AWS CLI in WSL2: "RequestTimeTooSkewed" - amazon-web-services

I execute the command: aws s3 ls and got the following error message:
An error occurred (RequestTimeTooSkewed) when calling the ListBuckets operation: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.
Please advise.

If you're using WSL, you can run wsl --shutdown in CMD or PowerShell. This ensures the next time you start a WSL session, it cold boots and fixes the time.

AWS API requests are 'signed' and part of the information exchanged is a timestamp. If the timestamp is more than 900 seconds old the request will be rejected.
This is done to prevent "replay attacks" where old requests are sent again.
You can fix this by correcting the Date and Time on the system where you are sending the request.


Error while doing aws iam list-users using AWS_CLI

I am trying to run aws iam list-users in the AWS CLI but got an error. The error is:
An error occurred (SignatureDoesNotMatch) when calling the ListUsers operation: Signature not yet current: 20210606T055848Z is still later than 20210605T174350Z (20210605T172850Z + 15 min.)
Please if anyone know this solution, please tell to me.
The error is pretty clear that the request is signed for 20210606T055848Z but it "currently" is 20210605T172850Z. In different format: 05:58:48 # 06.06.2021 (signed) vs. 17:28:05 # 05.06.2021 (current). There is a difference of 12 and half hours between the two timestamps.
That means either the local time of your computer / the process creating the request is incorrect or the request is intentionally scheduled for the future and is simply not intended to be submitted yet. Solution: fix your clock, change the code to not sign for the future or submit the request at a later point in time.

Boto3 start_text_translation_job TooManyRequestsException

Error in Python running Boto3 start_text_translation_job
botocore.errorfactory.TooManyRequestsException: An error occurred (TooManyRequestsException) when calling the StartTextTranslationJob operation: Request failed due to too many requests.
I wrote a Python script to kick off batch translation from EN to 48 languages. The first 10 submitted fine, but the 11th one got the above error.
At first, I thought I had to slow down and put a sleep between the calls, but that was NOT the issue.
I tried to start a job using the AWS web console, and got a similar error:
Request failed due to too many requests.
This page on AWS Translate Limitations indicates that you can only have 10 translation jobs started at the same time.

Signature expired: is now earlier than error : InvalidSignatureException

I am trying a small example with AWS API Gateway and IAM authorization. The AWS API Gateway generated the below Endpoint :
with POST action and no parameters.
Initially I had turned off the IAM for this POST Method and I verified results using Postman it works.
Then I created a new IAM User and attached AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess Policy to the user thereby giving permission to invoke any API's. Enabled the IAM for the POST Method.
I then went to Postman - and added Authorization with AccessKey, Secret Key, AWS Region as us-east-2 and Service Name as execute-api and tried to execute the Request but I got InvalidSignatureException Error with 403 as return code.
The body contains following message :
Signature expired: 20170517T062414Z is now earlier than 20170517T062840Z (20170517T063340Z - 5 min.)"
What am I missing ?
A request signed with AWS sigV4 includes a timestamp for when the signature was created. Signatures are only valid for a short amount of time after they are created. (This limits the amount of time that a replay attack can be attempted.)
When the signature is validated the timestamp is compared to the current time. If this indicates that the signature was not created recently, then signature validation fails with the error message you mentioned.
If you get this on in a Docker container on Windows that uses WSL, then it may help to fix the WSL time with by running wsl -d docker-desktop -e /sbin/hwclock -s in a Powershell. You can verify this is the case beforehand by logging into the container and
typing date in the terminal and comparing it with your host machine time.
A common cause of this is when the local clock on the host generating the signature is off by more than a couple of minutes.
You need to synchronize your machines local clock with NTP.
for eg. on an ubuntu machine:
sudo ntpdate
System time goes out of sync quite often. You need to keep them in sync periodically.
You can run a daily CRON job to keep your system time in sync as mentioned at this link: Periodically synchronize time in Linux
Create a bash script to sync time called ntpdate and put the below
into it
# sync server time
/usr/sbin/ntpdate >> /tmp/ntpdate.log
You can place this script anywhere you like and then set up a cron I
will be putting it into the daily cron directory so that it runs once
every day So my ntpdate script is now in /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate and
it will run every day
Make this script executable
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate
Test it by running the script once and look for some output in
In your log file you should see something like
26 Aug 12:19:06 ntpdate[2191]: adjust time server offset 0.272120 sec
Faced similar issue when I use timedatectl command to change datetime of underlying machine... Explanation given by MikeD & others are really informative to fix the issue....
sudo apt install ntp
sudo apt install ntpdate
sudo ntpdate
After synchronizing time with correct current datetime, this issue will be resolved
For me, the issue happened while using WSL. The date in WSL was out of sync.
The solution was to run the command
wsl --shutdown and restart docker.
This one command did the trick
sudo ntpdate
Make sure your PC's clock is set correctly. I faced the same issue and then realized my clock wasn't showing the right time due to some reason. As soon as I corrected the time, it started working fine again! Hope this helped.
I was also facing this issue , added
correctClockSkew: true
and issue fixed for me
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const ses = require('nodemailer-ses-transport');
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(ses({
correctClockSkew: true,
accessKeyId: **,
secretAccessKey: **,
region: **
If you are in AWS Ec2 Ubuntu server and somehow not able to fix time with NTP thing.
sudo date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z"
Had this problem on Windows. The current time got out of sync after a power outage. Solved it by: Setting -> date and time -> Sync now.
For those who face this issue while running Lambda functions (that use other AWS services like DynamoDB) locally with sam local invoke:
The time in docker container, used by sam, may not be in sync with host. Restarting your docker on host (Docker Desktop on Windows) should resolve this issue.
I was making AWS API requests from a VM on my local machine. I checked the date was correct and was syncing, but I was still getting the error above. I halted and re-upped my VM and the error went away. I never figured out the exact cause, but "turning it off and back on again" fixed it.
Complementing what as #miked-at-aws post about AWS sigV4, There are at least 2 main possible root causes for the clock skew:
your CPU is overloaded (reaching 99% usage or in EC2 instances with CPU limits that run out on CPU credits).
Why would this generate the time skew? because when the amazon SDK creates the time stamp to the moment the request is sent, normally there shouldn't be more than just a few nano or micro seconds, but if your CPU is overwhelmed it may take it several seconds or even minutes in some cases to process, so for this root cause you will experience not a 100% events lost but just some x% that may not be too big.
for the second root cause which is that your machine clock isn't just adjusted, well probably 100% of your events are being lost and you just have to make sure that your machine clock is being set and adjusted correctly.
I have tried all the solution related to time sync, but nothing works out. What I did was, while creating a service client, I set the correctClockSkew option as true. This solved my problem.
For instance:
let dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({correctClockSkew: true});
Hope this will sort out.
I have face this same problem while fetching video from Amazon Kinesis to my local website. So, in order to solve this problem i have install crony in my computer.This crony solved my problem.You can see the Amazon crony installation in this following link.
What worked for me was to change the time on my computer. I am in the UK so I put it forward one hour to put on a European time zone. Then it worked. This is not the best fix but it worked for me to move forward.
I set the timezone to eu-west-2 which is London so I am not sure why it only worked when I put the time on my computer forward an hour. I need to look into that.
Just try to update the system date and time they might be outdated synchronize your clock, and reload your console. This worked for me.
This is a question asking for any recent updates/suggestions.
Is this problem can be solved using aws amplifier, aws cognito SDK, service worker?
Time synchronization is not working

How to remove RequestTimeTooSkewed check from Amazon?

I have a Java 7 "agent" program running on several client machines (mostly Windows XP). My "agent" uploads client files to Amazon S3 and often I get this error:
I know this is because the client's computer system time difference is too large compared to Amazon's. Here's my problem: I can't control the client's computer (system) time! So, I don't want Amazon to care about time differences.
I heard about jets3t, but I'm hoping not having to resort to yet another tool (agent footprint must remain small).
Any ideas how to remove this check and get rid of this pesky error?
Error detail:
Status Code: 403, AWS Service: Amazon S3, AWS Request ID: 59C9614D15006F23, AWS Error Code: RequestTimeTooSkewed, AWS Error Message: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large., S3 Extended Request ID: v1pGBm3ed2J9dZ3sG/3aDrG3DUGSlt3Ac+9nduK2slih2wyaAnc1n5Jrt5TkRzlV
The error is coming from the S3 service, not from the client, so there really isn't anything you can do other than correct the clock on the client. That check is being done on the service to help detect and prevent replay attacks so it's an important part of the overall security of the service.
Trying a different client-side SDK won't help.

S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden

<RequestTime>Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:09:28 GMT</RequestTime>
reason: The reason of this problem is that Amazon S3 allows only a small time stamp variation up to 15 minutes between the server and its requesting client (user pc). As Amazon is a big backup server of large number of users, security does matter a lot.
solution: I installed ntp on my ubuntu machine and try to sync it with s3. But still throwing same error.
How can I solved it.
My project is in Django
Make sure you use UTC time for your requests. From the AWS docs:
Request Elements
Time stamp—Each request must contain the date and time the request
was created, represented as a string
in UTC.
I had the same problem: Update your date with the following:
rdate -s
substitute with whatever ntp server you require.