How is C++ syntactic evolution managed? - c++

Separate from frontend implementers' experiences, are there formal standards that syntactic extensions to the C++ grammar are required to meet? That is, are proposed extensions subjected to any form of mechanical analysis before being accepted?
I ask because I have read that the two most widely used C++ compilers, g++ and clang, both use hand written, recursive descent parsers. Does that mean that as the grammar evolves, it needs to remain LL(1) (or maybe LL(n)) with the proviso that certain implementation tricks are allowed / assumed / expected?

The C++ standard defines a language; it does not restrict what that language might become in the future. (The C standard does contain a section called "future directions", but that is more a warning to users of features which have been deprecated, and which identifiers might be reserved in the future, rather than being a limitation on future standards.)
That said, the standards process is basically conservative, since the committee includes representatives of the major compilers as well as major user groups, none of whom are likely to accept changes which make the language even harder to parse.
As far as I know, there is no mechanical validation of proposed changes. But there is a lot of manual analysis by people with a lot of experience and expertise. Moreover, proposed changes are generally accompanied by proof-of-concept implementations to demonstrate their viability and utility.


OCaml standard committee?

I am doing a presentation on OCaml, I want to put if there is a standard comittee or not. I searched the internet far and wide and I couldn't get an answer for that, so I am asking for help here.
OCaml does not follow any national or international standard. The language is whatever the Gallium (formerly Cristal) group at INRIA want it to be.
The OCaml language does not have any standard, as there is only one implementation of it, namely OCaml itself. Some other experimental versions of OCaml exist (OCaml Java, one version that used to run on .NET) but as far as I know, none of them is considered serious enough (as of now) to be an alternative implementation. The Standard ML language has been standardized (as the name implies!), and implementations of it exist (SML/NJ, AliceML, MoscowML), but OCaml is not SML.
However, several industrial users of OCaml need agreement on the future directions of the language. A structure exists for that purpose, which is called the Caml Consortium; future improvements on the language itself and its implementation may be discussed there. Technical discussions take place on a private list called caml-devel.
If you're talking about an official standard like those produced by ISO, there's no indication of one. Computer languages are handled within ISO (and, to be honest, that's the most important standards body; all national bodies like ANSI and AS) tend to just feed into ISO) with technical committee 1, working group 22 (JTC1/SWG22).
A list of the standards issued for JTC1/SWG22 can be found here and there's not a peep about OCaml.
Although there are some interesting snippets in there, such as Fortran being worked on as late as 2010, and Ruby in there but no Python.
That's not to say there may not be some standardisation effort outside of ISO or the national bodies, but it may be seen as less serious.

How important is standards-compliance?

For a language like C++ the existence of a standard is a must. And good compilers try their best (well, most of the good compilers, at least) to comply. Many compilers have language extensions, some of which are allowed by the standard, some of which are not. Of the latter kind 2 examples:
gcc's typeof
microsoft's compilers allow a pure virtual function declaration to have both a pure-specifier(=0) and a definition (which is prohibited by the standard - let's not discuss why, that's another topic:)
(there are many other examples)
Both examples are useful in the following sense: example1 is a very useful feature which will be available in c++0x under a different name. example2 is also useful, and microsoft has decided not to respect the ban that made no sense.
And I am grateful that compilers provide language extensions that help us developers in our routine. But here's a question: shouldn't there be an option which, when set, mandates that the compiler be as standards compliant as it can, no matter whether they agree with the standard or not. For example visual studio has such an option, which is called disable language extensions. But hey, they still allow example2.
I want everyone to understand my question correctly. It is a GREAT thing that MSVC allows example2, and I would very much like that feature to be in the standard. It doesn't break any compliant code, it does nothing bad. It just isn't standard.
Would you like that microsoft disable example2 when disable language extensions is set to true? Note that the words microsoft, example2, etc. are placeholders :)
Again, just to make sure. The crucial point is: Should a compiler bother to provide a compliant version (optionally set in the settings)(in its limits, e.g. I am not talking about export) for a certain feature when they provide a better alternative that is not standard and is perhaps even a superset of the standard, thus not breaking anything.
Standards compliance is important for the fundamental reason that it makes your code easier to maintain. This manifests in a number of ways:
Porting from one version of a compiler to another. I once had to post a 1.2 million-LOC app from VC6 to VC9. VC6 was notorious for being horribly non-Compliant, even when it was new. It allowed non-compliant code even on the highest warning levels that the new compiler rejected at the lowest. If the code had been written in a more compliant way in the first place, this project wouldn't (shouldn't)have taken 3 months.
Porting from one platform to another. As you say, the current MS compilers have language extensions. Some of these are shared by compilers on other platforms, some are not. Even if they are shared, the behavior may be subtly different. Writing compliant code, rather that using these extensions, makes your code correct from the word go. "Porting" becomes simply pulling the tree down and doing a rebuild, rather than digging through the bowels of your app trying to figure out why 3 bits are wrong.
C++ is defined by the standard. The extensions used by compilers changes the language. New programmers coming online who know C++ but not the dialect your compiler uses will get up to speed more quickly if you write to Standard C++, rather than the dialect that your compiler supports.
First, a reply to several comments. The MS VC extension in question is like this:
struct extension {
virtual void func() = 0 { /* function body here */ }
The standard allows you to implement the pure virtual function, but not "in place" like this, so you have to write it something like this instead:
struct standard {
virtual void func() = 0;
void standard::func() { ; }
As to the original question, yes, I think it's a good idea for the compiler to have a mode in which it follows (and enforces) the standard as accurately as possible. While most compilers have that, the result isn't necessarily as accurate a representation of the standard as you/I would like.
At least IMO, about the only answer to this is for people who care about portability to have (and use) at least a couple of compilers on a regular basis. For C++, one of those should be based on the EDG front-end; I believe it has substantially better conformance than most of the others. If you're using Intel's compiler on a regular basis anyway, that's fine. Otherwise, I'd recommend getting a copy of Comeau C++; it's only $50, and it's the closest thing to a "reference" available. You can also use Comeau online, but if you use it on a regular basis, it's worth getting a copy of your own.
Not to sound like an EDG or Comeau shill or anything, but even if you don't care much about portability, I'd recommend getting a copy anyway -- it generally produces excellent error messages. Its clean, clear error messages (all by themselves) have saved enough time over the years to pay for the compiler several times over.
Edit: Looking at this again, some of the advice is looking pretty dated, especially the recommendation for EDG/Comeau. In the three years since I originally wrote this, Clang has progressed from purely experimental to being quite reasonable for production use. Likewise, the gcc maintainers have (IMO) made great strides in conformance as well.
During the same time, Comeau hasn't released a single new version of their compiler, and there's been a new release of the C++ standard. As a result, Comeau is now fairly out of date with respect to the current standard (and the situation seems to be getting worse, not better -- the committee has already approved a committee draft of a new standard that is likely to become C++14).
As such, although I recommended Comeau at that time, I'd have difficulty (at best) doing so today. Fortunately, most of the advantages it provided are now available in more mainstream compilers -- both Clang and gcc have improved compliance (substantially) as outlined above, and their error messages have improved considerably as well (Clang has placed a strong emphasis on better error messages, almost from its inception).
Bottom line: I'd still recommend having at least two compilers installed and available, but today I'd probably choose different compilers than I did when I originally wrote this answer.
"Not breaking anything" is such a slippery slope in the long run, that it's better to avoid it altogether. My company's main product outlived several generations of compilers (first written in 1991, with RW), and combing through compiler extensions and quiet standards violations whenever it was the time to migrate to a newer dev system took a lot of effort.
But as long as there's an option to turn off or at least warn about 'non-standard extension', I'm good with it.
34, 70, 6.
I would certainly want an option that disables language extensions to disable all language extensions. Why?
All options should do what they say they do.
Some people need to develop portable code, requiring a compiler that only accepts the standard form of the language.
"Better" is a subjective word. Language extensions are useful for some developers, but make things more difficult for others.
I think that it's critical that a compiler provide a standards-only mode if it wants to be the primary one used while developing. All compilers should, of course, compile standards compliant code, but it's not critical they they don't extend if they don't think of themselves as the primary compiler -- for example, a cross-compiler, or a compiler for a less popular platform that is nearly always ported to, rather than targeted.
Extensions are fine for any compiler, but it would be nice if I had to turn them on if I want them. By default, I'd prefer a standards-only compiler.
So, given that, I expect MSVC to be standards-only by default. The same with gcc++.
Stats: 40, 90, 15
I think standards compliance is very important.
I always consider source code is more for the human readers than for the machine(s). So, to communicate programmer's intention to the reader, abiding the standard is like speaking a language of lowest common denominator.
Both at home and work, I use g++, and I have aliased it with the following flags for strict standard compliance.
-Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic -std=c++98
Check out this page on Strict ANSI/ISO
I am not a standards expert, but this has served me well. I have written STL-style container libraries which run as-is on different platforms, e.g. 32-bit linux, 64-bit linux, 32-bit solaris, and 32-bit embedded OSE.
Consider indicators on cars (known as "turn signals" in some jurisdictions); they are a reliable way to determine which direction someone's going to turn off a roundabout... until just one person doesn't use them at all. Then the whole system breaks down.
It didn't "hurt anyone" or obviously "break anything" in IE when they allowed document.someId to be used as a shortcut for document.getElementById('someId').... however, it did spawn an entire generation of coders and even books that consequently thought it was okay and right, because "it works". Then, suddenly, the ten million resulting websites were entirely non-portable.
Standards are important for interoperability, and if you don't follow them then there's little point in having them at all.
Standards-compliance hounds may get hated for "pedanticism" but, really, until everybody follows suit you're going to have portability and compatibility problems for ever.
How important standards-compliance is depends on what you are trying to achieve.
If you are writing a program that will never be ported outside of its current environment (especially a program that you're not planning to develop/support for a long time) then it's not very important. Whatever works, works.
If you need your program to remain relevant for a long time, and be easily portable to different environments, than you will want it to be standards compliant, since that's the only way to (more or less) guarantee that it will work everywhere.
The trick, of course, is figuring out which situation you are actually in. It's very common to start a program thinking it is a short-term hack, and later on find that it's so useful that you're still developing/maintaining it years later. In that situation your life will be much less unpleasant if you didn't make any short-sighted design decisions at the beginning of the program's lifetime.

How should the C++ standard be used

I have this classic question of how should the C++ Standard (I mean the actual official document of the finalized ones) e.g. C++98, C++03 be used to learn and teach C++. My idea is only from the point of view of an average C++ user and not from the point of view of the language lawyers or someone who wishes to be in the Standards committee, compiler writers and so on.
Here are my personal thoughts:
a) It is aweful place to start learning C++. Books like "C++ in a Nutshell", "The C++ programming Language" etc do a very good job on that front while closely aligning with the Standard.
b) One needs to revert to the Standard only when
a compiler gives a behavior which is not consistent with what the common books say or,
a certain behavior is inconsistent across compilers e.g. GCC, VS, Comeau etc. I understand the fact that these compilers could be inconsistent is in very few cases / dark corners of the language e.g. templates/exception handling etc. However one really comes to know about the possible different compiler behaviors only when either one is porting and/or migrating to a different environment or when there is a compiler upgrade e.g.
if a concept is poorly explained / not explained in the books at hand e.g. if it is a really advanced concept
Any thoughts/ideas/recommendation on this?
The C++ language standard would be an absolutely terrible place to start learning the language. It is dense, obtuse, and really long. Often the information you are looking for is spread across seven different clauses or hidden in a half of a sentence in a clause completely unrelated to where you think it should be (or worse, a behavior is specified in the sentence you ignored because you didn't think it was relevant).
It does have its uses, of course. To name a few,
If you think you've found a bug in a compiler, it's often necessary to refer to the standard to make sure you aren't just misunderstanding what the specified behavior is.
If you find behavior that is inconsistent between compilers, it's handy to be able to look up which is correct (or which is more correct), though often you'll need to write workarounds regardless.
If you want to know why things are the way they are, it is often a good reference: you can see how different features of the language are related and understand how they interact. Things aren't always clear, of course, but they often are. There are a lot of condensed examples and notes demonstrating and explaining the normative text.
If you reference the C++ standard in a post on Stack Overflow, you get more a lot more upvotes. :-)
It's very interesting to learn about the language. It's one thing to write code and stumble through getting things to compile and run. It's another thing altogether to go and try to understand the language as a whole and understand why you have to do things a certain way.
The standard should be used to ensure portability of code.
When writing basic c++ code you shouldn't need to refer to the standards, but when using templates or advanced use of the STL, reference to the standard is essential to maintain compatibility with more than one compiler, and forward compatibility with future versions.
I use g++ to compile my C++ programs and there I use the option -std=c++0x (earlier, -std=c++98) to make sure that my code is always standard compliant. If I get any warning or error regarding standard compliance, I research on that to educate myself and fix my code.

C++ languages extensions

I already read the FAQ, and i think maybe this is a subjective question, but i need to ask.
Does anyine knows what exactly (i mean formally) is a C++ language extensions.
I already saw examples, like nvdia CUDA c ext, Avalon transaction-based c++ ext.
So the point is something like a formal definition or so.
thxs anyway.
A language extension is simply anything that goes beyond what the language specification calls for. Your compiler might add new features, like special "min" and "max" operators. Your compiler might define the behavior of division by zero, which is otherwise undefined, according to the standard. It might provide additional parameters for your main function. It might be the incorporation of another language's features, such as allowing C-style variable-sized arrays in C++. It might be a facility for specifying a function's calling convention.
Using a language extension usually makes your code non-portable because when you take your code to another OS, compiler, or even compiler version, the extension may not be available anymore, or its behavior may be different from what you had originally used.
Please see Extensible programming:
Extensible programming is a term used
in computer science to describe a
style of computer programming that
focuses on mechanisms to extend the
programming language, compiler and
runtime environment.
and more to the point, the Extensible syntax section:
This simply means that the source
language(s) to be compiled must not be
closed, fixed, or static. It must be
possible to add new keywords,
concepts, and structures to the source

C++0x implementation guesstimates?

The C++0x standard is on its way to being complete. Until now, I've dabbled in C++, but avoided learning it thoroughly because it seems like it's missing a lot of modern features that I've been spoiled by in other languages. However, I'd be very interested in C++0x, which addresses a lot of my complaints. Any guesstimates, after the standard is ratified, as to how long it will take for major compiler vendors to provide reasonably complete, production-quality implementations? Will it happen soon enough to reverse the decline in C++'s popularity, or is it too little, too late? Do you believe that C++0x will become "the C++" within a few years, or do you believe that most people will stick to the earlier standard in practice and C++0x will be somewhat of a bastard stepchild, kind of like C99?
I see no reason why C++0x shouldn't be adopted. The C++ community is much more forward-looking than C. C was always meant to be a "portable assembler language", so people who use that aren't really super interested in fancy new features. C++ spans much wider, and I've yet to hear of a C++ programmer who wasn't looking forward to 0x. (It's also my impression that the C++ community is much "stricter", and really don't want to move outside the standard into undefined behavior, which implies you choose either C++03 or C++0X rather than a half-implemented hybrid. C programmers tend to be much more relaxed about that, and seem happy to use C89 with just a couple of C99 features and headers mixed in)
However, it'll take a few years before Microsoft catches up, at least. Visual Studio 2010 will support a small handful of C++0x features (lambdas, decltype and a couple of others), but the vast majority will not be supported. We'll have to wait for VS2012 or whatever the next version ends up being, to have somewhat complete support.
With GCC/G++, the situation is a lot better, since most of the standard has been implemented there already (the standard committee doesn't like adopting features that haven't been implemented and tested in a real compiler, and a GCC fork is often used for that)
But it'll probably still take some time to get that stable and production-ready.
About C++'s "decline in popularity", I don't really see it. I don't think C++ has declined significantly in popularity for the last years. RAD developers have already jumped ship, of course, to .NET, Python or other languages or platforms. But where C++ is used today, there aren't many viable alternatives, and no reason why it should decline in popularity.
I don't know about other vendors, but from what I've seen, Microsoft plans to include four C++0x language features in Visual C++ 2010:
rvalue references
static assert
Although this is a small set of C++0x features, they are important ones. Some will enable programmers to write much more compact (auto, lambdas) and error free code. Some (like rvalue references) enable libraries to be more efficient. Microsoft likes lambdas as an enabler for parallel computing.
IMHO: auto alone will make it so much easier to use templates that more programmers will do so. And hopefully this will increase demand for more C++0x features from Microsoft and all vendors.
Microsoft will also be updating their C++ Standard Library implementation but I don't know the details. I believe they are modifying some container classes to take advantage of rvalue reference move semantics. And I believe they including more of TR1 .
Some implementations are already on their way to C++0x: (gcc). My intuition says that C++0x support will be available in major compilers fairly quickly; however a large body of legacy code still exists that must be maintained.
Newer versions of gcc already support many of the C++0x features:
Microsoft will be including C++0x support in Visual Studio 2010 later this year (a community technology preview is already available).
I don't think it'll become "the C++" any time soon, but rather certain people will choose to add parts of the new syntax where it makes sense in their code.
I don't do much C++ these days, but people I talk to either love it, or feel that the beauty of C++ is in the control they get, and that if they wanted a language with all those extra features they'd use C#/Java.