Memory leak in C++ (Valgrind) - c++

I implement the stack with a minimum. In this program, I get an error from valgrind. Something is wrong with the push() and main() functions. When I add delete st; to the push() function, I get even more errors. I check it through valgrind ./a.out. Sorry for the long code. I also wrote the rest of the functions for stack. But there is no error in them, I left those in the code where there may be an error.
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
struct Stack {
int data;
int min;
Stack* next;
void Push(Stack** top, int n) {
Stack* st = new Stack();
st->data = n;
if (*top == NULL) {
*top = st;
(**top).min = n;
} else {
st->min = ((n <= (**top).min) ? n : (**top).min);
st->next = *top;
*top = st;
std::cout << "ok" << std::endl;
void Pop(Stack** top) {
if (*top != NULL) {
std::cout << (**top).data << std::endl;
*top = (*top)->next;
} else {
std::cout << "error" << std::endl;
int main() {
Stack* top = nullptr;
int m;
std::cin >> m;
std::string str;
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
std::cin >> str;
if (str == "push") {
int value;
std::cin >> value;
Push(&top, value);
if (str == "pop") {
delete top;

When you just delete top, you destruct it (in your case it's nothing, but you can distract yourself for reading about destructors if interested) and free the dynamic memory allocated for top. However, you actually want to also delete top->next, top->next->next (if present) etc. A hotfix:
while (top) { // same as "while (top != nullptr) {"
Stack* next = top->next; // we can't use `top` after we `delete` it, save `next` beforehand
delete top;
top = next;
Now, about more general things. The course teaches you some really old C++ (almost just plain C; even C here is bad though). At the very least, your whole Push() can be replaced (thanks to lvalue references (Type&), std::min and aggregate initialization) with:
void push(Stack*& top, int n) {
top = new Stack{n, std::min(n, top ? top->min : n), top};
std::cout << "ok\n";
I'm new to C++ programming. I used to write in Python
Good job. Sadly, such teaching shows C++ as something too old and horrifying.
here's a new in Push, so there should most likely be a delete in Pop
That's right (thanks to #molbdnilo). You should delete popped elements instead of just leaking them.


How to correctly delete an allocated array (queue data structure)

I created a queue data structure using a struct and a dynamically allocated array, I don't understand what is the right way to free or delete it without any memory leaks.
I have tried using the following:
delete[] q->data;
delete[] &(q->data);
delete &(q->data);
#include "queue.h"
void initQueue(queue* q, unsigned int size)
q->maxSize = size;
q->size = 0;
q->data = new unsigned int[size];
q->front = 0;
q->rear = 0;
void enqueue(queue* q, unsigned int newValue)
if (q->size != q->maxSize)
q->data[q->rear] = newValue;
std::cout << "Queue is full! you can clean it and initialize a new one" << std::endl;
int dequeue(queue* q)
int i = 0;
if (q->size == 0)
std::cout << "Queue is empty!" << std::endl;
return EMPTY;
return q->data[q->front];
void cleanQueue(queue* q)
//the delete function
The technical right answer here is to delete q->data, as others have suggested. But...
right way to free or delete it without any memory leaks
The right way in C++, unless you're doing some exotic with allocation, is not to do your own memory management. Write a class that allocates in the constructor, and deletes in the destructor, as Chris suggested, is a great way to learn about RAII and how it saves you from the mental burden of manually writing "delete" everywhere.
But the right right way, if someone was paying me? I'd skip all that and use a vector.
#include <vector>
class MyQueue {
MyQueue(unsigned int size) : data(size) { }
void enqueue(unsigned int value) { /* whatever... */ }
int dequeue() { /* whatever... */ }
std::vector<unsigned int> data;
When this class goes out of scope or gets deleted, the vector will automatically be cleaned up. You don't even need to free or delete anything.

SIGSEGV error occurs in implementation of a hash table in C++

I am trying to implement a hash table data structure in C++, but every time i run the program i get a run time error(SIGSEGV, segmentation fault) in line number 86 like here.
i.e.: putInHash(str,hashTable,m); in main().
This is my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct node
struct node *next,*prev;
string data;
int hashCode(string str)
char arr[str.size()+1];
int code=0;
for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++)
return code;
int compress(int k,int m)
double a=(sqrt(5.0)-1)/2;
return floor(m*(fmod(k*a,1)));
void display(node* hashTable[],int m)
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
node* p=hashTable[i];
cout<<p->data<<" , ";
void putInHash(string str,node* hashTable[],int m)
int k=hashCode(str);
int bucket=compress(k,m);
node* temp=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
int main()
cout<<"Enter number of strings to add in hash table: ";
long int n;
int m=13;
node* hashTable[m];
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
string str;
cout<<"Enter the strings:\n";
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
return 0;
I thought it might be due to passing the string, but it turned out this wasn't the case.
Can somebody please guide me through it.
I think the error may be in passing the hashTable[] as an argument.
I can't reproduce your problem (I'm using clang++ in a Linux platform and I suppose that your problem is platform dependent) but I see something that can explain it.
You use malloc() to allocate memory for a struct with a std::string in it.
This is bad.
Really, really bad.
Because malloc() can allocate the memory but can't construct the data member in it.
In C++ you should use new; at least, allocating not trivial objects (std::string isn't trivial).
// node* temp=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); // DANGEROUS
node * temp = new node;
This is the problem that cause the sigsegv (I suppose) but your code has a lot of other problem.
Example: the while in display() goes in loop because p remain unchanged; you should change display() in this way
void display (node * hashTable[], int m)
node * p;
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
cout << i << ":\n";
for ( p = hashTable[i] ; p ; p = p->next )
cout << p->data << " , ";
cout << "\n";
Another important point: variable length arrays isn't C++; it's C (C99). So this lines are wrong
char arr[str.size()+1];
node* hashTable[m];
You don't need the first (absolutely useless) and you can simplify hashcode() in this way (and please, pass the strings by const reference, when possible)
int hashCode (const string & str)
int code = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < str.size() ; ++i )
code += (i+1) * int(str[i]);
return code;
About hashTable, you can substitute it with a std::vector
// node* hashTable[m]; no C++
//for(int i=0;i<m;i++) // useless
//{ // useless
// hashTable[i]=NULL; // useless
//} // useless
std::vector<node *> hashTable(m, NULL); // m NULL node pointers
Obviously, putInHash() should be
void putInHash (string str, std::vector<node*> & hashTable, int m)
and display()
void display (const std::vector<node*> & hashTable, int m)
And remember to free the allocated memory.
p.s.: sorry for my bad English.
--- EDIT ---
phonetagger is right: deleting the memory (a vector o linked nodes) isn't trivial.
I suggest a function like the following
void recursiveFreeNode (node * & nd)
if ( nd )
delete nd; // added with EDIT 2; sorry
nd = NULL; // useless, in this, case, but good practice
and call it (for every node of the vector) in main(), after display() calling
for ( unsigned ui = 0U ; ui < hashTable.size() ; ++ui )
--- EDIT 2 ---
Sorry: I've forgot the more important line: delete node (thanks phonetagger).
Following the other suggestion of phonetagger, I propose a not-recursive function for deleting the hashtable's node
void loopFreeNode (node * & nd)
node * tmp;
for ( ; nd ; nd = tmp )
tmp = nd->next;
delete nd;
nd = NULL;
Obviously the for loop, to use loopFreeNode(), should be
for ( unsigned ui = 0U ; ui < hashTable.size() ; ++ui )

Why this code failed to run

i want to generate a tree of siblings as under
/ | \ \
ABCD has four nodes i have taken a array for this *next[]. but this code does not run successfully but it produces the sequence. i have written code in main() which provide characters to the enque function. e.g. where x is variable in for loop.
struct node
string info;
struct node *next[];
string str, goal;
int dept=0,bnod=0,cl,z=0;
void enqueue(string n);
void enqueue(string n)
node *p, *temp;
p=new node[sizeof(str.length())];
for (int x=0;x<str.length();x++)
cout<<" cl="<<cl<<endl;
cout<<"chile-info "<<temp->info<<endl;
cout<<" clif="<<cl<<endl;
Enter String: sham
chile-info s
chile-info h
chile-info a
chile-info m
RUN FAILED (exit value 1, total time: 2s)
Firstly, where does "RUN FAILED" come from? Is that specific to your compiler?
Secondly, about the line p=new node[sizeof(str.length())];, it probably won't give you what you wanted because you're taking the sizeof of an unsigned integer ( which, depending on your platform is likely to give you 4 regardless of the string length. Which is not what you're after - you want the actual length of the string ).
So - since you're already using std::string, why not use std::vector? Your code would look a lot friendlier :-)
If I take the first couple of lines as your desired output ( sorry, the code you posted is very hard to decipher, and I don't think it compiles either, so I'm ignoring it ;-) )
Would something like this work better for you?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
typedef struct node
std::string info;
std::vector<struct node*> children;
Node * enqueue(std::string str)
Node * root;
root = new Node();
root->info = str;
for (int x = 0; x < str.length(); x++)
Node * temp = new Node();
temp->info = str[x];
return root;
int main()
Node * myRoot = enqueue("ABCD");
std::cout << myRoot->info << "\n";
for( int i = 0; i < myRoot->children.size(); i++)
std::cout << myRoot->children[i]->info << ", ";
char c;
std::cin >> c;
return 0;
Your code seems not full.
At least the line
p=new node[sizeof(str.length())];
seems wrong.
I guess enqueue should be something similar to the following:
struct node
string info;
struct node *next; // [] - is not necessary here
string str, goal;
int dept=0,bnod=0,cl,z=0;
void enqueue(string n)
node *p, *temp;
p = new node;
p->next = new node[str.length()];
for (int x=0;x<str.length();x++)
p->next[x] = new node;
p->next[x]->next = 0;
p->next[x]->info = str[x];
Please provide more info to give a more correct answer

Segfault in recursive function

I'm getting a segfault when I run this code and I'm not sure why. Commenting out a particular line (marked below) removes the segfault, which led me to believe that the recursive use of the iterator "i" may have been causing trouble, but even after changing it to a pointer I get a segfault.
void executeCommands(string inputstream, linklist<linklist<transform> > trsMetastack)
int * i=new int;
(*i) = 0;
string command = getCommand((*i),inputstream);
string cmd = getArguments(command,0);
//cout << getArguments(command,0) << " " << endl;
if (cmd=="translate")
transform trs;
if (cmd=="group")
//make a NEW TRANSFORMS STACK, set CURRENT stack to that one
linklist<transform> transformStack;
//cout << "|" << getAllArguments(command) << "|" << endl;
executeCommands(getAllArguments(command),trsMetastack); // COMMENTING THIS LINE OUT removes the segfault
if (cmd=="line")
{ //POP transforms off of the whole stack/metastack conglomeration and apply them.
while ((trsMetastack.isEmpty())==0)
while ((((>value).isEmpty())==0) //this pops a single _stack_ in the metastack
{ transform tBA = ((>value).pop();
cout << tBA.type << tBA.arguments[0] << tBA.arguments[1];
"Metastack" is a linked list of linked lists that I have to send to the function during recursion, declared as such:
linklist<transform> transformStack;
linklist<linklist<transform> > trsMetastack;
The "Getallarguments" function is just meant to extract a majority of a string given it, like so:
string getAllArguments(string expr) // Gets the whole string of arguments
expr = expr.replace(0,1," ");
int space = expr.find_first_of(" ",1);
return expr.substr(space+1,expr.length()-space-1);
And here is the linked list class definition.
template <class dataclass>
struct linkm {
dataclass value; //transform object, point object, string... you name it
linkm *next;
template <class dataclass>
class linklist
{top = NULL;}
void push(dataclass num)
cout << "pushed";
linkm<dataclass> *temp = new linkm<dataclass>;
temp->value = num;
temp->next = top;
top = temp;
dataclass pop()
cout << "pop"<< endl;
//if (top == NULL) {return dataclass obj;}
linkm<dataclass> * temp;
temp = top;
dataclass value;
value = temp->value;
top = temp->next;
delete temp;
return value;
bool isEmpty()
if (top == NULL)
return 1;
return 0;
// private:
linkm<dataclass> *top;
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know the problem is vague but I just spent the last hour trying to debug this with gdb, I honestly dunno what it could be.
It could be anything, but my wild guess is, ironically: stack overflow.
You might want to try passing your data structures around as references, e.g.:
void executeCommands(string &inputstream, linklist<linklist<transform> > &trsMetastack)
But as Vlad has pointed out, you might want to get familiar with gdb.

Memory leak in trivial stack implementation

I'm decently experienced with Python and Java, but I recently decided to learn C++. I decided to make a quick integer stack implementation, but it has a massive memory leak that I can't understand. When I pop the node, it doesn't seem to be releasing the memory even though I explicitly delete the old node upon poping it. When I run it, it uses 150mb of memory, but doesn't release any of it after I empty the stack. I would appreciate any help since this is my first foray into a language without garbage collection. This was compiled with gcc 4.3 on 64-bit Kubuntu.
//a trivial linked list based stack of integers
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node
int num;
Node * next;
Node(int data, Node * next);
int getData();
Node * getNext();
Node::Node(int data, Node * next_node)
num = data;
next = next_node;
inline int Node::getData()
return num;
inline Node* Node::getNext()
return next;
class Stack
unsigned long int n;
Node * top;
Stack(int first);
void push(int data);
int pop();
int peek();
unsigned long int getSize();
void print();
void empty();
Stack::Stack(int first)
Node first_top (first, NULL);
top = &first_top;
n = 1;
top = NULL;
n = 0;
void Stack::push(int data)
Node* old_top = top;
Node* new_top = new Node(data,old_top);
top = new_top;
int Stack::pop()
Node* old_top = top;
int ret_num = old_top->getData();
top = old_top->getNext();
delete old_top;
return ret_num;
inline int Stack::peek()
return top->getData();
inline unsigned long int Stack::getSize()
return n;
void Stack::print()
Node* current = top;
cout << "Stack: [";
for(unsigned long int i = 0; i<n-1; i++)
cout << current->getData() << ", ";
current = current->getNext();
cout << current->getData() << "]" << endl;
void Stack::empty()
unsigned long int upper = n;
for(unsigned long int i = 0; i<upper; i++)
Stack createStackRange(int start, int end, int step = 1)
Stack stack = Stack();
for(int i = start; i <= end; i+=step)
return stack;
int main()
Stack s = createStackRange(0,5e6);
cout << s.peek() << endl;
cout << "emptying" <<endl;
cout << "emptied" <<endl;
cout << "The size of the stack is " << s.getSize()<<endl;
cout << "waiting..." << endl;
return 0;
How do you KNOW the memory isn't being released? The runtime library will manage allocations and may not release the memory back to the OS until the program terminates. If that's the case, the memory will be available for other allocations within your program during its execution.
However.... you seem to have other problems. My C++ is really rusty since I've been doing Java for 15 years, but in your Stack::Stack constructor you're allocating a Node instance on the system stack and then storing a reference to it in your "Stack". That Node instance goes out of scope when the constructor ends, leaving a dangling pointer.
Stack::Stack(int first)
Node first_top (first, NULL);
top = &first_top;
n = 1;
This is wrong , you cant assign address of a local object to class member( top ) , since local objects get destroyed when function returns.
Create a node on heap rather than stack , do something like this :
Stack::Stack(int first)
top = new Node(first, NULL);
n = 1;
And Make the concept of link list clear and use pen and paper if you can do so.
Your Stack::Push(int) operation seems buggy check it out what you have forget to do.
My suggestion is try to implement generic stack with the help of template ,so it will work for all data type .
When createStackRange() returns it'll return a copy of the Stack using the compiler-generated copy constructor which just makes a bitwise copy (i.e., it'll copy the pointer to the first node and the size.)
More seriously, you're missing the destructor for the Stack class. Ideally you'd have it walk the list and call delete on each Node. The Stack object created on the processor stack will automatically be cleaned up automatically when main() exits, but without a destructor, the nodes will still be allocated when the program ends. You probably want something like this for it:
while ( top )
Next *next = top->getNext();
delete top;
top = next;
The way to think of it is that the C++ compiler will automatically generate copy constructors and destructors for you, but they're normally shallow. If you need deep behavior you've got to do it implement it yourself somewhere.
After poring over the code, I couldn't find the leak so I compiled it and ran it in a debugger myself. I agree with Jim Garrision - I think you're seeing an artifact of the runtime rather than an actual leak, because I'm not seeing it on my side. The issues pointed out by NickLarsen and smith are both actual issues that you want to correct, but if you trace the code through, neither should actually be causing the problem you describe. The code smith singles out is never called in your example, and the code Nick singles out would cause other issues, but not the one you're seeing.
Creat a stub to test your code and user Memory Analysis tool like "Valgrind". This will find out memory leaks and corruptions for you.
check man-pages for more information.
Note that you should only roll your own stack for educational purposes. For any real code, you should use the stack implementation that comes with the C++ standard library...