implemented a php application that creates events in google calendar. But i need also to create resources, and i found the documentation for Google Apps Calendar Resource API
My first question is: where can I download the API files.
And second: i can use this in PHP? Because in the examples that they provide, they use only .NET and Python.
Thank you!
This API uses an older Google APIs technology stack called GData. There is a GData PHP client library built into the Zend framework, but it doesn't support OAuth2 and doesn't include support for this particular API. You're only option is to construct the OAuth2 tokens, XML body, and HTTP requests yourself using the documentation as a guide.