Cannot run the program in the Qt Creator environment - c++

My Qt Creator Verison is 5.15.2 (MSVC 2019 64bit) And I want using Qt 6.2 rc
Now I have a project that can be compiled normally but cannot run in the Qt Creator environment.But I manually run this program in Explorer, it can work normally. That is to say, Qt Creator built it but this software cannot be debugged in Qt
By the way, this project can run normally when it is newly created. Then I introduced spdlog and sql related libraries in this project (but not used), and after adjusting the directory structure, it cannot be used in Qt Creator.
Console Output:
17:06:23: Starting E:\Code\Clion\CadenceLibQML\CadenceLibQML\build-CadenceLibQML-Desktop_Qt_6_2_0_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\CadenceLibQML.exe ...
17:06:23: The program ends abnormally
17:06:23: The process was ended forcefully.
17:06:23: E:\Code\Clion\CadenceLibQML\CadenceLibQML\build-CadenceLibQML-Desktop_Qt_6_2_0_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\CadenceLibQML.exe crashed.


The procedure entry point couldn't be located in the dynamic link library

Can't run builded exe file from windows explorer. But from qt creator exe runs normally.
Programm created as Qt Creater Application on C++ language, Qt Creator Version : 4.0.2.
When trying to run the following error occurs:
Copy libstdc++-6.dll from the folder where Qt is intalled (e.g., C:\Qt\mingw492_32\bin) to the folder where you want to start your .exe file.
For More information, see Creating the Application Package.

cannot compile any application in Qt5 on Windows7

I have installed Qt Creator 4.0.1 (based on Qt 5.6.1) on Windows 7 (64 bit), it finds two kits (Desktop Qt 5.6.1 MCVS2013 64bit2 and Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MCVS2013 64bit), both have two debuggers to choose (MinGW or Debugging tools for windows). So everything seems to be OK, but whenever I press Run for any simple application from examples, the Build indicator goes red, and then disappears, and the exe-file is not created, but IDE does not give any explanation to the reason why.
I'm new to Qt and really want to find out what I am doing wrong and get started with it. The error output is as follows:
Cannot find file: D:\рабочее\БГУИР\qt\first\myfirst\
12:30:54: The process "C:\Qt\5.7\msvc2013_64\bin\qmake.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project myfirst (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MSVC2013 64bit)
When executing step "qmake"
Maybe the Cyrillic charset causes the problem?
There has to be an output of some kind somewhere. If not under the debug tab "issues", then perhaps "Compile output".
I know that on Linux if you are running a QT example, you have to make sure you have made a copy of the code instead of running it in place. Otherwise, Qt will try to create a build folder under /opt and fail due to permission. You could also specify such a build folder when you configure the project. I am not sure whether on Windows it is going to be an issue, but it's a good place to check.
Hope this helps.

QStrings not showing when debugging with Qt Creator on Windows

I'm debugging a Qt 5.5 application with Qt Creator on Windows 10 using MSVC 2013 compiler.
CDB Debugger is set up in Qt Creator and I can start the debug session. However variable contents of Qt objects (QStrings...) can not be inspected, I just get the memory location, size etc.
I expect I'm missing for debugging helpers or the debugger extension mentioned here.
Any clues what to do?
I temporarily deleted qtcreatorcdbext.dll, started debugger (forcing to diplay an error) and moved the dll back. Now everything works.
It seems there was a problem with the setup procedure, maybe because debugging tools were installed after Qt Creator.
I had to update qtcreatorcdbext.dll in /lib/qtcreatorcdbext32 folder. My Qt creator installed separatly from the Qt pack so I copied the dll from the Qt installation/tools/qtcreator/lib/qtcreatorcdbext32 to the separatly installed qtcreator

How to connect QT with VLC player

In my QT GUI application I need playback some video files. I tried the MediaPlayer component (qtmultimedia 5.0), but it cannot read the video containers (mp4/mkv) that I'm using, which VLC player runs without any problem. So I found an library called vlc-qt ( and downloaded the windows binaries (which seem to be compiled using MSVC 11.0), but it fails to link on QT Creator MinGW (it shows 16 lines of undefined reference), maybe because vlc-qt is compiled with a different compiler than the one used to build the QT app.
I can't find any working references or documentation on this topic, so does anybody know how can I make this?
More details:
Windows 8.1 x64
QT Creator 3.0.1 | QT 5.2.1
vlc-qt 0.9.0
Thank you.
The library is compiled using MSVC so it can not be liked to your application with a MinGW compiler. You can get the code from Here and compile it with MinGW compiler. After that you can link it to your app.
You can download and install CMake from Here. Next open the file named "CMakeLists.txt" from the root of the VLC_Qt source code with Qt Creator. Click "Next" and then after selecting the desired Generator click "Run CMake". WHen everything completes click finish. Now you can build the entire VLC-Qt with Qt Creator.

Qt Release build unable to open DLL

While my application runs fine and nice in Debug mode of Qt 4.8.1 using QtCreator 2.4.1, it fails to start up in Release mode. Double clicking the generated .exe returns:
"The application was unable to start correctly (0XC000007B). Click okay to close the application."
Running in QtCreator simply stalls (the application window does not appear) and it will eventually returns with error code: -1073741819
Running Dependency Walker will show that:
I have tried to search the location of msvcr90.dll and it appears in multiple directories under C:/Windows/winsxd/...
What should I do to fix this problem at this point? My machine is 64x Windows 7.
You should deploy the Qt (and some other) libraries in order to run your application by that way.
The dll files are in the bin folder of your library installation path. For example, in my machine it is:
Because I'm using the MSVC2010 version (instead of the MinGW version) of Qt. Dependency Walker will tell you what files do you have to copy.
Qt Creator should run your application fine. What version of Qt are you using? (4.8, MinGW or VC2010)