Google cloud regions for the projects(Personal/Official) - google-cloud-platform

I have a doubt regarding regions in google cloud. If I my current location is in Australia I need to opt region near to me for a better performance or I can opt multiple locations. Bit confusing on the regions. Could someone explain on this please?

Opting region near by is one way to get good network performance and low latency. Also if you choose multi region you will get high availability along with better performance it's involved cost more. Choose defense on criticality of application.

Regions: The main purpose is to host applications near to your users to reduce latency and availability .
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Zones: Zone provides geo redundancy used mainly for availability inside regions.
Distribute your resources across multiple zones and regions to tolerate outages. Google designs zones to minimize the risk of correlated failures caused by physical infrastructure outages like power, cooling, or networking. Thus, if a zone becomes unavailable, you can transfer traffic to another zone in the same region to keep your services running. Similarly, you can mitigate the impact of a region outage on your application by running backup services in a different region.
To decrease network latency, you might want to choose a region or zone that is close to your point of service. For example, if you mostly have customers on the East Coast of the US, then you might want to choose a primary region and zone that is close to that area and a backup region and zone that is also close by.


AWS Services and Regions

I am very new with AWS and wanted to clear my concept on AWS services. I have read that that AWS has plenty of services that can also be accessed through API. A service is basically a software program. Then why are services not available in all regions. If my customers are from India, I can buy the EC2 instance from Asia but why should I choose service from USA East. Again, why does AWS provide regions for End Points. They could have installed all the services in all their regions - assuming that they are only software programs and not hardware resources.
Latency is not a big problem for you, I think, you can choose the best price options for your sources. If latency big a problem, you must choose the region/zone near your target market. Better understanding read this doc.
AWS Services operate on multiple levels and are all exposed through APIs.
Some services operate at a global scope (e.g. Identity and Access Management or Route53), most on a regional level (e.g. S3) and others somewhere between the region and availability zone (EC2, RDS, VPC...).
AWS uses the concept of a region for multiple purposes, one of the major drivers being fault isolation. Something breaking in Ireland (eu-west-1) shouldn't stop a service in Frankfurt (eu-central-1) from operating. Latency is another driver here. Since physics is involved, higher distances also increase the latency, which makes things like replication more tricky. Data residency and other compliance aspects are also a good reason to compartmentalize services.
Services being regional results in their endpoints being regional as well.
As to not every service being available in every region: Hardware availability is part of the reason, it doesn't make sense to have the more obscure hardware for niche use cases (think GroundStation, their satellite control service) in all regions. Aside from that, there are most likely some financial aspects involved as well, as global scale and complexity come at a cost and if demand isn't sufficient, it may not make sense to roll out a service everywhere.

Cross-region Read Replicas vs One Read Replica with AWS Global Accelerator

I would like to know what is more recommended when one DB instance should be shared across different AWS regions? Is it better to use cross-Region Read Replicas or to use Read Replica in region of origin + AWS Global Accelerator?
Is there some "best praxis solution" for global applications?
I am not experienced with AWS and the most of the things are pretty new for me. So I know that my question may look amateur.
From what I read, I think that one centralized Read replica is better solution, due to latency between regions, but if that would be a case, why anyone would use cross-region replicas at all?
If your application is hosted in a region e.g. eu-west-1 the best read performance will always come when it is reading data from eu-west-1.
If you happen to have customers in us-east-1 you have to choose between one of 3 options:
Edge Location
You reduce the latency using edge locations, i.e. CloudFront or Global Accelerator. This will improve the latency by using the AWS Backbone to route to your origins. This is faster than previously but the application remains in the original region (in this case eu-west-1). You also maintain one copy of the application only.
Latency based routing
This option brings the application closer to the user, by using either Route 53 with latency based records or Global Accelerator you can have your domains resolve to the location that has the lowest latency for them. You would have your central region (where the readwrite lives) and then create cross region replicas. This will provide the best read performance as the reads are being done locally (rather than being across region).
In the example eu-west-1 is the primary region with cross region replicas in us-east-1. Latency between regions is only observed with the time it takes to write to the readwrite (in the original region unless you use Aurora Read Replica Write Forwarding). This is by far the most complex and costly, but will provide the best performance overall.
Do nothing
If you do nothing this option will use the public internet to route to a host, those who are further away to your application will have a longer latency, but this is the cheapest option.
You need to essentially decide on the importance of cross region, if it is simply because your user base is in a further away region then ensuring you're as close to them as possible is key. You would not need to think about replicas if you're in a specific geographical region.
Remember you can always enhance your infrastructure when demand increases from other geographical regions.

Is their enough capacity in all AWS regions for disaster recovery

In case of a disaster, when an entire AWS region fails and all its customers want to move their workloads to the next closest region in a disaster recovery scenario, is AWS ready for this?
I imagine millions of servers running in each region. Is AWS ready to provision them in another region the next day? Do they have that capacity at the ready?
AWS global infrastructure is using the concept of Availability Zones inside each region, to partition the resources, isolate the risks and ultimately reduce the blast radius of an eventual failure. AZs are groups of datacenter within a region that are designed to be independent of each others in terms of risks (i.e. different connection to the power grid, redundant and isolated network infrastructure, isolated in terms of geographical risks such as earthquake, fooding etc)
Some services are designed to automatically take advantage of this redundant infrastructure (Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, ELB etc), customer do not need to configure anything, redundancy and failover at the regional level is handled by the service. Some other services are operating at AZ level (Amazon EC2, EBS, RDS etc) Fo these services, the best practice is to design for multiple AZ architecture and data replication.
In the very unlikely case a service would not be available in an AZ, a well architected architecture will transparently fail over to another AZ, without any noticeable customer impact.
Back to your question, the architecture is designed to avoid a region-wide failure of all services. This never happened since we launched AWS in 2006. And, yes, we have a lot of capacity. I propose you to watch this keynote from James Hamilton to learn more about it

what exactly mean AWS region and choosing right region for business

What exactly is the region in AWS world?
I have to ask which region is the right region for my business.Which factors are important before selecting region in AWS?
An AWS Region is a physical cluster of data centers located in a specific geographic location.
So, the Sydney Region data centers are all located in Sydney and the Oregon Region has data centers all located in Oregon.
A region consists of multiple Availability Zones. An Availability Zone is one or more data centers that contain the physical infrastructure that provides AWS services (eg data, storage, networking). There are very high-speed connections between Availability Zones within a Region.
So, which Region to choose? It should typically be the one closest to your customers (to provide faster response) or perhaps closest to your existing data center if you are connecting it to AWS.
You might want to use multiple data centers so that you have services closest to customers spread around the world, rather than having them all connect back to one location. Or, you might want to use multiple Regions for redundancy in case of failure. (Project Nimble: Region Evacuation Reimagined – Netflix TechBlog)
There might also be legal requirements of which Region to use (based on data governance, privacy laws, etc). You might even choose a Region based on a lower price (USA regions are generally lower cost than others, especially for Internet data transfer costs).
You might also choose a region based upon which services are available: Region Table
See also: Global Cloud Infrastructure | Regions & Availability Zones | AWS
The definition and documentation of AWS Region is stated in the above comments. In summary, AWS Region is a separate geographic area. AWS Region has Availability Zones which are isolated data centers. Availability Zones is used for high availability. There are 2 or more Availability Zones for each region.
Which factors are important before selecting region in AWS?
There are several factors to consider.
Latency - The faster your data center, the better your performance. This link can display the latency between ec2 instances.
Cost - Different region has different cost. So far, North Virginia is the cheapest.
AWS Services to use - Not all AWS Services are available in all regions. This link can display the supported services per region.
There are a number of resources that can help you understand AWS regions, availability zones, and how to architect using them, including:
AWS: Regions and Availability Zones
AWS: Architecting for the Cloud: Best Practices
CloudAcademy: How to Pick the Best AWS Region for Your Workload

AWS latency between Zones within a same Region

I have an EC2 and RDS in the same region US East(N. Virginia) but both resources are in different zones; RDS in us-east-1a and EC2 in us-east-1b.
Now the question is that if I put both resources within the same zone then would it speed up the data transfer to/from DB? I receive daily around 20k-30k entries from app to this instance.
I read here that:
Each Availability Zone is isolated, but the Availability Zones in a region are connected through low-latency links.
Now I am wondering if these low-latency links are very minor or should I consider shifting my resources in the same zone to speed up the data transfer?
As discussed in answers and comments:
Since I have only one instance of EC2 and RDS, failure of one service in a zone will affect the whole system. So there is no advantage to keeping them in a separate zone.
Even though zones are connected together with low-latency links but there is still some latency which is neglectable in my case.
There is also a minor data transfer charge of USD 0.01/GB between EC2 and RDS in different zones.
What are typical values for Interzone data transfers in the same region?
Although AWS will not guarantee, state, or otherwise commit to hard numbers, typical measurments are sub 10 ms, with numbers around 3 ms is what I have seen.
How does latency affect data transfer throughput?
The higher the latency the lower the maximum bandwidth. There are a number of factors to consider here. An excellent paper was written by Brad Hedlund.
Should I worry about latency in AWS networks between zones in the same region?
Unless you are using the latest instances with very high performance network adapters (10 Gb or higher) I would not worry about it. The benefits of fault tolerance should take precendence except for the most specialized cases.
For your use case, database transactions, the difference between 1 ms and 10 ms will have minimal impact, if at all, on your transaction performance.
However, unless you are using multiple EC2 instances in multiple zones, you want your single EC2 instance in the same zone as RDS. If you are in two zones, the failure of either zone brings down your configuration.
There are times where latency and network bandwidth are very important. For this specialized case, AWS offers placement groups so that the EC2 instances are basically in the same rack close together to minimize latency to the absolute minimum.
Moving the resources to the same AZ would decrease latency by very little. See here for some unofficial benchmarks. For your use-case of 20k reads/writes per day, this will NOT make a huge difference.
However, moving resources to the same AZ would significantly increase reliability in your case. If you only have 1 DB and 1 Compute Instance that depend on each other, then there is no reason to put them in separate availability zones. With your current architecture, a failure in either us-east-1a or us-east-1b would bring down your project. Unless you plan on scaling out your project to have multiple DBs and Compute Instances, they should both reside in the same AZ.
According to some tests, i can see like 600 microseconds (0.6 ms) latency between availability zones, inside the same region. A fiber has 5 microseconds delay (latency) per km, and between azs there is less than 100km, hence the result matches.