I try to get all the projects with granted permissions for my account with api explorer:
Unfortunatly, it shows only a few projects (at least 5 times less then it has to show). I double-checked all permissions (both in project an organisation), and in every project i have admin or owner role.
btw, if I try to call the exact project via api to get the list of datasets here:
it will work even for those projects which are not returned in list of projects via previous method.
For what reason api doesn`t return full list of projects? Thanks for help!
We have an app in Expo that is logging in to Firebase with Google, but for some reason after going through the dialog it offers to select an app, which is shown twice, instead of selecting it automatically.
What is the proper configuration for solving this issue? I've had a look at this and that, but we cannot remove schema as it wouldn't work without it. There's a bug report on this issue, so I'm hoping someone managed to work around it here.
I'm currently finding myself unable to enable the Admin UI. It was enabled before and now does not seem to work.
When I looked at my backends I see this.
Image of Amplify backend environment with a button to enable admin UI.
I then clicked the switch to turn on the Admin UI as shown below.
Image of the Admin UI enable screen.
I clicked it and it says it's enabling in a popup here, before saying it succeeded in another popup here.
I thought this was originally something wrong with my project but it's happening on my other amplify project - is the Amplify Admin UI down for some reason?
P.S. I was going to post this on server fault as this post says but there was no tag for Amplify on here.
Sorry this is not an answer, I cannot make comment so I have to write here.
I wasted a whole day by meeting the exactly the same issue.
At the same time, I tried to run Amplify pull --appid --envName several times, it always stuck there.
Amazon status page shows everything is fine now but I cannot believe it.
I also posted a question here but it seems nobody answered it.
I hope this issue was discovered by more people and Amazon finally can fix it, I believe it's not a problem on our side.
The issue was resolved as shown in this ticket I opened.
Have you tried selecting the environment and then clicking Open Admin UI?
I also wasnt able to login clicking in the URL and with my credentials, but clicking there worked.
I am trying to register my app for Oauth consent screen, so that I can create a OAuth client ID. I keep getting this validation error at end of the form, even though I have submitted everything correctly.
An error occurred while saving your app
And this error does not state which input in the form is invalid. Also in the network tab of development tools window, everytime I submit the request, I can see a POST request being initiated and it fails with following error.
{"error":{"code":3,"message":"The request failed because one of the field of the resource is invalid.","details":[{"#type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.PreconditionFailure","violations":[{"type":"client_auth_config","subject":"?error_code=9&error_field_name=UpdateBrandWithMaskRequest.brand_id&error_field_value=0"}]}]}}.
Any suggestions on how to fix this is highly appreciated. I have contacted the google support about this issue as well, but as of now they're saying everything works on their end and clear cache and cookies but it doesn't work. I have attached here a capture of consent config wizard I'm using as well.
Put the Project ID in App Name
Try adding your support email to Firebase console. Go to firebase console->settings->General->Support Email->Add Email. Now while creating oAuth consent screen add same email id developer contact information as well as support email. It worked for me.
To expand on the top answer, there are numerous underlying reasons why this step of the app registration would fail. In the case where the application name is not valid (fails any of the checks that Google Cloud Platform enforces), then setting the application name to the project ID is guaranteed to fix the problem, as the project ID will always happen to be a valid application name.
It may be worth digging into the underlying validation error, which can be achieved by inspecting the network request that is sent upon submitting the form. In the "Network" tab of the Developer Tools, select the POST request that is captured after clicking the "SAVE AND CONTINUE" button. The "Response" tab (shown below for my case) should display an error object with a more descriptive message.
In my case, it seems that the application name was deemed abusive:
The request has been classified as abusive and was not allowed to proceed.
which I suspect is because it contains the word "Google".
What #Kalind said helped me to resolve the problem.
So login to firebase console, chose the project you are trying to create an OAuth Consent too. And then click settings-> General-> Support Email-> Add Email from dropdown.
Now when I go back to google cloud console under the Oauth consent screen, I can see that I have one registered to that project.
I had the same problem, indeed your App name must be identical to your Project ID that you chose when creating the project
I got the exact same error, probably an issue on their end :/
Thanks for reporting this everyone. I've also had the same problem for different apps and #Kalind suggestion fixes the problem. On Firebase project's settings there's a new field now called "Support email" where you can select your support email address. This will fix your issue like #Kalind and #Kasper said. I'm just adding a screenshot to make it more clear for those with the same problem.
For me there was an email in there already (owner of account email).
I had to invite another email > accept invite > change email > save > then change back > then I could proceed with the OAuth Consent Screen.
To change the support email on the Firebase Console you go to:
https://console.firebase.google.com/ > select Cog > Project Settings > General tab > Support Email
I reached this page is because of testing Google Login.
I faced this issue creating "OAuth consent screen".
But I didn't need this to create.
Just go to "Domain verification" page and "Add Domain".
There you may need to add 'txt record' in DNS Setting to prove you owned the domain.
After adding domain, go to "Credentials" page.
It is ready to choose the "Application type" like google guide
!!! pls enjoy !!!
I used the app Id as my App Name in the OAuth consent screen setup page.
If you are trying to use group email from gsuite in App consent/Firebase support, you must be the group owner, and do not need that group email address on any IAM role.
I believe the name of the application requesting access simply needs to be different from the name of the Google project.
This Error was come due to the project name is the same as the app name. So your app name and project name must be differnet
to expand on the helpful post of #zr0gravity7
I checked the 'response' in the developer con{"error":
At least one field must be updated."}}
I simply changed one field, and the save now succeeded.
(This is a very disappointing design of the form error checking)
The app name must be unique across Google. Modify the app name a bit.
In the Open Graph Dashboard of my Facebook application I get error for my story saying "Unable to generate story" after creating both custom or storys with standard object.
So under the page facebookdeveloper/apps/myapp/story/openGraph where I usually have nice storys for different scenarios (one on one, multiple people, past tence) it just says error "Unable to generat story" everywhere.
My story titles says for example: "Mr X read a book.title on myApp" and then "Unable..."
There is no more information on why I get the error.
I had storys with similiar object etc. for the application previously which I removed. Cant his affect the creation of new stories?
Anyone else who has the same problem and a solution?
I had "Unable to generate story" until I completed the steps at :
Facebook Open Graph Story
Setup the Backend Server (just put the PHP example on a server you can access)
Test it using the Object Debugger
(Once you resolve any errors from Debugger) Publish a test action
OpenGraph can then generate the different scenario stories.
Hope that helps.
Try clicking on Manage Sample Data, create the sample object first, then the sample action. Setup the sample action to use the sample object you just created. This worked for me, just in time to stop me going mad. I got this solution from a Japanese site : http://konifar.com/1185
This error comes up because facebook has no examples of the story to render. It does not inhibit your ability to post the actions.
I know it's too late to provide an answer but it will be helpful to others who are having the same issue,I was having the same issue and it held me back by a couple of hours after one successful post you will be able to get the preview until then you can't get a preview.
Another point when publishing a test action:
It needs to be from your account, so if you have an account just for testing that's not the same as the admin account, it won't work
It can't be from a test user - I think this is related to the first point