Calling a llvm pass outside of a pass - c++

I am new to LLVM and C++ and was trying to write some code to perform static analysis. My static analysis needs access to memory dependence info, which in LLVM can be obtained using MemoryDependenceAnalysis. This analysis generates an object of type MemoryDependenceResults, which is precisely what I need. The only ways I've seen this object being obtained, though, is through an LLVM pass and that's not something I want. My impression is you have to write a pass to be able to use an existing pass. I was wondering is that true? Can I call a pass outside of a pass, i.e. regular code? Or alternatively can a llvm pass be invoked programmatically without needing to run the opt command?
What I need is a way to obtain this MemoryDependenceResults object in my program (which is not a pass) and then perform some more manipulations to it.

First, you can create a PassManager instance anywhere, add the pass into the manager and run it. Here are two PassManagers can be used - legacy or the new one. To make it simple, I recommend you try the legacy one first:
legacy::PassManager passManager;
passManager.add(new MemoryDependenceWrapperPass());*module);
Second, if you wish to run a transform pass, you call it. But if you wish to run an analysis pass, you need at least a wrapper pass to get the analysis result since the API getAnalysis() is only available in a pass. (You can copy and rename MemoryDependenceWrapperPass to your version.)


How to run a module pass in LLVM

I'm trying to find a way to optimize away empty global constructors. Previous optimizations will turn constructors into functions that do nothing. I need to add a new pass to remove these functions from llvm.global_ctors.
First, I tried optimizeGlobalCtorsList but this function doesn't actually call the callback I give it even though llvm.global_ctors is populated.
Then I tried running GlobalOptPass. I tried this:
llvm::GlobalOptPass pass;
llvm::ModuleAnalysisManager MAM{true};, MAM);
This ends up dereferencing a null pointer in AnalysisManager::lookupPass. I think I need to perform some sort of initialization or registration but I don't know how to do that. All the references on "llvm pass registration" talk about registering the pass with opt. I don't want to do that. I just want to run the pass.
Look in lib/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.cpp (or lib/Passes/PassBuilder.cpp for the new pass manager) to see how opt sets up its pass pipeline. The code for opt is in tools/opt/opt.cpp and is very small, delegating almost all of its work to the core libraries.
You could use opt as a template for your own tool, or you could hack on the pass building pipline to insert your pass where you want it.

arcpy: get feature class as object

How do I create an object in python from a feature class in a geodatabase? I would think the following code would create a featureclass object?
featureclassobject = "C:/path/to/my/featureclass"
But this creates a string object, right? So I am not able to pass this object into an arcpy function later on.
You are correct that it creates a string object. However, whether it will work with a particular ArcPy function depends on the function -- in most cases, the tool simply needs to know the path to the function as a string (which the featureclassobject is).
The help pages are slightly unhelpful in this regard. Buffer, for example, says that input parameter in_features needs to be data type "Feature Layer" -- however, what it really expects is a string that describes where the feature layer can be found.
One significant exception to this is geometry objects:
In many geoprocessing workflows, you may need to run a specific operation using coordinate and geometry information but don't necessarily want to go through the process of creating a new (temporary) feature class, populating the feature class with cursors, using the feature class, then deleting the temporary feature class. Geometry objects can be used instead for both input and output to make geoprocessing easier.
But if you've already got a feature class (or shapefile) on disk, that's much simpler than creating an in-memory geometry object to work with.

Per-entity Lua scripts in games?

I'm using Lua for scripts in my C++ game. I want to be able to attach scripts to entities, and based on which functions are defined in the script, register for callbacks which will run the script functions at the appropriate time.
I believe that I can encapsulate different scripts from each other, by making the "script" into a table. Basically, ... lua source code ... would become ScriptName = { ... lua source code ... }. Then instead of calling func(), I'd call ScriptName.func(), and thus two scripts defining the same function (aka registering for the same event) wouldn't trample over each other.
My problem now is in encapsulating different entities sharing the same script. Obviously I don't want them to be sharing variables, but with what I'm doing now, any variable defined by a script would be shared by every instance of that script, which is just really bad. I could maybe try something similar to my above solution on the source level, by wrapping every script with EntityID.ScriptName = { ... } before compiling it. Something tells me there's a better way, though, I just don't know it.
Another factor is that scripts need to be able to reference entities and scripts/components relative to a specific entity. If I use the above method the best solution to this would be passing entity IDs around as strings which could reference the table specific to that entity, I think? At this point I really have no idea what I'm doing.
In order for a script to interact with a C++ object, the typical approach is to have the C++ code expose the object to Lua as a userdata (a wrapper for a pointer) and provide C++ functions that the script can call, passing the userdata as parameter. In the C++ code, that userdata gives you the object that the function should to operate on. It's equivalent to a "this" pointer.
You usually do this by putting the C++ functions into a metatable associated with the userdata, so they can be called like methods in the Lua code (i.e. objectIGotFromCpp:someMethod('foo').
ScriptName.func(), and thus two scripts defining the same function (aka registering for the same event) wouldn't trample over each other.
Rather than relying on accessing globals or naming conventions, ect. it's much cleaner to simply provide a callback that Lua scripts can use to register for events.
If I use the above method the best solution to this would be passing entity IDs around as strings
No reason. An entity in your C++ code is a pointer to an object on the heap. You can pass that pointer directly to Lua as userdata. Lua can pass that back to your C++ code and give you direct access to the object, rather than going through some object-to-ID mapping.

Python: How to check that...?

I'd like some advice on how to check for the correctness of the parameters I receive.
The checking is going to be done in C++, so if there's a good solution using Boost.Python (preferably) or the C API, please tell me about that. Otherwise, tell me what attributes the object should have to ensure that it meets the criteria.
How do you check that an object is a function?
How do you check that an object is a bound method?
How do you check that an object is a class object?
How do you check that a class object is a child of another class?
When in doubt just work out how you would get the required effect by calling the usual Python builtins and translate it to C/C++. I'll just answer for Python, for C you would look up the global such as 'callable' and then call it like any other Python function.
Why would you care about it being a function rather than any other sort of callable? If you want you can find out if it is callable by using the builtin callable(f) but of course that won't tell you which arguments you need to pass when calling it. The best thing here is usually just to call it and see what happens.
isinstance(f, types.MethodType) but that won't help if it's a method of a builtin. Since there's no difference in how you call a function or a bound method you probably just want to check if it is callable as above.
isinstance(someclass, type) Note that this will include builtin types.
issubclass(someclass, baseclass)
I have two unconventional recommendations for you:
1) Don't check. The Python culture is to simply use objects as you need to, and if it doesn't work, then an exception will occur. Checking ahead of time adds overhead, and potentially limits how people can use your code because you're checking more strictly than you need to.
2) Don't check in C++. When combining Python and C (or C++), I recommend only doing things in C++ that need to be done there. Everything else should be done in Python. So check your parameters in a Python wrapper function, and then call an unchecked C++ entry point.

C++ Factory using lua

I had a script with:
Custom language used only for data
Was loaded using a Script class from C++
I had tags like Type, etc
An interface to get a value for a tag - Script::GetValue(Tag, T& value)
The script was used like this:
Script* script("someFile");
script->GetValue("Type", type);
Object* obj = CreateObject(type);
Where Load functions from object was used to load the rest of obj parameters.
Now I changed the script language to lua. My questions is:
Should I keep this way of creating objects(use lua only for data) or should I expose the factory in lua and use it from lua, something like this(in lua):
SetProperty(someObj, someProperty, someValue)
First of all I want to know which is faster, first or second approach. Do you have other suggestions? Because I'm refactoring this part I'm open to other suggestions. I want to keep lua because is fast, easy to integrate, and small.
You may allow your script environment to create C++ objects or not, depending on your needs.
tolua++ uses all the metatable features to allow a very straightforward manipulation of your c++ types in lua.
For example, this declaration :
// tolua_begin
class SomeCppClass
int some_field;
void some_method();
// tolua_end
Will automatically generate the lua bindings to allow this lua scipt :
-- obj1 must be deleted manually
local obj1 = SomeCppClass:new()
-- obj1 will be automatically garbage collected
local obj2 = SomeCppClass:new_local()
obj1.some_field = 3 -- direct access to "some_field"
obj2:some_method() -- direct call to "some_method"
The advantage of this technique is that your lua code will ve very consistent with the relying C++ code. See
In situations like that, I prefer to setup a bound C function that takes a table of parameters as an argument. So, the Lua script would look like the following.
Type = "someType"'
someProperty = someValue,
-- ...
This table would be on top of the stack in the callback function, and all parameters can be accessed by name using lua_getfield.
You may also want to investigate sandboxing your Lua environment.
The first approach would most likely be faster, but the second approach would probably result in less object initialization code (assuming you're initializing a lot of objects). If you choose the first approach, you can do it manually. If you choose the second approach you might want to use a binding library like Luabind to avoid errors and speed up implementation time, assuming you're doing this for multiple object types and data types.
The simplest approach will probably be to just use Lua for data; if you want to expose the factory and use it via Lua, make sure it's worth the effort first.