convert from triggered to continuous? - azure-webjobs

I have a web job that is triggered. I want to switch to continuous. I use ci/cd to deploy.
Is this the right steps :
csproj. change triggered to continuous
settings.job just say {}
Also, I will change the c# host to use a loop with a sleep(xxx).
Am I missing anything?

You can use the powershell CI/CD deploy to change the triggered to continuous and vice versa.
$deployUrl = "$($env:scmApiUrl)/zip/site/wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/$($env:scheduleName)/$($env:webJobName)/"
Here you can add the scheduleName whether triggered or continuous
Follow the steps to achieve this see here
More info check here
To manually change the webjob type


An AWS CI/CD Pipeline that allows manual deploy by commit

I want to create the following CI/CD flow in AWS and Github, for a react app using Amplify:
A single main branch, with short-lived feature branches and PRs into main.
Each PR triggers its own test environment in Amplify, with its own temporary subdomain, which gets torn down when the PR is merged, as described here.
Merging into main does not automatically trigger a deploy to production.
Instead, there is a separate mechanism (a web page, or amplify command, or even triggers based on git tags) for manually selecting a commit from main to deploy to production.
It's not clear to me if...
Support for this flow is already built into Amplify (based on the docs I've read, I think the answer is "no", but I'm not sure).
Support for this flow is already built into AWS CodePipeline, or if it can be configured there.
There is another AWS tool that solves this.
I'm looking for answers to those questions, or specific references in the docs which address them.
The answers for Amplify are Yes, Yes, Yes, Partially.
(1) A single main branch, with short-lived feature branches and PRs into main.
Yes. Feature branch deploys. Can define which branch patterns, such as feature*/, you wish to auto-deploy.
(2) Each PR triggers its own test environment in Amplify, with its own temporary subdomain,
Yes. Web Previews for PRs. "A web preview deploys every pull request made to your GitHub repository to a unique preview URL which is completely different from the URL your main site uses."
(3) Merging into main does not automatically trigger a deploy to production.
Yes. Disable automatic builds on main.
(4) Instead, there is a separate mechanism ... for manually selecting a commit from main to deploy to production.
Partially (HEAD only?). Call the StartJob API to manually trigger a build from, say, Lambda. The job type RELEASE starts a new job with the latest change from the specified branch. I am not sure if jobType: MANUAL with a commitId starts a job from an arbitrary commit hash.
Another workaround for 3+4 is to skip the build for an arbitrary commit. Amplify will skip building if [skip-cd] appears at the end of a commit message.
In my experience, I don't think there is any easy way to meet your requirement.
If you are using Gitlab, you can try Gitlab Review Apps to achieve that (I tried before with some scripts)
Support for this flow is already built into Amplify (based on the docs I've read, I think the answer is "no", but I'm not sure).
Check below links, if this help:
Support for this flow is already built into AWS CodePipeline, or if it can be configured there.
For this, you need to create a full your own pipeline. Yes, you can configure your pipeline.
There is another AWS tool that solves this.
If you are okay with Jenkins, then Jenkins will help you to achieve this.
You can deploy Jenkins docker in AWS EC2 and create your pipeline. You can also use the parameterised option for selecting your environment and git branch.

Trigger AWS codepipeline manually and not on every commit using bitbucket codestar connection

I am not able to find a way to stop the auto triggering of the pipeline whenever I push code to bitbucket.
My assumption is that you want more control over when your pipeline does certain things.
Rather than achieving this through stopping the pipeline from getting triggered, I'd recommend using either stage transitions or manual approvals to achieve this control inside the pipeline.
Stage transitions are better when you want to "turn off" a pipeline and have the latest thing run through when you turn it back on.
Manual approvals are better when you want the version to be locked while waiting for approval so you can run tests without worrying that the version will change.
You mentioned in your comment that you wanted to only run your pipeline at certain times, so a way you could do that is to enable and disable the stage transition after source on a schedule.
You can disable DetectChanges parameter on your Source action as explained here. Extract with the relevant context:
DetectChanges: Controls automatically starting your pipeline when a new commit is made on the configured repository and branch. If unspecified, the default value is true, and the field does not display by default.
This works on Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitHub Enterprise Server actions. I have a CloudFormation template configured with this option and works. Not sure about the same option on AWS console, because I saw that some configurations are only available from CloudFormation or aws cli. As you can read "this field does not display by default".

Setting build priority in yaml or UI

Is there a way to setup up a build's priority in a yaml based pipeline? There seem to be references to build priority in the Azure DevOps API, but nothing in how to do this via yaml. I thought there might be some docs in the Triggers section, but no.
We need this because we have some fast building NuGet packages, but these get starved via slow-build pipelines making turnaround time for packages painful.
The closest thing I could come up with to working around this is via agent demands in the yaml
- Agent.ComputerName = XYZ
to separate build pipelines, but this is a bit of a hack and doesn't use agents efficiently.
A way to set this in UI would be acceptable, but I couldn't seem to find anything.
Recently Azure DevOps introduced the ability to manually specify a build/release runs next.
This manifests as a Run next button. (image source).
So while you can't say "this pipeline always takes priority" yet, you can manually force a specific run to the front of the queue.
If you need a specific pipeline to always take priority, then you likely want to setup a separate agent pool just for those pipelines, or use demands as Leo Liu mentioned.
Setting build priority in yaml or UI
I'm afraid this feature is not yet supported in Azure DevOps at this moment.
There is a popular user voice about it, you can upvote it and check the feedback from that ticket.
Currently as a workaround, just like what you did, set the demands in build definitions to force building with the specific agents.
Hope this helps.

Trigger deployment button in Jenkins pipeline

I'm setting up a Continuous Delivery pipeline for my team with Jenkins. As a final step, we want to deploy to AWS.
I came across this while searching: :
The last step is a button where you can click to trigger deploying. Very nice! However, I searched throw Jenkins plugins page but I don't think it is there (or it is under a vague name).
Any ideas what it could be?
I'm not sure about the specific plugin you are looking for, but there is a Jenkins plugin for CodeDeploy, which can automatically create a deployment as a post-build action. See:
It really depends on how what kind of requirements you have on the actual deployment procedure. One thing to keep in mind if you do infrastructure as code to setup your pipelines automatically (e.g. through JobDSL or Jenkins Job Builder), is that the particular plugins must be supported. For that reason it some times might be more convenient to just script your deployments instead of relying on plugins. I've implemented multiple deployment jobs from Jenkins to AWS by just using plain AWS CLI commands, e.g. triggering Cloudformation creation/updates.
It turns out that there is a button to trigger an operation in the plugin. It was hard to detect as the UI of the plugin is redesigned and the button became smaller.

Trigger build in Jenkins/Hudson using hashtag in commit-message

Is it possible to trigger a Hudson/Jenkins build only when a certain string appears in a commit-message?
For instance, I want to trigger a build that rolls out my application to the dev environment by writing a commit message like:
MYPROJECT-123 Fixed NPE in #deploy:DEV
The general idea is described in this great talk on Continuos Deployment but I couldn't find any information on how to do this in Hudson.
I would prefer to have this behavior in Hudson itself and not in an external system like commit-hooks or web-hooks.
I don't know of an out of the box way you can parse the SCM message as part of the trigger. You have a couple of options that might achieve what you want though
Write your own Hudson SCM plugin
Chain your jobs together into a build pipeline. The first job could simply look for that message in the changelog.xml to determine if the next build is triggered or not.
If you are looking at building a pipeline of build jobs, check out the build-pipeline-plugin.
Anyone got a more elegant solution??
There is a plugin called Commit Message Trigger Plugin, but it had just a 0.1 release.
Maybe the easiest way is to use a version control post commit (or push) trigger to start a Hudson Job. You'd one anyway to automatically start your build.