AWS latency between Zones within a same Region - amazon-web-services

I have an EC2 and RDS in the same region US East(N. Virginia) but both resources are in different zones; RDS in us-east-1a and EC2 in us-east-1b.
Now the question is that if I put both resources within the same zone then would it speed up the data transfer to/from DB? I receive daily around 20k-30k entries from app to this instance.
I read here that:
Each Availability Zone is isolated, but the Availability Zones in a region are connected through low-latency links.
Now I am wondering if these low-latency links are very minor or should I consider shifting my resources in the same zone to speed up the data transfer?
As discussed in answers and comments:
Since I have only one instance of EC2 and RDS, failure of one service in a zone will affect the whole system. So there is no advantage to keeping them in a separate zone.
Even though zones are connected together with low-latency links but there is still some latency which is neglectable in my case.
There is also a minor data transfer charge of USD 0.01/GB between EC2 and RDS in different zones.

What are typical values for Interzone data transfers in the same region?
Although AWS will not guarantee, state, or otherwise commit to hard numbers, typical measurments are sub 10 ms, with numbers around 3 ms is what I have seen.
How does latency affect data transfer throughput?
The higher the latency the lower the maximum bandwidth. There are a number of factors to consider here. An excellent paper was written by Brad Hedlund.
Should I worry about latency in AWS networks between zones in the same region?
Unless you are using the latest instances with very high performance network adapters (10 Gb or higher) I would not worry about it. The benefits of fault tolerance should take precendence except for the most specialized cases.
For your use case, database transactions, the difference between 1 ms and 10 ms will have minimal impact, if at all, on your transaction performance.
However, unless you are using multiple EC2 instances in multiple zones, you want your single EC2 instance in the same zone as RDS. If you are in two zones, the failure of either zone brings down your configuration.
There are times where latency and network bandwidth are very important. For this specialized case, AWS offers placement groups so that the EC2 instances are basically in the same rack close together to minimize latency to the absolute minimum.

Moving the resources to the same AZ would decrease latency by very little. See here for some unofficial benchmarks. For your use-case of 20k reads/writes per day, this will NOT make a huge difference.
However, moving resources to the same AZ would significantly increase reliability in your case. If you only have 1 DB and 1 Compute Instance that depend on each other, then there is no reason to put them in separate availability zones. With your current architecture, a failure in either us-east-1a or us-east-1b would bring down your project. Unless you plan on scaling out your project to have multiple DBs and Compute Instances, they should both reside in the same AZ.

According to some tests, i can see like 600 microseconds (0.6 ms) latency between availability zones, inside the same region. A fiber has 5 microseconds delay (latency) per km, and between azs there is less than 100km, hence the result matches.


Rds cross region read delays

We have an rds instance in us-east-1, the applications that access the rds are in us-east-1 and us-east-2. the two regions have vpc peering. we are load balancing the request received by using route53 weighted routing policy. we are experiencing 10 ms delay when communicating across regions. currently, these 10 ms delays are acceptable between microservices. but when the applications in region2 are accessing rds, we are facing a considerable delay. (due to the large amount of database calls of hibernate ). Are there any was to reduce this database latency ?
If you have cross-region databases and reading from slave / read-replicas then expect some delays. This is not technology issue but physics problem as data has to physically travel from A to B. The latency will grow as you move these points (A & B) further away from each other.
A solution to reduce this latency is to use cache layer. All the first reads will be from database (cross-region) but subsequent ones can be from Redis cache for e.g.

Google cloud regions for the projects(Personal/Official)

I have a doubt regarding regions in google cloud. If I my current location is in Australia I need to opt region near to me for a better performance or I can opt multiple locations. Bit confusing on the regions. Could someone explain on this please?
Opting region near by is one way to get good network performance and low latency. Also if you choose multi region you will get high availability along with better performance it's involved cost more. Choose defense on criticality of application.
Regions: The main purpose is to host applications near to your users to reduce latency and availability .
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Zones: Zone provides geo redundancy used mainly for availability inside regions.
Distribute your resources across multiple zones and regions to tolerate outages. Google designs zones to minimize the risk of correlated failures caused by physical infrastructure outages like power, cooling, or networking. Thus, if a zone becomes unavailable, you can transfer traffic to another zone in the same region to keep your services running. Similarly, you can mitigate the impact of a region outage on your application by running backup services in a different region.
To decrease network latency, you might want to choose a region or zone that is close to your point of service. For example, if you mostly have customers on the East Coast of the US, then you might want to choose a primary region and zone that is close to that area and a backup region and zone that is also close by.

What AWS EC2 Instance Types suitable for chat application?

Currently i'm building a chat application base on NodeJs
So i considered choose which is the best instance type for our server?
Because AWS have a lot of choice: General purpose, compute optimize, memory optimize ....
Could you please give me advise :(
You can read this -
Actually it doesn't matter what hosting you chose -AWS, MS Azure, Google Compute Engine etc...
If you want to get as much as you can from your servers and infrastructure, you need to solve your current task.
First of all decide how many active users at the same time you will get in closest 3-6 months.
If there will be less than 1000k active users (connections) per second - I think you can start from the smallest instance type. You should check how you can increase CPU/RAM/HDD(or SSD) of your instance.
SO when you get more users you will have a plan how to speed up your server.
And keep an eye on your server analytics - CPU/RAM/IO utilizations when you are getting more and more users.
The other questions if you need to pass some certifications related to security restrictions...
Since you are not quite sure where to start with, I would recommend to start with General Purpose EC2 instance for production from M category (M3 or M4). You can start with smaller instance type like m3.medium.
Note: If its an internal chat application with low traffic you can even consider T series EC2 instances.
The important part here is not to try to predict the capacity needs. Instead you can start small with general purpose EC2 instance and down the line looking at the resource consumption of EC2 instance you can do a proper capacity planning. Since you can both Scale the instances Horizontally and Vertically, it will require to trade of the instance type also considering Cost and timely load requirements before selecting the scaling unit of EC2 instance.
One of the approach I'm following is as follows
Start with General Purpose Instance (Unless I'm confident that there are special needs such as Networking, IO & etc.)
Do a load test(Without Autoscaling for a single EC2 instance) of the application by changing the number of users and find out the limits (How many users can a single EC2 instance can handle).
After analyzing the Memory, CPU & IO utilization, you can also consider shifting to a different EC2 category or stick with the same type. (Lets say CPU goes to its limit but memory is hardly used, you can consider using C series instances).
Scale the EC2 instance vertically by moving to the next size (e.g m3.medium to m3.large) and carry out the load tests to find out its limits.
After repeating step, 3 and 4 you can find an optimal balance between Cost and Performance.
Lets take 3 instance types with cost as X for the lowest selected (Since increasing the EC2 size in one unit, makes the cost doubles)
m3.medium - can serve 100 users, cost X
m3.large - can serve 220 users, cost 2X
m3.xlarge - can serve 300 users. cost 3X
Its an easy choice to select m3.large as the EC2 instance size since it can serve 110 per X cost.
However its not straight forward for some applications where you need to decide the instance type based on your average expected load.
Setup autoscaling and load balancing to horizontally scale the EC2 instances to handle load above average.
For more details, refer the Architecting for the Cloud: Best Practices whitepaper.
I would recommend starting with a T2.micro Linux instance. Watch the CPU usage in CloudWatch. Once the CPU usage starts to exceed 50% to 75%, or free memory gets low, or disk I/O gets saturated, switch to the next larger instance.
T2.micro Linux instances are (for the most part) free. Read the fine print. T2.micro instances are burstable which means that you can get good performance from a small instance.
Unless your chat application has a huge customer / transaction base, you (probably) won't need the other instance types.

EC2 Instance Types with Fastest Download Speed

I'm looking for the most appropriate EC2 Instance Type to download large files at a fast rate. There are several options of Network performances, and I'm leaning towards "Up to 10 Gigabit" or "10 Gigabit". Is there a recommended Model with this networking performance options that best fit the requirement? Would it be possible to download 4~6GB files in under an hour?
Network bandwidth available to an Amazon EC2 instance is based upon the Instance Type. Basically, larger instances have more bandwidth.
Instances that show 10+ Gigabit networking only provide this bandwidth within the same Placement Group, which is within one Availability Zone. It does not apply to Internet bandwidth.
You should create a test that you can run on various instance types to determine the throughput. Preferably multi-thread such tests so that you are fully-utilizing available bandwidth.
You should also experiment with running multiple, smaller instances because they might have more aggregate bandwidth than fewer, larger instances.
There are a number of factors outside of AWS control which could potentially mean that you don't get the files in the amount of time you need it in. Some of these include:
Server on the other side has poor upload speed
Bad routing
Internet backbone latency issues (can happen)
Attempting to download from geographically far distances
Existing network traffic to the instance
The instance availability zone is down
Amount of security group and NACL rules (increases processing time of individual packets)
Assuming none of these are issues you won't have trouble getting large files downloaded. For getting data to AWS at a decent speed from an on site location you can also look into DirectConnect which helps on the routing front. For when you get into the petabyte+ level of data transfer there's also Snowball and Snowmobile which is physical shipping of the data to AWS for loading into servers.

Ensuring consistent network throughput from AWS EC2 instance?

I have created few AWS EC2 instances, however, sometimes, my data throughput (both for upload and download) are becoming highly limited on certain servers.
For example, typically I have about 15-17 MB/s throughput from instance located in US West (Oregon) server. However, sometimes, especially when I transfer a large amount of data in a single day, my throughput drops to 1-2 MB/s. When it happens on one server, the other servers have a typical network throughput (as previously expect).
How can I avoid it? And what can cause this?
If it is due to amount of my data upload/download, how can I avoid it?
At the moment, I am using t2.micro type instances.
Simple answer, don't use micro instances.
AWS is a multi-tenant environment as such resource are shared. When it comes to network performance, the larger instance sizes get higher priority. Only the largest instances get any sort of dedicated performance.
Micro and nano instances get the lowest priority out of all instances types.
This matrix will show you what priority each instance size gets: