Animated transitions and contents within ScrollView in SwiftUI - swiftui

I'm not quite a SwiftUI veteran but I've shipped a couple of apps of moderate complexity. Still, I can't claim that I fully understand it and I'm hoping someone with deeper knowledge could shed some light on this issue:
I have some content that I want to toggle on and off, not unlike .sheet(), but I want more control over it. Here is some "reconstructed" code but it should be able capture the essence:
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var isShown = false
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { g in
VStack {
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
// This element "holds" the size
// while the content is hidden
// Content to be toggled
if self.isShown {
ScrollView {
.aspectRatio(1, contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: g.size.width) // This is a "work-around"
} // ScrollView
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} // ZStack
// Button to show / hide the content
Button(action: {
}) {
Text(self.isShown ? "Hide" : "Show")
} // VStack
} // GeometryReader
What it does is, it toggles on and off some content block (represented here by a Rectangle within a ScrollView). When that happens, the content view in transitioned by moving in from the bottom with some animation. The opposite happens when the button is tapped again.
This particular piece of code works as intended but only because of this line:
.frame(width: g.size.width) // This is a "work-around"
Which, in turn, requires an extra GeometryReader, otherwise, the width of the content is animated, producing an unwanted effect (another "fix" I've discovered is using the .fixedSize() modifier but, to produce reasonable effects, it requires content that assumes its own width like Text)
My question to the wise is: is it possible to nicely transition in content encapsulated within a ScrollView without using such "fixes"? Alternatively, is there a more elegant fix for that?
A quick addition to the question following #Asperi's answer: contents should remain animatable.
You are my only hope,

Here is a solution (updated body w/o GeometryReader). Tested with Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4
var body: some View {
VStack {
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
// This element "holds" the size
// while the content is hidden
// Content to be toggled
if self.isShown {
ScrollView {
.aspectRatio(1, contentMode: .fit)
.animation(nil) // << here !!
} // ScrollView
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} // ZStack
// Button to show / hide the content
Button(action: {
}) {
Text(self.isShown ? "Hide" : "Show")
} // VStack


Text with Text.DateStyle in SwiftUI View in Complication alignment

I want to create a complication rendered by a SwiftUI View that contains a label and a timer value.
I want the label to be on the complication background layer, and the timer value to be on the complication foreground layer so that they get tinted separately.
I would like this line of text, comprised of 2 parts, to be centered.
The trouble is, when using Text.DateStyle.timer, the Text behaves differently within a complication vs in a normal view.
In a normal view the Text frame behaves as any other text, only taking the space it needs.
When displayed in a complication, the Text frame expands to fill all the space it can, and the text within is left aligned.
This makes it so I cannot find a way to center the group of 2 Texts.
I tried a somewhat hacky approach with infinite spacers to try to steal the extra space from the Text that has the expanding frame. This works to center the content, but it causes the Text to truncate.
HStack {
Text(Date(), style: .timer)
HStack {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
HStack {
Text(Date(), style: .timer)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
A normal preview:
A preview of rendering within complication:
.previewContext(faceColor: .multicolor)
Edit to show full code
import ClockKit
import SwiftUI
struct ExtraLargeStack: View {
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
HStack {
Text(Date(), style: .timer)
HStack {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
HStack {
Text(Date(), style: .timer)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.font(.system(size: 18, weight: .regular))
struct ExtraLargeStack_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
/// Preview normal view
// ExtraLargeStack()
/// Preview as Complication
.previewContext(faceColor: .multicolor)
Edit: Another partial solution
Based on suggestions from #Yrb, an overlay provides a partial solution that may be good enough for my use case.
The following does not fully center the 2 part line, but it is pretty close.
HStack {
// Use placeholder text to create a view with the appropriate size for _most_ timer values that I need to support
Text("L: 00:00 ").hidden()
// overlay the real content, which is constrained to the frame created by the hidden placeholder.
HStack(spacing: 5) {
Text(Date() - 3599, style: .timer)
So, I figured out what the issue with aligning Text(Date(), style: .timer) is. The timer format from hours on down. The document give this as an example: 2:59 36:59:01. It appears that .timer reserves all of the possible space it needs and then is formatted on that possible space, not the space actually used. There does not appear to be any way to change this behavior, even if your goal is a 5 minute countdown timer.
I think you need to consider slight UI change. I did find that you can change the alignment of the displayed Text with a .timer by using .multilineTextAlignment(), but that is about all you can do. The following code demonstrates this:
struct ExtraLargeStack: View {
var body: some View {
// I removed (alignment: .center) as it is redundant. VStacks default to center
VStack {
// I put the negative spacing to tighten the T: with the timer
VStack(spacing: -6) {
Text(Date(), style: .timer)
// If you center with .multilineTextAlignment the timer
// will be centered
HStack {
HStack {
Text(Date(), style: .timer)
// This offset would need to be computed
.offset(x: -30, y: 0)
.font(.system(size: 18, weight: .regular))
I left the second timer as an HStack, but I put your Text("T") as an .overlay() with a .offset(). I don't particularly like this as it will be fragile if you attempt to adjust the offset for the additional time units, but if you have a limited range, it may work well enough. Also, if you use .monospaced on the timer text, the computation should be a linear amount.

SwiftUI: presenting modal view with custom transition from frame to frame?

I am trying to replicate what I used to do in UIKit when presenting a ViewController using UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning.
So, for example, from a view that looks like this:
I want to present a view (I would say a modal view but I am not sure if that is the correct way to go about it in SwiftUI) that grows from the view A into this:
So, I need view B to fade in growing from a frame matching view A into almost full screen. The idea is the user taps on A as if it wanted to expand it into its details (view B).
I looked into SwiftUI transitions, things like this:
extension AnyTransition {
static var moveAndFade: AnyTransition {
let insertion = AnyTransition.move(edge: .trailing)
.combined(with: .opacity)
let removal = AnyTransition.scale
.combined(with: .opacity)
return .asymmetric(insertion: insertion, removal: removal)
So, I think I need to build a custom transition. But, I am not sure how to go about it yet being new to this.
How would I build a transition to handle the case as described? Being able to have a from frame and a to frame...?
Is this the right way of thinking about it in SwiftUI?
New information:
I have tested matchedGeometryEffect.
struct TestParentView: View {
#State private var expand = false
#Namespace private var shapeTransition
var body: some View {
VStack {
if expand {
// Rounded Rectangle
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 50.0)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: 300)
.onTapGesture {
} else {
// Circle
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 50.0)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.onTapGesture {
It looks like matchedGeometryEffect could be the tool for the job.
However, even when using matchedGeometryEffect, I still can't solve these two things:
how do I include a fade in / fade out animation?
looking at the behavior of matchedGeometryEffect, when I "close" view B, view B disappears immediately and what we see animating is view A from where B was back to view A's original frame. I actually want view B to scale down to where A is as it fades out.
You would have to use the .matchedGeometryEffect modifier on the two Views that you would like to transition.
Here is an example:
struct MatchedGeometryEffect: View {
#Namespace var nspace
#State private var toggle: Bool = false
var body: some View {
HStack {
if toggle {
VStack {
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "animation", in: nspace)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
if !toggle {
VStack {
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "animation", in: nspace)
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
Button("Switch") { withAnimation(.easeIn(duration: 2)) { toggle.toggle() } }
Image should be a GIF
The main two parts of using this modifier are the id and the namespace.
The id of the two Views you are trying to match have to be the same. They then also have to be in the same namespace. The namespace is declared at the top using the #Namespace property wrapper. In my example I used "animation", but it can really be anything, preferably something that can uniquely identify the Views from other types of animations.
Another important piece of information is that the '''#State''' variable controlling the showing/hiding of Views is animated. This is done through the use of withAnimation { toggle.toggle() }.
I'm also quite new to this, so for some more information you can read this article I found from the Swift-UI Lab:

SwiftUI ScrollView VStack GeometryReader height ignored

I want to use a ScrollView outside of a VStack, so that my content is scrollable if the VStack expands beyond screen size.
Now I want to use GeometryReader within the VStack and it causes problems, which I can only solve by setting the GeometryReader frame, which does not really help me given that I use the reader to define the view size.
Here is the code without a ScrollView and it works nicely:
struct MyExampleView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Top Label")
GeometryReader { reader in
Text("Custom Sized Label")
.frame(width: reader.size.width, height: reader.size.width * 0.5)
Text("Bottom Label")
This results in the following image:
The custom sized label should be full width, but half the width for height.
Now if I wrap the same code in a ScrollView, this happens:
Not just did everything get smaller, but the height of the Custom Sized Label is somehow ignored.
If I set the height of the GeometryReader, I can adjust that behaviour, but I want to GeometryReader to grow as large as its content. How can I achieve this?
It should be understood that GeometryReader is not a magic tool, it just reads available space in current context parent, but... ScrollView does not have own available space, it is zero, because it determines needed space from internal content... so using GeometryReader here you have got cycle - child asks parent for size, but parent expects size from child... SwiftUI renderer somehow resolves this (finding minimal known sizes), just to not crash.
Here is possible solution for your scenario - the appropriate instrument here is view preferences. Prepared & tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14.
struct DemoLayout_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
ScrollView { MyExampleView() }
struct MyExampleView: View {
#State private var height =
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Top Label")
Text("Custom Sized Label")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(GeometryReader {
// store half of current width (which is screen-wide)
// in preference
.preference(key: ViewHeightKey.self,
value: $0.frame(in: .local).size.width / 2.0)
.onPreferenceChange(ViewHeightKey.self) {
// read value from preference in state
self.height = $0
.frame(height: height) // apply from stored state
Text("Bottom Label")
struct ViewHeightKey: PreferenceKey {
typealias Value = CGFloat
static var defaultValue =
static func reduce(value: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {
value += nextValue()
Note: ... and don't use GeometryReader if you are not sure about context in which your view is.

HStack: onTapGesture only works on elements

I have this example:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
.onTapGesture {
The problem is, that the .onTapGesture is only getting called, when I tap on a Text, but not if I tap on the space between the elements.
I tried to but a Rectangle().fill(Color.clear) as a background to the HStack, but it didn't work either (it just works, if I put i. e.
It needs to specify content shape to cover all area, because by default only opaque things handle gesture
.contentShape(Rectangle()) // << here !!
.onTapGesture {

SwiftUI: Alignment not applied

I have a small example that U do not understand:
Why is the alignment of my ZStack not applied to all of it's children? The TopView stays on top but I would expect, that every child would be on bottom right:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .bottomTrailing) {
VStack {
Text("A new layer")
struct TopView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack(alignment: .top) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: "star")
By default all the views are in the middle of area they need. Even you're using VStack it will be in the middle of the screen and be with height of two Text (as in your example).
ZStack has the same behavior - it will be as small as possible and right in the center of safe area.
Spacer just under TopView tries to take all the free space. Just as Spacer between star and texts.
So VStack in your ZStack technically is on .bottomTrailing, but takes all the free space. Just try to remove or change position of Spacer's: