Making variable sized immutable list in Kotlin - list

I try to make a variable sized immutable list in Kotlin, but the only way I found is this. Isn't there a more clean way to do it ?
val size = nextInt(0, 50)
val list = mutableListOf<Post>()
for (i in 0..size) {
val immutableList = Collections.unmodifiableList(list)
When my source is another list (with random size) I can do val immutableList ={ /* thing that will be add() */ } but found nothing similar for just integrer

U can benefit on kotlin collections extensions and use List builder
val list: List<Post> = List(Random.nextInt(0, 50)) {


What's an idiomatic way to traverse and update data structures functionally in Scala?

I'm coming from a Python-heavy background and trying to learn Scala through a basic "Design a Parking Lot" exercise. I have Scala code that looks something like:
class ParkingLot(spaces: Set[ParkingSpace]) {
var openSpaces: Set[ParkingSpace] = spaces;
var usedSpaces: Set[ParkingSpace] = Set()
def assign(vehicle: Vehicle): Boolean = {
var found = false;
for (s <- openSpaces) {
(s.isCompatibleWithVehicle(vehicle)) match {
case true => {
if (!found) {
openSpaces -= s
usedSpaces += s
found = true
case _ => {}
The logic is pretty simple - I have a ParkingLot with Sets of open and occupied ParkingSpaces. I want to define a function assign that takes in a Vehicle, loops through all the openSpaces and if it finds an available space, will update the open and used spaces. I'm having a hard time coming up with a good idiomatic way to do this. Any thoughts and suggestions about how to reframe questions into a Scala mindset?
The main problem with this code is use of mutable state (var). Rather than changing an existing object, functional code creates new, modified objects. So the functional approach is to create a new ParkingLot each time with the appropriate allocation of spaces.
case class ParkingLot(open: Set[ParkingSpace], used: Set[ParkingSpace])
def assignVehicle(vehicle: Vehicle): Option[ParkingLot] =
open.find(_.isCompatibleWithVehicle(vehicle)).map { space =>
ParkingLot(open - space, used + space.acceptVehicle(vehicle))
assignVehicle can return a new parking lot with the spaces appropriately updated. It returns an Option because there might not be a compatible space, in which case it returns None. The caller can take whatever action is necessary in this case.
Note that ParkingSpace now as an acceptVehicle that returns a new ParkingSpace rather than modifying itself.
As also the answer by #Tim mentioned, you need to avoid mutations, and try to handle this kind of state managements in functions. I'm not gonna dive into the details since Tim mentioned some, I'm just proposing a new approach to the implementation, which uses a map of spaces to weather they're used, and returns a new (not optional) instance every time you assign a new vehicle (if the vehicle fits in, updated instance is returned, and if not, the same instance):
class ParkingLot(spaces: Map[ParkingSpace, Boolean]) {
def withVehicleAssigned(vehicle: Vehicle): ParkingLot =
spaces.collectFirst {
case (space, used) if !used && space.isCompatibleWithVehicle(vehicle) =>
new ParkingLot(spaces.updated(space, true))
Almost the same process goes for removing vehicles, the usage would be something like this:
Since most answers already explained the importance of immutability and creating new objects, I am just going to propose two alternative models and solutions.
1. Using a queue of empty spaces plus a set of used ones.
final case class ParkingLot(freeSpaces: List[ParkingSpace], occupiedSpaces: Set[ParkingSpace]) {
// Returns the used space and the new parking lot.
// An option is used since the parking lot may be full.
def assign(vehicle: Vehicle): Option[(ParkingSpace, ParkingLot)] =
freeSpaces match {
case freeSpace :: remainingSpaces =>
val usedSpace = freeSpace.withVehicle(vehicle)
Some(copy(freeSpaces = remainingSpaces, usedSpaces = usedSpace + usedSpaces))
case Nil =>
2. Using a List[(ParkingSpace, Boolean)] and a tail-recursive function.
final case class ParkingLot(parkingSpaces: List[(ParkingSpace, Boolean)]) {
// Returns the used space and the new parking lot.
// An option is used since the parking lot may be full.
def assign(vehicle: Vehicle): Option[(ParkingSpace, ParkingLot)] = {
def loop(remaining: List[(ParkingSpace, Boolean)], acc: List[(ParkingSpace, Boolean)]): Option[(ParkingSpace, List[(ParkingSpace, Boolean)])] =
remaining match {
case (parkingSpace, occupied) :: tail =>
if (occupied) loop(remaining = tail, (parkingSpace, occupied) :: acc)
else {
val usedSpace = parkingSpace.withVehicle(vehicle)
val newSpaces = acc reverse_::: ((usedSpace -> true) :: tail)
Some(usedSpace -> newSpaces)
case Nil =>
loop(remaining = parkingSpaces, acc = List.empty).map {
case (usedSpace, newSpaces) =>
usedSpace -> copy(newSpaces)
Note, the boolean may be redundant since the ParkingSpace should be able to tell us if it is empty or not.

Get MutableList<MutableList<Int>> from List<List<Int>> in Kotlin

I have a List<List> and need to form a mutable list of lists out of it.
fun trial (check: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val mutableCheck : MutableList<MutableList<Int>> = //mutableListOf(check)?
I tried various ways, but not able to make it work.
val mutableCheck = { it.toMutableList() }.toMutableList()

How to add an item to a list in Kotlin?

I'm trying to add an element list to the list of string, but I found Kotlin does not have an add function like java so please help me out how to add the items to the list.
class RetrofitKotlin : AppCompatActivity() {
var listofVechile:List<Message>?=null
var listofVechileName:List<String>?=null
var listview:ListView?=null
var progressBar:ProgressBar?=null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
var apiInterfacee=ApiClass.client.create(
val call=apiInterfacee.getTaxiType()
call.enqueue(object : Callback<TaxiTypeResponse> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<TaxiTypeResponse>, response: Response<TaxiTypeResponse>) {
println("Sixze is here listofVechile ${listofVechile!!.size}")
if (listofVechile!=null) {
for (i in 0..listofVechile!!.size-1) {
//how to add the name only listofVechileName list
//println("Sixze is here ${listofVechileName!!.size}")
val arrayadapter=ArrayAdapter<String>(this#RetrofitKotlin,android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1,listofVechileName)
override fun onFailure(call: Call<TaxiTypeResponse>, t: Throwable) {
A more idiomatic approach would be to use MutableList instead of specifically ArrayList. You can declare:
val listOfVehicleNames: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
And add to it that way. Alternatively, you may wish to prefer immutability, and declare it as:
var listOfVehicleNames: List<String> = emptyList()
And in your completion block, simply reassign it:
listOfVehicleNames = response.body()?.message()?.orEmpty()
.map { /* assumes name() function exists */ }
Talking about an idiomatic approach... 🙄
When you can get away with only using immutable lists (which means usually in Kotlin), simply use + or plus. It returns a new list
with all elements of the original list plus the newly added one:
val original = listOf("orange", "apple")
val modified = original + "lemon" // [orange, apple, lemon]"lemon") yields the same result as original + "lemon". Slightly more verbose but might come in handy when combining several collection operations:
return getFruit()
Besides adding a single element, you can use plus to concatenate a whole collection too:
val original = listOf("orange", "apple")
val other = listOf("banana", "strawberry")
val newList = original + other // [orange, apple, banana, strawberry]
Disclaimer: this doesn't directly answer OP's question, but I feel that in a question titled "How to add an item to a list in Kotlin?", which is a top Google hit for this topic, plus must be mentioned.
If you don't want or can't use array list directly use this code for add item
itemlist : list of your items
item : item you want to add
instead of using a regular list which is immutable just use an arrayListof which is mutable
so your regular list will become
var listofVehicleNames = arrayListOf("list items here")
then you can use the add function
listOfVehicleNames.add("what you want to add")
you should use a MutableList like ArrayList
var listofVechileName:List<String>?=null
var listofVechileName:ArrayList<String>?=null
and with that you can use the method add
For any specific class, the following may help
var newSearchData = List<FIRListValuesFromServer>()
for (i in 0 until this.singleton.firListFromServer.size) {
if (searchText.equals(this.singleton.firListFromServer.get(i).FIR_SRNO)) {
val listofVechile = mutableListOf<String>()
Declare mutable list like that and you will be able to add elements to list :

iOS-NSArray filter having condition

I'm new here!
I have an NSArray like this ("file01_header","file01_body", "file01_xxx", ... ,"file02_header", ...).
I filter it and get 2 distinct NSArrays:
Array_header ("file01_header","file02_header",...)
("file01_body", "file02_body", ...)
now I have to subtract from Array_header all the items that have a corresponding one in Array_body, because not all items have a fileNN_body for the fileNN_header in the original array, and I have to give the Array_header as output with only items that has no corresponding body.
How can I do this?
If you're using swift you can filter pretty easily using a closure and some minor string-fu.
Here's an example:
let funkyArray = ["file01_header","file01_body", "file01_xxx", "file02_header","file03_xxx"]
let headerFilterClosure : (String) -> Bool = {fileName in
if fileName.containsString("header") {
let fileBase = fileName.componentsSeparatedByString("_")[0]
let fileBodyName = "\(fileBase)_body"
if funkyArray.contains(fileBodyName) {
return true
return false
I think a better long term solution would be to not have such a funky array and use a data structure or at least a tuple with options to manage your file info.

Scala way / idiom of dealing with immutable List

I have found successes using ideas of immutable List but I am stumped when come to this piece of code here. I find myself has written something more Java than of Scala style. I would prefer to use List(...) instead of Buffer(...) but I don't see how I can pass the same modified immutable List to the next function. guesses is also modified within eliminate(...).
Any suggestions to help me to make this the Scala way of doing this is appreciated. Thanks
val randomGuesses = List(...) // some long list of random integers
val guesses = randomGuesses.zipWithIndex.toBuffer
for ( s <- loop()) {
val results = alphaSearch(guesses)
if (results.size == 1) {
guesses(resultes.head._2) = results.head._1
eliminate(guesses, resultes.head._2)
else {
val results = betaSearch(guesses)
if (results.size == 1) {
guesses(resultes.head._2) = results.head._1
eliminate(guesses, resultes.head._2)
} else {
val results = betaSearch(guesses)
if (results.size == 1) {
guesses(resultes.head._2) = results.head._1
eliminate(guesses, resultes.head._2)
Here are some general tips since this might be better suited for codereview and the code posted is incomplete with no samples.
You can use pattern matching instead of if and else for checking the size.
results.size match{
case 1 => ... //Code in the if block
case _ => ... //Code in the else block
Instead of mutating guesses create a new List.
val newGuesses = ...
Then pass newGuesses into eliminate.
Lastly, it looks like eliminate modifies guesses. Change this to return a new list. e.g.
def eliminate(list: List[Int]) = {
//Eliminate something from list and return a new `List`