Customised Google Cloudshell image does not launch - google-cloud-platform

Customised Google Cloud Shell image fails to launch, error is 'Cloud Shell is experiencing some issues provisioning a VM to you. Please try again in a few minutes'. Repeated attempts to launch also fail.
I created a custom Google Cloudshell Image with an Ansible lab environment and setup tutorial. When this was tested approximately 10 days ago, it seemed to work as expected. Setup was performed using the following guide
Project is hosted with the 'Open in Google Cloud Shell' button here
For convenience, this is the launch button as a link
The customised Cloud Shell image is hosted at
I've checked the permissions and these appear to be open to the public as desired.
Any advice on resolving this, greatly appreciated.

This usually happens because the base image is out of date. If your image worked a few weeks ago, you probably just need to rebuild it.


Creating Google Cloud Image fails with "Could not fetch resource: Internal error"

I'm trying to set up a private Redash instance with Google Cloud. Step 1 is to add the the Redash image to your account so you can boot a VM with it.
When adding the image through Google Cloud Shell, my shell times out before the process completes.
When adding the image through the Console UI, it loads and loads then disappears without a trace.
When adding an image through gcloud CLI, I finally get a response:
➜ gcloud compute images create "redash" --source-uri gs://redash-images/redash.8.0.0-b32245-1.tar.gz
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.images.create) Could not fetch resource:
- Internal error. Please try again or contact Google Support. (Code: '-527xxxxxxxxxx759')
(x = hidden number)
I have extremely slow internet, so I'm thinking this could potentially be the issue. I've contacted Google Support but no response.
I reproduced and executed the command gcloud compute images create "redash" --source-uri gs://redash-images/redash.8.0.0-b32245-1.tar.gz. Even for me also it seems it is taking more time to execute, then I have killed it using CRTL + C but when I checked the Compute Engine > Images , a redash image is created with the same timestamp I had executed the command. With this experiment I assume that even though command is interrupted, the image creation may run in background. I suggest you to check the images section in Compute Engine once.
This is an issue of Redash's GCP account payment status.
If this issue reproduced, I recommend to tell redash admin to check their GCP account payment status.
The following URL talks about this issue with the Redash community.

MWAA - environments constantly loading

I'm currently trying to set up an Airflow environment via MWAA. I've gone through the create environment steps twice with both ending at the page listing Airflow environments with a banner saying I was successful. However, for the past 2 days, this environments page has just shown Loading Environments, as shown below. I also see a (0) for the environment number.
So far, I've added 2 interfaces for ECR and VPC for the API and the environment but no luck. Has anyone else run into this issue or have any clue what might be happening? Thanks!
Were you able to find the solution to this issue? I had similar issues when I tried to set up the first-time MWAA on AWS Account.
Here's a link to how to verify if all the resources are set up correctly for MWAA. If you run the script mentioned on the repo you should be able to see where the issue lies.

Google Cloud shell appears to be hanging on provisioning

Anyone else having issues with Cloud Shell this morning? -- My first time working in GCP and when I clicked on cloud shell, the process appears to be hanging at the provisioning stage. According to the docs, this should only take a minute, but I've been waiting more than 20 minutes now and it's still spinning with no apparent progress.
I thought it might have been blocking some process (thank you uBlock origin), but reloading the page with uBlock turned off, I see the same behavior.
This issue is hard to investigate/track since no error appeared, sometimes related to Cloud Shell location/region. I may suggest to troubleshoot by doing any steps below:
In the Cloud Shell menu, click the three dots menu icon, then click Restart Cloud Shell. Click Restart Cloud Shell in the confirmation dialog.
Add the following in the address bar in Cloud Shell URL so it will open the shell in the safe mode then click the three dots menu icon and click Restart.
Try to restart the browser or you can try to access or open the Cloud Shell with a different browser.
Try the browser incognito mode.
If the Cloud Shell still does not open, as a workaround, I recommend to install the Cloud SDK to your machine to access your GCP resources.
If all the steps above doesn't work, I'll recommend to contact Google Cloud Platform Support or create a Public Tracker Issue to further investigate this kind of issue.

Error when trying to connect to a Cloud SQL instance using the Cloud Shell

I've had a Cloud SQL instance for about a year now.
I always accessed it the same way:
I would go to my project on the Cloud Console.
Click on the Cloud Shell icon at the top right (a small right pointing arrow).
A black shell screen would pop up where I would type
gcloud sql connect <my instance> --user=root.
Enter my password.
Now, all of a sudden, I am getting an error message saying:
There was no instance found at projects//instances/ or you are not authorized to connect to it.
I am the owner of the project, and also have Admin rights to the Cloud SQL instance. The project and instance are still there, and my app that accesses the data stored in the instances' database is working fine - therefore I know the database is also present, otherwise my app wouldn't work.
I didn't touch or change anything in the Cloud SQL instance. Suddenly, I simply can't access my database using the exact same procedure I have been using almost every day over the past year now.
I am able to access the database using a local Python script on my laptop and the Cloud SQL Proxy, but I would like to access it from the Cloud Shell again.
Any ideas on what could the problem be?
gcloud components update - update all of your installed components to the latest version
gcloud init - reinitialize gcloud shell. It performs the following setup steps:
Authorizes gcloud and other SDK tools to access Google Cloud Platform using your user account credentials, or from an account of your choosing whose credentials are already available.
It seems like there was a problem with the GCP Cloud Shell (even though there was no mention of it on the GCP error tracking page). When I logged back in today and followed the same above process everything worked well.
Looks like GCP Cloud Shell could occasionally go rouge and start producing errors. Word of advice, don't panic when this happens (like I did) and start resetting, rebooting and messing up things. Just wait a day and check back again.

Google Cloud Shell - Cannot open shell

I am really new to Google Cloud Shell, and I accidentally closed the tab for the shell...and I cannot find it now.
I know I need to click the highlighted button at the top of the console window to activate Google Cloud Shell, but it is now grey, and no shell is presented on the page (it should be at the bottom).
Can anyone help?
I observed the same issue.
I refreshed the console page ( CTRL + F5 ) and I was able to see the 'Activate Cloud Shell' button again !!
However, if above does not resolves the issue, some tips:
From google docs Google Cloud Shell Limitations
Weekly usage: Cloud Shell also has weekly usage limits. If you reach
your usage limit, you'll need to wait until the specified time (listed
under Usage Quota, found under the three dots menu icon) before you
can use Cloud Shell again.
Also, there are usage limits on this, check your email if you had violated any conditions on shell usage:
Warning: Violating the Terms of Service will result in Cloud Shell
being disabled for your account. This constitutes activity that
adversely impacts Google Cloud Platform services, other customers' or
their end users' use of services, or the Google network used to
provide these services. Coin mining and network scanning using Cloud
Shell are strictly prohibited.
I had the same issue here.
You can install the command line interface in your terminal to access Google Cloud Datalab.
Here you will find the quickstart to configure the environment.
Installing datalab component:
gcloud components install datalab
Connecting with your VM Instance:
datalab connect *instance-name*
Opening the initial page:
See more:
Google Cloud Datalab - Quickstart
It works now. It seems that there was a service problem earlier today, so the page was not well functioning.