resetting a session query variable - coldfusion

Looking for some pointers to resetting a session query Variable in coldfusion.
I'm currently implementing a lock account after 10 tries to a login form and I'm struggling to reset the number of failed tries once a user successfully logs in.
public function getLoginFails(required String Username, required String App){
getLoginFailsQuery = new Query();
getLoginFailsQuery.setSQL(data inserted into db)
session.numFails = getloginFailsQuery.execute().getResult();
if(session.numFails.count < 10){
return session.numFails.count;
}else if(session.numFails.count == 10){
run a query to update accountLocked to = 1;
The above part works fine (I know some stuff is missing from the addparams() etc. It updates to 1 if 10 attempts and stores the tries in a session. session variable showing
My issues is resetting the variable when a successful login has occurred.
session.numFails.count = 0 doesn't work, am I missing something?


Liferay : unable to read full value from cookies in Controller

I want read value from cookie using Java code.
I have store value in cookie . like
When I am trying to fetch email value from cookie using below code I am only get "abc". But I want full value ""
I am using below code
Cookie[] cookies = renderRequest.getCookies();
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
System.out.print("Name : " + cookie.getName( ) + ", ");
System.out.println("Value: " + cookie.getValue( ));
I'm not sure if the RenderRequest gives you the same cookies as the HttpServletRequest: After all, it's a portlet-request. If you have set the value yourself, and you're not getting the same value back, you probably made a mistake encoding the value when you set it.
Also, as you're obviously in a render request handler, that might be the request of someone who is logged in anyway, and there's no need to set a specific cookie: You can just get the value for the currently signed in user (unless you're looking for somebody else's mail address - however that gets stored in the cookie)

Retrieve data from ParseUser after using FindAsync

I've created a number of users in Parse. There're Facebook users and non-Facebook user. For each Facebook user I've saved an extra column of "facebookID".
Now I'd like to get all the ParseUsers that are Facebook Users. So I applied a Task to query the users with "facebookID" in them.
var Task = ParseUser.Query.WhereExists("facebookID").FindAsync().ContinueWith(t=>{
if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled) {
Debug.Log ("t.Exception=" + t.Exception);
//cannot load friendlist
fbFriends = t.Result;
foreach(var result in fbFriends){
string id = (string)result["facebookID"];
//facebookUserIDList is a List<string>
The above code works perfectly. However, I'd like to get more data from each Facebook User, for example, the current_coins that the user has. So I change the foreach loop to:
foreach(var result in fbFriends){
string id = (string)result["facebookID"];
int coins = (int)result["current_coins"];
//facebookUserIDList is a List<string>
I've changed the facebookUserIDList into a List<Dictionary<string,object>> instead of a List<string> in order to save the other data as well. But the foreach loop does not run at all. Does it mean I can only get the facebookID from it because I specified WhereExists("facebookID") in FindAsync()? Can anybody explain it to me please?
Thank you very much in advance.
it should contain all Parse primitive data type(such as Boolean, Number, String, Date...) for each Object. but not Pointers nor Relation.
for Pointers, you can explicitly include them in the result using the "Include" method
for any ParseRelation you have to requery them

C2664 cannot convert parameter 1 from from User *const to User in Qt C++

I am new to C++ and Qt, but I have been playing around with it for a couple of days and I need to come up with a basic prototype of my product by Friday, so there is not much time to convert my 7 years of PHP knowledge into C++ knowledge, as I am sure that it takes a lifetime to master C++. I am getting stuck from time to time in the last couple of days due to non-existing knowledge about the small bits and bytes. At this time I have even no idea what to look for on the Internet.
First of all, I am using Qt as my framework to do a simple GUI network client that can talk to my PHP application. I wanted to create a very simple WebAPI class in this application and have the class "webapi". The scenario is very simple, the user starts the application and the applications checks if the user is logged in or not. If not, then it opens up a login dialog. After entering the information (username / password) into the dialog the user object is filled and the method "authenticate" is called.
The authenticate method then calls the fUser method in the webapi class to make a request to the server holding some information to authenticate the user against the server's database.
In code it looks like this:
user = new User();
while ( user->isLoggedIn() != true )
LoginDialog loginWindow;
int result = loginWindow.exec();
if ( result == QDialog::Accepted )
user->authenticate(loginWindow.getUsername(), loginWindow.getPassword());
if ( !user->isLoggedIn() )
exit(1);//exit with code 1
void User::authenticate(QString username, QString password)
qDebug() << username;
qDebug() << password;
if ( username != "" && password != "")
webapi wapi;
loggedIn = wapi.fUser(this);
loggedIn = false;
Represents the fUser method on the server,
it wants to get a user object
the user will need to be authenticated with this
then all infos about user are transfered (RSA Keypair etc)
* #brief webapi::fUser
* #param username
* #param password
* #return User
bool webapi::fUser(User baseUser)
return true;
Now you can clearly see that I am not doing anything at the moment in the webapi::fUser method. In fact, I am not even returning what I would like to return. Instead of a boolean I would like to return a User object, actually the same that I got in the first place through the parameter. However, i get a copy constructor error when I do that. (In my savor.h file I have declared a private attribute as a pointer => User *user;)
So the question is, what am I doing wrong when I call the fUser method? Why can I not simply pass the user object itself to the method ? I have not got around to fully understand const, and pointers and when to use what.
With Qt creator I actually use the MS Visual C++ compiler which throws the error as in the title:
C2664 'webapi::fUser' : cannot convert paramter 1 from 'User *const' to 'User'
I have read this page explaining when this happens, the only solutions is the conversion of the object itself.
If thats the case I might approach the entire problem in the wrong way.
I am looking forward to your tips and help on this matter.
Thank you very much.
webapi::fuser takes a User by value, but you are passing it a User* here:
Either pass a User:
or change webapi to take a pointer to User.

jmeter - counting cookie values

I'm playing around with jmeter to validate a bug fix.
Server logic sets the cookie "mygroup" it can be either "groupa" or "groupb". I want to be able fire a series of requests and be able to see there is a proper balanced distribution between the values of this cookie. Ie make 100 requests and 50 times the cookie will be set to "groupa" and "groupb".
I'm a bit stuck on this. I currently have the following. I can see the cookies being set in the results tree but I'd like to be able to display the a table with the version and the number of requests of each.
Thread Group
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Request
View Results Tree
Within the results tree I can see Set-Cookie: mygroup="groupa" and also sometimes mygroup="groupb" how do I tabulize this ??
You can have cookies values exported as JMeter variables by setting:
Add a Cookie Manager to your Test Plan.
In this case you will have the var COOKIE_mygroup set by JMeter.
You can then count it like this using a JSR223 Sampler + Groovy (add groovy-all-version.jar in jmeter/lib folder:
String value = vars.get("COOKIE_mygroup");
Integer counterB = vars.getObject("counterB");
Integer counterA = vars.getObject("counterA");
if(counterA == null) {
counterA = new Integer(0);
vars.putObject("counterA", counterA);
if(counterB == null) {
counterB = new Integer(0);
vars.putObject("counterB", counterB);
if(value.equals("groupa")) {
counterA = counterA+1;
vars.putObject("counterA", counterA);
} else {
counterB = counterB+1;
vars.putObject("counterB", counterB);
Asyou have only one thread, at end of loop you can then compare the 2 values or just display the value:
add a debug sampler
add a view tree result
Run test plan, in view result tree click on debug sampler , select response tab and you should have your values

accessing session data

I am setting a custom session in the catalog/controller/checkout/cart.php controller. All it does, it checks if a value is set or not.
if (isset($this->request->post['no_tax']) && $this->request->post['no_tax'] == '1')
$this->session->data['no_tax'] = true;
elseif (isset($this->request->post['no_tax']) && $this->request->post['no_tax'] === '0')
I can then access this in the catalog/model/shipping/totalbased.php model file,
The problem is, I need to send additioanl information in the order to the admin, which is done in the catalog/model/checkout/order.php
I've done a check in there:
if(isset($this->session->data['no_tax']) )
//do something
The do something, simply adds a PDF. The problem is, the PDF isn't attached.
In the error.txt, I get: 2012-05-14 14:42:11 - PHP Notice: Undefined index: no_tax in /var/www/vhosts/
Can I access the session this way?
The code looks fine from what I can see, and yes you can access the data like you've shown. The error you've had looks like you have tried to access the session data directly at some point without checking it's set, causing the notice