DokuWiki - Code Example Breaking - wiki

When I put example code in the tags it does not show as code but appears as normal text.
Can anyone shed some light on what is happening and how it can be corrected.
Screen Grab of code:
Output of what I get:


error with inserting image into book down book

i'm trying to insert an image into my gitbook themed bookdown book, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've used the code: knitr::include_graphics(""). However, instead of putting in my image, it instead shows me the attached screenshot. Am I doing this wrong?
Not sure what's going on there (you may want to include a larger code snippet), but since you are not doing anything special, simple Markdown syntax should do:
![boolean operators](

Prevent R output getting syntax highlighted in knitted Rmd?

When I knit an Rmd file with code that produces output, both the code AND the output have syntax highlighting applied.
Is there a way to prevent the highlighting being applied to the output? I just want to have the code highlighted.
OK, I have partially solved this. I had collapse=T in my knit settings, which means all code and output is smushed into a single html element and everything gets styled. I think this is probably still undesirable — collapse=F should just mean 2 elements, one for the code and one for the results, each with a different css class.

vscode debugger is too complex

enter image description here
In debugger, the string variable is not showing me concise value
I want to make debugger show me like
'test' = "aabb"
In someone else's debugger it`s showing exactly like that ('test' = "aabb") but mine not showing as like that..
please help me

WebStorm erroring for what appears to be no reason

I am not sure what is going on here. I have a brand new template that someone wrote and I plug it into my editor and get these lovely red squiggly lines. I cannot see any syntax errors so I'm thinking its the editor.
The first thing I see is on the import statement. Why is there a red squiggly there? It is telling me statement expected but that is a simple import statement!
There is yet another after the const serializers. I will likely miss an actual error if these stay on here. I have tried changing the language and it is telling me that it knows its a Vue Component via the V symbol on the file in the Project tab.
I'm not sure what to do here.
Wow, I took a break and came back. Tried to load the component in Vue and it fails with the error.
unexpected character ' '
So it was a damn space! There were a few spaces, maybe it came from the fact that I copied the code?
I'd suggest trying the Zero Width Characters locator plugin - it helps to visualize hidden control characters that might break the syntax highlighting and code execution

Server Side Includes are not being shown

I've gone through every fix online I'm pretty sure but I just can't seem to get this to work. I'm trying to have <#include virtual="footer.ssi" but not matter what it doesn't work.
footer.ssi and the page are in the same place
I really have no clue how to fix this issue but I can't get ANY server sides to show up on any of my pages so I know it's on my end. If anyone has any thoughts they're greatly appreciated!
I believe your code should be this: <!--#include virtual="footer.ssi" -->, this is what I use on my website, and it works perfectly!
See this reference: Html Goodies, and scroll down to The File Argument section.