How to get EC2 instance costs via AWS Billing - amazon-web-services

I am trying to differentiate costs among my AWS EC2 instances.
I've tried everything mentioned via forums and AWS, I've created Tags to ID each EC2 instance, and I still cannot seem to get billing report telling me how much each instance is accumulating cost wise. They are all lumped together.
I created and enabled a tag for each, but still Cost Explorer is virtually useless, and only chunks these costs into instance types.
One other similar solution mentioned to create separate AWS accounts for each customer/client? Which in my case, is too late, if this is the only way to differentiate costs among the running EC2 instances.

You need to manually enable cost allocation tags in the console.
To activate your tags
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Billing and Cost Management console at
In the navigation pane, choose Cost Allocation Tags.
Select the tags that you want to activate.
Choose Activate.
Good luck!


Seperate Billing in AWS Account for two different EC2 Instance

I have two EC2 instances in a single AWS account. Both are running for different application services. Now, I want to make billing separate for that particular account. So, I can get the exact spent and charges for the applications and can manage my account as per that for separate accounting purposes.
Is it possible? If not, then can anyone suggest me a better way to achieve this?
I'm planning to handle the different AWS accounts for both services. But, it will be hard to manage so, I can't prefer that option.
For more, In Google Cloud, they're providing to handle different billing accounts within the same google cloud account. So, I think this concept might be available on AWS also.
Thanks in advance for any little bit of help or suggestion.
You can't get separate bills for different sets of resources within the same AWS account. However, you can filter out the costs for different sets of resources using tags. By using a distinct tag (or set of tags) in the resources you allocate to each application, you can get a breakdown of the cost for each application in billing reports and cost explorer. See the documentation for details and steps on how to set it up -
I believe it's the same with Google Cloud as well - although you can have multiple billing accounts within your google account (the hierarchy in GC is different to AWS, and an AWS account is more similar to a GC project than a GC account), a project within your account must have one billing account and does not support multiples.
By this -
Now, I want to make billing separate for that particular account.
do you mean you already have 2 different AWS accounts? If yes, you can get billing details as per account if they become part of same Organization. Check AWS Organizations docs for more info.
With Orgs, you can view bills of different accounts from one account itself if it is part of org. Also your accounts get discounts for services.

Manage multiple aws accounts

I would like to know a system by which I can keep track of multiple aws accounts, somewhere around 130+ accounts with each account containing around 200+ servers.
I wanna know methods to keep track of machine failure, service failure etc.
I also wanna know methods by which I can automatically turn up a machine if the underlying hardware failed or the machine terminated while on spot.
I'm open to all solutions including chef/terraform automation, healing scripts etc.
You guys will be saving me a lot of sleepless nights :)
Thanks in advance!!
This is purely my take on implementing your problem statement.
1) Well.. for managing and keeping track of multiple aws accounts you can use AWS Organization. This will help you manage centrally with one root account all the other 130+ accounts. You can enable consolidated billing as well.
2) As far as keeping track of failures... you may need to customize this according to your requirements. For example: You can build a micro service on top of docker containers or ecs whose sole purpose is to keep track of failures, generate a report and push to s3 on a daily basis.You can further create a dashboard using AWS quicksight out of this reports in S3.
There can be another micro service which will rectify the failures. It just depends on how exhaustive and fine grained you want your implementation to be.
3) For spawning instances when spot instances are terminated, it can be achieved through you simple autoscaling configurations. Here are some of the articles you may want to go through which will give you some ideas:
Using Spot Instances with On-Demand instances
Optimizing Spot Fleet+Docker with High Availability
AWS Organisations are useful for management. You can also look at multiple account billing strategy and security strategy. A shared services account with your IAM users will make things easier.
Regarding tracking failures you can set up automatic instance recovery using CloudWatch. CloudWatch can also have alerts defined that will email you when something happens you don't expect, though setting them up individually could be time consuming. At your scale I think you should look into third party tools.

Can I monitor cost for one particular instance and resources associated with it?

How can I monitor cost for one particular EC2 instance, and resources associated with it in AWS.
Enable Detailed Billing.. This will save cost for each AWS resource in your S3 bucket in CSV format. You do not paying anything extra for this service except S3 storage charge for that file. Download the CSV file and filter for the instance you are looking for.
You can Tag the EC2 instance with a Tag Key-Value pair using EC2 Tagging feature so that you will be able see the cost in billing for the particular EC2 instance with the Tag.
Also you can use the same tag for EC2 and associated resources such as EBS Volumes, VPC & etc.
First thing .. enable details billing.
Then for your requirement you can create tags for each of your resource then start receiving cost allocation reports that break down the per instance cost for each of the tags you set up.
The below lines are from aws documentation for your reference:
You can use tags to organize your resources, and cost allocation tags to track your AWS costs on a detailed level. After you activate cost allocation tags, AWS uses the cost allocation tags to organize your resource costs on your cost allocation report, to make it easier for you to categorize and track your AWS costs. AWS provides two types of cost allocation tags, an AWS-generated tag and user-defined tags. AWS defines, creates, and applies the AWS-generated tag for you, and you define, create, and apply user-defined tags. You must activate both types of tags separately before they can appear in Cost Explorer or on a cost allocation report.
AWS Documentation
Hope it will help!

How to ensure AWS Elastic Beanstalk is free

I am wanting to deploy a Django webapp with a PostgreSQL database to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using this tutorial, but I am so confused about pricing. It says it uses services in the AWS Free Tier, but those seem to be limited to a certain number of hours a month, so how do I make sure I don't go above that threshold? And how do I make sure I'm only using free services? They even require a card on file, so it seems really hard to make sure I don't get charged.
You can do the following configuration to make sure you use AWS Elastic Beankstalk for one year free.
Use only Micro instances for the WebServer and RDS instance.
Limit the scaling of the WebServer maximum to 1 or use Standalone deployment without autoscaling.
When selecting storage, use less than 30GB for EBS and don't enable Provision Throughput.
Apart from these, there are usage base costs for Network, EBS IOPS & etc which includes a free quota and the cost is not considerable when it comes to light use cases.
The AWS Free Tier allows AWS accounts to use a certain amount of services for no charge. Any usage beyond the free tier limits will result in a charge on your credit card.
The Free Tier is intended to provide a trial of AWS services. It is not intended for production use, nor is there any guaranteed way to stay within the free limits. It is up to you to monitor your usage.
There is no such thing as a totally free AWS account.
I have found "Cost Management Preferences" -> "Receive Free Tier Usage Alerts" setting in Billing preferences menu. Hopefully this will be enough for a small personal projects with low usage. I would guess it is not enough for large projects since this is only a notification.
In short, you can absolutely make sure that your app stays free, just not from within the AWS interface. You'll have to use your own usage monitoring to ensure you stay within the free limits as others state.
As Ashan said, this is a pretty silly approach since fees are nominal and the alternative is a loss of service, however, AWS does offer APIs to help you do this through CloudWatch.
CloudWatch exposes pretty much all of the billable metrics on a service-by-service basis, for example here are the metrics for EC2, and here are the metrics for S3. After starting your services through beanstalk, just look up all the services you're using via the billing page of the AWS console, look up the CloudWatch APIs for each, then check them.
At least for EC2, there are even customizable alarms and actions, including shutting down the instance. See the Monitoring tab at the bottom of the EC2 console. Not sure, but you might have to manually throw status updates to their status system for some of the other metrics. If so, it's not that difficult. You'd set up an access key for some IAM identity so you can check CloudWatch stuff from command line. Then, you'd write a watchdog script to run on that instance using AWSCLI to regularly ping CloudWatch and call your shutdown code or modify your status if you're over some percentage of your quota.

Turn off Amazon EC2/RDS

I am in the process of learning more about Amazon AWS. I want to turn off my Amazon Elastic Beanstalk EC2/RDS services. I have selected the minimum service entries, but I am still racking up small service charges. How do I do this?
have selected the minimum service entries, but I am still racking up
small service charges.
It isn't clear what you are saying with that sentence. Do you mean to say that you are within the limits of the free tier and yet you are still getting charged?
If you want to just "turn off" your EC2 and RDS instances then delete/terminate them. Afterwards look at the EBS snapshots and volumes, and the RDS snapshots and delete any of those that are still there. That will most likely stop the charges.
If you want to know exactly what you are being charged for so that you can zero in on the culprit you can enable detailed billing.
AWS has pretty good documentation on setting up and terminating instances. Here's a page with instructions on how to terminate an environment using the AWS Management Console: