Can´t allocate dedicated host AWS EC2 for Mac instance - amazon-web-services

I´m trying to deploy a AWS EC2 Mac instance.
During the process of setting the instance up, I get asked to allocate a dedicated host for it.
When I try to do it, I keep getting the following message:
Your request for accessing resources in this region is being validated, and you will not be able to launch additional resources in this region until the validation is complete. We will notify you by email once your request has been validated. While normally resolved within minutes, please allow up to 4 hours for this process to complete. If the issue still persists, please let us know by writing to for further assistance.
It´s been more than a day since I started trying, so the problem isn´t the 4 hours mentioned in the message.
Anyone has any ideas how to solve this?
Thank you!

Is the AWS account in which you are trying to provision those resources brand new?
Messages like the one you are seeing are usually seen in case the account in question hasn't been fully activated or lacks billing information.
If my assumption is correct check the root account email inbox for confirmation/verification email requests from AWS. And make sure that your credit card information is up to date.


Can't see my AWS EventBridge rules because signature expired

I have multiple EventBridge cron events in different regions, that I use only to trigger/run Lambda functions in those regions. Today I can't see any of them in the EventBridge console. In every region, if I open the Event buses tab, an error notification appears like Signature expired: 20220611........ is now earlier than 20220611........ (20220611........ - 5 min.), and if I open the Rules tab, the rules are simply not there anymore, and the notification is Failed to get event buses with error: InvalidSignatureException: Signature expired: 20220611........ is now earlier than 20220611........ (20220611........ - 5 min.).
Note: I have hidden the second half of the "signatures" with ........ because maybe this is something that is supposed to be private. I don't actually know.
I don't understand how signatures work in AWS, what they do, or where they come from. Goggle didn't help much. I found one question about this here on stack overflow: Signature expired: is now earlier than error : InvalidSignatureException but it talks about things I don't understand and doesn't help me figure out what I need to do. But it's really important that those Lambda functions continue to get triggered and run when they need to, without interruptions. Please help me make this go away.
I figured it out. So when you open a website with a browser, some websites can apparently detect the current time set in your PC. So if you change the timezone in your PC, that can cause errors in some cases like this one. The error disappeared, when I opened the AWS website in my phone, or a different PC which had the correct time zone.

Getting ec2 instance ID suddenly stopped working

I've been getting an amazon instance ID from within the instance itself for over a year now by hitting this local web address This is the appropriate method according to the AWS documentation. For some reason though, just this week that same call started throwing an error.
I tried pinging the address from the command line and that fails, so it seems like something pretty basic has changed with the EC2 instances. I don't see any changes to the documentation on AWS. One thing I do notice is that I used to see the instance name in the upper right hand corner when loading up the instance and logging in remotely. That information doesn't appear anymore.
Here is the code I've been using to get the ID:
retID = New StreamReader(HttpWebRequest.Create("").GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
Here is the full error stack:
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at RunControllerInterface.NewRunControlCommunicate.getInstanceIDFromAmazon()
The error message itself says: Unable to connect to the remote server
Any help would be appreciated.
So I think I have at least a partial answer to this problem. When making this image, I was using a t3a.medium instance. As long as I use that same type of instance I am able to pull down the instance name.

App Engine Flexible: Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy

I'm trying several times to deploy a new version of a service on my app engine flexible instance using the sdk and the command gcloud app deploy, but all i get is this error
"ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for
the app infrastructure to become healthy."
I Couldn't found any answer about it on the issue tracker of gcp.
On this question, he got the same problem, but no one could answered it.
Any guidance will be very helpfull.
According to the gcp team, this particular error was caused because we reached the "In-use IP addresses" quota limit.
They also said that are working on improve the error messages.
"The engineering team has just created a fix for better quota error
details. There is no ETA for when the fix will be released, but I
would guess it would be in the next version of gcloud."
Over half a year later after Loneck's answer I've got the same error. I guessed it could be anything. This is why I've choosen to delete the project, create a new one in a new zone and deployed it there. Then it worked for me. It might have been any other limitation in the zone that I've choosen at the beginning.
I ran into this and solved it by retrying the deploy 3 times.

Unable to get account listed in from drop down on Deploy Contract Screen.

I am new to the blockchain. I have configured the geth and mist on my Windows 10 64bit.
I have configured the private network using command
"geth --datadir=./foldername/"
ipc file got generated and then I launched mist browser.
After launching mist I created a Main Account by following the steps.Then I tried to run a HelloWorld contract as yoseen seen in the attached image. But I am unable to see the Main Account listed in from address on Deploy Contract Screen. Due to which I think I am unable to deploy the contract.
Can anyone help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
I found the solution. You need to get an initial allocated balance for at least one of your accounts. You can follow this post to learn how to allocate balances in the genesis.json file.
Make sure that you give it enough balance. It happened that I allocated initially "111111" and I found that in Mist UI, main window the balance for my user was "0.00"Eth. I clicked on the User account and realized that the actual balance was: "0.000000000111111", so that fooled me for a moment.
Hope it helps!

AWS Elastic Beanstalk GUI: Query failed to deserialize response

after running AWS Elastic Beanstalk application for few weeks suddenly I can't open my application. Page simply displays an error which doesn't provide much information how to fix it.
A problem occurred while loading your page: AWS Query failed to deserialize response
(and there is no more information, Googling also haven't found any answer)
So before updating my subscription and starting paying to Amazon not insignificant amount of money for being able to contact their technical support I thought I will ask here first if someone here encountered this issue.
Thanks for any suggestions.
After receiving this generic error, I was able to dig into the actual error message by using the EB CLI. In my case the CLI threw "ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980".