Why does CFSchedule fail with a null pointer error - coldfusion

I am running CFSchedule to get my scheduled task added to the admin and no matter what I do it keeps coming back with the message "The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code.
Null Pointers are another name for undefined values." I thought this was working code, and no matter what I do I can't figure it out. Here is my code, can someone tell me what I'm missing?
<cfschedule action="update"
startTime="4:30 AM"
endTime="9:30 PM"


OpenNI InitFromXmlFile parameter error

nRetVal = context.InitFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_PATH, &errors);
Above is the function which results in the errors. Actually, SAMPLE_XML_PATH is xml file's path. I tried relative path and absolute path. But the error still pumps out. The return value(nRetVal) of this function is supposed to be 0 here. But the return value is 65537. This function is to read kinect information through XBOX360.
Blow is the error message.
Failed: The parameter is incorrect.
[80070057] (m_pDmo -> AllocateStreamingResources())
But Niviewer samples all run very well.
Is there any engineer who has bumped into this problem before? I have been struggling for this for a whole day.
Note: This program run pretty well yesterday. But the error pumps out today with similar program. (The difference between them can be ignored because I've already test it.)
I will appreciate your any answers.
When I initialize the kinectInterface handler, I use pointer to "new" a memory and commit operation on the memory.
The bad thing is the handler has never been closed if main process exit.
The Solution is put the pointer into smart pointer like "Ptr" would solve the problem.

Timed Indexed Color sets in CPN Tools that results in Unhandled Exception Error

I am using CPN Tools to model a distributed system. CPN Tools uses CPN ML an extension of SML. The project homepage is: cpntools.org
I started with a simple model and when I try to make a particular indexed color set timed, I get an "Internal error". There is another indexed colorset within my Petri-net model that is timed and works correctly. I am not sure how I can troubleshoot since I don't understand the error message. Could you help me interpret the error message or give me some hints on what I could be doing wrong?
The model is:
The declarations of the model are:
The error message is:
Internal error: Compile error when generating code. Caught error.../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:296.17-296.20../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:44.55../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
structure CPN`TransitionID1413873858 = struct ... end (* see simulator debug info for full code *)
Thank you~
I know this is an old question, but I run in the same problem and wasted too much time on this, so maybe it will help someone else in the future.
I didn't understand exactly the reason for this, but it seems the problem appears when you play with time values on an arch that ends to a transition (I was updating an integer value to the current time, using IntInf.toInt(time())). Now, if I move the code on the outgoing arch of that transition (that is: the one that ends in a place) there is no error.

First call to Windows Performance Counters (PDH) sometimes fails

I'm having a problem where sometimes my code will function correctly, but other times it will fail.
This is the first bit of PDH related code that I run:
const std::wstring pidWildcardPath = L"\\Process(*)\\ID Process";
DWORD bufferSize = 0;
LPTSTR paths = NULL;
PDH_STATUS status = PdhExpandCounterPath(
checkPDHStatus(status, PDH_MORE_DATA, L"Expected request for more data.");
The result of the PdhExpandCounterPath function call is 0x800007D0 (PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE). The checkPDHStatus function is a simple function that I wrote that asserts that the status is equal to the second parameter. In this case, I expect the result to be PDH_MORE_DATA because paths is NULL and bufferSize is 0. The goal of this call is to determine the size of the buffer I must allocate to store all of the results for a subsequent call to PdhExpandCounterPath. This is described in the PDH documentation under the Remarks section.
The list of PDH error codes describes PDH_MORE_DATA as "Unable to connect to the specified computer, or the computer is offline." As you can see by the performance counter path in the code above, I am not even trying to connect to a different computer than my own.
It is interesting the way that this code fails. Sometimes it works fine and then other times, it will fail on multiple back-to-back executions of my application. I have #include <pdh.h> in my header file and I have a section in my property sheet for this DLL that looks like this:
I'm not sure if it matters, but this program is built by Visual Studio 2005 and run on Windows XP. Am I doing something incorrectly?
I'm a co-worker of Dave's and have discovered the following during my investigation:
the code above runs fine when run from a logged-in interactive session
the code runs fine when initiated as a Scheduled Task AND the user is logged in at the time the scheduled task is fired off
the code FAILS only when run as a Scheduled Task AND the user is NOT logged in at the time the task starts
the code continues to fail if the user logs in after the failing task has started but while it is still running (because it is looping "endlessly" until it gets a PDH_MORE_DATA status back).
In the failing instances, the following environment variables have not been established/set for the program: APPDATA, HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH ... I don't think this is a problem. However, the failing program also lacks the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege from its token; the passing programs all have this privilege in the token and PERFMON shows it as "Default Enabled". The other difference is that failing program has the NT_AUTH\BATCH user group in the token, while the passing program has NT_AUTH\INTERACTIVE instead ... all other user groups and privileges are the same for both cases. I think the global privilege is coming from the interactive login, but don't know if it has any bearing on PDH operation.
I cannot find anything in the Performance Counter/PDH documentation that talks about needing any special permissions or privileges for this functionality to succeed. Is the global privilege required to use Performance Counters ?
Or is there some other context/environment difference between running Scheduled Tasks (as a specific user) when that user is/isn't logged in at the time the task starts, that would account for the PDH call succeeding/failing respectively ?
Try this format, indicating the local computer:
const std::wstring pidWildcardPath = L"\\.\Process(*)\ID Process";

CFExecute not performing command

<cfset LOCAL.cmd = expandPath('..\library\gm.exe') />
<cfset LOCAL.args = "convert image1.jpg image2.jpg" />
<cfexecute variable="gm" errorVariable="error"
arguments="#local.args#" />
<cfdump var="#gm#" />
This code always results in an empty string in gm. No matter how I execute gm with or without parameters. Other examples work fine like running cmd.exe or netstat.exe as is in the CFDocs example. I get no errors thrown or warnings in errorVariable, it simply does nothing.
I modified the code, this version does not work either:
<cfset LOCAL.cmd = expandPath('..\library\gm.exe') />
<cfset LOCAL.args = "convert ""#variables.uploadDirectory##LOCAL.file.source#"" ""#variables.uploadDirectory#optimal-#LOCAL.file.source#""" />
<cfexecute errorVariable="error"
arguments="/C #local.cmd# #LOCAL.args#" />
Permissions problems are the most common cause. However, if you are running CF8, you might also try redirecting the error stream and adding an explicit terminate flag. Just to see if you get any output or see different behavior. Early versions did not capture the error stream, which caused some processes to hang. It was fixed in one of the CF8 updaters.
Update: I just noticed your image paths are relative. Perhaps the program is having difficulty locating them. Try using absolute paths for the images.
Update: I tested it with CF9. It does work when using absolute image paths. Though the "gm" variable is understandably empty, since the output is directed to an image file.
<cfexecute variable="gm"
arguments="convert c:\art.gif c:\artCopyFromCF9.gif" />
<cfdump var="#variables#">
Without seeing code or your server setup, I would guess you need to check permissions for the user account CF runs under.
If CF is running under the default user, you may need to create a user with access to whatever it is you are trying to do. Then change the service(s) to run under this user. Alternately, you could assign more liberal permissions to the resource you're trying to access.
I have also encountered this with cfexecute and GraphicsMagick. I think the deal is that GM is operating asynchronously and returns before it completes. Running some tests with outputFile/errorFile instead of their variable equivalents, followed by cffile reading the fileInfo on the output file (which is empty per the test script but observed to have contents when opened), I see that the modified time of the output file with contents is actually after the last modified timestamp yielded by FileInfo.
I think if you output to a session variable or something of the sort that could be picked up by another template you could observe the results of the execution having populated the session variable, provided the other template executes after the variable is actually set.

Mystery HRESULT, 0x889000D

Decimal: 143196173
Hex: 0x889000D
Results from a call to IAudioSessionControl2->GetProcessId().
GetLastError = 126*
Message = "The specified module could not be found"
I'm not really sure how to interpret this error. Additionally, I can't find a description of the HRESULT anywhere. The documented return codes are S_OK, E_POINTER, AUDCLNT_E_NO_SINGLE_PROCESS, and AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED.
Anyone know what this code indicates?
*This is an error marshalled across a managed/unmanaged boundary, obtained by Marshal.GetLastError with a Win32Exception providing the message. It could be bogus, but its what I've got. The HRESULT is pulled out of the unmanaged code directly.
Further investigation, FAILED() doesn't seem to think this is an error. However, the out parameter is cleared (set to 0) which doesn't really make sense. Also, GetErrorInfo returns S_FALSE; so there isn't any additional debug info to go on.
This is AUDCLNT_S_NO_CURRENT_PROCESS - I realized that it somehow missed the Windows 7 SDK headers too late.
The SDK documentation is going to be updated to reflect this.
The result means that the session is a cross process session. The process ID returned is the process ID for the first process which created the session, but if you get this result, you really can't depend on the process ID since the process ID isn't unique.
COM methods can set IErrorInfo on failure. Try to retrieve it - it can contain additional information. In unmanaged code you use GetErrorInfo() for that.