How to Implement multiple kinds of users in Django? - django

I am new to Django so please bear with me if my questions seem too basic.
So, I want to create a web app for a kind of a store in which I have three different kinds of users.
Admin(Not Superuser) who can:
create, view, update, delete account for a Seller(agent)
issue them inventory
Seller who can:
sell an inventory item to a Customer(customers cannot themselves purchase it, only the seller can do it by filling in a form)
a Customer account should automatically be created upon submission of the form by Seller or if the Customer already has an account, the purchase should be added to their account
can login and view their account
What would be the best way to go about it? Using auth Groups, Profile models or anything else?
Any help would be wonderful. If something is not very clear in the question, I can provide more details. Thanks.

Django already has a solution for this: a Group [Django-doc]. A user can belong to zero, one or more groups. A group can have zero, one or more Permissions [Django-doc].
These permissions can be defined by a Django model, for example for all models there are permissions, to view, add, change, and delete objects of a certain model, but you can define custom permissions as well, for example to visit a certain page. A user then has such permission if there is at least one group they are a member of that has such permission.
You can work for example with the #permission_required decorator [Django-doc], or the PermissionRequiredMixin [Django-doc] to enforce that only users that have the required permission(s) can see the given page.
You thus can make groups for a seller, customer, etc. Often people can have multiple roles, for exame being both a seller and a customer which thus is elegantly solved through the permission framework.


Django users and permissions

I need to develop a scenario of users and groups in my django application there are three groups
- Admin
- Manager
- Employee
Generally admin is available by creating superuser and I need to create the users for different groups
- Admin can access all the records created by all users
Now my requirement is some users are belongs manager group and some normal users belongs to employee group..
How the associate user belongs to manager group can fetch his own records along with his subordinate user's records from employee group
I'm fully confused to give relation between normal users with an associate user from manager group.
How can I assign some employee users to a manager user?
Just to make sure we are on the same page, you wish to have the following user structure:
An Admin can see EVERYTHING
A Manager can see HIMSELF and all his associated Users
A User can see HIMSELF and that's it
So technically, there's only a relation between Managers and Users
Assuming your Admin is not the same as the native admin role from Django, you could setup the following logic:
Extend the User model with a 1-to-1 relation to your custom model. Let's call it Profile.
One of the field in Profile could be the role which would either be Admin, Manager, or User (might want to create a referantial table and use a foreign key)
Another field could be related_manager which would be a foreign key to the user model. It would be a way to say "that user is my manager"
You would need to add specific control in your model, notably:
related_manager is required (or optional?) if user is "User".
related_manager is forced to None if user is not "User"
related_manager must be a user with 'Manager' role
You'd probably have to setup signals to handle "What happens when a Manager, who had users to manage, becomes a basic User?" Do these users become manager-less? Or maybe you prevent it from happening, and a manager can only be demoted once he has no user attached? It all depends on what you want
Note that this is one of many ways to deal with your situation

Rolling out own permission app or modifying django permission

I am working on a project which needs a separate admin interface. The django admin interface is for the super super user, there will be companies who will sign up for our app and then they will have their own admin interface. Everything is set and done despite the permission. We want model level permission that's what Django provides.
What I did is:
class CompanyGroup(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=254)
permissions = models.ManyToManyField(Permissions)
Now this list all the permissions of the site itself. So, Should I start working on my own permission app or I can modify django Permissions to provide object level permissions for only some models.
Try one of the several existing 'row level' / 'per object' permissions apps for Django:
...there are probably others, those are just the first two in Google
We are using django-guardian in current project at work, seems fine.
I am assuming that you need to control access to sub-sets of each model's objects, depending on which company the current user belongs to (i.e. you don't want people from Company A to see items from Company B). For this reason you need row level permissions.
You probably also need to limit the permissions of all 'company users' to only certain actions:
You do not need to create a CompanyGroup class.
Instead just enable the admin site, log in as super user and create a django.contrib.auth.models.Group which contains the global permissions applicable to company users.
then ensure when you create any new company user logins that they are added to that Group

Django user groups only for permissions?

I'm a bit unsure what to use Django user groups for.
I have an application where every user belongs to a different organisation. The organisations don't have anything to do with read/write permissions. It's just a way to separate groups of users. Every organisation needs some additional fields, like a name, URL, and email address. New organisations will be added to the system over time.
Within every organisation, users can have different permissions for moderation and administration, for which I (also) want to use user groups.
My question: Should I use Django's user groups to define the organisations, or should I just make an 'Organisation' model with a relation to the user?
Nope. User groups are made for different reasons. You CAN use them to define organisations but I think you should think bit further ahead:
will the organisation require more fields than just name?
perhaps you will need permissions in the future to define users roles within organisations?
I'm sure you can come up with more things to think of. But if you answered yes to one of those questions then just create your Organisation model.
1) You need to add group from django admin side under group table.
2) And while creating new user, assign specific group to user using user_obj.groups.add(group_id). Or Let user select group at frontend.
and then
in Group table, you can create organization
You can create individual organization table and assign assign user to specific organization.

Django 1.5 employee-management where some employees can login some can't

So I want to keep track of about 100 employees but only five of them should be able to log in into the backend (the rest starts with no loginpossibilities at all) what's the best way to solve that problem ?
I thought of an EmployeeModel that has a 1to1-relation to an abstractBaseUser but is that the way to go or is there something easier ?
Why not make use of Django 1.5's new customisable User model and model each employee as a user with an extended profile:
In Django 1.5, you can now use your own model as the store for user-related data. If your project needs a username with more than 30 characters, or if you want to store user’s names in a format other than first name/last name, or you want to put custom profile information onto your User object, you can now do so.
By making each employee a "user", you have the balance of being able to control their ability to login (using is_staff) as well as being able to add as much employee profile information that you need.
Why not just have FK from employee to user if an employee has an attached account?
Don't go for over customisation as this can be easily achieved easily using the built-in tools. Make the login_page require a permission suppose say "can login". And just make these 5 users have those permission. So rest will automatically get a permission denied response when trying to login.

django staff users manage their own users only

In my Django app a user can register to the site and receive staff_user privileges from the admin.
After that the staff user can create and manage some other users (normal users) using default django admin site.
Now, I would like to let the staff user see and manage only the users he created from the admin site, I don't want him to see other users created by another staff user.
how can I do that? I imagine I need to modify right?
Don't modify the admin site.
In general, you have the following tools available:
Create groups
Add users to groups
Create custom permissions on your models, to indicate certain actions
However, what you are asking: Now, I would like to let the staff user see and manage only the users he created from the admin site is not possible in django-admin.
The Django-admin site is only intended as a glorified development tool for fully trusted users, not as a customizable app for end users.
If your project requires an admin site with any of the following ...
Customized administraion functionality.
Exposure to any user that is not completely trusted.
... then I'm afraid you have to create your own custom app.
You can replace the stock UserAdmin with your own which overrides queryset() and does the filtering. The bigger issue is what to filter by. The default User model does not store a "created_by" in the model instance. So you would need to add this information whenever a User is added.
How best to do this depends on your Django version.
Django 1.5 introduced a "Configurable User model" which makes this very easy.
In earlier versions you would either have to monkeypatch the User model, or store that information in a separate "user profile" attached 1:1 to the User.
Regarding the trusting of users (which wasn't a topic but I feel the need to comment on thnee's answer) in the Django admin, check out the links in my answer here: Should I use Django's Admin feature?