Same ForEach loop twice in one SwiftUI View - swiftui

When I use a ForEach loop over an array twice within a view, I get the following warning at runtime:
LazyVGridLayout: the ID 84308994-9D16-48D2-975E-DC40C5F9EFFF is used by multiple child views, this will give undefined results!
The reason for this is clear so far, but what is the smartest way to work around this problem?
The following sample code illustrates the problem:
import SwiftUI
// MARK: - Model
class Data: ObservableObject
#Published var items: [Item] = [Item(), Item(), Item()]
struct Item: Identifiable
let id = UUID()
var name: String = ""
var description: String = ""
// MARK: - View
struct MainView: View {
#StateObject var data: Data
private var gridItems: [GridItem] { Array(repeating: GridItem(), count: data.items.count) }
var body: some View {
LazyVGrid(columns: gridItems, alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
ForEach(data.items) { item in
ForEach(data.items) { item in
// MARK: - App
struct SwiftUI_TestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
MainView(data: Data())
I could possibly divide the view into several SubViews.
Are there any other options?
This is the body of the real app:
var body: some View {
VStack {
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
ForEach($runde.players) { $player in
PlayerHeader(player: $player)
ForEach(Score.Index.allCases) { index in
ForEach(runde.players) { player in
Cell(player: player, active: player == runde.activePlayer, index: index)
Text ("")
ForEach(runde.players) { player in
PlaceView(player: player)

If you really need that kind of grid filling, then it is possible just to use different identifiers for those ForEach containers, like
LazyVGrid(columns: gridItems, alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
ForEach(data.items) { item in
Text("\(") // << here !!
ForEach(data.items) { item in
Text(item.description).id("\(") // << here !!
Tested with Xcode 13beta / iOS 15

While adding identifiers within the ForEach loop sometimes works, I found that accessing the indexes from the loop with indices worked in other cases:
ForEach(items.indices, id: \.self) { i in


how to make the recursive view the same width?

I want to make a recursive view like this:
But what I have done is like this:
It's a tvOS application, the sample code is:
struct MainView: View {
#State private var selectedItem: ListItem?
var body: some View {
VStack {
RecursiveFolderListView(fileId: "root", selectedItem: $selectedItem)
struct RecursiveFolderListView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var api: API
var fileId: String
#Binding var selectedItem: ListItem?
#State private var currentPageSelectedItem: ListItem?
#State private var list: [ListItem]?
#State private var theId = 0
var body: some View {
HStack {
if let list = list, list.count > 0 {
ScrollView(.vertical) {
ForEach(list, id: \.self) { item in
Button {
selectedItem = item
currentPageSelectedItem = item
} label: {
HStack {
if item.fileId == selectedItem?.fileId {
Image(systemName: "")
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.frame(height: 60)
.onChange(of: currentPageSelectedItem) { newValue in
if list.contains(where: { $0 == newValue }) {
theId += 1
} else {
HStack {
if let item = currentPageSelectedItem, item.fileId != fileId {
RecursiveFolderListView(fileId: item.fileId, selectedItem: $selectedItem)
.task {
list = try? await api.getFiles(parentId: fileId)
It's a list view, and when the user clicks one item in the list, it will expand the next folder list to the right. The expanded lists and the left one will have the same width.
I think it needs Geometryreader to get the full width, and pass down to the recursive hierarchy, but how to get how many views in the recursive logic?
I know why my code have this behavior, but I don't know how to adjust my code, to make the recursive views the same width.
Since you didn't include definitions of ListItem or API in your post, here are some simple definitions:
struct ListItem: Hashable {
let fileId: String
var name: String
class API: ObservableObject {
func getFiles(parentId: String) async throws -> [ListItem]? {
return try FileManager.default
.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: parentId)
.map { name in
fileId: (parentId as NSString).appendingPathComponent(name),
name: name
With those definitions (and changing the root fileId from "root" to "/"), we have a simple filesystem browser.
Now on to your question. Since you want each column to be the same width, you should put all the columns into a single HStack. Since you use recursion to visit the columns, you might think that's not possible, but I will demonstrate that it is possible. In fact, it requires just three simple changes:
Change VStack in MainView to HStack.
Change the outer HStack in RecursiveFolderListView to Group.
Move the .task modifier to the inner HStack around the "Empty" text, in the else branch.
The resulting code (with unchanged chunks omitted):
struct MainView: View {
#State private var selectedItem: ListItem? = nil
var body: some View {
HStack { // ⬅️ changed
RecursiveFolderListView(fileId: "/", selectedItem: $selectedItem)
struct RecursiveFolderListView: View {
var body: some View {
Group { // ⬅️ changed
if let list = list, list.count > 0 {
} else {
HStack {
.task { // ⬅️ moved to here
list = try? await api.getFiles(parentId: fileId)
// ⬅️ .task moved from here
I don't have the tvOS SDK installed, so I tested by commenting out the use of .focusSection() and running in an iPhone simulator:
This works because the subviews of a Group are “flattened” into the Group's parent container. So when SwiftUI sees a hierarchy like this:
ScrollView (first column)
ScrollView (second column)
ScrollView (third column)
HStack (fourth column, "Empty")
SwiftUI flattens it into this:
ScrollView (first column)
ScrollView (second column)
ScrollView (third column)
HStack (fourth column, "Empty")
I moved the .task modifier because otherwise it would be attached to the Group, which would pass it on to all of its child views, but we only need the task applied to one child view.
Although rob's answer is perfect, I want to share another approach.
class SaveToPageViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var fileIds = [String]()
func tryInsert(fileId: String, parentFileId: String?) {
if parentFileId == nil {
} else if fileIds.last == parentFileId {
} else if fileIds.last == fileId {
// do noting, because this was caused by navigation bug, onAppear called twice
} else {
var copy = fileIds
while copy.last != parentFileId {
fileIds = copy
And wrap the container a GeometryReader and using the SaveToPageViewModel to follow the recursive view's length:
#State var itemWidth: CGFloat = 0
GeometryReader { proxy in
RecursiveFolderListView(fileId: "root", selectedItem: $selectedItem, parentFileId: nil, itemWidth: itemWidth)
.onReceive(viewModel.$fileIds) { fileIds in
itemWidth = proxy.size.width / CGFloat(fileIds.count)
And in the RecursiveFolderListView, change the model data:
RecursiveFolderListView(fileId: item.fileId, selectedItem: $selectedItem, parentFileId: fileId, itemWidth: itemWidth)
.onAppear {
model.tryInsert(fileId: fileId, parentFileId: parentFileId)

SwiftUI - Subtotal TextField entries across multiple views

I have multiple views created by a ForEACH. Each View has a textfield where a user can enter a number. I would like to subtotal each entry in each view. In other words subtotal the binding in each view.
Is my approach wrong?
ForEach(someArray.allCases, id: \.id) { item in
CustomeRowView(name: item.rawValue)
struct CustomeRowView: View {
var name: String
#State private var amount: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
Label(name, systemImage: image)
VStack {
TextField("Amount", text: $amount)
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width / 7)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
there are many ways to achieve what you ask. I present here a very
simple approach, using an ObservableObject to keep the info in one place.
It has a function to add to the info dictionary fruits.
A #StateObject is created in ContentView to keep one single source of truth.
It is passed to the CustomeRowView view using #ObservedObject, and used to tally
the input of the TextField when the return key is pressed (.onSubmit).
import SwiftUI
struct TestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
class FruitCake: ObservableObject {
#Published var fruits: [String : Int] = ["apples":0,"oranges":0,"bananas":0]
// adjust for you purpose
func add(to name: String, amount: Int) {
if let k = fruits.keys.first(where: {$0 == name}),
let sum = fruits[k] {
fruits[k] = sum + amount
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject var fruitCake = FruitCake()
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(Array(fruitCake.fruits.keys), id: \.self) { item in
CustomeRowView(name: item, fruitCake: fruitCake)
struct CustomeRowView: View {
let name: String
#ObservedObject var fruitCake: FruitCake
#State private var amount = 0
var body: some View {
HStack {
Label(name, systemImage: "info")
TextField("Amount", value: $amount, format: .number)
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width / 7)
.onSubmit {
fruitCake.add(to: name, amount: amount)
// subtotal
Text("\(fruitCake.fruits[name] ?? 0)")

SwiftUI List messed up after delete action on iOS 15

It seems that there is a problem in SwiftUI with List and deleting items. The items in the list and data get out of sync.
This is the code sample that reproduces the problem:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var popupShown = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Show list") { popupShown.toggle() }
if popupShown {
.animation(.easeInOut, value: popupShown)
struct MainListView: View {
#State var texts = (0...10).map(String.init)
func delete(at positions: IndexSet) {
positions.forEach { texts.remove(at: $0) }
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(texts, id: \.self) { Text($0) }
.onDelete { delete(at: $0) }
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
If you perform a delete action on the first row and scroll to the last row, the data and list contents are not in sync anymore.
This is only happening when animation is attached to it. Removing .animation(.easeInOut, value: popupShown) workarounds the issue.
This code sample works as expected on iOS 14 and doesn't work on iOS 15.
Is there a workaround for this problem other then removing animation?
It isn't the animation(). The clue was seeing It appears that having the .animation outside of the conditional causes the problem. Moving it to the view itself corrected it to some extent. However, there is a problem with this ForEach construct: ForEach(texts, id: \.self). As soon as you start deleting elements of your array, the UI gets confused as to what to show where. You should ALWAYS use an Identifiable element in a ForEach. See the example code below:
struct ListDeleteView: View {
#State var popupShown = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Show list") { popupShown.toggle() }
if popupShown {
.animation(.easeInOut, value: popupShown)
struct MainListView: View {
#State var texts = (0...10).map({ TextMessage(message: $0.description) })
func delete(at positions: IndexSet) {
texts.remove(atOffsets: positions)
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(texts) { Text($0.message) }
.onDelete { delete(at: $0) }
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
struct TextMessage: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let message: String

SwiftUI List rows with INFO button

UIKit used to support TableView Cell that enabled a Blue info/disclosure button. The following was generated in SwiftUI, however getting the underlying functionality to work is proving a challenge for a beginner to SwiftUI.
Generated by the following code:
struct Session: Identifiable {
let date: Date
let dir: String
let instrument: String
let description: String
var id: Date { date }
final class SessionsData: ObservableObject {
#Published var sessions: [Session]
init() {
sessions = [Session(date: SessionsData.dateFromString(stringDate: "2016-04-14T10:44:00+0000"),dir:"Rhubarb", instrument:"LCproT", description: "brief Description"),
Session(date: SessionsData.dateFromString(stringDate: "2017-04-14T10:44:00+0001"),dir:"Custard", instrument:"LCproU", description: "briefer Description"),
Session(date: SessionsData.dateFromString(stringDate: "2018-04-14T10:44:00+0002"),dir:"Jelly", instrument:"LCproV", description: " Description")
static func dateFromString(stringDate: String) -> Date {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX") // set locale to reliable US_POSIX
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"
struct SessionList: View {
#EnvironmentObject private var sessionData: SessionsData
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(sessionData.sessions) { session in
SessionRow(session: session )
.navigationTitle("Session data")
// without this style modification we get all sorts of UIKit warnings
struct SessionRow: View {
var session: Session
#State private var presentDescription = false
var body: some View {
HStack(alignment: .center){
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.frame(minWidth: 20)
// SessionGraph is a place holder for the Graph data.
NavigationLink(destination: SessionGraph()) {
// if this isn't an EmptyView then we get a disclosure indicator
// Note: without setting the NavigationLink hidden
// width to 0 the List width is split 50/50 between the
// SessionRow and the NavigationLink. Making the NavigationLink
// width 0 means that SessionRow gets all the space. Howeveer
// NavigationLink still works
.hidden().frame(width: 0)
Button(action: { presentDescription = true
}) {
Image(systemName: "")
NavigationLink(destination: SessionDescription(),
isActive: $presentDescription) {
.hidden().frame(width: 0)
.padding(.vertical, 4)
struct SessionGraph: View {
var body: some View {
struct SessionDescription: View {
var body: some View {
The issue comes in the behaviour of the NavigationLinks for the SessionGraph. Selecting the SessionGraph, which is the main body of the row, propagates to the SessionDescription! hence Views start flying about in an un-controlled manor.
I've seen several stated solutions to this issue, however none have worked using XCode 12.3 & iOS 14.3
Any ideas?
When you put a NavigationLink in the background of List row, the NavigationLink can still be activated on tap. Even with .buttonStyle(BorderlessButtonStyle()) (which looks like a bug to me).
A possible solution is to move all NavigationLinks outside the List and then activate them from inside the List row. For this we need #State variables holding the activation state. Then, we need to pass them to the subviews as #Binding and activate them on button tap.
Here is a possible example:
struct SessionList: View {
#EnvironmentObject private var sessionData: SessionsData
// create state variables for activating NavigationLinks
#State private var presentGraph: Session?
#State private var presentDescription: Session?
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(sessionData.sessions) { session in
session: session,
presentGraph: $presentGraph,
presentDescription: $presentDescription
.navigationTitle("Session data")
// put NavigationLinks outside the List
VStack {
var presentGraphLink: some View {
// custom binding to activate a NavigationLink - basically when `presentGraph` is set
let binding = Binding<Bool>(
get: { presentGraph != nil },
set: { if !$0 { presentGraph = nil } }
// activate the `NavigationLink` when the `binding` is `true`
NavigationLink("", destination: SessionGraph(), isActive: binding)
var presentDescriptionLink: some View {
let binding = Binding<Bool>(
get: { presentDescription != nil },
set: { if !$0 { presentDescription = nil } }
NavigationLink("", destination: SessionDescription(), isActive: binding)
struct SessionRow: View {
var session: Session
// pass variables as `#Binding`...
#Binding var presentGraph: Session?
#Binding var presentDescription: Session?
var body: some View {
HStack {
Button {
presentGraph = session // ...and activate them manually
} label: {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.frame(minWidth: 20)
Button {
presentDescription = session
} label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.padding(.vertical, 4)

Multi selection inside a Grid - SwiftUI

I'm trying to implement a Multi selection inside a dynamic Grid.
With this code, it selects graphically all the elements together, basically they all change color. It saves the data from the selected one, but graphically they are all selected, and I can't select and save more than one at a time.
I think the problem could be the grid, but I also tried to change the grid with other libraries, but it didnt change anything.
Before I had simply an array and it works, now getting the data from the database it is not.
I'm still using and have to use swiftui 1, so I dont have the grid offered in the new swiftui.
I'm using this library for the grid,, the modular grid one, since I have this events that comes from the database.
struct ItemsEventSelectionView: View {
#ObservedObject var eventItems = getEventItems()
#State var eventSelections = [EventItem]()
#State var style2 = ModularGridStyle(.vertical, columns: .min(70), rows: .fixed(40))
#EnvironmentObject var globalDataObservableObject: GlobalDataObservableObject
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: Alignment(horizontal: .center, vertical: .top)) {
Group {
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
ScrollView(self.style2.axes) {
Grid( { event in
HStack {
MultipleSelectionEvent(title:!, isSelected: self.eventSelections.contains(event)) {
if self.eventSelections.contains(event) {
self.eventSelections.removeAll(where: { $0 == event })
else {
struct MultipleSelectionEvent: View {
var title: String
var isSelected: Bool
var action: () -> Void
var body: some View {
Button(action: self.action) {
if self.isSelected {
.padding(.vertical, 7)
.padding(.horizontal, 10)
} else {
.padding(.vertical, 7)
.padding(.horizontal, 10)
class getEventItems : ObservableObject {
let didChange = PassthroughSubject<getEventItems,Never>()
#Published var events = [EventItem]() {
didSet {
func getEventItems() {
EventItemViewModel().fetchEvents(complete: { (eventItems) in = eventItems
init() {