What does "static assertion failed" mean when building Assimp? - c++

I am trying to build Assimp with cmake and mingw and when it tries to build FBXExporter.cpp.obj (55% in the building process) it stops and shows this error:
What does it mean and how can I fix this?
I am really new to graphics programming and this is my first time building a library.

This is a compile-time assertion. During the compilation a type was found which could not be resolved by the compiler. The check:
will return true if a void type was detected. I guess this was caused by some incompatibilities of the compiler and the source. To solve this we need more information about the followings things:
Version of assimp-lib you have tried to build
Version of your mingw-compiler
The line-number where this build-failure has occurred.
The best way is to open an issue report with these information on the project-side.


VS Code Formatting failed (.clang-format:49:1: error: unknown key 'CustomTernaryOps')

I am running VS Code on Ubuntu 20.04 and code formatting doesn't seems to work for C/C++ although I have the necessary extensions installed. When I press "Ctrl+Alt+I" it says Formatting failed. See the output window for details.
Here is what the output window says.
Formatting failed:
/home/fmu/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-1.7.1/bin/../LLVM/bin/clang-format -style=file -fallback-style=LLVM -assume-filename=/home/fmu/temp/coqoshv/src/core/vcpu-mgr/_new.c
/home/fmu/temp/coqoshv/src/core/.clang-format:49:1: error: unknown key 'CustomTernaryOps'
CustomTernaryOps: true # custom option for not breaking lines on ternary ops when possible
Error reading /home/fmu/temp/coqoshv/src/core/.clang-format: Invalid argument
Can somebody help me on what could be the problem here. Thanks.
Check-in [llvm.org][1] which version of the formatter the option requires.
You can then manually run the formatter to see what version it is.
I had an issue where it didn't even post a message in the output window.
But by manually running the formatter located there: ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-1.9.8-linux-x64/LLVM/bin/clang-format, I got messages pointing out that I had an options which was only usable for a greater version than the formatter supported.

Error when trying to compile scripts C++ - Unreal Engine 5

When I try to compile scripts I get these errors and I don't know how to solve them. Does anyone know how to solve them?
Error 1:
Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named 'RD' in UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. This type must derive from the 'ModuleRules' type defined by Unreal Build Tool.
Error 2:
<Exec Command="$(NMakeBuildCommandLine)" Condition="'$(NMakeUseOemCodePage)' == 'true' and '$(NMakeBuildCommandLine)'!=''"/>
I found out the problem, in my case I use Rider from Jetbrains as IDE, and when I asked to install the RiderLink plugin I installed it in the Engine, and not in the project, and as it is still in early access, Rider is also having some bugs and when I install this plugin in the Engine, it returns these errors.

How to fix "SDL_Init failed -1" in buildroot Raspberry image?

I'm trying to compile Navit for Raspberry Pi 3 with Buildroot image (WPE Framework included). There is only WPE Framework running on startup (no x server) therefore I would like to display Navit using framebuffer directly. I know there is support for this feature. I have configured Navit as follow:
but I'm not able to run it anyway. There is following error:
error:graphics_sdl:graphics_sdl_new:SDL_Init failed -1
I've installed SDL from buildroot. How to fix it or make SDL more verbose to find out what is the reason of this -1 error (missing dependencies, incompatible lib version, Navit configration problems, missing system variables pointing to specified dependencies)?
It turned out that Navit is very quiet about SDL error messages. -1 Error is just very general information... I had to recompile Navit sources and add SDL_GetError() function to code to find out what is a real reason.
The problem was missing mouse. I don't need it so I had to set up:
export SDL_NOMOUSE=1

Error CS1061 'DeviceClient' does not contain a definition for 'SetInputMessageHandlerAsync'

I try to build IoT Edge module termo sensor from the Microsoft sources. When I build project, I got the error:
"Error CS1061 'DeviceClient' does not contain a definition for
'SetInputMessageHandlerAsync' and no accessible extension method
'SetInputMessageHandlerAsync' accepting a first argument of type
'DeviceClient' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)"
Then I created IoT Edge module from the scratch, compare assembly version and start building the module and everything was built ok.
I follow to the DeviceClient class from the VS 2017 IDE for the app which is built ok.
But when I follow to the DeviceClient class in the application with building problem - I saw, that there is no such method.
I compare assembly version - it's equal.
I found the problem. In the module from the scratch is used ModuleClient instead of DeviceClient in the Microsoft Sources. :-)

Compiling boost 1.62/1.63 with zlib on windows

I know this probably looks like a duplicate, but it is actually a new issue I encountered. A ticket is opened on boost side, but no one is answering... (https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12505#comment:12)
My issue is simple: I am following the same steps as with any other boost version (by setting ZLIB_INCLUDE AND ZLIB_LIBPATH) but since 1.62 I get a strange error:
Name clash for '<pbin.v2\standalone\ac\msvc-14.0\debug\address-model-64\link-static\threading-multi>main.obj'
error: Tried to build the target twice, with property sets having
error: these incompatible properties:
error: - <dll-path>... <library-path>... <xdll-path>...
I also tried to do it by configuring a custom user-config.jam but end up with the same error message.
For those who are interested, if you apply this diff (which will come along boost 1.64) then everything works fine: https://github.com/boostorg/build/commit/373fb6f76962caca9da109d4fe1e820af996326d?diff=unified.