How can I wait for a future to finish during a test if it wasn't called from the test directly? - unit-testing

I'm trying to write a test for a method that makes a call to an API using Dio. The Dio response has been mocked using http_mock_adapter. My problem is that I need to wait for the API call to finish before continuing with the test, and I can't simply use await since the method I'm testing isn't asynchronous. Is there a way to wait for a future that wasn't called from the test?
Below is an example of what I'm talking about:
String apiResult = 'foo';
void methodToTest(){
apiCall().then((value) => apiResult = value);
test('methodToTest works', () {
expect(apiResult, equals('foo'));
// I need to wait for apiCall to finish here.
expect(apiResult, equals('bar'));
Previously, I have been able to use Future.delayed( when I have had situations like this, but it has always seemed like a workaround, and now it doesn't work.

the method I'm testing isn't asynchronous
Congratulations, your tests found a bug.
this is your method after fixing the bug:
Future<void> methodToTest() async {
apiResult = await apiCall();


How to create promise based action (instead of sendAction) in ember?

I have a use case where the action should get the value from another component, based on that I need to do some actions.
Initially, I used sendAction (instead of promiseAction()) to do some actions. But closeDataModal() runs immediately after finishing the sendAction. I want the first function to finish up and then run the second one.
saveAction() {
closeDataModal() -> Run after resolving the promiseAction
Use an async function so that you can await an async operation like an async action.
async saveAction() {
await promiseAction()
closeDataModal() -> will run after resolving the promiseAction
If you want to use the result of promiseAction then:
async saveAction() {
let result = await promiseAction()
closeDataModal(result) -> will run after resolving the promiseAction
As mentioned in the comments, this will not work with sendAction which is deprecated.
See for more infos on how async/await works and how error handling is done.

Ember concurrency timeout hanging in qunit

In Ember I have a component that starts a never-ending poll to keep some data up to date. Like so:
export default Component.extend({
pollTask: task(function * () {
while(true) {
yield timeout(this.get('pollRate'));
This causes a preexisting acceptance test to get stuck in this task and run forever, even though it should be run asynchronously. The test looks like this:
test('my test', async function(assert) {
await visit('/mypage'); // gets stuck here
await typeIn('input', 'abc123');
I thought at first that I had mocked the request wrong and that the test was just timing out, but it was in fact correctly polling data. Removing this task makes the acceptance test finish normally.
Testing this manually seems to work fine, and nothing gets stuck. Why is this happening and what is the right way to address this?
Saw Unit testing ember-concurrency tasks and yields but it doesn't really help since it only deals with unit tests.
You're not doing anything wrong and this is a common gotcha with ember-concurrency. Ember-concurrency's timeout() function relies on to create the timeout and fortunately or unfortunately, Ember's test suite is aware of all timers created with and will wait for all timers to settle before letting the test continue. Since your code is using an infinite loop your timers will never settle so the test hangs. There's a nice little section about testing asynchronous code in the Ember guides here.
There's a section in the ember-concurrency docs about this exact problem here. I recommend you look through it to see their recommendations on how to tackle this although it seems as if there's no real elegant solution at the time.
The quickest and probably easiest way to get this to not hang would be to throw in a check to see if the app is being tested (gross, I know):
pollTask: task(function * () {
while(true) {
yield timeout(this.get('pollRate'));
if (Ember.testing) return; // stop polling to prevent tests from hanging
You can also try to throw in a call to in your tests/helpers/start-app.js file (another suggestion in that section):
window._breakTimerLoopsId = => {;
}, 500);
But it doesn't seem to appear in the API docs so I personally wouldn't rely on it.

Wrapper around TASKs in C#

I am using tasks in WinForms (.NET 4.0) to perform lengthy operations like WCF call. Application is already in product with heavy use of Tasks (almost all the methods which uses Tasks are void).
During the unit testing we have used AutoResetEvents (in actual code) to find out when the given task is completed then perform assert.
This gives me a thought that almost all the AutoResetEvent are waste of effort. They are just fulfilling unit testing needs, nothing else.
Can we create a wrapper around Tasks likewise when actual code run... they should work in background and in case of unit testing they should be synchronous.
Similar to below link for BackgroundWorker.
Why can't you simply use the continuation for tasks in your wrapper, like this:
var task = ...
task.ContinueWith(t => check task results here)
Also, unit tests can be marked as async, if they have a return type Task, so you can use an await there, and after that do your asserts:
public async Task SynchronizeTestWithRecurringOperationViaAwait()
var sut = new SystemUnderTest();
// Execute code to set up timer with 1 sec delay and interval.
var firstNotification = sut.StartRecurring();
// Wait that operation has finished two times.
var secondNotification = await firstNotification.GetNext();
await secondNotification.GetNext();
// Assert outcome.
Assert.AreEqual("Init Poll Poll", sut.Message);
Another approach (from the same article) is to use a custom task scheduler, which will be synchronous in case of unit testing:
public void TestCodeSynchronously()
var dts = new DeterministicTaskScheduler();
var sut = new SystemUnderTest(dts);
// Execute code to schedule first operation and return immediately.
// Execute all operations on the current thread.
// Assert outcome of the two operations.
Assert.AreEqual("Init Work1 Work2", sut.Message);
Same MSDN magazine contains nice article about best practices for async unit testing. Also async void should be used only as an event handler, all other methods should have async Task signature.

Handling several event listeners

Update: here's a fiddle of my problem. The tests pass once, and fail the next time:
The problem is departments has events.on("userSet:company"), so both variables respond to the event.
This is a general question about unit testing. In my app, a certain event is fired, and several other pieces of my app listen for this event. I'd like to unit test each piece separately, since they are performing different functions; but to do this, I have to fire off the event in each test.
This causes problems, since the first test must fire off the event, triggering the listeners in the other tests. How can I keep my tests atomic while still testing multiple event listeners?
(I am using QUnit, but I think this is a more general unit-testing question).
Jeferson is correct. One easy way to solve this, is to use events.once instead of events.on. This way you clean up your events from each test.
All your calls to async methods should be tested using "asyncTest" methods and making sure you wrap your calls in other functions that calls QUnit.start() when the assertions data are ready to be collected and analyzed.
I updated your JSFiddle with working code:
The new code is:
QUnit.config.autostart = false;
QUnit.config.testTimeOut = 1000;
asyncTest('Some test that needs companies.', function() {
function getCompanies() {
var companies = new Companies();
setTimeout(getCompanies, 500);
asyncTest('Some other async test that triggers a listener in companies.', function() {
var companies = new Companies();
events.trigger("userSet:company", { name: "Acme", id: 1 });
events.on('fetched:departments', function(response) {
deepEqual(response, [1, 2, 3]);
See my answer in this other question for more details:
Test fails then succeeds
Hope this helps you!

How to unit test a synchronous method calling asynchronous method?

What is the correct way to write a unit test for a synchronous method calling async methods.
Right now my unit test are passing, but when I try to open the page, it never returns.
Why isn't my unit test failing? How can I make it fail?
I replicated my problem with this simple code:
My passing test:
public void DoSomeWork_WhenWeDoSomeWork_ShouldReturnDone()
var service = new SyncService();
const string expected = "Done";
var actual = service.DoSomeWork();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
My view that never returns:
public ActionResult Index()
var syncService = new SyncService();
return View((object)syncService.DoSomeWork());
My service that never returns to view:
public class SyncService
public string DoSomeWork()
return SomeWork().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
private async Task<string> SomeWork()
var task1 = Task.Delay(1000);
var task2 = Task.Delay(1000);
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);
return "Done";
I don't think I can help you with this specific example, but I think a good general strategy is to write two tests. One to test if the synchronous method passes the correct data and an other to test if the asynchronous method works properly.
I mostly work in JavaScript and that general approach works for me. Also you can check the documentation of your testing frameworks, maybe it provides some methods for this.
First, don't block on async code (link to my blog). By blocking on async code, you're actually causing a deadlock. This deadlock does not happen in your unit test because unit tests run in a thread pool context, not an ASP.NET context (link to my blog).
There are good reasons for not having synchronous wrappers for asynchronous methods. So I recommend getting rid of DoSomeWork completely, leaving only SomeWork (renamed to SomeWorkAsync).
To solve your problem, you should use asynchronous controller actions.