SetWindowsHookEx Mouse Hook [duplicate] - c++

Is there a way to detect simulated keyboard/mouse input on Windows. For example, a user types something on his keyboard vs sendKeys/PostMessage/On-screen keyboard. Is there a way that I can distinguish between the two?
EDIT: Perhaps an example would help. I am making a game and want to distinguish between real input vs WinAPI synthesizing keyboard/mouse messages.

The only way to distinguish between "real" input and "simulated" input (assuming it is being generated with keybd_event()/mouse_event() or SendInput()) is to use a low-level keyboard/mouse hook via SetWindowsHookEx(). The WH_KEYBOARD_LL and WH_MOUSE_LL hook callbacks provide INJECTED flags for simulated input.

Starting form Windows 8 there's the GetCurrentInputMessageSource function. You can use it, and check the originId enum for the following value:
IMO_INJECTED - The input message has been injected (through the SendInput function) by an application that doesn't have the UIAccess attribute set to TRUE in its manifest file.

I might be wrong, but the on-screen keyboard (and other applications that simulate user input) most probably uses the SendInput API:
SendInput operates at the bottom level of the input stack. It is just a backdoor into the same input mechanism that the keyboard and mouse drivers use to tell the window manager that the user has generated input.
So there is probably no way to tell whether the input is coming from a "real" keyboard or not.


How can I prevent RegisterHotKey from blocking the key for other applications?

I am writing a win32 application that needs to take hotkeys while not on focus(it runs in the background without drawing a window). I use RegisterHotKey to assing a few keys but that blocks the for every other process. For example I assign the 'c' key and when I press it in notepad nothing happens.
RegisterHotKey() registers global hotkeys. Hotkeys are processed before regular keyboard input processing, meaning that if you register a hotkey successfully, pressing that key will result in you getting your hotkey message rather than the app with focus getting the normal WM_KEYDOWN/WM_CHAR messages. You have effectively blocked other apps from seeing that key press.
This is by design.
Obviously the solution to avoid clashes like you describe is to not register a hotkey that other applications may use. If you register C without any qualifiers as a hotkey, then no other program will see the C key being pressed. Instead you should use qualifiers like Ctrl/Shift/Alt to prevent your hotkey from interfering with the normal use of the keyboard.
There is no way to register a hotkey that's global unless some other program is active. If you want to achieve the situation where, say, your hotkey works while the desktop is active but nothing else is, you could use a message hook to inject code into the desktop's process (via SetWindowsHookEx()) and intercept key presses that way. But you can't do it with RegisterHotKey().
I just tried UnregisterHotKey(), simulated the key with keybd_event(), then RegisterHotKey() again. I don't recommend it as a production code, it's probably better to use hooks for that, but as a quick hack I just wanted to say that it works.
can be used to determine if certain keys are pressed, even when the program is running in the background.

Most suitable way to read keyboard input in C++

I'm trying to write a Keyboard class that can read in the keyboard buttons. I have looked at this link - But as stated on there, it is not very accurate for all computers (I don't know if this is even true). Therefore, my question is whats the best method in implementing my keyboard class? This will be used for Windows
Many thanks
There are three ways to read keyboard input:
By reading input from a console window as described in your link. It's true that it's hard to get this to work correctly, for starters because it's reading ANSI characters and not Unicode characters, but there are other issues. Console input/output is kind of obscure, as is the documentation for it
By handling UI events associated with a normal window. In this case you would handle the WM_KEYDOWN message in a window procedure
By going deep into the Win32 API with functions like SetWindowsHookEx. In this case you don't even need a window (normal or console), and you can read keystrokes pressed in any application or in the desktop
It's hard to suggest which one to use without knowing how you intend to use this Keyboard class.

How do I manipulate input from the keyboard in Win32?

Or to clarify this question, how can I make Windows think I hit a key, when I really didn't? I know I could possibly use SendMessage and specify the input there, but then wouldn't only my application receive it? I'd like control to the extent of all applications receiving the "fake" input. Any advice?
What you describe, faking input, is implemented by the SendInput function. Input goes to the thread which has input focus.
You can SendMessage to whatever window you want, even on other processes. You can even use HWND_BROADCAST to send it to every to-level window on the system. But is that what you really want? If you're only interested in a specific program, you can get its window's handle using FindWindow, and then send the message only to that window.
Note that if all you want to do is a simple keystrokes injection into another process, then SendInput is indeed the way to go. If you'd like to send some global keyboard shortcut it doesn't matter who has the focus. If you'd like to send the same input to more than one window using SendInput, you'll have to loop over the list of windows, and for each window first set the focus and then send the input.

Down arrow key of my laptop?

The down arrow key of my laptop is very loose and it does not seems to last very long.
Is it possible to write any programm(in any language but especially C++) hat simulates the down arrow key.say I made a programm such that when I press A,B,C on the key board it simulates down arrow key.
If not then,
Is there any software available to do this?
Use the On-screen keyboard
If you want to simulate input, use the SendInput API. This injects input at a fairly low level, windows automatically routes it to the appropriate thread based on who has focus. Call it twice, once to send the key down, and again to send the key up.
Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to write a simple app that calls RegisterHotkey for some combination like ctrl-alt-Z, and then calls SendInput for a keypress then keyrelease of the down arrow key.
You might need to wait a short time after receiving WM_HOTKEY to give you time to release the set of hotkeys so that the down arrow gets processed alone without those modifiers from your hotkey interfering with it. (...otherwise the focused app might think you typed in shift+alt+downarrow instead of plain downarrow!)
if you're using linux, xmodmap:
I think that you are actually looking for Sharpkeys
This works with the windows registry and can be used to change mappings of keys.
You can easily write a program that sends WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages to the window which has the current focus. Once you have this program, bind it to a function key in the properties for the .exe file.

Getting input if the window is not active (Windows)

Short version:
How can I receive input messages in Windows with C++/C when the window is not active?
Background information:
I'm currently working on an Input System that should not depend on any window, so it can e.g. be used in the console as well.
My idea is to create an invisible window only receiving messages, which is possible using HWND_MESSAGE as hWndParent. It only receives input messages when it's active though, and I don't want this. It should always receive input (unless the application requests it no longer does so, e.g. because it lost focus).
I know this is possible somehow, many applications support global shortcuts (e.g. media players (playback control) or instant messengers (opening the contact list)), I just don't know how. Do you know?
RegisterHotKey if you need to register just one or a few hotkeys
SetWindowsHookEx with WH_KEYBOARD / WH_KEYBOARD_LL. Use when you need to filter many or all keyboard events. However, the hook code needs to be implemented in a DLL (which is loaded into other processes). You need separate 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the DLL
You need to setup windows keyboard input hook. Here is an example how to do it; it is even easier to do in C++