I want to run AWS Glue Crawler every 6 hours automatically daily.
Can I use Cron Expression available on Crawler as below :
Minutes Hours Day of month Month Day of week Year
* 0/6 * * ? *
You can check the expression in CloudWatch rules. The correct one is:
0 /6 ? * * *
I want to know min monthly price for serverless option of Opensearch.
Docs say,
"you will be billed for a minimum of 4 OCUs (2x indexing includes
primary and standby, and 2x search includes one replica for HA) for
the first collection in an account."
Min 4 OCU per hour 4 * $0.24 * 24 * 30 = 691$ per month and + s3 cost.
Is it correct or I misunderstand something?
I am asking because it looks quite pricy and we can use servers to reduce the price
I need a scheduled query only between Monday to Friday between 9 and 7 o'clock:
Scheduled queries is currently: every hour from 9:00 to 19:00
But how to modify for Mo-Fr ?
every monday to friday from 9:00 to 19:00 not working
every monday from 9:00 to 19:00 working (so day of the week is in general not working ?)
UPDATE: The question at hand is much more complex than the Custom setting in BigQuery Scheduled Queries allows. For this purpose, #guillaume blaquiere has the best suggestion: use Cloud Scheduler to run a cron job. Tools like Crontab Guru can be helpful in creating a statement such as 00 9-19 * * 1-5.
For simpler Scheduled Queries, please review the following from the official documentation: Set up scheduled queries.
To specify a custom frequency, select Custom, then enter a Cron-like
time specification in the Custom schedule field; for example every 3
There is excellent documentation in the Custom Interval tab here on the many options you have available in this field.
thanks for the Feedback. So like this one ? But this is not working
How can I use cron expression to schedule quarterly backup? Like Backup at 12:00AM on every 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October.
Try setting up the event with this:
cron(0 12 1 1/3 ? *)
This translates to:
1/3 -> every third month
1 -> on the first day of the month
0 12 at 12 PM
One of the day-of-month or day-of-week values must be a question mark (?)
PS. Keep in mind that time is in UTC+0.
More on Scheduled Expressions in AWS
I want to configure a job that runs at dawn on the first Saturday of every month through Cloud Scheduler.
Considering the Scheduler Job Frequency setting to be the first Saturday of every month, I have designated it as follows.
ex) 45 2 1-7 * 6
However, it was confirmed that the above scheduler was running on the 23rd, last Saturday.
Is it not possible to configure a monthly schedule in Cloud Scheduler?
If you could give me an answer, I would be very grateful.
I have checked these links in relation to the above.
Your current schedule, 45 2 1-7 * 6, reads as At 02:45 on every day-of-month from 1 through 7 and on Saturday. You can check it on Crontab guru.
In order to set a custom interval, you will need to use the App Engine Cron format.
In this case, try first saturday of month 02:45.
django-celery's crontab class only supports minute, hour and day of week. Is there a way to support the rest of the normal cron schedule options such as month and day of the month? Or will I need to write my own crontab class and overwrite the is is_due() method?
This was issue #569 and was closed on May 2012 (commit dc6508f).
Params day_of_month and month_of_year were added.