I want to prove the calculation of Merkle root for bitcoin, but I can't get the same root as shown on block explorer.
Data from block explorer (https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/block/80000)
tx1 hash = "c06fbab289f723c6261d3030ddb6be121f7d2508d77862bb1e484f5cd7f92b25"
tx2 hash = "5a4ebf66822b0b2d56bd9dc64ece0bc38ee7844a23ff1d7320a88c5fdb2ad3e2"
Merkle Root = "8fb300e3fdb6f30a4c67233b997f99fdd518b968b9a3fd65857bfe78b2600719"
Now what I do is, first I reverse the order of TX1 and TX2 to become
tx1 hash reverse = "252BF9D75C4F481EBB6278D708257D1F12BEB6DD30301D26C623F789B2BA6FC0"
tx2 hash reverse = "E2D32ADB5F8CA820731DFF234A84E78EC30BCE4EC69DBD562D0B2B8266BF4E5A"
Then I combine both string and hash it using sha256 from web (https://xorbin.com/tools/sha256-hash-calculator)
so first hash i got answer = "9a5c2897b8d01cb7996867e01b70bb1a4c84190982bd71d55d1efe5320feee22"
second hash = Merkle root = "437b30772522751ee150eb4b0a9c246d28557036cd720f75aecbba32ea59d174"
but answer from block hash is = "8fb300e3fdb6f30a4c67233b997f99fdd518b968b9a3fd65857bfe78b2600719"
I tried also to do it in C++ using the hashlib++ library and the answer is same as above but not equal to the root shown in block explorer.
So where is my understanding wrong? I need help to pin point my correction.
I tried your example and got the exact correct answer, not sure if you are doing this right, please see my code below written in Python to make it easier for you to calculate:
X1a = binascii.unhexlify("c06fbab289f723c6261d3030ddb6be121f7d2508d77862bb1e484f5cd7f92b25")[::-1]
X1b = binascii.unhexlify("5a4ebf66822b0b2d56bd9dc64ece0bc38ee7844a23ff1d7320a88c5fdb2ad3e2")[::-1]
Y = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(X1a + X1b).digest()).digest()[::-1]
Z = binascii.hexlify(Y)
print Z
To explain my code:
Lines (1 and 2) takes your string and converts it into a byte array, it then reverses it with the [::-1] at the end of that line, so, your 11223344 would become 44,33,22,11
Line 3 does a Double-SHA256 of the concatenated byte arrays and then also reverse the byte order
Line 4 converts the byte array into a hex string, this is for printing or sending somewhere.
Line 5 is the printing/output.
This works and returns the output of "8fb300e3fdb6f30a4c67233b997f99fdd518b968b9a3fd65857bfe78b2600719" which is the correct answer as submitted by you initially, also matches the block you referenced.
Using Binance Futures API I am trying to get a proper form of my position regarding cryptocurrencies.
Using the code
from binance_f import RequestClient
request_client = RequestClient(api_key= my_key, secret_key=my_secet_key)
result = request_client.get_position()
I get the following result
The type command indicates it is a list, however adding at the end of the code print(result) yields:
[<binance_f.model.position.Position object at 0x1135cb670>]
Which is baffling because it seems not to be the list (in fact, debugging it indicates object of type Position). Using PrintMix.print_data(result) yields:
data number 0 :
json_parse:<function Position.json_parse at 0x1165af820>
Now it seems like a JSON format... But it is a list. I am confused - any ideas how I can convert result to a proper DataFrame? So that columns are Symbol, PositionAmt, entryPrice, etc.
Your main question remains as you wrote on the header you should not be confused. In your case you have a list of Position object, you can see the structure of Position in the GitHub of this library
Anyway to answer the question please use the following:
df = pd.DataFrame([t.__dict__ for t in result])
For more options and information please read the great answers on this question
Good Luck!
you can use that
df = pd.DataFrame([t.__dict__ for t in result])
open = [float(entry[1]) for entry in klines]
high = [float(entry[2]) for entry in klines]
low = [float(entry[3]) for entry in klines]
close = [float(entry[4]) for entry in klines]
I have been trying to implement the Stupid Backoff language model (the description is available here, though I believe the details are not relevant to the question).
The thing is, the code's working and producing the result that is expected, but works slower than I expected. I figured out the part that was slowing down everything is here (and NOT in the training part):
def compute_score(self, sentence):
length = len(sentence)
assert length <= self.n
if length == 1:
word = tuple(sentence)
return float(self.ngrams[length][word]) / self.total_words
words = tuple(sentence[::-1])
count = self.ngrams[length][words]
if count == 0:
return self.alpha * self.compute_score(sentence[1:])
return float(count) / self.ngrams[length - 1][words[:-1]]
def score(self, sentence):
""" Takes a list of strings as argument and returns the log-probability of the
sentence using your language model. Use whatever data you computed in train() here.
output = 0.0
length = len(sentence)
for idx in range(length):
if idx < self.n - 1:
current_score = self.compute_score(sentence[:idx+1])
current_score = self.compute_score(sentence[idx-self.n+1:idx+1])
output += math.log(current_score)
return output
self.ngrams is a nested dictionary that has n entries. Each of these entries is a dictionary of form (word_i, word_i-1, word_i-2.... word_i-n) : the count of this combination.
self.alpha is a constant that defines the penalty for going n-1.
self.n is the maximum length of that tuple that the program is looking for in the dictionary self.ngrams. It is set to 3 (though setting it to 2 or even 1 doesn't anything). It's weird because the Unigram and Bigram models work just fine in fractions of a second.
The answer that I am looking for is not a refactored version of my own code, but rather a tip which part of it is the most computationally expensive (so that I could figure out myself how to rewrite it and get the most educational profit from solving this problem).
Please, be patient, I am but a beginner (two months into the world of programming). Thanks.
I timed the running time with the same data using time.time():
Unigram = 1.9
Bigram = 3.2
Stupid Backoff (n=2) = 15.3
Stupid Backoff (n=3) = 21.6
(It's on some bigger data than originally because of time.time's bad precision.)
If the sentence is very long, most of the code that's actually running is here:
def score(self, sentence):
for idx in range(len(sentence)): # should use xrange in Python 2!
def compute_score(self, sentence):
words = tuple(sentence[::-1])
count = self.ngrams[len(sentence)][words]
if count == 0:
self.ngrams[len(sentence) - 1][words[:-1]]
That's not meant to be working code--it just removes the unimportant parts.
The flow in the critical path is therefore:
For each word in the sentence:
Call compute_score() on that word plus the following 2. This creates a new list of length 3. You could avoid that with itertools.islice().
Construct a 3-tuple with the words reversed. This creates a new tuple. You could avoid that by passing the -1 step argument when making the slice outside this function.
Look up in self.ngrams, a nested dict, with the first key being a number (might be faster if this level were a list; there are only three keys anyway?), and the second being the tuple just created.
Recurse with the first word removed, i.e. make a new tuple (sentence[2], sentence[1]), or
Do another lookup in self.ngrams, implicitly creating another new tuple (words[:-1]).
In summary, I think the biggest problem you have is the repeated and nested creation and destruction of lists and tuples.
I have a set of data points in pressure(p) and vmr.
I want to find the vmr values for another pressure grid(pressure_grid).I used np.interp,
for lines in itertools.islice(input_file, i, l):
x = np.array(p)
y = np.array(vmr)
But when I tried to print "yi" it is printing only the value(i.e.,vmr value) corresponding to the last value of "pressure_grid".For all iterations it is printing the same value
I tried to print p and vmr ,Everything seems to be fine till there.I'm not able to understand why this is happening...
I'm new to this........Please Help
This is how my file looks like,first column-p and second column-vmr.
and this is my pressure grid
There are two issues with your code. First x and y are being overwritten for each iteration of the for loop, which means, x and y contain just a single element for the interpolation. To fix this, you could define x and y list outside the loop and append in the for loop, or more simply, just use numpy.loadtxt():
import numpy as np
data = np.loadtxt('demo.txt',comments='<',usecols=[0,2])
Here, I have specified to skip rows beginning with a less than sign, so we only get the actual data.
Second, for numpy.interp to actually work, you need the x-coordinate to be an increasing sequence. (check the notes). For your data, x is a decreasing sequence, so you should flip the data after loading it:
x = data[::-1,0]
y = data[::-1,1]
interpolation = np.interp(grid,x,y)
Alternatively, you could just use the scipy.interpolate package on the original, unflipped data. This has the added advantage of allowing you to extrapolate data that isn't enclosed by your input domain:
from scipy import interpolate
interpolation = interpolate.interp1d(x,y,fill_value='extrapolate')
Note: your input file appears to have more than one <Matrix> </Matrix> set. To get all this to work, I trimmed the file so it only contained one dataset. Otherwise, your x input data will not be strictly increasing, even after flipping, and you will have to sort.
lines = ["Pizza", "Vanilla","Los Angeles Pikes","Cookie Washington Tennis Festival","Water Fiesta","Watermelon"]
best= max(set(lines), key=lines.count)
print (best)
The code above returns the greatest occurrence of an element in the list, but in case there is a draw, I want it to return the element with the greatest index. So here I want Watermelon to be printed and if anything is added without a break in the tie the highest index of the draw should be printed.
I need a solution with simple basic code like that seen above and without the importing of libraries. If you could help find a good solution for this it would be really helpful.
You could add the index normalized to a value greater than the length of the array to the result of count. The normalized index will always be less than 1.0, so that it will not affect the first-order comparison, but will guarantee that there are no ties. I would use a small function to do this:
lines = ["Pizza", "Vanilla", "Los Angeles Pikes",
"Cookie Washington Tennis Festival",
"Water Fiesta", "Watermelon"]
def key(x):
return lines.count(x) + lines.index(x) / (len(lines) + 1)
best = max(set(lines), key=key)
While your original code returned lines = "Los Angeles Pikes" in my version of Python (because of the way the hashes turned out), the new version returns "Watermelon", as expected.
You can also use a lambda, but I find that a bit harder to read:
best = max(set(lines), key=lambda x: lines.count(x) + lines.index(x) / (len(lines) + 1))
I am stuck trying to understand the mechanics behind this combined input(), loop & list-comprehension; from Codegaming's "MarsRover" puzzle. The sequence creates a 2D line, representing a cut-out of the topology in an area 6999 units wide (x-axis).
Understandably, my original question was put on hold, being to broad. I am trying to shorten and to narrow the question: I understand list comprehension basically, and I'm ok experienced with for-loops.
Like list comp:
land_y = [int(j) for j in range(k)]
if k = 5; land_y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
for i in the range(4)
a = 2*i = 6
ab.append(a) = 0,2,4,6
But here, it just doesn't add up (in my head):
6999 points are created along the x-axis, from 6 points(x,y).
surface_n = int(input())
for i in range(surface_n):
land_x, land_y = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
I do not understand where "i" makes a difference.
I do not understand how the data "packaged" inside the input. I have split strings of integers on another task in almost exactly the same code, and I could easily create new lists and work with them - as I understood the structure I was unpacking (pretty simple being one datatype with one purpose).
The fact that this line follows within the "game"-while-loop confuses me more, as it updates dynamically as the state of the game changes.
x, y, h_speed, v_speed, fuel, rotate, power = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
Maybe someone could give an example of how this could be written in javascript, haskell or c#? No need to be syntax-correct, I'm just struggling with the concept here.
input() takes a line from the standard input. So it’s essentially reading some value into your program.
The way that code works, it makes very hard assumptions on the format of the input strings. To the point that it gets confusing (and difficult to verify).
Let’s take a look at this line first:
land_x, land_y = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
You said you already understand list comprehension, so this is essentially equal to this:
inputs = input().split()
result = []
for j in inputs:
land_x, land_y = results
This is a combination of multiple things that happen here. input() reads a line of text into the program, split() separates that string into multiple parts, splitting it whenever a white space character appears. So a string 'foo bar' is split into ['foo', 'bar'].
Then, the list comprehension happens, which essentially just iterates over every item in that splitted input string and converts each item into an integer using int(j). So an input of '2 3' is first converted into ['2', '3'] (list of strings), and then converted into [2, 3] (list of ints).
Finally, the line land_x, land_y = results is evaluated. This is called iterable unpacking and essentially assumes that the iterable on the right has exactly as many items as there are variables on the left. If that’s the case then it’s just a nice way to write the following:
land_x = results[0]
land_y = results[1]
So basically, the whole list comprehension assumes that there is an input of two numbers separated by whitespace, it then splits those into separate strings, converts those into numbers and then assigns each number to a separate variable land_x and land_y.
Exactly the same thing happens again later with the following line:
x, y, h_speed, v_speed, fuel, rotate, power = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
It’s just that this time, it expects the input to have seven numbers instead of just two. But then it’s exactly the same.