Can I fully statically link a MFC application? - c++

I have a simple MFC application built in Visual Studio. I want to be able to link it so any windows PC can run it without needed to install anything else. Just double click the .exe and you are good!
Looking at a debug build, here are my dependencies:
I know two of those .dlls are from the Windows Visual C++ Library.
My question is, can I configure my release so that anything this .exe needs is built in? Or will I always need Visual C++ to be installed on the machine that wants to run it. I am guessing that latter, but not sure about the librarys static vs dynamic linking capability.

My question is, can I configure my release so that anything this .exe needs is built in? Or will I always need Visual C++ to be installed on the machine that wants to run it?
Yes, you can build the application with static linking, it won’t need the C++ and MFC runtime installed to run.
If you building with the dll dependencies for the C++ runtime and MFC (so not statically linking), you will need to install the VC++ runtime (not the full development environment) on all the machines you distribute to (for servicing this is probably a better option).
You’ll need to read up on the options /MT, /MD and /DLL, specifically to control C++ runtime and MFC linkage, although the IDE makes this much easier to control. Also note, you’ve linked in the debug version (/MDd et. al) of the C++ runtime and MFC, you wouldn’t normally distribute it like that. If you need to debug it off the development box, you can still do that by building with symbols and turning off optimisations to get more details on the applications errors.


Distributing Qt/C++ application cross-platform

I'm struggling to deploy my Qt/C++ application, probably because I have not found a good introduction about this online. In brief my question is how do I setup an installation framework which requires only minimal, or preferably no, compilation before shipping to users.
I want to deploy the GUI to users on different platforms, who may or may not have admin rights on their machines. I have found different options:
Statically compile Qt -> statically compile an executable -> distribute the executable. With this setup I have encountered a Windows security warning, which requires admin privileges (I have not yet tried on Linux / macOS). And frankly this approach seems sub-optimal, as my compiler has no idea about how to compile optimally for my users.
Create an installer. But there I start to be confused... Do I need to provide a statically compiled executable of my GUI, or just of the installer, or neither? Or can I avoid pre-compiling on my side all together by using an installer from Qt with built-in compiler/libraries?
With this setup I have encountered a Windows security warning
You didn't sign the binaries. This issue has nothing to do with Qt. You'd face it even when distributing a trivial "Hello World".
Ensure that you sign all of the following:
The executables.
All DLLs that you redistribute and are not signed (verify each one).
The installer.
my compiler has no idea about how to compile optimally for my users.
Since C++ doesn't use just-in-time compilation, this statement is a truism. When you dynamically link your compiler will also have "no idea" how to compile "optimally for your users" if you imply that you need CPU-specific variants of your code. This has to be addressed by having multiple executables, each compiled for a particular CPU, and selecting them on installation. I don't think you meant that, though. But then I have no idea what you mean by "compile optimally for my users".
Do I need to provide a statically compiled executable of my GUI
It's up to you. If you don't provide a statically compiled executable, you will need to provide all of the dependencies: the C++ runtime of your compiler, and all the libraries and plugins needed by Qt.
The procedure for producing a statically linked executable on Windows, Linux and OS X is identical. You start with a statically configured copy of Qt (configure -static -static-runtime), then build it, and then use that to build your application. The end product will be statically linked against C++ runtime and Qt libraries.
Do I need to provide a statically compiled executable of [...] the installer
Only if you compile the installer program yourself using a C++ compiler. Most installer generator packages take care of creating an installer that has no additional dependencies, i.e. you can run it on a bare Windows system.
can I avoid pre-compiling on my side all together by using an installer from Qt
Qt provides no pre-built installers for re-use.
You can use e.g. NSIS to deploy the compiler runtime, Qt libraries and plugins, and your application and any data files it needs.
Or you can statically compile your application so that it has no dependencies and is a single .exe file, and have it as a portable application. It could also self-install, i.e. you could bundle the installer within the application, and on startup the application could detect whether it's already installed, and if not it'd relaunch itself in administrative mode and perform the installation.
Obviously you need to build your application on each platform you want to distribute it to. Easiest way is to link all the QT libraries dynamically to your application. After that all you need to do is provide your application (as in exe file on windows, or executable on linux etc) and the QT libraries you used (DLLs on windows, SO file I think on linux etc)
For example (on windows) if your app is called MyApp and uses QTGui, QTWidgets and QTNetwork, then you have the following files to distribute:
QTCore.dll and few other DLLs needed called icu*.dll something, can't remember)
and you can zip them all in one zip, create an installer etc.
EDIT Few notes after the follow up in the comment.
The standard library (what you called default library that has vector class) is part of the c/c++ runtime (on windows) or installed on linux systems etc, so no, you don't have to worry about this. I can't say for all compilers but for some you can specify a flag/parameter to link this runtime statically (rarely there is a need to do this).
On windows there is a tool called dependency walker, which gives you the list of all DLLs needed for the application to run. On linux systems I don't know, never needed one really. But for your own application, you do know which libraries you need, since you wrote it :)

CRT library type

I'm trying to get a better grasp on the CRT library options in Visual Studio 2013 (C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Libary) and how to know which option to select (and when to change the default).
From MSDN:
A reusable library and all of its users should use the same CRT library types and therefore the same compiler switch.
So, my understanding is that if you are linking with a third party library, you should use the same CRT version that was used to build the library. Whoever built the library should specify what CRT option was used in the build.
Is there a way to determine which CRT version was used just by looking at the .lib file?
More importantly, how would you decide which option to use if you aren't linking with any third-party libraries? When would you consider changing the default?
Short answer:
So, my understanding is that if you are linking with a third party
library, you should use the same CRT version that was used to build
the library. Whoever built the library should specify what CRT option
was used in the build.
That is the least error-prone option. It is possible to mix runtimes, but you can run into unexpected bugs if you do so.
Is there a way to determine which CRT version was used just by looking
at the .lib file?
I don't know about the .lib on its own, but if the third party code has a DLL or EXE, you can see what CRT DLL(s) it depends on using the Windows Dependency Walker tool.
If it's a static library, and your code's CRT choice is mismatched, you'll see warnings when you build.
More importantly, how would you decide which option to use if you
aren't linking with any third-party libraries? When would you consider
changing the default?
For the simplest possible deployment, statically linking is best; you can just ship the executable on its own and it will run. For larger projects, where you have multiple EXEs and DLLs, your code size will be bigger if you statically-link. It would also be preferable to be sharing the same CRT code if you have multiple modules (EXE plus 1 or more of your own DLLs) in the same process.
More detail (based on blog post I wrote previously):
The Library Variants
There are four variants of C/C++ runtime library you can build your code against:
Multi-threaded Debug DLL
Multi-threaded DLL
Multi-threaded Debug
You can select which library you’re using by right-clicking on your project in Visual Studio and selecting Properties, clicking the Code Generation option under C/C++ on the dialog that pops up, and going to the Runtime Library property.
Remember that this setting is per-configuration, as you’ll want to choose a Debug runtime library for a Debug configuration, and Release runtime library for a Release configuration.
What’s the difference?
The DLL runtime library options mean that you link dynamically against the C/C++ runtime, and for your program to run, that DLL will need to be somewhere your program can find it (more on that later).
The options not mentioning DLL (Multi-threaded Debug and Multi-threaded Release) cause your program to be statically-linked against the runtime. This means that you don’t need an external DLL for the program to be run, but your program will be bigger because of the extra code, and there are other reasons why you might not want to choose it.
By default, when you create a new project in Visual Studio, it will use the DLL runtime.
The multi-threaded in the runtime names is a legacy of when there used to be both non-thread-safe and multi-threaded C/C++ runtimes. You’ll always be using a multi-threaded runtime with modern Visual Studio, even if your own application is single-threaded.
Deploying DLL Runtimes
If you’re linking against the DLL runtimes, then you’ll have to think about how to deploy them when releasing your program (to Test, and to your customers).
If you deliver Debug builds to your Test team, make sure you provide the Debug variant of the DLL runtimes too.
Also, don’t forget to get the right architecture (e.g. x86 vs x64).
Redistributable Installers
Microsoft provide redistributable packages that install the Release (but not the Debug) DLLs. These can be found easily enough by searching for something like Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 (substituting the Visual Studio version for what you need). You can also go straight to Latest Supported Visual C++ Downloads on Microsoft’s website.
These redistributables packages are executables, and you can call them from your program’s installer (or you could run them manually for setting up a test environment). Note that there are separate redistributables for x86 and x64.
Merge Modules
If you’re building an MSI installer, you can merge the Merge Module for the C/C++ runtime you’re using into your installer package. These merge modules are typically found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules. For example, the x86 C/C++ runtime’s merge module for Visual Studio 2013 is called Microsoft_VC120_CRT_x86.msm.
Note that the version numbers in these merge module names are not the year-based product versions, but the internal version numbers. This table on Wikipedia shows the mapping between the version numbers for avoidance of confusion.
Unlike the stand-alone executable redistributable installers above, the merge modules also come in Debug variants.
Some versions of Visual Studio have support for a Visual Studio Installer project type (under the Setup and Deployment category in Other Project Types), and if you include the output from your program’s projects in one of these installers, the merge modules for the runtime will be included automatically. You can also use this as a trick to get an installer that will install the Debug runtimes for internal testing purposes (any dummy C/C++ project will do, it doesn’t have to actually install your program).
Copy From Redist Folder
You can also just copy the DLLs from the redist folder in your Visual C++ installation into where your program is installed. For example, for Visual Studio 2013, you’ll find the x64 C/C++ runtime libraries somewhere like C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\.
The debug variants can be found somewhere like C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist.
(Adjust paths as appropriate for your Visual Studio version and installation location).
Mixing C/C++ Runtimes
In an ideal world, you would use the same C/C++ runtime library variant (Debug vs Release, DLL vs statically-linked), and all from the same version of Visual Studio, for all libraries being linked into your program.
If you do mix runtimes, you may get linker errors, your program may simply fail to run at all, or worse still, it may seem to be working but crash or give the wrong result only in some cases.
Ignoring Default Libraries
A common scenario is that you only have the Release version of some third-party library, but you still want to be able to build the Debug variant of your own code using this library. Another scenario is that you have a library that uses the static C/C++ runtime and you want the DLL version in your program, or the reverse.
If the third-party library is C code then you’ll probably be able to get away with this and have it actually work, using the /NODEFAULTLIB linker option.
If the library is C++ code, you are probably out of luck as too much of the generated code is tied to symbols in a particular runtime.
These are the different library names:
LIBCMT.LIB: Statically-linked Release runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded)
LIBCMTD.LIB: Statically-linked Debug runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded Debug)
MSVCRT.LIB: Dynamically-linked Release runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded DLL)
MSVCRTD.LIB: Dynamically-linked Debug runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded Debug DLL)
Remember, the runtime libraries you want to ignore are the ones that the third-party code is using, i.e. it will be different from the library that your own program is using. If you look at your build output you will be prompted to choose the right one anyway, e.g.:
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
You can specify the library to ignore by right-clicking on your project, selecting Properties, clicking the Input entry under Linker and adding the runtime library name into the entry.
Crossing Module Boundaries
You can also run into C/C++ runtime mismatch problems in more subtle ways across module boundaries (between an EXE and a DLL it loads for example).
For example, data structures in the C library may be defined differently by different runtimes. I’ve seen this cause crashes in programs that used a DLL that made use of a FILE* in its API. A file is opened in one module using one C runtime, and interacted with by another module which has a different, incompatible implementation. Safer options would include passing Windows API HANDLE objects for things like this, or else wrapping up the file interactions in a way that is runtime-agnostic.
Different runtimes also use their own memory heap for allocations. If an object is allocated in one module on one heap, but deallocated in another module, a crash is likely to occur if the C/C++ runtimes are mismatched. This only applies of course to allocations using the C or C++ runtime such as malloc or new. If the default Windows process heap is being used everywhere, for example, everything is fine.
Note that if the modules statically link against the C/C++ runtime, they will have this problem even if it was the same variant of the runtime they linked against, because there will still be two different runtimes with their own memory heaps in play. Therefore, you will want to use the DLL C/C++ runtime in such circumstances.
It would also be wise to use the (same version of) DLL runtimes in each module if runtime-implemented functionality like exceptions or classes with vtables cross the module boundaries, though some combinations of mismatch may work in practice.

Compile C++ in VS without requiring MSVCP120D.dll at runtime

I'm trying to make a binary that can be run on any windows machine without the visual c++ stuff installed (I'm assuming that's what MSVCP120D.dll is however my searching was not very fruitful as to what this actually is). I made a game for an assignment and wanted to have other people (non-devs without VS stuff installed), help me test it but they kept getting errors saying that the above dll is missing. I'm not using any Visual C++ stuff and have the /Za flag set to ensure that it's just ANSI C++. Does Visual Studio support compiling ANSI C++ and if so how do I go about making it not use Visual C++ stuff, if it doesn't support this what compiler should I use?
As you can see here, the MSVCP DLL is the platform's implementation of the C++ Standard Library. In short what that means is you cannot distribute your application without needing the "stuff" that these libraries provide. All compilers regardless of platform would need some kind of implementation of the Standard Library. Typically this is distributed in the form of libraries.
However you can distribute your application so that the "stuff" is built in to your program directly, rather than being shipped in a separate DLL. In order to do this, you must statically link your application to the Standard Library.
There are a few ways to accomplish this. One way is in Project Settings. In "Project" > "Configuration Properties" > "C/C++ Code Generation" > "Runtime Library", choose "Multithreaded (/MT)" as opposed to "Mutithreaded (Static)".
By the way, the "D" in "MSVCP120D.dll" you mentioned above means "Debug." This means that you are trying to distribute a debug build of your program. You should (almost) never do this. Distribute release builds instead.
You have three options (in the order I'd recommend):
Don't statically link, instead get people that want to run your game install the visual studio re-distributable package. 32-bit VC 2010 version here:
Statically link the CRT (the dll you don't want to require at runtime) see here for details: How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?
Build an app that doesn't even use the CRT at all. Here you will have to implement your own operator new that calls HeapAlloc(), and operator delete that calls HeapFree(), its an interesting challenge ;). To do this you tell the linker to ignore all default libs.
Build with the static runtime libraries rather than the DLL versions.
Go to Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library and select /MTd or /MT rather than the /MDd and /MD options.
Configure your project to link against the runtime statically rather than dynamically.
First of all the D on the end of the name indicated a debug build. If you make a release build then it will need it without the D. This is important because microsoft do not allow the debug libraries to be distributed without visual studio.
The machine you are trying to run the program on may already have the release runtime installed as lots of programs use it. If not then install on the machine ( I think that's the right one but can't check at the moment)
You'll want static linking, that 'builds in' the external library calls into your binary. It does have the added affect of larger binary file, but in your case that doesn't sound like that big of a deal.
On a side note, MSVCP120D.dll is the Microsoft Visual C++ 12 debug DLL (dynamic link library) that contains all of debug C++ libaries (i.e. iostream, string, etc). That library is what you would be 'baking in' to your final binary.
Hope that helps.
I encountered this error when I tried to execute my exe on a different machine that had a newer version of Visual Studio on it. You need to change the project properties and re compile in order for this to go away.
To do this:
Open up solution that you are trying to run
Right click on the Project file - > Properties
In Configuration Properties and General, Ensure Platform Toolset is configured to be the correct compiler on your machine. If it is not correct, it should give a message next to it saying that it's not installed.
Build and run the code again and you should no longer get the issue.

MFC100d.dll Issue in VS2010

I have a mfc c++ project on vs2010.
I am able to build it in both debug & release mode , but when I run it in debug mode, it gives the follow mfc100d.dll error. I have also installed C++ runtime environment vcredist_x86.exe still the issue is not fixed. Also I have set the Multi-threaded DLL (/MD) as the Runtime Library.
How do I fix it ?
The d suffix on the name of the DLL indicates that it's a debug version of the runtime DLL. That's confirmed by the fact that you say the problem happens when you try to run the debug version of the application.
By default, and for good reason, debug builds link to debug versions of the runtime libraries. These versions are not redistributable, and thus are not getting installed with the redistributable package (vcredist_x86.exe). That's not normally a problem: you aren't supposed to ship debug versions of your application.
The non-redistributable debug libraries are, however, installed with Visual Studio, so the debug version of your app should run fine on the computer you used to develop and build it. Which is likely the same computer you're going to use to debug it.
Also I have set the Multi-threaded DLL (/MD) as the Runtime Library.
Three important things to note about this:
You have to make sure that you set it for the correct build configuration (i.e. "Debug").
This is not recommended. Debug builds of your application should use the debug versions of the runtime libraries. They do a lot of things behind the scenes that help you to catch bugs. That's why they exist. If you don't want a dependency on the debug version of the runtime libraries, compile and distribute a Release build of your application.
That switch changes the version of the C/C++ runtime library that your application links to. The DLL you're getting the error message is an MFC runtime library.
The MFC headers test whether the _DEBUG preprocessor symbol is defined in order to determine which version of the runtime libraries should be linked in. Since _DEBUG is defined automatically in a debug build, it's linking in the debug version of the MFC libs.
To change that, you're going to need to do a lot of manual labor, undefining this symbol before you include the MFC headers, and then re-defining it afterwards.
Alternatively, you can statically link to MFC, which is a setting in your project's properties. But do be careful with this: you'll end up inadvertently mixing versions of the CRT, which can leave you in a world of hurt. Better to just ship release versions and keep debug versions for internal debugging.
Reinstalling the Microsoft SDK fixed this error.

Removing msvcp90d.dll dependancy from Windows binary

I have a dll that I distribute that will not run on some windows OS. Using dependancy walker I discover msvcp90d.dll missing on these systems. I DO NOT want any run time dependancies that require the C++ redistributable, and since the application that calls the DLL is not written in C++, it does not have any dependancy on the C++ redistributable.
I am guessing the I left the DEBUG option in the linker preferences on when I compiled the dll which is why it needs msvcp90d.dll?
Appologies, I pasted the wrong dll name in my original question.... too many hours in front of the monitor...
THe dll is a third party dll that I did not write compiled by me in VS2008.
MSVCP90 is nothing to do with debug (that'd be msvcp90d). You can remove your dependency by switching the compiler to /MT (instead of /MD). You also need to ensure that every static library you link to was also compiled /MT.
I recommend against building apps /MT because it has a significant negative effect on system performance and makes servicing take longer in the event of a security issue with the CRT.
Finally, note that /MT means that your CRT is private. So you must ensure that CRT/STL types don't pass across your DLL boundary.
Your options as I see them:
Compile the DLL with the /MT option to use static linking to the C runtime.
Continue with dynamic linking to the runtime, but distribute the C runtime with your app.
It needs MSVCP90.dll because the dll was compiled with Visual Studio 2008 most likely. That is the release runtime. The short answer is if you don't want C++ runtime dependencies don't use C++ libraries or applications.
However you can do any of the following to solve your problem:
Install the redistributable to the target system to satisfy the dependency
Remove the dependency on that dll from your application
Recompile the dll against the version of VC you prefer that is already present on the target system