Error while doing aws iam list-users using AWS_CLI - amazon-web-services

I am trying to run aws iam list-users in the AWS CLI but got an error. The error is:
An error occurred (SignatureDoesNotMatch) when calling the ListUsers operation: Signature not yet current: 20210606T055848Z is still later than 20210605T174350Z (20210605T172850Z + 15 min.)
Please if anyone know this solution, please tell to me.

The error is pretty clear that the request is signed for 20210606T055848Z but it "currently" is 20210605T172850Z. In different format: 05:58:48 # 06.06.2021 (signed) vs. 17:28:05 # 05.06.2021 (current). There is a difference of 12 and half hours between the two timestamps.
That means either the local time of your computer / the process creating the request is incorrect or the request is intentionally scheduled for the future and is simply not intended to be submitted yet. Solution: fix your clock, change the code to not sign for the future or submit the request at a later point in time.


It's not you, it's us We couldn't complete your request right now. Please try again later- awsapps login

awsapps login page shows -It's not you, it's us We couldn't complete your request right now. Please try again later
access key and secret could not connect aws account with an error message as
"An error occurred (InvalidSignatureException) when calling the DescribeCluster operation: Signature expired: 20220801T134645Z is now earlier than 20220801T143813Z (20220801T144313Z - 5 min.)"
Both the errors are due to date and time mismatch, ie.. try syncing system time settings to your exact location and login,that worked for me.

Mysterious 500 error with AWS Lambda; unable to debug

I have an API that I host using Lambda (nodejs), with API-gateway. I'm using serverless to deploy.
Generally things have been fine, but while I was working on a specific function today, I started to receive HTTP 500 errors when hitting the endpoint. However, while there were still API-Gateway access logs for the end point, there were no Cloudwatch logs for the lambda functions getting hit. I was able to verify that the Authorizer was getting hit successfully, and not returning any issue (if it was, it would have been a 401). After using CLI tools to invoke the function from the command line, the 500 error went away and I was able to successfully hit the endpoints again.
Has anyone ever ran into this before? If I'm missing a debug step, I would really like to know. It was really concerning that my API could be generating 500 errors with no paper trail to help me understand what was happening.
You can check your role and permissions ,this link could help you
Also you can debug further with X-ray :

AWS CLI in WSL2: "RequestTimeTooSkewed"

I execute the command: aws s3 ls and got the following error message:
An error occurred (RequestTimeTooSkewed) when calling the ListBuckets operation: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.
Please advise.
If you're using WSL, you can run wsl --shutdown in CMD or PowerShell. This ensures the next time you start a WSL session, it cold boots and fixes the time.
AWS API requests are 'signed' and part of the information exchanged is a timestamp. If the timestamp is more than 900 seconds old the request will be rejected.
This is done to prevent "replay attacks" where old requests are sent again.
You can fix this by correcting the Date and Time on the system where you are sending the request.

Authentication with Cognito - where to find logs

We have 2 React Native app are using AWS Cognito for authentication. We use library react-native-aws-cognito-js in our code. The apps are working fine until these 2 days. Apps are experiencing intermittent "Internal Server Error".
How can I find more information about this error? Any tool can help us pinpoint the cause?
From CloudTrail, each API call has an event "CreateNetworkInterface". Many of such API calls have error code "Client.NetworkInterfaceLimitExceeded". What is the cause and solution to this?
According to this AWS Doc (in Chinese), CloudWatch will not write to log when error is due to insufficient IP/ENI. That explains the increase in error number but no logs in CloudWatch.
Upate 2
We have found a scheduled Lambda job which may exhausted IP addresses. We stopped the batch job. But still can't have too many user login to server due to "Client.NetworkInterfaceLimitExceeded" error. I realized that there are many "CreateNetworkInterface" event and few "DeleteNetworkInterface" event. How can I "clean up / reset" all network interface in VPC?
Short answer: Cloud Trail.
Long answer with a suggestion
Assuming your application code is fine, most likely the cause of your 500 error is based on Cognito's initial limitations (e.g., number of calls per user):
AWS suggests to use Cloud Trail, for logging Api calls.
However I would suggest, to prove the limitations first, add some logs around the api call yourself, and in development you could call your app/api with a high number of calls; and most likely you will see the 500 error due to the limitations.
You could do the following in the terminal:
for i in `seq 1 1000`; do curl --cookie SecureCookie=TokenValueFromAWS http://localhost:desirablePort/SecuredPath; done

AWS CloudWatch -- Signature Expired

I'm setting up CloudWatch for several of my EC2 instances, using AWS custom CloudWatch metrics.
Everything is going fine, except one of my instances gives me the below error:
ubuntu#my-host:~$ /etc/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --disk-space-util --disk-path=/ --aws-credential-file=/etc/aws-scripts-mon/awscreds.template
ERROR: Failed to call CloudWatch: HTTP 400. Message: Signature expired: 20150515T204709Z is now earlier than 20150515T204917Z (20150515T205417Z - 5 min.)
For more information, run ' --help'
I've tried searching around the Internet, including this link, but no luck. Any ideas?
One hint: I have a cron job invoking this same command every 5 minutes. It is also unsuccessful. That may be related to the x - 5 min. message bit in the above error message.
The system time of the problem EC2 instance is off by several minutes. See AWS SDK Error - Signature not yet current
This is likely the solution!