2 environment variables need to do a equally check before carry on the next sep in my workflow
- name: version check
version_in_code : "v$(poetry version -s)"
version_in_tag : $(git describe --exact-match --tags $(git log -n1 --pretty='%h'))
version_is_equal: ${{ env.version_in_code != env.version_in_tag }}
run: |
if [ ${{ env.version_is_equal }} ]; #here comes the error
echo " ${{ env.version_in_tag }} will be released"
git push -d origin ${{ env.version_in_tag }}
echo "⛔️ Tag-version: ${{ env.version_in_tag }} and Code-version: ${{ env.version_in_code are NOT equivalent"
exit 1
Using $env.version_is_equal is not allowed inside the if condition check, and the error message is very confusing: Unexpected symbol: 'are' how can I solve this issue?
There is the syntax issue pointed out by Gui, but there is also a Bash problem: this
[ ${{ env.version_is_equal }} ]
is either [ true ] or [ false ]. This will always evaluate to true, because the construct checks if it contains a non-empty string; it doesn't care if the string is true or false.
Then, you can replace ${{ env.version_is_equal }} with $version_is_equal; doesn't make much of a difference, but it's more convenient.
To fix the comparison, you either have to compare to a string:
if [ "$version_is_equal" = 'true' ]; then
or run it as a command (without the [ ... ]), which is shorter, but a bit more magic:
if "$version_is_equal"; then
This works because true and false are commands returning a success/failure exit status.
Notice that this
version_in_tag : $(git describe --exact-match --tags $(git log -n1 --pretty='%h'))
is evaluated only when it is used, and not when it is assigned. Until it is used, it's just a string. This may or may not be the intention, but it's in my opinion more clear to make the assignment part of the script itself:
version_in_tag=$(git describe --exact-match --tags $(git log -n1 --pretty='%h'))
It seems there is an error in the syntax.
You didn't close the env variable on the error message implementation:
echo "⛔️ Tag-version: ${{ env.version_in_tag }} and Code-version: ${{ env.version_in_code are NOT equivalent"
You used ${{ env.version_in_code instead of ${{ env.version_in_code }}
I would like to execute a command to obtain the current AWS EC2 launch template version in an integer format so I can do basic arithmetic on it to use in subsequent queries / deletes.
For example:
- name: Lookup current default version of EC2 launch template
command: aws ec2 describe-launch-template-versions --launch-template-id lt-xxx --filters Name=is-default-version,Value=true --query 'LaunchTemplateVersions[*].[VersionNumber]'
delegate_to: localhost
register: result
- name: Show results
msg: '{{ result.stdout }}'
delegate_to: localhost
If this output is '5' I would like to subtract 1 from it so I can execute an additional command to do the following:
aws ec2 delete-launch-template-versions --launch-template-id lt-xxx --versions {{result - 1}}
I realize this will not work as written, but this is the premise I'm going for.
Convert the string to an integer. For example
- command: echo 5
register: result
- command: "echo {{ result.stdout|int - 1 }}"
register: result
- debug:
var: result.stdout
result.stdout: '4'
The type of the command return values' attribute stdout is string. See the results below
- command: echo 5
register: result
- debug:
msg: |-
result.stdout: {{ result.stdout }}
result.stdout|type_debug: {{ result.stdout|type_debug }}
result.stdout|int|type_debug: {{ result.stdout|int|type_debug }}
msg: |-
result.stdout: 5
result.stdout|type_debug: AnsibleUnsafeText
result.stdout|int|type_debug: int
You can currently set env vars via:
- name: Configure Environment Variables
uses: allenevans/set-env#v1.0.0
CDN_PATH: app-foo/${{ github.run_id }}
CDN_URL: 'https://cdn.mycompany.com'
JIRA_TICKET_ID: ${{ match(github.ref, ...) }} # How can I extract a string from a branch name?
How can I extract a string from the branch name?
JIRA_TICKET_ID: ${{ match(github.ref, ...) }}
I don't believe there is a build in function in github actions to do that. But you can run a step before your action that gets the jira ticket for you.
NOTE: You will need to modify the sed regex to the one to get your ticket. Right now it only gets the branch name from the ref
- id: getjiraticket
run: echo "::set-output name=jiraticketid::`echo "${{ github.ref }}" | sed 's/.*\///'`"
- name: Configure Environment Variables
uses: allenevans/set-env#v1.0.0
CDN_PATH: app-foo/${{ github.run_id }}
CDN_URL: 'https://cdn.mycompany.com'
JIRA_TICKET_ID: ${{ steps.getjiraticket.outputs.jiraticketid }}
I have created a pipeline build variable "svctag" and assigned its value to blank (empty string). Now trying to execute below script inside a job in yaml file. Every time it prints "svctag is not blank". Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Please help.
- ${{ if eq('$(svctag)', '') }}:
- script: echo 'svctag is blank'
- ${{ if ne('$(svctag)', '') }}:
- script: echo 'svctag is not blank'
As I know, this format is only applied in YAML template. Now, the issue is the variable called method you are using is not correct.
You should use the format variables['svctag'] instead of $(svctag) to access the variable which declared previously while you using YAML.
So, you should change your script as
- ${{ if eq(variables['svctag'], '') }}:
- script: echo it is true
- ${{ if ne(variables['svctag'], '') }}:
- script: echo it is false
Here is the output on my side.
Another solution is define svctag under parameters:
svctag: ''
Then use parameters with step:
- ${{ if eq(parameters.svctag, '') }}:
- script: echo it is true
- ${{ if ne(parameters.svctag, '') }}:
- script: echo it is false
Note: Please use parameters.svctag.
So, you should change your script as
- ${{ if eq(variables['svctag'], '') }}:
- script: echo it is true
- ${{ if ne(variables['svctag'], '') }}:
- script: echo it is false
I am trying to add nodev to my /etc/fstab file. I am using the Ansible command below but with no luck. My issue lies with the regular expression, I'm not a pro at regex.
- name: Add nodev to /etc/fstab
One of the lines from /etc/fstab that I am trying to add nodev is:
/dev/mapper/ex_sys-ex_home /home /ext4 rw,exec,auto,nouser,sync 1 2
While this may not be the most elegant answer, it worked for me.
- name: Ensure fstab uses nodev
name: "{{ item.mount }}"
src: "{{ item.device }}"
fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}"
opts: "{{ item.options }},nodev"
state: present
with_items: ansible_mounts
when: item.options.find(",") >= 0 and item.options.find("nodev") == -1
Inspired by Joe's answer I made this version which will add a single option to a specific line in /etc/fstab if it isn't there already. This will also keep any other options the line already had.
- import_tasks: fstab-opt-present.yml point=/home opt=nodev
- name: '/etc/fstab: Set opt "{{ opt }}" for mount point {{ point }}'
path: /etc/fstab
backup: yes
backrefs: yes
regexp: '^(\S+\s+{{ point }}\s+\S+\s+)(?!(?:\S*,)?{{ opt }}(?:,\S*)?\s+)(\S+)(\s+.+)$'
line: '\1{{ opt }},\2\3'
register: fstab
- name: 'If {{ point }} changed, remount'
command: 'mount {{ point }} -o remount'
when: fstab.changed
https://regex101.com/ is a really helpful tool for building and testing these kind of regexps. Just enable the "multiline" option there and open the "Substitution" panel and you can even paste in your /etc/fstab and see which lines your regex will match and what it will do to them. Just remember to use real values instead of the Ansible variables {{ point }} etc. when testing there
We've developed a 3rd-party ansible module to add, set or remove mount options. Check it out!
- mountopts:
name: /
option: nodev
I wanted to state that there seems to be a new ansible module which covers all this much more easily:
Tested & works fine
- name: Set nodev option
path: /etc/fstab
backup: yes
regexp: '^(\S+\s+)(\/\S+)(\s+)((?:ext4|xfs)\s+)(?!(?:\S*,)?nodev(?:,\S*)?\s+)(\S+)(\s+.+)$'
replace: '\1\2 \4 \5,nodev \6'
It excludes adding nodev to /(root), sets only to ext4 and xfs filesystem. doesn't add to temp filesystems.
Note: while you test regexp101, make sure to select python
Landed here looking for an answer, wound up rolling my own for my use case:
- include: fstab-opts.yml point=/tmp opts=noexec,nodev,nosuid,noatime
- include: fstab-opts.yml point=/backup opts=noatime
- name: 'Ensure {{ point }} flags'
path: /etc/fstab
# uses "(not-spaces spaces /tmp spaces )(not-spaces)(the rest)" pattern to match column content and capture args
regexp: '^([^ ]+[ ]+\{{ point }}[ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+)([^ ]+)(.*)'
line: '\1{{ opts }}\3'
backrefs: yes
register: fstab
- name: 'If {{ point }} changed, remount'
command: mount -o remount {{ point }}
when: fstab.changed
i have added the noexec,nodev,nosuid option in /etc/fstab for the /var/tmp mount point.
Requirement is:
Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partition
Ensure nodev option set on /var/tmp partition
Ensure nosuid option set on /var/tmp partition
if required install ansible.posix.mount module using below command .
# ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
- name: "STEP 1: Get /var/tmp mounted SRC device"
shell: mount | grep -E '\s/var/tmp\s' | awk '{print $1}'
register: "vartmpsrc"
- debug:
msg: "Validated the /var/tmp mount output: {{ vartmpsrc.stdout }}"
- name: "Add mount noexec,nodev,nosuid options for /var/tmp"
path: "/var/tmp"
src: "{{ vartmpsrc.stdout }}"
fstype: "tmpfs"
opts: "nosuid,nodev,noexec"
state: "present"
when: vartmpsrc.stdout == "/var/tmp"
- name: Remount /var/tmp mounted volume with mount options noexec,nodev,nosuid
path: /var/tmp
state: remounted
when: vartmpsrc.stdout == "/var/tmp"
- name: 'STEP 2: Validate noexec,nodev,nosuid option set on /var/tmp partition'
shell: mount | grep -E '\s/var/tmp\s' | grep -v {{ item }}
- noexec
- nodev
- nosuid
register: vartmp_exists
ignore_errors: yes
when: vartmpsrc.stdout == "/var/tmp"