Why first pocess calls, after app pool recycle, are failing? - sharepoint-2013

PROBLEM: In a Sharpoint + BPM solution, running Windows 2012 with IIS 8, after the application pool is recycled, the first call of any type of process fails, all subsequent calls are successful.
Starting from an ascx embedded on an Sharpoint solution, one ascx per process type, we click a button that originates a server.transfer to a new page that creates a new instance of the pretended process type, if this suceeds, from here we response.redirect, with query string rewrite, to the new process instance just created. In the case of error (1st process after recycling) this last step does not ocurr.
As the page that instantiates de process is dynamic, depending on the type of process choosed, it could not be pré-loaded before start the solution, if we force the pré-instantiation of these pages at start-up, we could end up with a dummy process, one of each kind, at every new application pool recycle (once a day).
QUESTION: How can I locate [MyApp].XMLSerializers.dll and unload it in order to validate my theory that it’s absence is responsible for the 1st processes call failure?
Optimization of the Application Pool and Site configuration
No Results
Search for DLL bind errors
Using FUSLOGVW, after recycling application pool it seems that, in a first try, the [myApp].XMLSerializers.DLL, among others, is missing. As this is a time consuming step and the error does not happen when tracing (even only for event viewer) is enabled I supose that the on the fly generation of the DLL with all serializable types could be related to this issue.
Afects also processes that don’t consume web services
When trace is on there is no error
Afects all environments
Any advice greatly appreciated
Many thanks, LTS


Blocking processes to start on startup from a service & continue running service after some processes are down.

I have a C++ windows service running on system privileges and I need to make some changes in some of my DLLs that are loaded to several windows processes (explorer.exe, etc.).
The only time to do so is when these processes are down. I'm trying to make to impact to the UX minimal, so I don't wan't to force quit those or to popup any annoying message boxes and ask the user to do so.
I have tried to start this task on the startup of my service, the issue is several of these processes start before I finished it.
I'm trying to understand if there is a way to delay the start of processes on Windows startup, until I finish my task. Is there any event or anything familiar that I can set that will block those?
The other option is to do the needed task on shutdown. I did not find a way to do so yet, and all the related questions seem a bit old (how to delay shutdown and run a process in window service
), and regard to older version of windows.
This solution needs to be compatible with Windows versions greater than 7.
You can do this by using MoveFileEx and setting MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT which will replace the file at the next reboot.
This should be well before any other processes have started, but without more details on your usecase its hard to tell if this'll work for you. Either way, searching for this flag should give you lots of information about this kind of issue.
According to the documentation, this has been supported since XP.

Process spawned by Windows service runs 3 to 4 times more slowly than spawned by GUI

I have written a service application in Borland C++. It works fine. In the ServiceStart(TService *Sender,bool &Started) routine, I call mjwinrun to launch a process which picks up and processes macros. This process has no UI and any errors are logged to a file. It continues to run, until the server is restarted, shut down, or the process is terminated using Task Manager. Here is mjwinrun :-
int mjwinrun(AnsiString cmd)
memset(&mjstupinf,0,sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); mjstupinf.cb=sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
if (!CreateProcess(NULL,cmd.c_str(),NULL,NULL,TRUE,0,NULL,GetCurrentDir().c_str(),&mjstupinf,&mjprcinf))
LogMessage("Could not launch "+cmd); return -1;
CloseHandle(mjprcinf.hThread); CloseHandle(mjprcinf.hProcess);
return mjprcinf.dwProcessId;
cmd is the command line for launching the macro queue processor. I used a macro that is CPU/Memory intensive and got it to write its timings to a file. Here is what I found :-
1) If the macro processor is launched from the command line within a logged on session, no matter what Windows core it is running under, the macro is completed in 6 seconds.
2) If the macro processor is launched from a service starting up on Vista core or earlier (using mjwinrun above), the macro is completed in 6 seconds.
3) If the macro processor is launched from a service starting up on Windows 7 core or later (using mjwinrun above), the macro is completed in more than 18 seconds.
I have tried all the different flags for CreateProcess and none of them make a difference. I have tried all different accounts for the service and that makes no difference. I tried setting all of the various priorities for tasks, I/O and Page, but they all make no difference. It's as if the service's spawned processes are somehow throttled, not in I/O terms, but in CPU/memory usage terms. Any ideas what changed in Windows 7 onwards?
I isolated code to reproduce this, and it eventually boiled down to calls to the database engine to lookup a field definition (TTable methods FindField and FieldByName). These took much longer on a table with a lot of fields when run on a service app instead of a GUI app. I devised my own method to store mappings from field names to field definitions, since I always opened my databases with a central routine. I used an array of strings indexed by the Tag property on each table (common to all BCB objects), where each string was composed of ;fieldname;fieldnumber; pairs, and then did a .Pos of the field name to get the field number. fieldnumber is zero-padded to a width of 4. This only uses a few hundred KB of RAM for the entire app and all of its databases. Once in place, the service app runs at the same speed as the GUI app. The only thing I can think of that may explain this, is that service apps have a fixed heap (I think I read 48MBytes somewhere by default) for themselves and any process they spawn. With lots of fields, the memory overflowed and had to thrash to VM on the disk. The GUI app had no such limit and was able to do the lookup entirely in real memory. However, I maybe completely wrong. One thing I have learnt is that FieldByName and FindField are expensive TTable functions to call, and I have now supplanted them all with my own mechanism which seems to work much better and much faster. Here is my lookup routine :-
AnsiString fldsbytag[MXSPRTBLS+100];
TField *fldfromtag(TAdsTable *tbl,AnsiString fld)
int fi=fldsbytag[tbl->Tag].Pos(";"+fld.UpperCase()+";"),gi;
if (fi==0) return tbl->FindField(fld);
if (gi<0 || gi>=tbl->Fields->Count) return tbl->FindField(fld);
return tbl->Fields->Fields[gi];
It will be very difficult to give an authoritative answer to this question without a lot more details.
However a factor to consider is the Windows foreground priority boost described here.
You may want to read Russinovich's book chapter on processes/threads, in particular the stuff on scheduling. You can find PDFs of the book online (there are two that together make up the whole book). I believe the latest (or next to latest) edition covers changes in Win 7.

Why is build time of local application affected by network?

Build time of XPages application containing several JARs, Java sources and ~50 XP/CC elements takes about minute to build on server via WAN. I have replicated application to local, build time dropped to ~10s.
Since few days ago build of local application is extremely slow, about 2-5 minutes. After some experiments there is workaround: to disable TCP port in location document - it drops build times to just few seconds. Even tho it works, it does not help much - testing requires user to be authenticated, so I need to replicate design changes to remote or local server - and that means to change location (online/offline) every time.
UPDATE 2013-04-04: I have duplicated my current location document and removed home and directory servers. To my surprise, with this location build times went back to few seconds - with TCP port enabled so replication is possible. Bigger surprise was the fact, that returning home/directory servers back to new location did not reproduce the problem - in fact they do not affect performance. I know it because I have renamed current location document and everything went to normal. From my understanding, "something" in client configuration was connected to location name. Thanks to Simon's tips I will investigate further.
The question is still open: I am looking for some (eclipse) preference controlling this behavior - unintended communication with server during build of local application.
Teamstudio CIAO hooks into designer and checks for every update of design element. Seems to be lack of code optimization to me: it checks whether currently built design element (every single one, one by one) should be controlled in CIAO config database.
This explains why the problem was solved by renaming of location document. I was disappointed yesterday, when performance problems started again. Fortunately, I recalled CIAO setup to that location document about that time. CIAO uses teamstudio.ini file in DATA directory to configure what CIAO configuration database is used for every location document. Look for entry:
CIAOConfigDb[location name]=server name;CIAO\CIAOConfig.nsf
For development on local replicas with connection to server (for replication or local server), use location document with CIAO disabled.
This works only with property ForceConfigLocation=0.
Not a solution (yet!), but may help in the investigation. I'll update further if you post results later.
Debug instructions.
Add the following to the shortcut that launches the Designer client.
-RPARAMS -console -debug -separateSysLogFiles -consoleLog
Start the designer client. This will also open up the OSGi console.
Reproduce the issue. While it is still in progress in the OSGi console type the following:
dump threads
Do this three times, with a small amount of time between completion of each dump. Once done open the three heap dumps (in the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder) in the Heap Dump Analyser.
It will show you what threads are consistent through all three dumps. Take a look at those and look for package names/calls which may appear to be a functional area. Once you have that then you can try adding the debug for the related class.
For example: Let's say you notice "com.ibm.designer.domino.ui.commons." in the thread, then you would edit the rcpinstall.properties file. It will be in:
<Notes Install>\Data\workspace\.config\rcpinstall.properties
and you would add (start with FINE, then FINEST if nothing):
Now when you restart the designer client it will generate debug output in the workspace\logs folder for that package. You need to then go through the trace logs looking for the time when the delay occurred and see if it makes any references to related design elements.
Other open applications may get built at the same time (which looks like a bug top me). Be sure to close all other applications and the server based replica. Open applications have their icon showing in the application list and they stay open even if you close and reopen the Designer. In Designer 9 right click application and select "Close Application". In 8.5 you need to use Package Exprorer for closing.
Another good way is to use Working Sets. Only applications in open Working Set will be built (AFAIK). Have a Working Set with this one app only (and the app only in this Working Set).
update 1
If these don't help I would delete/rename bookmark.nsf, Cache.NDK and desktop8.ndk. Then open just this one app and see what happens.
update 2
Check that there are no referenced projects. Right click the application and select "Project Properties". From there "Project Referencies" and make sure no check boxes are checked.
update 3
Based on your update I would check the item names starting with $ in location document. Sometimes there are saved IP addresses etc. which could cause this problem. All those items can be removed.
If possible (and if You are not using it yet) try to use version 9 of the Domino designer (You do not have to use Domino 9 to do that - it works fine with Domino 8.5.3).
For our projects build times went down to only few seconds from few minutes. I guess that they finally noticed at IBM that the build process used to heavily relay on connection to server and done something with it.
With new designer You don't event have to replicate to local. You can directly work on Your local server.

Auto-Restart a Console Application

I am looking for the console application equivalent of Application.Restart() but cannot seem to find a way to do this.
It has been suggested by others to simply call my Sub Main with Args when I need to restart. However the reason I need the functionality to physically restart the application is because the first thing I do is check for updates and install them if they any are availible.
The update technique itself works perfectly, the system installs new updates but changes do not take effect until next time the application runs obviously.
As the application is run from a batch file as a scheduled task only once a week any updates I release would not take effect for two weeks!
I had the same problem with a windows forms application however the ability to call Application.Restart allows changes to take place imediately. Can the same be achieved when creating a console application?
2 Possibilities i can think of.
First one start another instance of the application and close the current one using something like
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
Environment.Exit(int exitCode)
second if it's not possible to run 2 instances at the same time for some reasons u can create another application that gets started by the batch. Make it run your application and let it get an info if the updating process is done so it can first close the current application and then run another one

Problems with running multiple instances of an application?

I have a client application (C++, Windows) that opens sockets, connects to a server, makes requests, receive responses and notifications. It does logging and saves preferences locally. What can be problems if I try to run multiple instances of this application which is prevented presently?
Are you having a particular problem you are seeing? ie - is the application crashing when you execute a second instance?
From your description, you could fail to open the executable if the second application
Tries to open the same socket the first opens
Tries to open the same file the first opens
Outside of that, more detail is needed.
Sounds a little bit like a Web browser ;)
And like a typical Web browser, if your application is implemented correctly, you'll be able to run multiple instances fine.
Unfortunately, there are ways to botch the implementation, for example:
Exclusively lock log or configuration files for prolonged periods, thus "stalling" other instances.
Just plain ignore the concurrent access to files, leading to all sorts of possible corruptions.
Act not just as a client but as a server as well, and listen to a hard-coded port (so the second instance will fail while attempting to open the same port).
Incorrectly declare a mutex as "public" (and therefore shared between processes) instead of "private", leading to slow-downs and possibly deadlocks.
There is a limit for number of GDI handles per session. If you application uses excessive handles, multiple instances taken together might reach that limit, even when each of them individually observes the 10000 handles-per-process limit.
Be a CPU hog (e.g. through busy waiting). One CPU hog on a modern multicore CPU might pass unnoticed, but once the number of instances exceeds the number of CPU cores that's another story!
Be a memory hog.
Mismanage UI:
Use UI tricks such as "always on top" windows - multiple such windows on the screen at the same time is no fun!
Mismanage the taskbar notification area (e.g. display a tray icon for each instance). Will technically "work" but having excessive number of tray icons is not pleasant, especially if application does not also have a "regular" taskbar button.
Etc etc... Essentially whenever there is a shared resource (be it a filesystem, network, CPU, memory, screen or whatever), care must be taken when concurrently using it.
If your application is opening port for listening, only one instance could use that one particular port. If application is connecting to the remote host, OS will always pick the next available port so multiple instances can run in parallel in this case.
If all instances are sharing the same log and/or configuration file, parallel write might corrupt those files so writing operations should be protected by some synchronisation object (e.g. mutex).
By problems I presume you mean that multiple applications each do not create their own workspace for logging and preferences. Which would result in one instance overwriting and access data made by the other, resulting in undesired, and unpredictable results.
If you have access to the source code of the application I would suggest extending the application to create a folder with name that contains time stamped plus randon number to hold the session data - i.e. the logs and the preferences. This way, multiple instances can operate without interfering with one another.
However bear in mind that some preferences may be best made global - to save you having to set the preferences each time you load a new instance. It depends on your application and what it is doing as to what these global preferences may be.
If you don't have access to the source then the other option for multiple instances would be via virtualisation, multiples OSs on same machine each OS running one instance of the app.