Add "Formality" parameter to Google NL API - google-cloud-platform

Is it possible to force the delivery of a more or less formal response via parameter for Google NL or the AutoML models?
Other MTEs have this functionality but we've not been able to find anything similar while working with the REST API.

No, the Google Translate API, like most machine translation APIs, does not support parameters for formality or gender.
You could try to achieve it with an AutoML custom model or with the glossary feature.


How to Set Region when using Cloud Vision API Web Entities Detection

Is there a way of setting a region when using Cloud Vision API, more specifically when detecting web entries and pages?
I consider it an important feature as Google search always considers the geo-location of a user when trying to display more relevant pages.
If not, what is the region used when triggering the API?
Thanks for all inputs!
There are two specific questions here and let me attempt to answer that:
what is the region used when triggering the API? : The specific API here is the Vision API. It is possible to restrict the API request/response processing to a specific region. By default, it is a global endpoint but specifically for Text based OCR, you can specify eu or us. Check this link:
Specifically for web entities, you cannot set the region while invoking the API. What you could do is to give the API a hint to use geo information in the images and then more relevant search results vis-a-vis the geotagging information available in the images can be returned. The specific element is 'includeGeoResults': true in your request. Check this link:

Using Google Cloud Natural Language API with Healthcare Content

I am trying to use the Node.js SDK for the Natural Language API (#google-cloud/language). I can successfully analyze the entities for a string as per the docs.
What I want to do is analyze the same string but using the Healthcare Natural Language API. This seems like it should just be a flag or extra parameter to the language client, but I cannot find any documentation at all about how to specify which topical language API to use.
Can this be done from within the SDK or does this require making raw requests to
The Cloud Healthcare API documentation reference does not mention any language API's, at least at the moment.
So you have to use REST/RPC or maybe you can raise FR. It's not quite clear how to do this for this product, but I am sure it should be done via "Sent Feedback" button on mentioned documentation page.
Anyway, for all Google products, language APIs (like mentioned Node.JS SDK) are just convenient libraries that use REST API under the hood.
Because of the unique requirements of medical documents, the Healthcare NLP API exists separate from the general purpose NLP API.
You can analyze entities using the analyzeEntities API method
curl -X POST{nlpService=projects/*/locations/*/services/nlp}:analyzeEntities \
-d '{
"documentContent": "<your doc here>"
You can find the documentation here and a how to guide here.

API Manager Analytics

We are working on a solution built on top of WSO2 APIM.
Problem Statement:
We want to add custom capability in existing APIM. Right now if we consume a single api endpoint it gives us meaningful statics some of them are:
API Usage per Application
Top Users per Application
Resource Usage per Application
But what we need is to store some/all incoming request data into database and extract meaningful information over time.
Suppose we have a api endpoint like below:
URL: http://localhost:9444/subscriptions/1/create_subscription
Params: name:sample_name, type:sample_type, user_id:12345
What we want?
It could be WSO2, OpenAM or any other opensource API manager.
We need to store parameter values e.g. sample_name, sample_type
and user_id in database.
Looks like WSO Stream Processor can provide this functionality.
As it has a solution for HTTP Analytics. But we are not certain
to proceed with this option.
Another possible candidate is to Extend API Manager. But docs doesn't have anything to target what we wanted to do.
I am not sure but we can use RequestInterceptor?
Anyone has a experience with this kind of problem please let me know.
There are two problems you have to solve here,
1. Capture the required data from the APIM side
2. Publish to Analytics Server
3. Perform Analytics on received events
As you have observed WSO2 SP can be used for 3.
For 1 & 2, please see blog ( for extending the publishers to capture and publish additional data.
You can also take a look at OpenIG, it is easy to extend and you can implement your own filter to store request data in database. Another approach is develop your own gateway based on Netflix Zuul or Spring Cloud Gateway

Google Admin SDK API for Mail Log Query

Does anyone know if the google Admin SDK API has functionality for querying it's E-Mail log search?
The functionality I'm referring to is found [1].
From the reading, It appears to be only available via the Admin Console and I was able to find any reference to it in the API docs.
If such is not available, does anyone know off the top of their heads, whether or not writing a screenscaper/bot to do these queries independent of an API would violate TOS?
To your first question: There is not currently a way to get the email logs via the API. People have been looking for it for some time.

Calling third party APIS like amazon/ebay for getting product details using C++

My requirement is - I have an application and need to get product details from amazon, ebay & few more websites for a product. Please let me know the process for getting the product info & also let me know how could i achieve this using C/C++ language. Does amazon support soap still? some where i saw its not supported. If soap is not supported then whats the next alternative?
You can use eBay API, and amazon API, and if you want to compare data and categories between the two (amazon and eBay), you can Try using
it's an API that combine between them
For example if you have one categoryId of eBay, Ecommerceapi can tell you what is the match for it in amazon
What ever you choose depends on your requirements of the project, API is simple technology that allows you to query the source over http.