Resize Visuals in PowerBI using buttons and bookmarks - powerbi

I have two visuals in the report stacked on top of each other
by default, both of the visuals occupy 50% of the space.
I want functionality like 2 buttons to focus on each visual.
Now, when I click on the 1st button it should make the 1st visual 3 times the size of the 2nd visual. Similarly, when I click on the 2nd button it should make the 2nd visual 3 times the size of the 1st visual.
How to achieve this in Power BI. Thanks in Advance.

You can use two different visuals where if you select the data it will just be highlighted.
As of now we could see that is not supported by Power Bi, if you are using the visuals then you have to adjust it prior you publish your Dashboard.

Power BI does not currently support dynamic resizing of visuals. But you can achieve this by using two versions of the same result by mutually using the visibility function.


Managing Interactions - Power BI

Having some trouble managing interactions between slicers and graphs in PowerBI.
Some visuals are showing as not having an interaction to manage even though they change when the slicer is changed (when i say no interaction i mean there is no option to block the interaction).
I am using a line graph linked to a slicer, the data is working as it should until i try to lock in the results for one particular sub group and then block any further interactions with the visual, when i do this the data then changes.
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
For your questions:
Every visual allows you to Edit Interaction, however, if you have a lot of visuals and some of them are for example on the top of your page, the icon for editing can appear invisible, however, if you move the visual to a place where there is space above the visual, it will show up (I just tested it, all visuals that were on top *(and there were other visuals below them)*, didn't show the interaction button).
So basically, move the original visual a bit, edit the interaction and put it back when it was.
If you want to show only one group in a certain visual, use the filter on this visual and then block any interactions with other visuals.

Power BI: excluding a visual from a slicer

I have two different visuals on the same page of a Power BI doc, but one is being affected by the page slicer while the other one isn't. I have other visuals on the same tab that I want to slice by the slicer, so I want to select which visuals are affected by the page-level slicer.
Visual that isn't being affected by slicer
Visual that IS being affected by slicer
I followed the tab for "Control which page visuals are affected by slicers" on this site but it's not working. I want the second visual series to look like the first, how do I do it?
On the Power BI Desktop menu, select the Format menu under Visual Tools, and then select Edit interactions.
You need to have the slicer selected. Only then you see the according Filter on/off symbols next to the visuals. When the visuals are close to each other it's sometimes hard to tell which filter switch belongs to which visual. Try pulling them temporarily apart.

Show/Hide column in Power BI Table/Matrix visual

Is there any possibility to show or hide the column in Table/Matrix visual in Power BI report by user dynamically?
For Example, I have a table view with columns COLUMN-1, COLUMN-2, COLUMN-3. Now I may have filter drop down to list all the column headers, so based on user selection (Multiple selections) Table view should get adjusted to show column values.
Since Power BI was developed based on Excel, curious to know if we are having Hide/Show column based on any condition or available in visual by default (Maybe by right-clicking on column header then show/hide it).
You can do this with the following workaround:
Create your page with the table showing both columns.
Create a bookmark, uncheck "Data"
Duplicate the page and remove the column you want to conditionally hide. Set the page as hidden.
Create a bookmark, uncheck "Data"
Add a button to the first page pointing to the 2nd bookmark
Add a button to the second page pointing to the 1st bookmark
Ensure your slicers are synced
The end user experience is they will feel like they are conditionally hiding and unhiding the column.
A bit crap and a lot of extra work but I have it working well in my implementation.
Currently it is not possible to hide columns in visual based on slicer selection, there is an idea about this issue, please vote it up.
This is now available in Power BI with preview feature "Field Parameter". Check the May 2022 update.

Face KPIs using two slicer values

I am trying to compare Charts and KPIs in PowerBI report. In fact, face the same figures tables but with different slicing values (time room, countries...)
I could only create two tabs with basically the same slicers and visualization. But I couldn't put them one aside the other that apply to that tab.
Can anyone help me with this.
Many thanks,
You have several options, here are the simplest two:
Use visual level filters to display two visuals with different filtering
There are three levels to the Filters sub-pane - "visual", "page" and "report" - they control the scope of a filter.
When editing a visual, you can drag any data field to the Filters sub-pane's "visual" field-well and configure a filter affecting only that visual.
As a simple example: for a table with "Sales" and "Country" columns, you can create one KPI visual showing sales and configure its filter to "UK", then create another KPI (or just copy the first one) and configure its filter to "France" etc. Using this approach you can create several KPI visuals in the same page, each displaying sales data for a different country (Tip: you'll probably want to edit their titles so that viewers can tell which KPI shows what).
Use Edit Interactions to have slicers that affect only some visuals on the page
In Power BI Desktop, go to Format tab in the ribbon and click "Edit Interactions". This causes each visual to display several small buttons on its top right corner - these control how the active visual affects each other visual (typically you can select between "highlight", "filter" and "no interactions", note that not all visuals supports all three options).
As a simple example with the same table from above, you can create two KPI visuals showing sales and two slicers filtering by country. Then, edit the interactions so that one slicer affects only one KPI and the other slicer only affects the other KPI. This will create an interactive report with two KPIs comparing sales between any two countries - according to the user's actions on the slicers.
Finally, these posts from MS Power BI have detailed tutorials (including screenshots) for the two options described above:
Visual level filters
Visual interactions

Power BI - How to show next 2 days of selected date?

I'm new to Power BI and I am having difficulties. I have some slicers as filters and two chart as below:
Sample Report
The bottom chart shows data with data according to date selected in the slicers which is straight forward. E.g. The slicer selected 15-Oct-2017, the bottom chart should shows 15-Oct-2017 as well.
The upper chart should shows the next 2 days of the selected chart, i.e. data of 16&17-Oct-2017 should be shown. How do I achieve this in a dynamic way so that when slicer selection change, this chart changes accordingly?
Thanks in advance
you can achieve this by creating 2 measures like that:
NextDayValue = CALCULATE(COUNT([columnYouWantToCount]), DATEADD([DateColumn],1,day))
Next2DayValue = CALCULATE(COUNT([columnYouWantToCount]), DATEADD([DateColumn],2,day))
and then use these measure in your charts.
Hope that helps!
Problem solved.
Refer to link below for complete solution
Solution Here