rename multiple files splitting filenames by '_' and retaining first and last fields - regex

Say I have the following files:
a_b.txt a_b_c.txt a_b_c_d_e.txt a_b_c_d_e_f_g_h_i.txt
I want to rename them in such a way that I split their filenames by _ and I retain the first and last field, so I end up with:
a_b.txt a_c.txt a_e.txt a_i.txt
Thought it would be easy, but I'm a bit stuck...
I tried rename with the following regexp:
rename 's/^([^_]*).*([^_]*[.]txt)/$1_$2/' *.txt
But what I would really need to do is to actually split the filename, so I thought of awk, but I'm not so proficient with it... This is what I have so far (I know at some point I should specify FS="_" and grab the first and last field somehow...
find . -name "*.txt" | awk -v mvcmd='mv "%s" "%s"\n' '{old=$0; <<split by _ here somehow and retain first and last fields>>; printf mvcmd,old,$0}'
Any help? I don't have a preferred method, but it would be nice to use this to learn awk. Thanks!

Your rename attempt was close; you just need to make sure the final group is greedy.
rename 's/^([^_]*).*_([^_]*[.]txt)$/$1_$2/' *_*_*.txt
I added a _ before the last opening parenthesis (this is the crucial fix), and a $ anchor at the end, and also extended the wildcard so that you don't process any files which don't contain at least two underscores.
The equivalent in Awk might look something like
find . -name "*_*_*.txt" |
awk -F _ '{ system("mv " $0 " " $1 "_" $(NF)) }'
This is somewhat brittle because of the system call; you might need to rethink your approach if your file names could contain whitespace or other shell metacharacters. You could add quoting to partially fix that, but then the command will fail if the file name contains literal quotes. You could fix that, too, but then this will be a little too complex for my taste.
Here's a less brittle approach which should cope with completely arbitrary file names, even ones with newlines in them:
find . -name "*_*_*.txt" -exec sh -c 'for f; do
mv "$f" "${f%%_*}_${f##*_}"
done' _ {} +
find will supply a leading path before each file name, so we don't need mv -- here (there will never be a file name which starts with a dash).
The parameter expansion ${f##pattern} produces the value of the variable f with the longest available match on pattern trimmed off from the beginning; ${f%%pattern} does the same, but trims from the end of the string.

With your shown samples, please try following pure bash code(with great use parameter expansion capability of BASH). This will catch all files with name/format .txt in their name. Then it will NOT pick files like: a_b.txt it will only pick files which have more than 1 underscore in their name as per requirement.
for file in *_*_*.txt
mv -- "$file" "$newName"

This answer works for your example, but #tripleee's "find" approach is more robust.
for f in a_*.txt; do mv "$f" "${f%%_*}_${f##*_}"; done
Details: /

Here's an alternate regexp for the given samples:
$ rename -n 's/_.*_/_/' *.txt
rename(a_b_c_d_e_f_g_h_i.txt, a_i.txt)
rename(a_b_c_d_e.txt, a_e.txt)
rename(a_b_c.txt, a_c.txt)

A different rename regex
rename 's/(\S_)[a-z_]*(\S\.txt)/$1$2/'
Using the same regex with sed or using awk within a loop.
for a in a_*; do
name=$(echo $a | awk -F_ '{print $1, $NF}'); #Or
#name=$(echo $a | sed -E 's/(\S_)[a-z_]*(\S\.txt)/\1\2/g');
mv "$a" "$name";


How to rename multiple files with multiple letters and numbers combinations and sizes using bash or regex?

I've been trying to rename a list of files by it's been quite difficult...
The 41 filenames are:
and I need to rename to:
I tryed using for loop:
for i in *_S[0-9]{1,2}_pear_derep.fasta; do newfile="$(basename $i _S[0-9]{1,2}_pear_derep.fasta)"; echo $newfile; cp ${newfile}_S[0-9]{1,2}_pear_derep.fasta ${newfile}.fas; done;
It didn't work, then
rename 's/([A-Z]*[0-9]*[I]{1,4})_[A-Z][0-9]_[a-z]_[a-z]{1,5}(\.fasta).*/$1$2/g' *
It didn't work
for file in *.fas; do newfile=$(echo "$file" | sed -re 's/S_[0-9][0-9](\.)/\./g') mv -v $file $newfile; done;
None of them worked.
The thing here is that I have to use a regex to KEEP a variable beggining, which varys between
then everything else is excluded
S[0-9]{1,2}_[a-z]{4}_[a-z]{5} and then the extension .fasta to .fas
Could someone help me please?
Thank you Guys
You should make sure that *\.fasta targets every file you need. Make sure that you echo the mv command or create a copy of the directory and try it there first.
for i in *\.fasta; do
mv $i ${i/_*/}.fas;
The substitution ${i/_*/} removes everything after the first _.
The regexp in your rename attempt is missing a bunch of quantifiers. Also, it doesn't change the extension from .fasta to .fas. You should also anchor it to the beginning and end of the filename. There's no need for the g modifier, since you're only doing one replacement per name.
rename 's/^([A-Z]*[0-9]*I{1,4})_[A-Z][0-9]*_[a-z]*_[a-z]{1,5}\.fasta$/$1.fas/' *

Extract Filename before date Bash shellscript

I am trying to extract a part of the filename - everything before the date and suffix. I am not sure the best way to do it in bashscript. Regex?
The names are part of the filename. I am trying to store it in a shellscript variable. The prefixes will not contain strange characters. The suffix will be the same. The files are stored in a directory - I will use loop to extract the portion of the filename for each file.
Expected input files:
Expected Extract:
filename=$(basename "$file")
folder=sed '^s/_[^_]*$//)' $filename
echo 'Filename:' $filename
echo 'Foldername:' $folder
$ cat file.txt
$ cat file.txt | sed 's/_[0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*\.out$//'
No need for useless use of cat, expensive forks and pipes. The shell can cut strings just fine:
$ file=EXAMPLE_FILE_2_2017-10-12.out
$ echo ${file%%_????-??-??.out}
Read all about how to use the %%, %, ## and # operators in your friendly shell manual.
Bash itself has regex capability so you do not need to run a utility. Example:
for fn in *.out; do
[[ $fn =~ ^(.*)_[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} ]]
printf "%s => %s\n" "$fn" "$cap"
With the example files, output is:
EXAMPLE_FILE_2_2017-10-12.out => EXAMPLE_FILE_2
Using Bash itself will be faster, more efficient than spawning sed, awk, etc for each file name.
Of course in use, you would want to test for a successful match:
for fn in *.out; do
if [[ $fn =~ ^(.*)_[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} ]]; then
printf "%s => %s\n" "$fn" "$cap"
echo "$fn no match"
As a side note, you can use Bash parameter expansion rather than a regex if you only need to trim the string after the last _ in the file name:
for fn in *.out; do
printf "%s => %s\n" "$fn" "$cap"
And then test $cap against $fn. If they are equal, the parameter expansion did not trim the file name after _ because it was not present.
The regex allows a test that a date-like string \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d is after the _. Up to you which you need.
See this code in use here
^ Assert position at start of line
\w+ Match any word character (a-zA-Z0-9_) between 1 and unlimited times
(?=_) Positive lookahead ensuring what follows is an underscore _ character
Simply with sed:
sed 's/_[^_]*$//' file
The output:
In case of iterating through the list of files with extension .out - bash solution:
for f in *.out; do echo "${f%_*}"; done
awk -F_ 'NF-=1' OFS=_ file
Could you please try awk solution too, which will take care of all the .out files, note this has ben written and tested in GNU awk.
awk --re-interval 'FNR==1{if(val){close(val)};split(FILENAME, array,"_[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}");print array[1];val=FILENAME;nextfile}' *.out
Also my awk version is old so I am using --re-interval, if you have latest version of awk you may need not to use it then.
Explanation and Non-one liner fom of solution: Adding a non-one liner form of solution too here with explanation.
awk --re-interval '##Using --re-interval for supporting ERE in my OLD awk version, if OP has new version of awk it could be removed.
FNR==1{ ##Checking here condition that when very first line of any Input_file is being read then do following actions.
if(val){ ##Checking here if variable named val value is NOT NULL then do following.
close(val) ##close the Input_file named which is stored in variable val, so that we will NOT face problem of TOO MANY FILES OPENED, so it will be like one file read close it in background then.
split(FILENAME, array,"_[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}");##Splitting FILENAME(which will have Input_file name in it) into array named array only, whose separator is a 4 digits-2 digits- then 2 digits, actually this will take care of YYYY-MM-DD format in Input_file(s) and it will be easier for us to get the file name part.
print array[1]; ##Printing array 1st element here.
val=FILENAME; ##Storing FILENAME variable value which will have current Input_file name in it to variable named val, so that we could close it in background.
nextfile ##nextfile as it name suggests it will skip all the lines in current line and jump onto the next file to save some cpu cycles of our system.
' *.out ##Mentioning all *.out Input_file(s) here.

sed / awk - remove space in file name

I'm trying to remove whitespace in file names and replace them.
echo "File Name1.xml File Name3 report.xml" | sed 's/[[:space:]]/__/g'
However the output
Desired output
File__Name1.xml File__Name3__report.xml
You named awk in the title of the question, didn't you?
$ echo "File Name1.xml File Name3 report.xml" | \
> awk -F'.xml *' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){gsub(" ","_",$i); printf i<NF?$i ".xml ":"\n" }}'
File_Name1.xml File_Name3_report.xml
-F'.xml *' instructs awk to split on a regex, the requested extension plus 0 or more spaces
the loop {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) is executed for all the fields in which the input line(s) is(are) splitted — note that the last field is void (it is what follows the last extension), but we are going to take that into account...
the body of the loop
gsub(" ","_", $i) substitutes all the occurrences of space to underscores in the current field, as indexed by the loop variable i
printf i<NF?$i ".xml ":"\n" output different things, if i<NF it's a regular field, so we append the extension and a space, otherwise i equals NF, we just want to terminate the output line with a newline.
It's not perfect, it appends a space after the last filename. I hope that's good enough...
▶    A D D E N D U M    ◀
I'd like to address:
the little buglet of the last space...
some of the issues reported by Ed Morton
generalize the extension provided to awk
To reach these goals, I've decided to wrap the scriptlet in a shell function, that changing spaces into underscores is named s2u
$ s2u () { awk -F'\.'$1' *' -v ext=".$1" '{
> NF--;for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){gsub(" ","_",$i);printf "%s",$i ext (i<NF?" ":"\n")}}'
> }
$ echo "File Name1.xml File Name3 report.xml" | s2u xml
File_Name1.xml File_Name3_report.xml
It's a bit different (better?) 'cs it does not special print the last field but instead special-cases the delimiter appended to each field, but the idea of splitting on the extension remains.
This seems a good start if the filenames aren't delineated:
( // start of captured group
(?: // non-captured group
\S.*? // a non-white-space character, then 0 or more any character
)? // 0 or 1 times
\. // a dot
\w{1,} // 1 or more word characters
) // end of captured group
\b // a word boundary
You'll have to look-up how a PCRE pattern converts to a shell pattern. Alternatively it can be run from a Python/Perl/PHP script.
Assuming you are asking how to rename file names, and not remove spaces in a list of file names that are being used for some other reason, this is the long and short way. The long way uses sed. The short way uses rename. If you are not trying to rename files, your question is quite unclear and should be revised.
If the goal is to simply get a list of xml file names and change them with sed, the bottom example is how to do that.
directory contents:
ls -w 2
bob is over there.xml
fred is here.xml
greg is there.xml
cd [directory with files]
shopt -s nullglob
for ((i=0;i< ${#a_glob[#]}; i++));do
echo "${a_glob[i]}";
shopt -u nullglob
# output
bob is over there.xml
fred is here.xml
greg is there.xml
# then rename them
cd [directory with files]
shopt -s nullglob
for ((i=0;i< ${#a_glob[#]}; i++));do
# I prefer 'rename' for such things
# rename 's/[[:space:]]/_/g' "${a_glob[i]}";
# but sed works, can't see any reason to use it for this purpose though
mv "${a_glob[i]}" $(sed 's/[[:space:]]/_/g' <<< "${a_glob[i]}");
shopt -u nullglob
ls -w 2
globbing is what you want here because of the spaces in the names.
However, this is really a complicated solution, when actually all you need to do is:
cd [your space containing directory]
rename 's/[[:space:]]/_/g' *.xml
and that's it, you're done.
If on the other hand you are trying to create a list of file names, you'd certainly want the globbing method, which if you just modify the statement, will do what you want there too, that is, just use sed to change the output file name.
If your goal is to change the filenames for output purposes, and not rename the actual files:
cd [directory with files]
shopt -s nullglob
for ((i=0;i< ${#a_glob[#]}; i++));do
echo "${a_glob[i]}" | sed 's/[[:space:]]/_/g';
shopt -u nullglob
# output:
You could use rename:
rename --nows *.xml
This will replace all the spaces of the xml files in the current folder with _.
Sometimes it comes without the --nows option, so you can then use a search and replace:
rename 's/[[:space:]]/__/g' *.xml
Eventually you can use --dry-run if you want to just print filenames without editing the names.

search and replace substring in string in bash

I have the following task:
I have to replace several links, but only the links which ends with .do
Important: the files have also other links within, but they should stay untouched.
<li>Einstellungen verwalten</li>
<li>Einstellungen verwalten</li>
So I have to search for links with .do, take the part before and remember it for example as $a , replace the whole link with
<s:url action=' '/>
and past $a between the quotes.
I thought about sed, but sed as I know does only search a whole string and replace it complete.
I also tried bash Parameter Expansions in combination with sed but got severel problems with the quotes and the variables.
cat ./src/main/webapp/include/stoBox2.jsp | grep -e '<a href=".*\.do">' | while read a;
sed -i 's/href=\"$\"/href=\"<s:url action=\'$a\'/>\"/g' ./src/main/webapp/include/stoBox2.jsp;
any ideas ?
Thanks a lot.
sed -i sed 's#href="\(.*\)\.do"#href="<s:url action='"'\1'"'/>"#g' ./src/main/webapp/include/stoBox2.jsp
Use patterns with parentheses to get the link without .do, and here single and double quotes separate the sed command with 3 parts (but in fact join with one command) to escape the quotes in your text.
's#href="\(.*\)\.do"#href="<s:url action='
parameters -i is used for modify your file derectly. If you don't want to do this just remove it. and save results to a tmp file with > tmp.
Try this one:
sed -i "s%\(href=\"\)\([^\"]\+\)\.do%\1<s:url action='\2'/>%g" \
You can capture patterns with parenthesis (\(,\)) and use it in the replacement pattern.
Here I catch a string without any " but preceding .do (\([^\"]\+\)\.do), and insert it without the .do suffix (\2).
There is a / in the second pattern, so I used %s to delimit expressions instead of traditional /.

How to list files with numbers in their name and retrieve the numbers?

I am very new to regex, therefore I do imagine this is quite a simple question to answer and must have been asked several times already, but unfortunly I can't find any of those answers.
Given a directory, I need the list of all of its subdirectories whose names respect the pattern "nw=[number].a=[number]", and for every directory I need to retrieve those numbers and do a few things based on those. Some of these directories are nw=82.a=40, nw=100.a=9, ecc.
My guess to accomplish this would be
#! /bin/bash
cd $mydir
for dir in `ls | grep nw=[:digit:]+.a=[:digit:]`: do
retrieve the numbers
a few things
Why doesn't it work, and how could I retrieve the numbers?
Thank you in advance,
Some corrections on your grep command:
grep -E 'nw=[[:digit:]]+\.a=[[:digit:]]+'
Use the "-E" flag so you can use an extended regex, which includes the '+' operator, for example.
Use double square brackets
Escape the period, otherwise it will be used as an operator to match any character
A final '+' was missing from the end, not entirely necessary since grep will match more general cases, but it probably represents better your path names
It is probably good practice to place your regex between quotes (in this case, single quotes will do)
Hope this helps =)
perl -e '#a=`ls`;m/nw=(\d+)\.a=(\d+)(?{print"$1\t$2\n"})/ for#a'
Call the terminal's ls command and store the list in the array #a.
looking for match
nw=(digits that I capture in $1).a=(digits that I capture in $2)
start evaluation of code from within a pattern
print first number,tab, second number, newline
end matching pattern group
perform this match attempt with embedded code on each filename (with newlines still appended) in array #a
Yes, that was cryptic.
Don't parse ls. Use find instead:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*nw=[0-9]+\.a=[0-9]+.*' | while IFS= read -r dir
echo "Found directory: $dir"
if [[ "$dir" =~ nw=([0-9]+)\.a=([0-9]+) ]]
echo "numbers are ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} and ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"