How to upgrade Browser of Pepper Robot's Tablet? - pepper

My current browser is Chrome 39. How to upgrade it to newest version?
I really need to upgrade it to newest version which compatible with website I want to open.
My Pepper version is 1.8a and uses NAOqi

Unfortunately, it is not possible to upgrade python pepper's chrome.

You cannot update Pepper's browser with NAOqi 2.5 and versions of Pepper below 1.8. But it is possible if you upgrade your Pepper to NAOqi 2.9.


Downloaded 2nd Wamp install, uninstalled it, now original WAMP install is not working. Any ideas how to fix it?

I was running WAMP 3.1 perfectly fine, then accidentally installed WAMP 3.2 instead of updating to 3.2. That ended up breaking my WAMP so it wouldn't work. So, I decided to uninstall 3.2, but now 3.1 is not working. The WAMP icon is just a red square. It says "None of 3 services running".
Here's my notes in case someone else has the same problem.
I uninstalled 3.2, then installed services in 3.1. Everything went back to working normally. Then updated the normal way though this site:

Should I upgrade from LTS to another LTS ember version?

I've been trying to upgrade my ember app from 2.18 to 3.4.4 and I just want to know if I chose the correct ember version which is 3.4.4? Any response is much appreciated. Also what are the disadvantages or issues I may face if I jump from 2.18 to 3.8.1?
My personal recommendation is to upgrade from one LTS to the next LTS version. There's a great video from Ember Map that discusses a great strategy for upgrading your ember apps which I will summarize here in case the link ever goes stale.
Upgrade all forwards-compatible packages
Upgrade 3rd-party dependencies and addons, one at a time
Upgrade Ember CLI and friends using ember-cli-update
And in my opinion, use ember-cli-update --to next-lts-version-here. Once you upgrade to the LTS, fix deprecations and tests until all green, and then continue. I used this process to go from 2.16 -> 3.8 over the weekend
The latest long term support is 3.8. here is release cycle. You can jump to 3.8 if suits you.
There is a addon named ember-cli-update. It applies changes automatically. Also you can checkout the ember-blog to learn changes.

WFFM on Sitecore 7.0 version

We are using WFFM on Sitecore 7.0 version and is going to upgrade to latest version Sitecore. In latest version, WFFM is moved to xDB. How do we upgrade the WFFM data to latest version of WFFM. Please suggest way.
You should make use of the analytics conversion tool from Sitecore with the WFFM plugin (can be downloaded from SDN same goes for the plugin).
Since you are upgrading from v7 to latest, you will need to go through the sitecore v7.5. Once you complete the upgrade to v7.5, execute the conversion tool to import the data to xDB

Couchbase Community Upgrade - couchbase-server (3.x) conflicts with couchbase-server-community (4.x)

I am trying to upgrade a Couchbase Community server that is currently running 3.0 to 4.0. I am using the 'Amazon Linux' on AWS, and have used the CentOS 6 build to upgrade from 2.5 to 3.0 - that upgrade was super smooth. According to the documentation, I should be able to go from 3.x to 4.x just fine as well.
Upgrade from the latest version 3.x directly to version 4.x using any supported upgrade strategy.
But I get the message
couchbase-server conflicts with couchbase-server-community-4.0.0-4051.x86_64
I have found that the couchbase-server name is now reserved for the enterprise edition, and couchbase-server-community is now used in 4.0 for the community edition, which would explain the conflict.
Is this really an upgrade-breaking change? I cannot find any documentation on how to resolve this change short of uninstalling and reinstalling.
If it were me and since you are on AWS, just spin up new instances, install Couchbase on them and do rebalances where you add one in and remove an old one (1 in, 1 out or 2 in, 2 out, etc.). With the same amount going in and out of the cluster, the cluster will do a swap rebalance which is the most efficient. All of this can be done while up and serving traffic. This is a very standard upgrade path and the recommended approach when in the cloud.
Once upgraded, discard the old instances. Yes you are running more instances at the same time during the upgrade, but for the cost of a few lattes you are upgraded smoothly.
I have experienced the same conflict when trying to upgrade from Community version 3.0.1 to Community 4.0.0.
It is worth mentioning that if you uninstall the 3.0.1 version and then install 4.0.0, all your buckets and their data are kept. Maybe there are some cases where this would fail, always good to take a backup first, but in my case the transformation was smooth.
This was on my developer machine, for a cloud installation I really like the swap in/out which means you can do the upgrade without interruption of the service.

Is it OK to use the version 4.0.2 of rails to read the ebook Agile Web Development with Rails 4?

I'm learning Rails and I beginning to read the ebook Agile Web Development with Rails 4 and I have installed and configured in my Mac Os X the rails 4.0.2 and I see in the book who recommends to install the version 4.0.0.
I think the version 4.0.2 is better and I want to do all the ebook with this version but I have fear if I'll have problems because of this?
Is it OK if I'm continuing the ebook with the version 4.0.2, or should I install the 4.0.0?
The differences between version 4.0.0 and 4.0.2 will be minimal.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Edit: added 4.0.x release notes
Rails 4.0 Release History
Rails 4.0.2 was released December 3, 2013 with security fixes. See Rails 3.2.16 and 4.0.2 have been released!.
Rails 4.0.1 was released November 1, 2013 with performance gains and many bug fixes. See Rails 4.0.1 has been released!.
Rails 4.0.0 was released June 25, 2013. See Rails 4.0: Final version released!.