How to modify updateSql script at liquibase? - sql-update

I try to modify updateSql script to enable us to change column data types .. but I did not find way .. so please How to modify this script ?

updateSQL is a helper command that allows you to inspect the SQL Liquibase will run while using the update command. This helps to correct any issues that may arise before running the command. Read more about it here
If after running updateSQL you find the output incorrect, you can directly make changes/modify your original SQL script. (as this is the actual use of updateSQL script)
If you have already run liquibase update and now you want to modify column data type (of already created table) as you mentioned in your question, you may want to check out modifyDataType support of liquibase.
Below is an example:
<changeSet author="liquibase-docs" id="modifyDataType-example">
<modifyDataType catalogName="cat"
Or you can do it using SQL tag:
<changeSet author="liquibase-sql" id="example-sql" context="migrate">
<sql dbms="mysql">
I hope I got your question right as your question is unclear to me and this is all that I could summarize from what my understanding came out of your question.

you can not modify updateSQL script. The main case when using Liquibase is to prepare your changelogs that way, so the outputSql would be exactly what you need.


Script to generate html Beyond Compare folder differences

I've found several ways to automate folder comparison using scripts in Beyond Compare, but none that produce the pretty html report created from Session>Folder Compare Report>View in browser.
Here is an example of what that looks like.
I would love to be able to find the script that gives me that html difference report.
This is what I am currently getting
load "C:\Users\UIDQ5763\Desktop\Enviornment.cpp" &
folder-report layout:side-by-side options:display-all &
output-to:C:\Users\UIDQ5763\Report.html output-options:html-color
The documentation for Beyond Compare's scripting language is here. You were probably missing either layout:side-by-side, which gives the general display, or output-options:html-color which is required to get the correct HTML stylized output. You may want to change options:display-all to options:display-mismatches if you only want to see the differences, and you might want to add an expand all command immediately before the folder-report line if you want to see the subfolders recursively.'
The & characters shown in the sample are line continuation characters. Remove them if you don't need to wrap your lines.

Update sql not being executed for my component Joomla 2.5

I am trying to add a few new columns to certain tables in Joomla, since i need to migrate these fixes from dev to production i am trying to do this the clean way, updates trough the filesystem.
I have followed a few tutorials concerning this and did the following.
I created the folder updates/sql and put a new sql file in it with my new version (1.5).
I changed the version number in my xml file.
I refreshed my cache in the backend.
Here are the codes I used:
My version:
The update node:
<schemapath type="mysql">sql/updates/mysql</schemapath>
<schemapath type="sqlsrv">sql/updates/sqlsrv</schemapath>
<schemapath type="sqlazure">sql/updates/sqlazure</schemapath>
The sql file:
ALTER TABLE `#__mycomponent` ADD `field` VARCHAR(255);
I tested my query directly against the database and it worked, what am I missing?
Short answer - Joomla!'s DB migration tool only does them after uploading a new component via the Component Manager. It doesn't check for a migration on every $_REQUEST, which is what your question suggests.
Longer Answer
Make sure you run the upgrade via the component manager. Simply over-writing the files doesn't trigger Joomla's migration process. Check the #__schemas table for your component's ID, and it'll have a corresponding database schema version #. If that version hasn't incremented yet, then the migration wasn't applied.
Part of the problem is
I am trying to do this the clean way, updates trough the filesystem
While I agree with you, that would be the clean way: Joomla! wants you to do things the Joomla! way ;-)
Important Note about Joomla! SQL Files
SQL files cannot contain C style comments (# comment here), and must contain comments like this -- comment here Spent a few hours debugging my own code, and had to re-run an upgrade about 25 times to figure out where the database schema migration was failing.
Comments may support the /* Comment */ style syntax, but I have yet to test that as extensively. YMMV.

I do not want to see empty buffer after makeprg in VIM

Using VIM I want to execute current sql file and see results. I've tried the following (./ dbshell is a Django wrapper over psql)
nmap <silent> <Leader>r :make<CR>
autocmd FileType sql set makeprg=cat\ %\\\|./\ dbshell
It works fine. But after Press ENTER or type command to continue VIM always shows me empty buffer (maybe it is error list). How to skip its opening?
If I run the same in command mode it will be as I've expected (without annoying buffers)
:!cat %|./ dbshell
My SQL script contains a single select statement. And the magic buffer looks like:
It is likely to be wrong 'errorformat' option. Try doing
(with bang!) and see whether this window appears. If it does not, this is true and you should read :h 'errorformat' and also set it in addition to 'make'. Or just never use plain :make without bang and forget about jumping to errors (if that script is able to output information about errors).
Another idea: Could you show the output of
:au ShellCmdPost,QuickFixCmdPre,QuickFixCmdPost
? It may also be a problem of some plugin or vimrc code that is launched on one of these three events.
By the way, you have two things in commands you posted that may be improved. First, mapping should be written as nnoremap. You don’t need remapping here and it may save your time when you add some other mapping to your vimrc.
Second, use setlocal in autocmd, not set. With set you set default 'makeprg' for all buffers that will be opened after sql one.

Can YQL Open Data Tables make use of multiple URL fields that its XML scheme seems to support?

As I experiment more and more with making my own Open Data Tables for YQL I find what might be some gaps in the documentation. As I'm a hands-on learner and like to understand everything I use I probe these gaps to try to learn how everything works.
I've noticed that in the XML format for Open Data Tables, there is a <urls> "array" which usually contains just a single <url> element though sometimes there is no <url>. Here's the beginning of a typical ODT XML file:
<table xmlns="" https="true">
<author>Paul Donnelly</author>
<select itemPath="" produces="XML">
<url env="all"></url>
But I can't seem to find in the documentation whether it can ever contain more than one. I can't find any examples that do but when I try adding more than one everything works and no errors are thrown, though I also can't find any way to access the <url> elements beyond the first one.
Is there any use for the url/urls fields being an XML array? Is there any way to make use of more than one url here? Or is it just a quirk of the format that has no real reason?
Is there any use for the url/urls fields being an XML array?
Is there any way to make use of more than one url here?
The <url> elements can have an env attribute. This env attribute can contain all, prod, int, dev, stable, nightly, perf, qaperf, gamma or beta.
When the table is executed, the current environment (the YQL environment, not the more familiar environment file) is checked and the first matching <url> (if any) is used. If no matching env is found (and there is no all, which is pretty self-descriptive) then an error will be issued; for example, "Table not defined in this environment prod".
Note that for public-facing YQL, the environment is prod; only prod and all make sense to be used in your Open Data Tables.
Or is it just a quirk of the format that has no real reason?
Not at all.
I assume that this information is "missing" from the online documentation purely because it is only useful internally within Yahoo!, but equally it could just be another place where the docs are somewhat out-of-date.
Finally, none of the 1,100 or so Community Open Data Tables specify more than one <url>, and only a handful (55) make use of the env attribute (all using the value all).

Why don't any functions run from the Doctrine 2.0 Command Line Interface (CLI)?

I've recently managed to get the betas of Codeigniter 2.0 and Doctrine 2.0 working together, thanks to the help from this guide:
I have set up the CLI as set out in that guide, but I can't run any commands - I type doctrine and get the menu and list of commands, but then when I type a command like doctrine orm:schema-tool:create it just loads the same screen again with the list of commands. I don't get any error messages or anything.
My application/doctrine.php:
My application/cli-config.php:
If anyone can even give me a clue or point me in the right direction I would be most grateful. I have been trying to get my head around this for a day and a half now :S
Hey, I just got this all working together myself.
One thing, it depends on how you DL'd doctrine to begin with. I DL'd directly, no SVN or GIT in other words.
I ended putting my cli-config.php, doctrine.php and Doctrine.php in "application/tools" dir. "tools" is a dir I just created. It did not exist before.
The current way it's set up with the examples from that link you gave, I think they all need to be in "application/libraries", so if you want to move them to "application/tools" you need to update those paths.
So for example:
require_once CURPATH.'/../config/database.php';
This is saying to go up from 'application\tools' to 'application\config' and get that 'database.php' file.
require_once CURPATH.'/../libraries/Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php';
And This is doing the same, except that it is going into "application\libraries\Doctrine\Common" and looking for "ClassLoader.php"
Does that help?
Anyone having this trouble should try two things:
First of all instead of just typing doctrine command make sure you type php doctrine.php command.
Also make sure you have adjusted your system path correctly instead of your user account path.
Once I did both of those things it worked for me fine. Bit confusing though as the first command does work to bring up the list of possibilities, but not when you run any actual command.