Sublime: previosuly searched/replaced items - replace

I am a Sublime's newbie and I am trying to use the cool Find/replace tab.
Is there a way (package or shortcut) to have a scroll-down menu that shows items I previously searched/replaced? This feature is available for example in Notepad++. This would be particularly helpful hen working with regex's variations.
I searched and found question about running a series of search-replaces in a row but what I need is just the possibility to go back to items I looked for in the past.
Thanks a lot

In Sublime 3, this feature is available. Below is a screenshot (underneath the window you see on the right is a drop-down arrow). Are you using Sublime 2 or 3? Sublime Text 3 can be downloaded here.


How to Horizontally Resize Text Layout in Python Shell?

I'm using Python 2.7 on Windows and my output which is a table containing 15 rows needs more than the width of my entire screen to be displayed properly.
I used pandas.set_option('display.width', 1920) to get this working. However, word wrap occurs. I want the Python Shell to get a Horizontal Scroll Bar. Checked under configure IDLE and couldn't find it. It just needs to be like the simple option of word wrap we get with Notepad.
EDIT: I've already tried that method explained in the question marked possible duplicate. That doesn't create a working toolbar. The text is still wrapped. The toolbar graphic is present but it is greyed out and has no functionality.
Here is the 11 year old opened issue showing IDLE doesn't support horizontal scroll bar. IDLEX as pointed out here provides extensions to IDLE and workaround that, apparently not working for Python 2.7.

Find and Replace/Update links like Dreamweaver in other editors

I've been slowly weening myself off of Dreamweaver and using other editors like SublimeText and Espresso. But there are two features that are lacking in those editors that I still find the need to use Dreamweaver for:
1.) Find and Replace within entire current local site.
2.) Update links when a page is saved within another directory. For example, if you rename, or re-save a file that is open within another directory, Dreamweaver will ask you to update the links. This will then make sure that if the file is moved or saved to another directory it will update any links within the HTML for stylesheets, images, navigation, etc.
Does any know of any other apps or tools that might be able to accomplish those actions without having to crack open Dreamweaver?
Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The Sublime Text plugin 'Side Bar Enhancements' has Search/Replace entire project functionality. Doesn't handle update links across files (that i've found)
PHPStorm may handle the second question.

Xcode tab switch cmd+1 2 3

Im looking for a way to be able to switch tabs in Xcode not using next/previous tab but rather using modifier+1,2,3.. etc in order to get to a specific tab directly.
I have gotten a similiar problem solved for with the help of this application/script
It's usable on ML, you only need to increase the MaxBundleVersion in info.plist.
It's used together with easySIMBL.
So I recently started using tabs in Xcode and this was the first thing i tried to find, as I prefer selecting tabs specifically.
Any idéas/solution? Thanks.

Aptana Studio replace functions

I've been using Aptana Studio 3 for a few weeks now and I think it's somewhat ok.
One of the things that I miss from the code editor I used before (Macromedia Homesite: yeah, kinda old :P ) is the ability to find/replace text on multiple lines.
Is there a plugin that provides this?
Or is it possible to propose this feature to the developers?
Thank you.
Well Daniele This feature is already requested to Aptana developer team .
Take a look at this link
Enable multi-line search in find bar
Status : Open #Resolution: Unresolved
This one adds support for multi-line find and replace in the find bar.
and also
Via Tender: Multiline search
Status:Open #Resolution: Unresolved
Which adds a new multi-line search page to the existing set, with a few new options, taken from DreamWeaver and UltraEdit.[Please bring back the multiline search feature in aptana studio 2.0.x]
Now hope they Resolve this issues quickly.

Trying to find a syntax highlighter for ColdFusion in Notepad++

I use CFEclipse for most of my projects and heavy lifting but sometimes I find the need to do a quick fix on pages outside the project scope that is easier to accomplish in a simple text editor.
I have googled but can't seem to find an answer so either a link to a download or a link to how to build my own would be awesome. thanks.
Update: Brien Malone's answer below along with charlie arehart's comments are what people should use at this point as nppColdFusion is no longer maintained as of 23 Sept 2011.
nppColdFusion is actively maintained
In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'. 'Coldfusion Lexer' is listed as available plugin
This question is a few years old now, and unfortunately, the accepted answer involving nppColdFusion is no longer valid because the plug-in doesn't work with NP++ after version 5.x.x and is not being maintained. (It stopped working when Notepad++ switched their plug-in hooking mechanism in version 6.x.x)
The Notepad++ site points to a library of nearly every language highlighter available:
ColdFusion (specifically CF9) is listed:
It's not as good as a full plug-in like nppColdFusion, but it is better than pages of black text.
Just a comment about Tony's answer (Aug 22 '14 at 13:00) : he wrote "In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'."
However, in ver. 6.8 (maybe since before), there's no "Plugins" menu item on the menu bar. What I had to do is:
1- From the User Defined Language Page
Download the ColdFusion User Defined Language file
Into the Notepad++ Folder
2- From the User Defined Language panel, import that file:
Language > Define your language... then press the Import button
ColdFusion will then appear at the bottom of the Language menu item selection list, and NotePad++ will automatically use it for any .CF file you open.
This link might help:
Disclaimer: I haven't tried it myself.
I found that nppColdFusion was working well, until I updated NP++ to version 7.6.6. I have tried just about everything to get it working, but to no avail.
I tried Delire Web's solution and it worked perfectly.
The different formatting (font and background colors) takes a bit of getting used to though.