SwiftUI: presenting modal view with custom transition from frame to frame? - swiftui

I am trying to replicate what I used to do in UIKit when presenting a ViewController using UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning.
So, for example, from a view that looks like this:
I want to present a view (I would say a modal view but I am not sure if that is the correct way to go about it in SwiftUI) that grows from the view A into this:
So, I need view B to fade in growing from a frame matching view A into almost full screen. The idea is the user taps on A as if it wanted to expand it into its details (view B).
I looked into SwiftUI transitions, things like this:
extension AnyTransition {
static var moveAndFade: AnyTransition {
let insertion = AnyTransition.move(edge: .trailing)
.combined(with: .opacity)
let removal = AnyTransition.scale
.combined(with: .opacity)
return .asymmetric(insertion: insertion, removal: removal)
So, I think I need to build a custom transition. But, I am not sure how to go about it yet being new to this.
How would I build a transition to handle the case as described? Being able to have a from frame and a to frame...?
Is this the right way of thinking about it in SwiftUI?
New information:
I have tested matchedGeometryEffect.
struct TestParentView: View {
#State private var expand = false
#Namespace private var shapeTransition
var body: some View {
VStack {
if expand {
// Rounded Rectangle
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 50.0)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: 300)
.onTapGesture {
} else {
// Circle
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 50.0)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.onTapGesture {
It looks like matchedGeometryEffect could be the tool for the job.
However, even when using matchedGeometryEffect, I still can't solve these two things:
how do I include a fade in / fade out animation?
looking at the behavior of matchedGeometryEffect, when I "close" view B, view B disappears immediately and what we see animating is view A from where B was back to view A's original frame. I actually want view B to scale down to where A is as it fades out.

You would have to use the .matchedGeometryEffect modifier on the two Views that you would like to transition.
Here is an example:
struct MatchedGeometryEffect: View {
#Namespace var nspace
#State private var toggle: Bool = false
var body: some View {
HStack {
if toggle {
VStack {
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "animation", in: nspace)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
if !toggle {
VStack {
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "animation", in: nspace)
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
Button("Switch") { withAnimation(.easeIn(duration: 2)) { toggle.toggle() } }
Image should be a GIF
The main two parts of using this modifier are the id and the namespace.
The id of the two Views you are trying to match have to be the same. They then also have to be in the same namespace. The namespace is declared at the top using the #Namespace property wrapper. In my example I used "animation", but it can really be anything, preferably something that can uniquely identify the Views from other types of animations.
Another important piece of information is that the '''#State''' variable controlling the showing/hiding of Views is animated. This is done through the use of withAnimation { toggle.toggle() }.
I'm also quite new to this, so for some more information you can read this article I found from the Swift-UI Lab:


Some NavigationLink are inaccessible

My SwiftUI TVOS app has two sets of NavigationLink. When both sets are present (not commented out), only one set is accessible to tap on. If I comment out one or the other set, the remaining NavigationLink is accessible to tap on and functions properly.
How can both sets of NavigationLink be accessible (can be interacted with)?
I've tried encapsulating my view in NavigationView and NavigationStack, neither behaved differently.
The view, as shown below, only the NavigationLinks in the ScrollView are accessible to interact with. The "Edit" NavigationLink cannot be selected to tap on. If I comment out the ScrollView NavigationLinks, then the "Edit" NavigationLink becomes accessible and functions correctly.
I've also tried replacing LazyVGrid with VStack to no effect.
import SwiftUI
struct TestSources: Hashable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
struct SourcesView: View {
private var Sources = [TestSources(name: "Computer 1"), TestSources(name: "Computer 2")]
var columns: [GridItem] {
Array(repeating: .init(.adaptive(minimum: 200)), count: 2)
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
// Header
HStack(alignment: .center){
Label("Sources", systemImage: "externaldrive.connected.to.line.below")
.frame(maxWidth: .greatestFiniteMagnitude, alignment: .leading)
NavigationLink(destination: TestEditView()) {
ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false) {
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 10) {
ForEach(Sources.indices, id: \.self) { index in
NavigationLink(Sources[index].name ,value: Sources[index])
}.navigationDestination(for: TestSources.self) { source in
TestShareView(source: source)
.padding(Edge.Set.vertical, 20)
minWidth: 0,
maxWidth: .infinity,
minHeight: 0,
maxHeight: .infinity,
alignment: .topLeading
struct TestEditView: View {
var body: some View {
struct TestShareView: View {
let source : TestSources
var body: some View {
I don't see any problem with the navigation links in this code.
I pasted the code into a new project and tweaked it a little to make it compile. As you can see, it just works.
My guess is that it might fail because something outside of this code. Maybe, it is within another NavigationStack or some structure that could increse it's navigation complexity?
Or as Yrb suggests, this force unwrapping could be failing because of null values?

How to make the space between views grow when given a large frame, but be as small as possible otherwise?

This question is essentially about how to define layout behaviour for a SwiftUI View such that it grows/shrinks in a particular way when given different frames externally. IE imagine you are creating a View which will be packaged up in a library and given to somebody else, without you knowing how much space they will give to your view.
The layout I would like to create will contain two horizontal views, indicated by A & B in my diagrams. I would like to control how this view expands if you specify a frame like follows:
When no frame is specified, I'd like my container View to be as small as the inner views and no bigger. See diagram 1.
When the container View is given a frame that's larger than the inner views, I'd like the space between the inner views to grow. See diagram 2.
Diagram 1: How I'd like my View to look without a frame specified.
// MyView()
| [A B] |
Diagram 2: How I'd like my View to look with a large frame.
// MyView().frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
|[A B]|
Diagram Key:
| represents my Window
[] represents my container View
A and B are my child Views.
My naive attempts:
Unmodified HStack
The behaviour of an unmodified HStack matches Diagram 1 with an unspecified frame successfully, however when given a large frame it's default behaviour is to grow as follows:
// HStack{A B}.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
|[ AB ]|
HStack with a Spacer between the views
If I use a Stack with but add a spacer in between the views, the spacer grows to take up the most space possible, regardless of what frame is given. IE I end up with a view that looks like Diagram 2 even when no frame is specified.
// HStack{A Spacer B}
|[A B]|
I've been trying to figure out a way to tell a Spacer to prefer to be as small as possible, but to no avail. What other options do we have to achieve this layout?
Edit: To help out, here's some code as a starting point:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var largeFrame: Bool = false
var body: some View {
Toggle("Large Frame", isOn: $largeFrame)
HStack {
.border(Color.red, width: 1)
.border(Color.red, width: 1)
.frame(maxWidth: largeFrame ? .infinity : nil)
.border(Color.blue, width: 1)
I'm a little confused to what you are saying. Are you asking how to generate space between A and B without forcing the HStack to be window width? If so, if you place a frame on the HStack, then the spacer shoulder only separate the contents to as far as the user desires?
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack() {
.frame(width: 100)
Does the following code work? The HStack(spacing: 0) ensures that the contents the HStack have no spacing between the items and so the "smallest" possible.
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var customSpacing = true
#State private var customFrame = CGFloat(100)
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button {
} label: {
Text("Custom or Not")
if !customSpacing {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
} else {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
.frame(width: customFrame)
If MyView is your component and you have control over its content, then a possible approach is to "override" .frame modifiers (all of them, below is one for demo) and compare explicitly outer width provided by frame and inner width of content subviews.
Tested with Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5
Main parts:
struct MyView: View { // << your component
var outerWidth: CGFloat? // << injected width !!
#State private var myWidth = CGFloat.zero // << own calculated !!
// ...
"overridden" frame modifier to store externally provided parameter
#inlinable public func frame(minWidth: CGFloat? = nil, idealWidth: CGFloat? = nil, maxWidth: CGFloat? = nil, minHeight: CGFloat? = nil, idealHeight: CGFloat? = nil, maxHeight: CGFloat? = nil, alignment: Alignment = .center) -> some View {
var newview = self
newview.outerWidth = maxWidth // << inject frame width !!
return VStack { newview } // << container to avoid cycling !!
.frame(minWidth: minWidth, idealWidth: idealWidth, maxWidth: maxWidth, minHeight: minHeight, idealHeight: idealHeight, maxHeight: maxHeight, alignment: alignment)
and conditionally activated space depending on width diffs
.background(GeometryReader {
Color.clear.preference(key: ViewSideLengthKey.self,
value: $0.frame(in: .local).size.width)
if let width = outerWidth, width > myWidth { // << here !!
.background(GeometryReader {
Color.clear.preference(key: ViewSideLengthKey.self,
value: $0.frame(in: .local).size.width)
Test module is here

Is there a way in SwiftUI to fulfill scrolling animations between 2 numbers

I'm looking for a similar way https://github.com/stokatyan/ScrollCounter in SwiftUI
This is a very rudimentary build of the same thing. I'm not sure if you're wanting to do it on a per-digit basis, however this should give you a solid foundation to work off of. The way that I'm handling it is by using a geometry reader. You should be able to easily implement this view by utilizing an HStack for extra digits/decimals. The next thing I would do would be to create an extension that handles returning the views based on the string representation of your numeric value. Then that string is passed as an array and views created for each index in the array, returning a digit flipping view. You'd then have properties that are having their state observed, and change as needed. You can also attach an .opacity(...) modifier to give it that faded in/out look, then multiply the opacity * n where n is the animation duration.
In this example you can simply tie your Digit value to the previewedNumber and it should take over from there.
struct TestView: View {
#State var previewedNumber = 0;
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment:.bottomTrailing) {
GeometryReader { reader in
VStack {
ForEach((0...9).reversed(), id: \.self) { i in
.font(.system(size: 100))
.frame(width: reader.size.width, height: reader.size.height)
.offset(y: reader.size.height * CGFloat(previewedNumber))
.animation(.linear(duration: 0.2))
}.frame(width: reader.size.width, height: reader.size.height, alignment: .bottom)
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
previewedNumber += 1
if (previewedNumber > 9) {
previewedNumber = 0
}, label: {
Text("Go To Next")

SwiftUI: List is messing up animation for its subviews inside an HStack

I'm making a WatchOS app that displays a bunch of real-time arrival times. I want to place a view, a real-time indicator I designed, on the trailing end of each cell of a List that will be continuously animated.
The real-time indicator view just has two image whose opacity I'm continuously animating. This View by itself seems to work fine:
animated view by itself
However, when embedded inside a List then inside an HStack the animation seems to be affecting the position of my animated view not only its opacity.
animated view inside a cell
The distance this view travels seems to only be affected by the height of the HStack.
Animated view code:
struct RTIndicator: View {
#State var isAnimating = true
private var repeatingAnimation: Animation {
private var delayedRepeatingAnimation: Animation {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.opacity(isAnimating ? 0.2 : 1)
.opacity(isAnimating ? 0.2 : 1)
.frame(width: 16, height: 16, alignment: .center)
.padding(.top, -6)
.padding(.trailing, -12)
.onAppear {
All code:
struct SwiftUIView: View {
var body: some View {
List {
HStack {
.frame(height: 100)
Here is found workaround. Tested with Xcode 12.
var body: some View {
List {
HStack {
.frame(height: 100)
.overlay(RTIndicator(), alignment: .trailing) // << here !!
Although it's pretty hacky I have found a temporary solution to this problem. It's based on the answer from Asperi.
I have create a separate View called ClearView which has an animation but does not render anything visual and used it as a second overall in the same HStack.
struct ClearView: View {
#State var isAnimating = false
var body: some View {
.onAppear {
withAnimation(Animation.linear(duration: 0)) {
self.isAnimating = true
var body: some View {
List {
HStack {
.frame(height: 100)
.overlay(RTIndicator(), alignment: .trailing)
.overlay(ClearView(), alignment: .trailing)

Animated transitions and contents within ScrollView in SwiftUI

I'm not quite a SwiftUI veteran but I've shipped a couple of apps of moderate complexity. Still, I can't claim that I fully understand it and I'm hoping someone with deeper knowledge could shed some light on this issue:
I have some content that I want to toggle on and off, not unlike .sheet(), but I want more control over it. Here is some "reconstructed" code but it should be able capture the essence:
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var isShown = false
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { g in
VStack {
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
// This element "holds" the size
// while the content is hidden
// Content to be toggled
if self.isShown {
ScrollView {
.aspectRatio(1, contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: g.size.width) // This is a "work-around"
} // ScrollView
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} // ZStack
// Button to show / hide the content
Button(action: {
}) {
Text(self.isShown ? "Hide" : "Show")
} // VStack
} // GeometryReader
What it does is, it toggles on and off some content block (represented here by a Rectangle within a ScrollView). When that happens, the content view in transitioned by moving in from the bottom with some animation. The opposite happens when the button is tapped again.
This particular piece of code works as intended but only because of this line:
.frame(width: g.size.width) // This is a "work-around"
Which, in turn, requires an extra GeometryReader, otherwise, the width of the content is animated, producing an unwanted effect (another "fix" I've discovered is using the .fixedSize() modifier but, to produce reasonable effects, it requires content that assumes its own width like Text)
My question to the wise is: is it possible to nicely transition in content encapsulated within a ScrollView without using such "fixes"? Alternatively, is there a more elegant fix for that?
A quick addition to the question following #Asperi's answer: contents should remain animatable.
You are my only hope,
Here is a solution (updated body w/o GeometryReader). Tested with Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4
var body: some View {
VStack {
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
// This element "holds" the size
// while the content is hidden
// Content to be toggled
if self.isShown {
ScrollView {
.aspectRatio(1, contentMode: .fit)
.animation(nil) // << here !!
} // ScrollView
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} // ZStack
// Button to show / hide the content
Button(action: {
}) {
Text(self.isShown ? "Hide" : "Show")
} // VStack