How do I plot multiple line series in the same chart? - c++

I'm not that experienced in QT and I need to display 17 line series in the same chart. I tried their example and it's working just for one, maybe two line series. Any ideas on how to show all of them in the same chart?

Since it is better to "give a fishing rod not a fish" as an answer I will explain how link has been found (OP should polish his skills in internet search).
First google: qt chart example
Now to filter this which have multiple sires it is better to switch google search to "Graphics" view
Seen a images page with multiple series can be selected
This gives link to
And after reading this document there is a link with description of implementation details:


Is it possible to search for a graphical symbol in an image using Photoshop?

Is there a way to search for a specific symbol in an image the same way you would search for a piece of text in a word document?
For example, say you have a set of plans, and you need to find all instances of a symbol and you don't know how many there are. In the attached example I am looking for all the items highlighted in pink, green and blue (highlighting was added by me). enter image description here
I have searched Youtube and Google but couldn't find any answers - maybe I am not capable of phrasing my query properly. Any ideas? Thanks

Sublime: previosuly searched/replaced items

I am a Sublime's newbie and I am trying to use the cool Find/replace tab.
Is there a way (package or shortcut) to have a scroll-down menu that shows items I previously searched/replaced? This feature is available for example in Notepad++. This would be particularly helpful hen working with regex's variations.
I searched and found question about running a series of search-replaces in a row but what I need is just the possibility to go back to items I looked for in the past.
Thanks a lot
In Sublime 3, this feature is available. Below is a screenshot (underneath the window you see on the right is a drop-down arrow). Are you using Sublime 2 or 3? Sublime Text 3 can be downloaded here.

Advanced customization of google charts generated from a spreadsheet

I have my beautiful google bar chart that I generated just clicking in "insert chart" from google spreadsheet.
how can I modify it in an advanced way like writing code?
I have to insert a horizontal line in the bar chart that represent the productivity limit.
if I could do that without writing code would be better, but even writing code, I'd like to edit the chart generated by google spreadsheet, not start from scratches.
I solved the problem in this way.
I took the example forum google and i add the link that I got sharing my spreadsheet adding in the end of the link:
This set the sheet and the range.
Then the chart just work.
for adding the line I found this.
Thanks to you all! :D

msChart missing lines

I have created a graph based on a datset using VS2010 framework 4.0. I get a report that displays the plotted points but not the connector lines. Is there a reference that needs to be set? I downloaded a msChart sample that imports web.ui.datavisualization.chart but that is not available in my imports that I can see.
Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks to Dominique I was pointed in the direction of the "Drop series field here" grouping on the chart. Once that was removed I was able to see the graphing lines, rather than have the chart think it had (3) distinct groups it was 1 group over several years.
Thanks for your help.

Has anyone produced SPC charts with the Google Chart API?

I've decided to take the advice in this question: create-excel-chart-programmatically-in-php and NOT attempt to do graphics myself.
I'd also like to follow the advice to use Google Charts API. This will be the first time for me.
But I don't want to do an Excel chart — however much that might appeal to my co-workers who use Excel for everything. I like the idea of receiving an image of my data.
Obviously, if you're familiar with Statistical Process Control, we're talking about a line chart.
Has anyone been able to 'configure' a Google line chart for SPC?
Because I haven't seen any examples, I'm mostly interested in whether or not it's even possible.
EDIT: well, of course it is possible. Maybe the dearth of previous 'solutions' is created by reluctance to hand sensitive data to Google and wait for a chart to come back.
Accepting your own answer is OK, but for those of you who might wonder, I got no rep points for it.
I could accept something better, if anyone suggests it.
I decided to take the paranoid approach [that it would create alarm if I sent a whole lot of confidential company information to Google] so here is a fragment of my code. It embeds a Google line chart in a simple table.
The table provides labelling for the chart, and Google gets just 'meaningless' numbers.
The array $values contains real measurements, but they are scaled wrt the upper and lower control limits, so LCL is 10%, and UCL is 90% of the vertical axis.
echo "<table class='noborder'>\n";
echo "<caption class='spc'>Product : Measurement</caption>\n";
echo "<tr><th> </th><th> </th><th> </th></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>AVG</td><td>\n";
echo "<img src='\n&chd=t:";
printf("%s", implode(',', $values));
echo "\n&chm=o,FF9900,0,-1,10|R,FFDDDD,0,0.0,1.0|r,F9ECEC,0,0.1,0.9";
echo "\n&chs=600x500&chco=0000CC'><td> </td>\n";
echo "<tr><td> </td><th>";
printf("LCL=%6.3f, AVG=%6.3f, UCL=%6.3f", $lcl, $avg, $ucl);
echo "</th><td> </td></tr>\n";