Adjusting the font size and family of extra fillText labels in ChartJS - chart.js

I have created a pretty good ChartJS system but am having trouble with breaking the extra x-axis labels and title font details. They same to want to be the same for some reason.
First of all, the solution I got help with is here:
SO answer
The charts look okay like so:
As you can see the title and addition x-axis label are both the same font size. This occurs due to the configuration options of:
// context.xAxes.font
context.font = this.config.get("chart.axis.font");
context.fontSize = 100;
context.fillStyle = this.config.get("chart.axis.font.color");
context.textAlign = 'center';
context.fillText(line, x, y);
I have the configuration options setup this way:
title: {
display: true,
fontSize: 10,
text: this.options.title,
padding: titlePadding,
I have no idea why the fillText is working for both title and extra categories.

As far as I know, there's no fontSize property on the canvas rendering context. You should use its font property instead to specify weight, size, and family of the font.
Please take a look at the runnable code snippet provided in this answer.


Multi line tooltip with CStatusBar and always activated

I am using the CStatusBar control and here is an example of trying to set the tooltips:
m_StatusBar.CreateEx(this, SBT_TOOLTIPS);
m_StatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators_oclm, paneCount); //We create the status bar
m_StatusBar.SetPaneInfo(paneDate, ID_INDICATOR_DATE, SBPS_NORMAL, 200);
m_StatusBar.SetPaneInfo(paneProgressOrZoomFactor, ID_INDICATOR_ZOOM, SBPS_NORMAL, 200);
m_StatusBar.SetPaneInfo(panePageBreaks, ID_INDICATOR_PAGE_BREAK, SBPS_NORMAL, 200);
m_StatusBar.SetPaneInfo(paneSlipsPerPage, ID_INDICATOR_SLIPS_COUNT, SBPS_NORMAL, 10);
m_StatusBar.SetPaneInfo(paneForeignLanguageGroup, ID_INDICATOR_FOREIGN_LANGUAGE_GROUP, SBPS_NORMAL, 200);
m_StatusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl().SetTipText(paneSlipsPerPage, _T("Line 1\r\nLine2"));
When I display the tooltip:
As you can see, it has not shown two lines:
Line 1
Line 2
I have researched it (example here) but to no avail.
Using slightly different code, sticking with just one line for the tip I now have:
You can see why I prefer multiline. In addition, I really want the pane text to read "Calendar to use" and the tip to have the information. But the tips only show if all the text is not visible. So I also need to make it always activated if possible.
I still can't get multiline but I have come up with a workaround for some of it:
Get the width for "Calendars to Use"
Set the pane width to that value
Update the pane text as "Calendars to Use " (causes the tooltip notification)
Set the tip text
The icon on the cake is getting the multi line support
I tried:
static CToolTipCtrl* pToolTip = NULL;
CToolTipCtrl* ptt = AfxGetModuleState()->m_thread.GetDataNA()->m_pToolTip;
if (ptt != pToolTip) {
// new tooltip
pToolTip = ptt;
But the code never gets called.
I have raised this as a feature request with Microsoft.

displaying image in a toolbar in swift 3

i am trying to create a toolbar with buttons. and the button i want to have is an image rather title. The current non working code is:
let imageName = "yourImage.png"
self.myUIBarButtonBack = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: imageName), style:.plain, target: self, action: #selector(onClickBarButton))
I have 2 questions:
1. where should i place the yourImage.png in my application
2. is this code sufficient to render image or i need to do things like putting it into imageView component and make it visible etc. ?
The best approach is to add images in xcassets. This is the best way you can organize images. The concept of App slicing applies here.
You don't need to put the image in image view in the case of bar button item.
Try changing the rendring option as Original Image instead of Default.
One way is create custom button and assign to toolbar like navigationbar
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true
let button = UIButton.init(type: .custom)
button.setImage(UIImage.init(named: "back_icon"), for: UIControlState.normal)
button.addTarget(self, action:#selector(onClickBackBarItem), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)
button.frame = CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: 25)
let barButton = UIBarButtonItem.init(customView: button)
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = barButton

ChartJS: Update tooltip

I'm having a chart build with ChartJS. I'm including datasets.label in multipleTooltipLabel template and facing an update issue. When changing a datasets.label and running chart.update() the tooltip is not updated. I created a JSFiddle demonstrating the issue.
The code I use to include datasets label in tooltip:
var options = {
multiTooltipTemplate: "<%=datasetLabel%>: <%= value + ' %' %>"
Beside that option I followed ChartJS usage example for Line charts.
Change label and update chart:
myNewChart.datasets[0].label = 'updated label';
Label shown in tooltip is not updated...
I had a look in ChartJS source code and figured out that showTooltip function is called with a ChartElements array which was not updated.
Update: I might cached the issue. label of dataset is set on each point element and not updated if it changes. showTooltip used this "cached" dataset label when drawing a tooltip. Perhaps this should not be a question on StackOverflow but a bug report for ChartJS.
I found a solution:
myNewChart.datasets[0].points.forEach(function(point) {
point.datasetLabel = 'updated label';
This might also be the way it should be done. Chart.js documentation of update method says you should set myLineChart.datasets[0].points[2].value = 50; to change the value. That's confusing cause on creation dataset expects the values in data property. points is generated by Chart.Line Class on init. Naming may be different for other chart types (eg. it's bars for a bar chart).
I'm not quite sure if myLineChart.datasets[0].label value is used somewhere or if could be unchanged.
I could solve your problem by changing the original data object (data.datasets[0].label='updated label') then running myNewChart.initialize(data).
var option = {
plugins: {
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
label: function (context) {
label = 'new string ' + context.label + ', ' + context.dataIndex;
return label;
myChart.options = option;
ToolTips / Points Events are configurable with chartJS options...
Find more here:

KO Grid Scrollbars not visible & Display issues

I am having two problems with KOgrid.
1) I could not get scroll bars in the kogrid .It is very difficult to do data entry without scroll bars.
2) I also could not get kogrid to working wihout specifying hard coded height and width.In my application I can not have a fixed height and width.
Did anybody else had the same issue ?
I tried a workaround suggestion from this thread ( using jQuery fix as last line in my viewmodel).
KO Grid Display Isseues, On resize Gird shows one row. Images also included
that just increased that size of the grid but it did not display any data . However, when I resize the page data shows up.
Below are my HTML and kogrid options ( I tried with and without paging options, Ideally I do not want to use paging )
<div data-bind="koGrid: gridOptions"
style="height: 800px; background-color: none;width: 1850px;">
self.gridOptions = {
data: self.mydatarray,
footerVisible: true,
displaySelectionCheckbox: true,
afterSelectionChange: self.RowSelectionChange,
rowHeight: 50,
selectWithCheckboxOnly: true,
enableSorting: false,
multiSelect: true,
selectedItems: self.SelectedRows,
enableColumnResize: true,
showFilter: false,
canSelectRows: true,
enablePaging: true,
pagingOptions: {
currentPage: ko.observable(1),
pageSize: ko.observable(3),
pageSizes: ko.observableArray([3, 6, 9])
rowTemplate: errrowtmpl,
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'Customer', displayName: 'Customer', cellTemplate: Customersddedittmpl, headerCellTemplate: headercelltmpl },
{ field: 'GenNotes', displayName: 'GenNotes', cellTemplate: simpleedittmpl, headerCellTemplate: headercelltmpl }
Please let me know if you need any more information
Kenner Dev
I found a solution to the problems I am facing.
1) I used Jquery to add scroll bar. I added code line below as last line of my data loading function. I am not sure id this breaks any other KOGrid functionality.In my application I did some basic testing and it seems to be working fine.
$("div.kgViewport").css("overflow", "scroll");
2) I still dont know how to solve this problem 100%. It still does not work unless fixed width and height are mentioned in style. In my app I used vw and vh as opposed fixed width and height to solve the problem of making it work on all screen sizes.
<div data-bind="koGrid: gridOptions"
style="height: 73vh;overflow:scroll;width: 96vw;"></div>

Flex Mobile List: How to get rid of grey overlay on renderer tap?

I tried setting all possible styles to something other than grey, just to try and get rid of the grey overlay as shown in the "Hello item 1" in the attached image of a list. Nothing worked. I examined the ListSkin class too and didn't fins anything that would draw these. How to get rid of these overlays?
<s:List id="list" width="100%" height="100%"
I just helped a client with this same thing. You, basically, have to extend the LabelItemRemderer class to not draw the rectangle. It is not exposed via styles or colors for you to change.
Look at this code (Starting at line 853 in the LabelItemRemderer):
// Selected and down states have a gradient overlay as well
// as different separators colors/alphas
if (selected || down)
var colors:Array = [0x000000, 0x000000 ];
var alphas:Array = [.2, .1];
var ratios:Array = [0, 255];
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
// gradient overlay
matrix.createGradientBox(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight, Math.PI / 2, 0, 0 );
graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
You basically need some way to force this code to not run. You can do this by creating your own itemRenderer from scratch. Or you can extend the LabelItemRenderer, override the drawBackground() method and copy all the parent drawBackground() code into your extended child; minus the block above.
I'd love to see the color exposed as a style or something. I'd love to see a magic property (or style) we could use to make the overlay vanish altogether. Feel free to log this as a bug into the Apache Flex Jira.