WSO2 ApiManager 3.2 - Adaptive Authentication function assignUserRoles is not defined - wso2

I am trying to using an openAM external identity provider to authenticate users of the WSO2 developer portal.
To do that I need to dynamically add the role Internal/subscriber to user authenticated via openAM because we don't have roles in openAM.
So I added the following code to the Script Based Adaptive Authentication:
var onLoginRequest = function(context) {
executeStep(1, {
onSuccess: function (context) {
// Extracting authenticated subject from the first step.
var user = context.currentKnownSubject;
assignUserRoles(user, ['Internal/subscriber']);
Trying the authentication I see in the wso2 logs the error "assignUserRoles" is not defined:
TID: [-1234] [] [2021-06-10 10:57:34,273] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.config.model.graph.JsGraphBuilder} - Error in executing the javascript for service provider : apim_devportal, Javascript Fragment :
function (context) {
// Extracting authenticated subject from the first step.
var user = context.currentKnownSubject;
assignUserRoles(user, ['Internal/subscriber']);
} <eval>:4 ReferenceError: "assignUserRoles" is not defined
at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.error(
at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.referenceError(
at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.referenceError(
at jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.Global.__noSuchProperty__(​
Any idea on how to solve this? Or any other alternative to give a default Internal/subscriber to any user authenticated via OpenAM?

The above-mentioned error is expected in the API Manager servers. This is because the API Manager servers are not built to support Adaptive Authentication as WSO2 IS servers.
So, if you are planning to perform the Adaptive Authentication, the best option would be to deploy a WSO2 IS server as a Key Manager with API Manager and perform the task. Further, as an alternative way, we can implement a custom Provisioning Handler to assign the `Internal/subscriber' role to the provisioning users.
You can refer to the implementation for more clarity. We can make use of the retrieveRolesToBeDeleted() to append the Internal/subscriber role into the rolesToAdd variable and then configure the custom provisioning handler in the API Manager with the following TOML config
provisioning_handler = "com.sample.custom.CustomRoleProvisioningHandler"
A sample implementation is given below
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.exception.FrameworkException;
import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.handler.provisioning.impl.DefaultProvisioningHandler;
import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.handler.provisioning.impl.SystemRolesRetainedProvisionHandler;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserRealm;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException;
public class CustomRoleProvisioningHandler extends SystemRolesRetainedProvisionHandler {
public void handle(List<String> roles, String subject, Map<String, String> attributes,
String provisioningUserStoreId, String tenantDomain) throws FrameworkException {
super.handle(roles, subject, attributes, provisioningUserStoreId, tenantDomain);
Further here are few other implementations for custom provisioning handlers
Hope this helps to achieve your requirement.


How to import Google Cloud credentials into a Firebase Cloud Function?

I'm trying to set up Google Cloud Translation in a Firebase Cloud Function. I'm using the demo code provided by Google Cloud Translation:
// Instantiates a client
const translationClient = new TranslationServiceClient();
const projectId = 'languagetwo-cd94d';
const location = 'global';
const text = 'Hello, world!';
async function translateText() {
// Construct request
const request = {
parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}`,
contents: [text],
mimeType: 'text/plain', // mime types: text/plain, text/html
sourceLanguageCode: 'en',
targetLanguageCode: 'es',
// Run request
const [response] = await translationClient.translateText(request);
for (const translation of response.translations) {
console.log(`Translation: ${translation.translatedText}`);
This demo tutorial makes a second file called key.json:
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "myAwesomeApp",
"private_key_id": "1234567890",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\noPeeking=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "",
"client_id": "1234567890",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": ""
I uploaded my credentials from the CLI:
gcloud auth login
gcloud iam service-accounts create translation-quickstart --project myAwesomeApp
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding myAwesomeApp
gcloud iam service-accounts keys \
create key.json --iam-account \
I then entered node app.js at the CLI and it runs perfectly. ¡Hola Mundo!
How do I import my credentials into a Firebase Cloud Function? I tried this:
exports.ENtranslateES = functions.firestore.document('Users/{userID}/English/Translation_Request').onUpdate((change) => { // triggers when browser writes a request word to the database
// Google Cloud
const { TranslationServiceClient } = require('#google-cloud/translate');
// Instantiates a client
const translationClient = new TranslationServiceClient();
const projectId = 'languagetwo-cd94d';
const location = 'global';
const text = 'Hello, world!';
async function translateText() {
// Construct request
const request = {
parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}`,
contents: [text],
mimeType: 'text/plain', // mime types: text/plain, text/html
sourceLanguageCode: 'en',
targetLanguageCode: 'es',
// Run request
const [response] = await translationClient.translateText(request);
for (const translation of response.translations) {
console.log(`Translation: ${translation.translatedText}`);
return translateText()
I added only a return at the bottom because Firebase Cloud Functions require that something has to be returned.
The result is that the function triggers and translateText() fires. Then I get an error message:
Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Cloud IAM permission
That looks like the credentials weren't imported. How do I import the key.json credentials into the Firebase Cloud Function?
Normally, you do not import a service account into a Google compute service such as Cloud Functions. Those services have an attached service account. There are methods of securely storing a service account using services like Google Cloud Secret Manager. In your case there is a better solution.
The following line in your source code uses the Cloud Function attached service account, which defaults to the App Engine default service account
const translationClient = new TranslationServiceClient();
Since you did not specify a credential when creating the translationClient, ADC (Application Default Credentials) searches for credentials. In your example, the search found valid credentials from the Cloud Function service account.
The solution is to add the required role to that service account.
If you want to use the service account that you created, then attach the service account identity (email address) to the Cloud Function link.
Access control with IAM
I got Google Cloud Translate to work in Postman. This is a step towards an answer, not an answer. (Google has its own version of Postman, called Google Cloud API, but it doesn't work with Translate,)
I followed this blog post to set up Google Cloud API in Postman. I started at my Google Cloud Console. I selected my project. I clicked APIs & Services, then Credentials, then + Create Credentials, then OAuth client ID. Under Application type I selected Web application. I named the client ID Postman. Lastly I added an Authorized redirect URI: Now when I click on my Postman API in my Google Cloud Console I see a Client ID and a Client secret.
In Postman, I changed GET to POST and entered the URL from the Google Cloud Translation page:
Under the Authorization tab I put in:
Token Name: GCP Token
Grant Type: Authorization Code
Callback URL:
Auth URL:
Access Token URL:
Client ID:
Client Secret: ABCDE-NoPeeking-1234567890
Client Authorization: Send as Basic Auth header
I then clicked Get New Access Token and an access token appeared at the top of all this. The token is good for one hour.
Under Params I entered:
q: rain
target: es
source: en
Google Cloud Translate returned lluvia.
Now I know what the auth properties and query parameters are. I don't know how to put them into a Firebase Cloud Function.

How To properly OIDC Logout in WSO2 IS

I am trying to logout from an application that is using OIDC for the authentication. Once Am logged in I can not logout when I head to /logout am not seeing the consent page that am used to see when logging out from the WSO2 Console application(I haven't disabled it so it should appear to confirm the logout). after that I am redirected to the /login page in which am not required to insert credentials and all I have to do is click allow on the consent.
Config security class
public class ConfigSecurity extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
private ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;
private LogoutSuccessHandler oidcLogoutSuccessHandler() {
OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler oidcLogoutSuccessHandler =
new OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler(
return oidcLogoutSuccessHandler;
Callback URI :
BackChannel Logout URI : https://localhost:9443/oidc/logout :
######### Identity Server{baseUrl}/login/oauth2/code/wso2
#Identity Server Properties
Can anyone help
thanks in advance
Springboot oauth client derives OIDC logout endpoint of the IDP from the discovery endpoint. The issue is, from your application properities file, the application could not find the logout endpoint of the IDP. Token endpoint, authorization url, user-info-uri and jwk-set-uri can be configured separately. But there is no way to configure logout url in such a way. Since WSO2 supports OIDC discovery, all the endpoints token endpoint, authorization url, user-info-uri and jwk-set-uri urls, logout endpoint can be obtained from the issuer_uri property. So remove Token endpoint, authorization url, user-info-uri and jwk-set-uri configurations and add issue-uri config. Apply the below configuration to your properties file and see.
######### Identity Server{baseUrl}/login/oauth2/code/wso2
You can refer these docs:

Customize email verification page AWS Cognito

I am using Amazon Cognito for user authentication. After the user is registered verification email is sent to his email address. After clicking on the email link he is prompted with this in his browser.
How can I customize this page in order to insert a script that will trigger deep links within the mobile application, and also make the page look bit nicer?
You can do that using Cognito triggers.
You can configure a trigger template to define a message with a link to a page you control.
The assets will be stored at: amplify/backend/auth/<your-resource-name>CustomMessage/assets
The documentation has more details
Cognito allows you to configure your User Pool to send an email to
your users when they attempt to register an account. You can configure
this email to contain a link to Cognito’s Hosted UI where the user’s
account will be marked as confirmed.
This trigger template allows you to define an email message with a
link to a static S3 bucket that you control, where the user’s account
will be confirmed and they can then be redirected to a URL of your
choice (presumably your application). The URL will automatically
contain the username as a query string parameters.
Please note that this trigger template will create an S3 resource. The
files that populate the static site are available for edit in
amplify/backend/auth/CustomMessage/assets. They
consist of:
spinner.js (controls the spinner that appears on the page while users are awaiting confirmation)
verify.js (the script which performs the verification request)
I was not able to customize the verification page provided by AWS. I created my own UI on my page, which sent the generated code to cognito for verification. For that I needed to:
trigger custom email upon registration
put custom link to verification in the email using the codes provided for the lambda
process the codes on my page
send the codes and username through aws package
Step 1.
In AWS Cognito User Pool, customize workflow with triggers, choose "Custom Message". The triggerSource for verification that I check for are:
event.triggerSource === 'CustomMessage_SignUp' || event.triggerSource === 'CustomMessage_ResendCode'
You can see other trigger sources for CustomMessage here:
Step 2. The lambda provides parameters for verification for my users: event.request.userAttributes.sub and event.request.codeParameter. Using these to I constructed a link to my page like so:${event.request.userAttributes.sub}&confirmation_code=${event.request.codeParameter}
Step 3. On my page, I check if the url params for user_name and confirmation_code are present, and display a modal which is supposed to inform the user if the verification went correctly or not.
Using a package "amazon-cognito-identity-js" I process the code and user_name. First I create the user pool:
import { CognitoUserPool } from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js';
//Aws-cognito credentials
const poolData = {
export default new CognitoUserPool(poolData);
Then to process the code I create a user instance:
import { CognitoUser } from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js';
import UserPool from 'utils/UserPool';
const getUser = () => {
return new CognitoUser({
Username: user_name.toLowerCase(),
Pool: UserPool,
// After that you can process the code:
getUser().confirmRegistration(code, false, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
if (
err.message === 'User cannot be confirmed. Current status is CONFIRMED'
) {
// Handle already confirmed error
} else {
// Handle other errors you want
// Handle successful verification
The account is verified and you can guide the user to the login page or any other.

Access permissions on AWS API Gateway

I'm building an application where some data within DynamoDb can be accessed by users over a Rest API.
What I have in mind is:
User accesses API Gateway, authenticated by a Cognito user pool;
API Gateway invokes a Lambda function (written in Python);
Lambda function accesses DynamoDB and returns data.
I'd like to be able to restrict the level of access to DynamoDb according to the user. Initially I thought that the Lambda function could inherit its permissions from the user, but this doesn't work because it needs an execution role.
What is the best way of achieving this? For example, can I pass user information to the Lambda function, which in turn can assume this role before accessing DynamoDb? If so a code example would be appreciated.
Take a look at SpaceFinder - Serverless Auth Reference App and Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers
With Cognito you can use RBAC:
Amazon Cognito identity pools assign your authenticated users a set of
temporary, limited privilege credentials to access your AWS resources.
The permissions for each user are controlled through IAM roles that
you create. You can define rules to choose the role for each user
based on claims in the user's ID token. You can define a default role
for authenticated users. You can also define a separate IAM role with
limited permissions for guest users who are not authenticated.
so you can create specific roles for each user, although it would be better to use groups
With Lambda authorisers you create your own policy. An example is in awslabs.
In addition to blueCat's answer, I briefly tried giving my Lambda function sts:AssumeRole permissions, and then allowing it to assume the role of the Cognito user that invoked it via the API. I can then use this to get a new set of credentials and carry out some activity with the Cognito user's permissions. Roughly the code inside the lambda is:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
sts_client = boto3.client('sts')
role = event['requestContext']['authorizer']['claims']['cognito:roles']
cognito_role = sts_client.assume_role(
credentials = cognito_role['Credentials']
sess = boto3.session.Session(
# Do something as the assumed user, e.g. access S3
s3_client = sess.client('s3')
# Do stuff here...
Although this works I found that there was roughly 0.5s overhead to assume the role and get the S3 client, and I can't re-use this session between invocations of the function because it is user-specific. As such this method didn't really suit my application.
I've decided instead to give my Lambda full access to the relevant DynamoDb tables, and use the Cognito user groups plus a Lambda authorizer to restrict the parts of the API that individual users are able to call.
I dealt with this issue also but I implemented my solution with Node.js and I figured that although your question is for a Python implementation, then maybe someone would stumble upon this question looking for an answer in JS and I figured this could help out the next person who comes along.
It sounds like you're trying to come up with an effective Authorization strategy after the user has Authenticated their credentials against your Cognito User Pool using custom attributes.
I created a library that I use to export a few functions that allow me to capture the UserPoolId and the Username for the authenticated user so that I can capture the custom:<attribute> I need within my lambda so that the conditions I have implemented can then consume the API to the remaining AWS Services I need to provide authorization to for each user that is authenticated by my app.
Here is My library:
import AWS from "aws-sdk";
// ensure correct AWS region is set
region: "us-east-2"
// function will parse the user pool id from a string
export function parseUserPoolId(str) {
let regex = /[^[/]+(?=,)/g;
let match = regex.exec(str)[0].toString();
console.log("Here is the user pool id: ", match);
return match.toString();
// function will parse the username from a string
export function parseUserName(str) {
let regex = /[a-z,A-Z,0-9,-]+(?![^:]*:)/g;
let match = regex.exec(str)[0].toString();
console.log("Here is the username: ", match);
return match.toString();
// function retries UserAttributes array from cognito
export function getCustomUserAttributes(upid, un) {
// instantiate the cognito IdP
const cognito = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({
apiVersion: "2016-04-18"
const params = {
UserPoolId: upid,
Username: un
console.log("UserPoolId....: ", params.UserPoolId);
console.log("Username....: ", params.Username);
try {
const getUser = cognito.adminGetUser(params).promise();
console.log("GET USER....: ", getUser);
// return all of the attributes from cognito
return getUser;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR in getCustomUserAttributes....: ", err.message);
return err;
With this library implemented it can now be used by any lambda you need to create an authorization strategy for.
Inside of your lambda, you need to import the library above (I have left out the import statements below, you will need to add those so you can access the exported functions), and you can implement their use as such::
export async function main(event, context) {
const upId = parseUserPoolId(
// Step 2 --> Get the UserName from the requestContext
const usrnm = parseUserName(
// Request body is passed to a json encoded string in
// the 'event.body'
const data = JSON.parse(event.body);
try {
// TODO: Make separate lambda for AUTHORIZATION
let res = await getCustomUserAttributes(upId, usrnm);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:primaryAccountId: ", res.UserAttributes[4].Value);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:ROLE: ", res.UserAttributes[3].Value);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:userName: ", res.UserAttributes[1].Value);
const primaryAccountId = res.UserAttributes[4].Value;
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log("This call failed to getattributes");
return failure({
status: false
The response from Cognito will provide an array with the custom attributes you need. Console.log the response from Cognito with console.log("THIS IS THE Cognito response: ", res.UserAttributes); and check the index numbers for the attributes you want in your CloudWatch logs and adjust the index needed with:
Now you have an authorization mechanism that you can use with different conditions within your lambda to permit the user to POST to DynamoDB, or use any other AWS Services from your app with the correct authorization for each authenticated user.

Websphere Role Based WS-Security with UsernameToken

Through the Websphere Console I've setup a Policy Set and a Policy Set Binding in order to support UsernameToken authentication on a webservice. As expected, it is rejecting web service calls without correct usernames and passwords. However, it is now accepting every user in the connected LDAP.
I would like to be able to only allow access to users in a specific LDAP group. I have the feeling that I need to create a custom JAAS Login in the Caller settings, but I'm not completely sure.
Does anybody have a solution for this, or a direction where I should be looking?
Edit: I'm doing this to expose an IBM BPM web service.
Create your web service based on EJB not a POJO, and then use #RolesAllowed annotation to specify roles which are allowed to invoke particular method from your service. Use adminconsole, scirpt or binding file to map defined role to user or groups from the LDAP server.
This is probably much easier than fighting with Login module and more flexible.
You can create a custom JAAS login module to use when consuming the username token. You can use a JAAS config that first calls the built-in token consumer, then your custom consumer. Doing it this way means that you can use the built-in consumer to parse the token and do timestamp and nonce processing and you only have to do the username/password validation in your own login module.
The instructions can be found here:
(Please forgive the formatting. I'm doing the best I can with what I have available here.)
Replacing the authentication method of the UsernameToken consumer using a stacked JAAS login module
By default, the Web services security UsernameToken consumer, UNTConsumeLoginModule, always validates the username and password that are contained within the token against the WebSphere registry. You can use the SPIs that GenericSecurityTokenFactory provides to bypass this authentication method.
About this task
If you want to replace the authentication method that UNTConsumeLoginModule uses, you must provide your own custom JAAS login module to do the authentication. The custom login module is stacked under UNTConsumeLoginModule in a custom JAAS configuration. The UNTConsumeLoginModule consumes and validates the token XML. The validation of the values provided for username and password is deferred to the custom stacked login module.
Because the use of UNTConsumeLoginModule carries with it the assumption that the username and password will be authenticated, more requirements are put on a stacked login module that intends to perform this function than are put on login modules that are only intended to provide dynamic token functionality.
To indicate to UNTConsumeLoginModule that it should not authenticate the username and password, you must set the following property on the configured callback handler:
Like most WS-Security login modles, UNTConsumeLoginModule always puts the consumed token in the shared state map to which all login modules in the stack have access. When authDeferred=true is specified, in the commit phase, UNTConsumeLoginModule ensures that the same UsernameToken object that had originally been put on the shared state has been put in another location in the shared state. If this UsernameToken object cannot be found, a LoginException occurs. Therefore, you cannot just set authDeferred=true on the callback handler without having an accompanying login module return the token to the shared state.
Develop a JAAS login module to do the authentication and make it available to your application code. This new login module stacks under the
This login module must:
Use the following method to get the UsernameToken that UNTConsumeLoginModule consumes.
UsernameToken unt = UsernameToken)factory.getConsumerTokenFromSharedState(sharedState,UsernameToken.ValueType);
In this code example, factory is an instance of
Check the username and password in the manner that you choose.
You can call unt.getUsername() and unt.getPassword() to get the username and password.
Your login module should throw a LoginException if there is an authentication error.
Put the UsernameToken, that was obtained in the previous substep, back on the shared state.
Use the following method to put the UsernameToken back on the shared state.
factory.putAuthenticatedTokenToSharedState(sharedState, unt);
Following is an example login module:
package test.tokens;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyUntAuthenticator implements LoginModule {
private Map _sharedState;
private Map _options;
private CallbackHandler _handler;
public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
Map<String, ?> sharedState, Map<String, ?> options) {
this._handler = callbackHandler;
this._sharedState = sharedState;
this._options = options;
public boolean login() throws LoginException {
//For the sake of readability, this login module does not
//protect against all NPE's
GenericSecurityTokenFactory factory = null;
WSSUtilFactory utilFactory = null;
try {
factory = GenericSecurityTokenFactory.getInstance();
utilFactory = WSSUtilFactory.getInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LoginException(e.toString());
if (factory == null) {
throw new LoginException("GenericSecurityTokenFactory.getInstance() returned null");
UsernameToken unt = (UsernameToken)factory.getConsumerTokenFromSharedState(this._sharedState,UsernameToken.ValueType);
String username = unt.getUsername();
char [] password = unt.getPassword();
//authenticate the username and password
//to validate a PasswordDigest password (fixpack and later)
//String pw = yourCodeToLookUpPasswordForUsername(username);
//boolean match = utilFactory.verifyDigestedPassword(unt, pw.toCharArray());
//if (!match) throw new LoginException("Digested passwords do not match");
try {
simpleUserGroupCheck(username, password, "cn=group1,o=ibm,c=us");
} catch (Exception e) {
LoginException le = new LoginException(e.getMessage());
throw le;
//Put the authenticated token to the shared state
factory.putAuthenticatedTokenToSharedState(this._sharedState, unt);
return true;
private boolean simpleUserGroupCheck(String username, char [] password, String group) throws Exception {
String allowedGroup = null;
//get the default user registry
UserRegistry user_reg = RegistryHelper.getUserRegistry(null);
//authenticate the user against the user registry
user_reg.checkPassword(username, new String(password));
//get the list of groups that the user belongs to
java.util.List<String> groupList = user_reg.getGroupsForUser(username);
//you can either use a hard-coded group
allowedGroup = group;
//or get the value from your own custom property on the callback handler
//WSSUtilFactory util = WSSUtilFactory.getInstance();
//Map map = util.getCallbackHandlerProperties(this._handler);
//allowedGroup = (String) map.get("MY_ALLOWED_GROUP_1");
//check if the user belongs to an allowed group
if (!groupList.contains(allowedGroup)) {
throw new LoginException("user ["+username+"] is not in allowed group ["+allowedGroup+"]");
return true;
//implement the rest of the methods required by the
//LoginModule interface
Create a new JAAS login configuration.
In the administrative console, select Security > Global security.
Under Authentication, select Java Authentication and Authorization Service.
Select System logins.
Click New, and then specify Alias = test.consume.unt.
Click New, and then specify Module class name =
Click OK.
Click New, and then specify Module class name = test.tokens.MyUntAuthenticator
Select Use login module proxy.
Click OK, and then click SAVE.
Configure your UsernameToken token consumer to use the new JAAS configuration.
Open your bindings configuration that you want to change.
In the administrative console, select WS-Security > Authentication and protection.
Under Authentication tokens, select the UsernameToken inbound token that you want to change.
Select JAAS login = test.consume.unt.
Set the required property on the callback handler that is configured for the UsernameToken consumer.
Click Callback handler.
Add the custom property.
Click OK.
Click SAVE.
Restart the application server to apply the JAAS configuration changes.
Test your service.