I am trying to understand the theory behind OpenGL and I'm studying VBOs at the moment.
This is what I understand so far: when we declare a series of vertices, let's say 3 vertices that form a triangle primitive, we basically store those nowhere, they're simply declared in code.
But, if we want to store them somewhere we can use a VBO that stores the definition of those vertices. And, through the same VBO we send all that vertex info to the Vertex Shader (which is a bunch of code). Now, the VBO is located in the GPU, so we are basically storing all that info on the GPU's memory when we call the VBO. Then the Vertex Shader, which is part of the Pipeline Rendering process, "comes" to the GPU's memory, "looks" into the VBO and retrieves all that info. In other words, the VBO stores the vertex data (triangle vertices) and sends it to the Vertex Shader.
So, VBO -> send info to -> Vertex Shader.
Is this correct? I'm asking to make sure if this is the correct interpretation, as I find myself drawing triangles on screen and sometimes letters made up of many triangles with a bunch of code and functions that I basically learned by memory but don't really understand what they do.
To break it down:
// here I declare the VBO
unsigned int VBO;
// we have 1 VBO, so we generate an ID for it, and that ID is: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
glGenBuffers(1, &VBO)
// GL_ARRAY_BUFFER is the VBO's ID, which we are going to bind to the VBO itself
// bunch of info in here that basically says: I want to take the vertex data (the
// triangle that I declared as a float) and send it to the VBO's ID, which is
// GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, then I want to specify the size of the vertex
// data, the vertex data itself and the 'static draw' thingy
After doing all that, the VBO now contains all the vertex data within. So we tell the VBO, ok now send it to the Vertex Shader.
And that's the start of the Pipeline, jsut the beginning.
Is this correct? (I haven't read what VAOs do yet, before I get to that I'd like to know if the way I deconstruct VBOs in my mind is the right way, or else I'm confused)
I think you are mixing up lots of different things and have several confusions, so I'm try to work through most of them in the order you brought them up:
when we declare a series of vertices, let's say 3 vertices that form a triangle primitive, we basically store those nowhere, they're simply declared in code.
No. If you store data "nowhere", then you don't have it. Also you are mixing up declaration, definiton and initialization of variables here. For vertex data (like all other forms of data), there are two basic strategies:
You store the data somewhere, typically in a file. Specifying it directly in source code just means that it is stored in some binary file, potentially the executable itself (or some shared library used by it)
You procedurally generate the data through some mathematical formula or more general by some algortihm
Methods 1. and 2 can of course be mixed, and usually, method 2 will need some parameters (which itself need to be stored somewhere, so the parameters are just case 1 again).
And, through the same VBO we send all that vertex info to the Vertex Shader (which is a bunch of code). Now, the VBO is located in the GPU, so we are basically storing all that info on the GPU's memory when we call the VBO.
OpenGL is actually just a specification which is completely agnostic about the existence of a GPU and the existence of VRAM. And as such, OpenGL uses the concept of buffer objects (BOs) as some continuous block of memory of a certain size which is completely managed by the GL implementation. You as the user can ask the GL to create or destroy such BOs, specify their size, and have complete control of the contents - you can put an MP3 file into a BO if you like (not that there would be a good use case for this).
The GL implementation on the other hand controls where this memory is actually allocated, and GL implementations for GPUs
which actually have dedicated video memory have the option to store a BO directly in VRAM. The hints like GL_STATIC_DRAW are there to help the GL implementation decide where to best put such a buffer (but that hint system is somewhat flawed, and better alternatives exist in modern GL, but I'm not going into that here). GL_STATIC_DRAW means you intent to specify the contents once and use the may times as the source of a drawing option - so the data won't change often (and certainly not on a per-frame basis or even more often), and it might be a very good idea to store it in VRAM if such a thing exists.
Then the Vertex Shader, which is part of the Pipeline Rendering process, "comes" to the GPU's memory, "looks" into the VBO and retrieves all that info.
I think one could put it that way, although some GPUs have a dedicated "vertex fetch" hardware stage which actually reads the vertex data which is then fed to the vertex shaders. But that's not a really important point - the vertex shader needs to access each vertex' data, and that means the GPU will read that memory (VRAM or system memory or whatever) at some point before or during the execution of a vertex shader.
In other words, the VBO stores the vertex data (triangle vertices)
Yes. A buffer object which is used as source for the vertex shader's per-vertex inputs ("vertex attributes") is called a vertex buffer object ("VBO"), so that just follows directly from the definition of the term.
and sends it to the Vertex Shader.
I wouldn't put it that way. A BO is just a block of memory, it doesn't actively do anything. It is just a passive element: it is being written to or being read from. That's all.
// here I declare the VBO
unsigned int VBO;
No, you are declaring (and defining) a variable in the context of your programming language, and this variable is later used to hold the name of a buffer object. And in the GL, object names are just positive integers (so 0 is reserved for the GL as "no such object" or "default object", depending on the object type).
// we have 1 VBO, so we generate an ID for it, and that ID is: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
glGenBuffers(1, &VBO)
No. glGenBuffers(n,ptr) just generates names for n new buffer objects, so it will generate n previously unused buffer names (and mark them as used) and returns them by writing them to the array pointed to byptr. So in this case, it just creates one new buffer object name and stores it in your VBO variable.
GL_ARRAY_BUFFER has nothing to do with this.
// GL_ARRAY_BUFFER is the VBO's ID, which we are going to bind to the VBO itself
No, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER is not the VBO's ID, the value of yourVBO variable is the VBO's ID (name!).
GL_ARRAY_BUFFER is the binding target. OpenGL buffer objects can be used for different purposes, and using them as the source for vertex data is just one of them, and GL_ARRAY_BUFFER refers to that use case.
Note that classic OpenGL uses the concept of binding for two purposes:
bind-to-use: Whenever you issue a GL call which depends on some GL objects, the objects you want to work with have to be currently bound to some (specific, depending on the use case) binding target (not only buffer objects, but also textures and others).
bind-to_modify: Whenever you as the user want to modify the state of some object, you have to bind it first to some binding target, and all the object state modify functions don't directly take the name of the GL object to work on as parameter, but the binding target, and will affect the object which is currently bound at that target. (Modern GL also has direct state access which allows you to modify objects without having to bind them first, but I'm also not going into details about that here).
Binding a buffer object to some of the buffer object binding targets means that you can use that object for the purpose defined by the target. But note that a buffer object doesn't change because it is bound to a target. You can bind a buffer object to different targets even at the same time. A GL buffer object doesn't have a type. Calling a buffer a "VBO" usually just means that you intent to use it as GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, but the GL doesn't care. It does care about what is buffer is bound as GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time of the glVertexAttribPointer() call.
// bunch of info in here that basically says: I want to take the vertex data (the
// triangle that I declared as a float) and send it to the VBO's ID, which is
// GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, then I want to specify the size of the vertex
// data, the vertex data itself and the 'static draw' thingy
Well, glBufferData just creates the actual data storage for a GL buffer object (that is, the real memory), meaning you specify the size of the buffer (and the usage hint I mentioned earlier where you tell the GL how you intend to use the memory), and it optionally allows you to initialize the buffer by copying data from your application's memory into the buffer object. It doesn't care about the actual data, and the types you use).
Since you use GL_ARRAY_BUFFER here as the target parameter, this operation will affect the BO which is currently bound as GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
After doing all that, the VBO now contains all the vertex data within.
Basically, yes.
So we tell the VBO, ok now send it to the Vertex Shader.
No. The GL uses Vertex Array Objects (VAOs) which store for each vertex shader input attribute where to find the data (in which buffer object, at which offset inside the buffer object) and how to interpret this data (by specifying the data types).
Later during the the draw call, the GL will fetch the data from the relevant locations within the buffer objects, as you specified it in the VAO. If this memory access is triggered by the vertex shader itself, or if there is a dedicated vertex fetch stage which reads the data before and forwards it to the vertex shader - or if there is a GPU at all - is totally implementation-specific, and none of your concern.
And that's the start of the Pipeline, just the beginning.
Well, depends on how you look at things. In a traditional rasterizer-based rendering pipline, the "vertex fetch" is more or less the first stage, and vertex buffer objects will just hold the memory where to fetch the vertex data from (and VAOs telling it which buffer objects to use, and which actual locations, and how to interpret them).
It all boils down to this: when you work in "normal" programs, all what you have is the CPU, caches, registers, main memory, etc.
However, when you work with computer graphics (and other fields), you want to use a GPU because it is faster for that particular task. The GPU is an independent computer on its own, with its own processor, pipeline and main even memory.
This means your program needs to somehow transfer all the data to the other computer and tell the other computer what to do with it. This is no easy task, so OpenGL simplifies things for you. Thus they give you an abstraction (VBO) that represents a buffer of vertices in the GPU, among many other abstractions for other tasks. Then they give you functions to create that resource (glGenBuffers), fill it with data (glBufferData), "bind it" to work with it (glBindBuffer), etc.
Remember, it is all a simplification for your benefit. In truth, the details of how everything is performed underneath is way more complex. Having abstractions like VBOs for vertices or IBOs for indexes makes it easier to work with them.
I am trying to understand these two, how to use them and how they are related. Let's say I want to create a simple terrain and a textured cube. For both objects I have the array of triangles vertices and for the cube I have an array containing the texture's data. My question is: how do I use VAOs and VBOs to create and render these two?
Would I have to create a VAO and VBO for each object?
or should create a VAO for each object's VBO (vertices, texture data, etc.)?
There are many tutorials and books but I still don't get the very idea of how these concepts must be understood and used.
Fundamentally, you need to understand two things:
Vertex Array Objects (VAOs) are conceptually nothing but thin state wrappers.
Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) store actual data.
Another way of thinking about this is that VAOs describe the data stored in one or more VBOs.
Think of VBOs (and buffer objects in general) as unstructured arrays of data stored in server (GPU) memory. You can layout your vertex data in multiple arrays if you want, or you can pack them into a single array. In either case, buffer objects boil down to locations where you will store data.
Vertex Array Objects track the actual pointers to VBO memory needed for draw commands.
They are a little bit more sophisticated than pointers as you would know them in a language like C, however. Vertex pointers keep track of the buffer object that was bound when they were specified, the offset into its address space, stride between vertex attributes and how to interpret the underlying data (e.g. whether to keep integer values or to convert them to floating-point [0.0,1.0] by normalizing to the data type's range).
For example, integer data is usually converted to floating-point, but it is the command you use to specify the vertex pointer (glVertexAttribPointer (...) vs. glVertexAttribIPointer (...)) that determines this behavior.
Vertex Array Objects also track the buffer object currently bound to GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER.
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER is where the command: glDrawElements (...) sources its list of indices from (assuming a non-zero binding) and there is no glElementArrayPointer (...) command. glDrawElements (...) combines the pointer and draw command into a single operation, and will use the binding stored in the active Vertex Array Object to accomplish this.
With that out of the way, unless your objects share vertex data you are generally going to need a unique set of VBOs for each.
You can use a single VAO for your entire software if you want, or you can take advantage of the fact that changing the bound VAO changes nearly the entire set of states necessary to draw different objects.
Thus, drawing your terrain and cube could be as simple as changing the bound VAO. You may have to do more than that if you need to apply different textures to each of them, but the VAO takes care of all vertex data related setup.
Your question is not easily answerable here, but rather in a tutorial. You probably already know these two websites, but if not, I'm leaving the references.
Now trying to elucidate your questions, a Vertex Array Object is an OpenGL object designed with the goal of reducing API overhead for draw calls. You can think of it as a container for a Vertex Buffer and its associated states. Something similar perhaps to the old display-lists.
Normally, there is a 1 to 1 relationship between a VAO and a VBO; that is, each VAO contains a unique VBO. But this is not strictly necessary. You could have several VAOs referencing the same VBO.
The simplest way to model this in code, I think, would be for you to have a VAO class/type and a method to attach a VBO to it. Then give an instance of VAO to each mesh. The mesh in turn can have a reference to a VBO type that may be its own or a shared one.
I have a basic understanding of Vertex Arrays, Vertex Buffer Objects and Shaders. However, I am not sure if I can reuse them or whether the association is bijective.
For example:
Can I use the same Vertex Buffer Object in different Vertex Arrays?
Can I use the same Vertex Array in different Shaders?
Yes you can :)
VBO - controls where your data is stored
VAO - controls layout and binding (you can have several VAO that points to the same VBO, but in different ordering)
Shaders - are responsible for doing something with the data, they can be used with different VAO/VBO combinations (but that combination must match attribute layout in the shader of course)
I am struggling to understand how exactly VAO is handling buffer mapping.
What I'm doing could be described in this pseudocode:
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ExpectedMaxCount, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);//Allocate storage
Allocate storage (no data yet)
Is this correct that when DrawElements is called OpenGL uses bound VAO to resolve array and element buffer bindings? After a Draw call the bound array buffer is 0, but element buffer is still the one that was used to Draw.
Is it mandatory to allocate buffer memory during VAO setup? Would VAO be invalidated if BufferData was called after setup?
I am struggling to understand how exactly VAO is handling buffer mapping.
Be very careful when using the word "mapping" around "buffers"; that has a specific meaning when dealing with buffer objects, one that you probably don't intend.
Is this correct that when DrawElements is called OpenGL uses bound VAO to resolve array and element buffer bindings? After a Draw call the bound array buffer is 0, but element buffer is still the one that was used to Draw.
One has nothing to do with the other. A Vertex Array Object, as the name implies, contains all of the state that is necessary to pull vertex data from arrays. When you bind one, all of that state comes back into the context.
The reason the "bound array buffer" is 0 after the call is because it was 0 before the call. Draw calls do not change OpenGL state.
Furthermore, you seem to have fallen for the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER trap. The GL_ARRAY_BUFFER binding only matters to three functions: glVertexAttribPointer, glVertexAttribIPointer, and glVertexAttribLPointer (see a pattern?). These are the only functions that look at that binding. What they do is take the buffer that is bound at the time these functions are called and associates that buffer with the current VAO. GL_ARRAY_BUFFER is not part of the VAO's state. A buffer object becomes associated with a VAO only when you call one of those three functions. Once you make that call, you can bind whatever you want to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER is part of the VAO's state.
Is it mandatory to allocate buffer memory during VAO setup? Would VAO be invalidated if BufferData was called after setup?
Technically no, but it's good form to not use a buffer until it has storage. Especially if they're static buffers.
I'm making a small 3d graphics game/demo for personal learning. I know d3d9 and quite a bit about d3d11 but little about opengl at the moment so I'm intending to abstract out the actual rendering of the graphics so that my scene graph and everything "above" it needs to know little about how to actually draw the graphics. I intend to make it work with d3d9 then add d3d11 support and finally opengl support. Just as a learning exercise to learn about 3d graphics and abstraction.
I don't know much about opengl at this point though, and don't want my abstract interface to expose anything that isn't simple to implement in opengl. Specifically I'm looking at vertex buffers. In d3d they are essentially an array of structures, but looking at the opengl interface the equivalent seems to be vertex arrays. However these seem to be organised rather differently where you need a separate array for vertices, one for normals, one for texture coordinates etc and set the with glVertexPointer, glTexCoordPointer etc.
I was hoping to be able to implement a VertexBuffer interface much like the the directx one but it looks like in d3d you have an array of structures and in opengl you need a separate array for each element which makes finding a common abstraction quite hard to make efficient.
Is there any way to use opengl in a similar way to directx? Or any suggestions on how to come up with a higher level abstraction that will work efficiently with both systems?
Vertex Arrays have a stride and an offset attributes. This is specifically to allow for arrays of structure.
So, say you want to set up a VBO with a float3 vertex and a float2 texture coordinate, you'd do the following:
// on creation of the buffer
typedef struct { GLfloat vert[3]; GLfloat texcoord[2]; } PackedVertex;
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboname);
glBufferData(...); // fill vboname with array of PackedVertex data
// on using the buffer
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboname);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(PackedVertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(0)));
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(PackedVertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(offsetof(PackedVertex, texcoord));
With BUFFER_OFFSET a macro to turn offsets into the corresponding pointers (vbos use the pointer parameter as an offset), and offsetof another macro to find the offset of texcoord inside the PackedVertex structure. Here, it's likely sizeof(float)*3, as there will unlikely be any padding inside the structure.