enter image description here
In debugger, the string variable is not showing me concise value
I want to make debugger show me like
'test' = "aabb"
In someone else's debugger it`s showing exactly like that ('test' = "aabb") but mine not showing as like that..
please help me
i'm trying to insert an image into my gitbook themed bookdown book, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've used the code: knitr::include_graphics("https://i.imgur.com/uy6ePN0.png"). However, instead of putting in my image, it instead shows me the attached screenshot. Am I doing this wrong?
Not sure what's going on there (you may want to include a larger code snippet), but since you are not doing anything special, simple Markdown syntax should do:

I am not sure what is going on here. I have a brand new template that someone wrote and I plug it into my editor and get these lovely red squiggly lines. I cannot see any syntax errors so I'm thinking its the editor.
The first thing I see is on the import statement. Why is there a red squiggly there? It is telling me statement expected but that is a simple import statement!
There is yet another after the const serializers. I will likely miss an actual error if these stay on here. I have tried changing the language and it is telling me that it knows its a Vue Component via the V symbol on the file in the Project tab.
I'm not sure what to do here.
Wow, I took a break and came back. Tried to load the component in Vue and it fails with the error.
unexpected character ' '
So it was a damn space! There were a few spaces, maybe it came from the fact that I copied the code?
I'd suggest trying the Zero Width Characters locator plugin - it helps to visualize hidden control characters that might break the syntax highlighting and code execution
When I put example code in the tags it does not show as code but appears as normal text.
Can anyone shed some light on what is happening and how it can be corrected.
Screen Grab of code:
Output of what I get:
Until recently, everything worked, then the website has had the great idea to up the font and therefore part of my program doesn't work now. But let's get to the gist of the problem, I use a code to download the values of a table football scores that are constantly updated.
The code works fine, the only bug currently is in the way the value is captured by my regex.
Especially if the team has a table name like: "Manchester" then the values are downloaded properly, and if it is abbreviated from the site as: "Manchester Uni ...." then the bug appears.
I capture the team name using this code:
.Name = Remove_Tags(Regex.Match(Content, "<td class=""text team large-link"">(.+?)</td>").Groups(1).ToString)
Site link example: itDOTsoccerwayDOTcom
Image Example: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/d022/ho877h9ahbo6bffzg.jpg
Complete class project: http://pastebin.com/kGxCXyWQ
to be precise, my code works on the table "Classifica" because the name "Manchester United" is full, while on other tables as "Tabelle larghe" values are not captured as the team's name is abbreviated from the site. I ask for help to you to fix this bug, my clients complain to me and I have to find an efficient solution as soon as possible. Sorry if I haven't insert the image here but I doesn't have the necessary reputation.
I have just started ColdFusion development and am getting stuck at creating a cfapplication that stores a variable, to use at a later date. All the tutor has provided us with is the following:
"Create your own 'Application.cfm' and save it in the root folder
alongside your 'hello world' examples."
i have this so far
I want to add in a variable message that says "hello world". But I have no idea how to do it. I have been searching the net, but can't find any help. I am also getting the following message but have found no help on to resolve it:
"The value of the SESSIONMANAGEMENT attribute is invalid. The value
cannot be converted to a boolean because it is not a simple
value.Simple values are booleans, numbers, strings, and date-time
If someone could help me with these that would be great, or if you can perhaps point me in the direction of some good ColdFusion tutorials that would be even better. As sadly there doesn't seam to be many decent ColdFusion tutorial's around that explain what's going on. Thanks for any help, it's much appreciated.
The syntax to set your variable is:
<cfset application.message = "Hello World">
Your error might be caused by the curly quotes in your code.