Why when drawBackground is called does it override the setBackgroundBrush colour? - c++

I'm following this series on youtube Node Editor. I'm attempting to learn both Qt and C++ at the same time, possibly a stupid idea, but "hello world" tutorials don't do much for me.
Episode 1 We are to create a grid using the drawBackground method, however before this in the class constructor we have set the background to a light grey colour. When I run the code without the drawBackground the scene shows the light grey background. However when I run it with the drawBackground method uncommented the grid is drawn but the background is now white.
Why does the drawBackground() method override the QDMGraphicsScene() setBackgroundBrush?
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtCore>
#include "math.h"
class QDMGraphicsScene : public QGraphicsScene
QColor _colour_background, _colour_light, _colour_dark;
QPen _pen_light, _pen_dark;
int scene_width, scene_height, gridSize, gridSquares;
QVector<QLine> lines_light, lines_dark;
void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect);
#include "qdmgraphicsscene.h"
this->gridSize = 60;
this->gridSquares = 3;
this->_colour_background = QColor(57,57,57);
this->_colour_light = QColor(47,47,47);
this->_colour_dark = QColor(41, 41, 41);
this->_pen_light = QPen(this->_colour_light);
this->_pen_dark = QPen(this->_colour_dark);
this->scene_width = 64000;
this->scene_height = 64000;
this->setSceneRect(-this->scene_width/2, -this->scene_height/2, this->scene_width, this->scene_height);
void QDMGraphicsScene::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
//create grid
int left = (int)floor(rect.left());
int right = (int)ceil(rect.right());
int top = (int)floor(rect.top());
int bottom = (int)ceil(rect.bottom());
int first_left = left - (left % this->gridSize);
int first_top = top - (top % this->gridSize);
//compute lines
for(int x = first_left; x < right; x=x+this->gridSize){
if(x % (this->gridSize * this->gridSquares) != 0){
} else {
for(int y = first_top; y < bottom; y=y+this->gridSize){
if(y % (this->gridSize * this->gridSquares) != 0){
} else {
//draw lines

I suspect the problem is simply that your drawBackground override doesn't use the background brush -- you just set the QPainter pen and use it to draw lines.
I think the simplest solution would be to call the base class implementation of drawBackground at the top of your own, so...
void QDMGraphicsScene::drawBackground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
* Call base class drawBackground implementation to draw background.
QGraphicsScene::drawBackground(painter, rect);
//create grid


QScrollArea - Resize content widgets by keeping the aspect ratio

I have a layout that looks like this.
Blue: rectangle it's a ScrollArea
Orange: rectangles are the widgets from that ScrollArea
My code:
#include <QtWidgets>
class RoundedPolygon : public QPolygon {
RoundedPolygon() { SetRadius(10); }
void SetRadius(unsigned int iRadius) { m_iRadius = iRadius; }
const QPainterPath &GetPath() {
m_path = QPainterPath();
if (count() < 3) {
qDebug() << "!! Polygon should have at least 3 points !!";
return m_path;
QPointF pt1;
QPointF pt2;
for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) {
pt1 = GetLineStart(i);
if (i == 0)
m_path.quadTo(at(i), pt1);
pt2 = GetLineEnd(i);
// close the last corner
pt1 = GetLineStart(0);
m_path.quadTo(at(0), pt1);
return m_path;
QPointF GetLineStart(int i) const {
QPointF pt;
QPoint pt1 = at(i);
QPoint pt2 = at((i + 1) % count());
float fRat = m_iRadius / GetDistance(pt1, pt2);
if (fRat > 0.5f)
fRat = 0.5f;
pt.setX((1.0f - fRat) * pt1.x() + fRat * pt2.x());
pt.setY((1.0f - fRat) * pt1.y() + fRat * pt2.y());
return pt;
QPointF GetLineEnd(int i) const {
QPointF pt;
QPoint pt1 = at(i);
QPoint pt2 = at((i + 1) % count());
float fRat = m_iRadius / GetDistance(pt1, pt2);
if (fRat > 0.5f)
fRat = 0.5f;
pt.setX(fRat * pt1.x() + (1.0f - fRat) * pt2.x());
pt.setY(fRat * pt1.y() + (1.0f - fRat) * pt2.y());
return pt;
float GetDistance(QPoint pt1, QPoint pt2) const {
int fD = (pt1.x() - pt2.x()) * (pt1.x() - pt2.x()) + (pt1.y() - pt2.y()) * (pt1.y() - pt2.y());
return sqrtf(fD);
QPainterPath m_path;
unsigned int m_iRadius{};
class PolygonButtonWidget : public QWidget {
explicit PolygonButtonWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent) {}
~PolygonButtonWidget() override = default;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override {
float ratioW = 8;
float ratioH = 3;
// ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->setFixedSize(5000, h);
float thisAspectRatio = (float) event->size().width() / event->size().height();
if (thisAspectRatio < ratioW / ratioH) {
float w = event->size().height() * ratioW / ratioH;
float h = event->size().height();
qDebug() << hasHeightForWidth() << " " << w << " " << h;
this->resize(w, h);
if (m_nrButtons != 0) {
this->move((w + 20) * m_nrButtons, this->y());
int m_nrButtons{};
void setMNrButtons(int mNrButtons) {
m_nrButtons = mNrButtons;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override {
int offset = 50;
m_polygon.emplace_back(0, height()); //DOWN-LEFT
m_polygon.emplace_back(width() - offset, height()); //DOWN-RIGHT
m_polygon.emplace_back(width(), 0); //TOP-RIGHT
m_polygon.emplace_back(0 + offset, 0);
QPainter painter(this);
RoundedPolygon poly;
for (QPoint point: m_polygon) {
poly << point;
QBrush fillBrush;
QPainterPath path;
painter.fillPath(path, fillBrush);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override {
auto cursorPos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
qDebug() << "X: " << cursorPos.x() << " Y: " << cursorPos.y();
inside(cursorPos, m_polygon);
qDebug() << "Pressed";
std::vector<QPoint> m_polygon;
bool inside(QPoint point, std::vector<QPoint> polygon) {
auto x = point.x();
auto y = point.y();
auto inside = false;
auto i = 0;
auto j = polygon.size() - 1;
while (i < polygon.size()) {
auto xi = polygon[i].x();
auto yi = polygon[i].y();
auto xj = polygon[j].x();
auto yj = polygon[j].y();
auto intersect = ((yi > y) != (yj > y)) && (x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi);
if (intersect) inside = !inside;
j = i++;
qDebug() << inside;
return inside;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget root;
QHBoxLayout layout{&root};
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
auto p = new PolygonButtonWidget();
p->setMinimumSize(100, 100);
root.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(19,19,19);");
QScrollArea view;
#include "main.moc"
The problem arises when I'm trying to resize the window. In the moment of resizing, I want my widgets to keep their aspect ratio. But that's not going to happen.
I have scroll list of widgets which is looking like this (if it's expended on X way too much)
If I will scale it on Y-axis it's going to look like this.
After I've changed the resizeEvent now it's going to look something like this
or like this
How can I fix this? For some reason, some of my widgets are going to disappear, what should be my approach in order to fix this issue?
The problem is caused by the assumption that there's any mechanism that will automatically resize the widgets for you. There isn't. A QScrollArea acts as a layout barrier and any layouts inside of it are isolated from its size, and thus from any resize events.
You must resize the container widget (the one with blue outline on your diagram) yourself anytime the scroll area changes size, and you need first to prepare a test case for the widgets such that their size changes are properly managed when placed in the layout of your choice, and said layout is resized.
Finally, the pet peeve of mine: It's unlikely that you actually need the QMainWindow for anything. It's just a silly Qt Creator template. But unless you want an MDI interface and docking, you shouldn't be using the QMainWindow - and especially not when making a self-contained example. All you need here is QScrollArea as a top-level widget. That's literally all. Any QWidget can be a top-level window!
For future submissions, please provide all the code needed in a single main.cpp file that begins with #include <QtWidgets> and ends with #include "main.moc". You won't need any other includes for Qt classes, and you can write class definitions Java-style, with all the methods defined within the class declaration itself. This provides for short code - after all, a SO question isn't an Enterprise project. It's supposed to be minimal, and that really means that anything not necessary must be removed. No need for header files, multiple includes, nor other fluff - i.e. use Qt containers instead of C++ STL so that you don't need more includes etc.
Your example should look roughly as follows:
#include <QtWidgets>
class PolygonButtonWidget : public QAbstractButton {
/* without seeing the code here, your question is unanswerable */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget root;
QHBoxLayout layout{&root};
PolygonButtonWidget buttons[10];
for (auto &button : buttons)
QScrollArea view;
#include "main.moc"
Without such an example, your question is hard to answer, since:
How can we debug it? Debugging means using a debugger. If your code cannot be immediately compiled, then it's quite unlikely that someone will bother debugging it, and debugging by inspection is often error-prone.
How can we provide a tested answer if we'd have to first write the entire "test case" for it?
How can we know what's inside your button widget? The behavior of that widget does affect the ultimate solution.
It'd also help if you described a few use cases that you'd expect to work. That is, mock up (with a drawing) the state of the widgets before and after the view is resized, so that we can easily see what it is that you expect to happen. A lot of it is very easy to miss when explaining your needs in words. Use cases are a lingua franca of software specifications. If you don't use them, it's highly likely that you yourself don't know what behavior you expect in all cases.

QCustomPlot replot QCPLayer

I'm trying to figure out how to use QCPLayer to only replot certain items in the plot.
The qcustomplot documentation states this:
If you often need to call a full QCustomPlot::replot only because a non-complex object (e.g. an item) has changed while having relatively static but complex graphs in the plot, consider placing the regularly changing objects onto an own layer and setting its mode (QCPLayer::setMode) to QCPLayer::lmBuffered. This makes QCustomPlot allocate a dedicated paint buffer for this layer, and allows it to be replotted individually with QCPLayer::replot, independent of the other layers containing the potentially complex and slow graphs. See the documentation of the respective methods for details.
Which is what I'm trying to do in the example below:
I am creating a custom qcustomplot by inheriting from QCustomPlot:
#pragma once
#include "qcustomplot.h"
#define USING_LAYER false
struct QCPCursor{
QCPItemLine *hLine;
QCPItemLine *vLine;
QCPItemText* cursorText;
class QCustomPlot_custom :
public QCustomPlot
private slots:
void mouseMove(QMouseEvent*);
QCustomPlot_custom(QWidget* parent = NULL);
QCPLayer* cursorLayer;
QCPCursor cursor;
void manageCursor(double x, double y, QPen pen);
void init(QVector<double> xdata, QVector<double> ydata);
This class initializes with some data to plot. It also overloads the mouseMove event to control a custom cursor. USING_LAYER set to true means that the custom cursor is added to it's own layer (cursorLayer).
By setting USING_LAYER to false I get the desired effect as seen below:
The cursor is displayed by a horizontal and vertical line and the coordinates.
If I have many graphs in the plot and/or a lot of point in each graph, I will see a delay when moving the cursor. (Which is the reason I want to be able to replot only the cursor by setting it in a layer.)
QCustomPlot_custom::QCustomPlot_custom(QWidget* parent)
connect(this, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)));
QCustomPlot::setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, true);
QCustomPlot::setInteraction(QCP::iRangeZoom, true);
this->addLayer("cursorLayer", 0, QCustomPlot::limAbove);
cursorLayer = new QCPLayer(this, "cursorLayer");
void QCustomPlot_custom::init(QVector<double> xdata, QVector<double> ydata)
this->graph(0)->setData(xdata, ydata);
QColor colorPen(10, 25, 180, 255);
QPen pen;
void QCustomPlot_custom::mouseMove(QMouseEvent* event)
//Cursor coordinates:
double x = this->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x());
double y = this->yAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y());
manageCursor(x, y, QPen(Qt::DashDotLine));
void QCustomPlot_custom::manageCursor(double x, double y, QPen pen)
if (cursor.hLine)
cursor.hLine = new QCPItemLine(this);
cursor.hLine->start->setCoords(-QCPRange::maxRange, y);
cursor.hLine->end->setCoords(QCPRange::maxRange, y);
if (cursor.vLine)
cursor.vLine = new QCPItemLine(this);
cursor.vLine->start->setCoords(x, -QCPRange::maxRange);
cursor.vLine->end->setCoords(x, QCPRange::maxRange);
//Coordinates as text:
if (cursor.cursorText)
cursor.cursorText = new QCPItemText(this);
cursor.cursorText->setText(QString("(%1, %2)").arg(x).arg(y));
cursor.cursorText->position->setCoords(QPointF(x, y));
QPointF pp = cursor.cursorText->position->pixelPosition() + QPointF(50.0, -15.0);
cursor.cursorText->setFont(QFont(font().family(), 8));
//Add to layer:
The function that initializes the class member:
void Qt_PlotTest::testPlot(){
//Create some data and initalize plot:
QVector<double> yData, xData;
int imax = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < imax; i++){
double x = double(i) / imax;
yData.push_back(pow(x, 2)*( 1.0 + 0.5*cos(20*x) + 0.1*sin(500*x - 0.1)));
ui.custom_QWidgetPlot->init(xData, yData);
When using the layer method, the cursor doesn't render. I tried understanding the documentation, but it is not clear for me how to correctly use QCPLayers.
How should I do this?
After adding layer
this->addLayer("cursorLayer", 0, QCustomPlot::limAbove);
don't call QCPLayer constructor to get layer pointer. Use provided getters with name of the layer or index:
QCPLayer * QCustomPlot::layer ( const QString & name) const
QCPLayer * QCustomPlot::layer ( int index) const
cursorLayer = this->layer("cursorLayer");
Also every Graph and Item is added to currentLayer and in your case it's not cursorLayer it's the main. You need to change current layer
bool QCustomPlot::setCurrentLayer ( const QString & name)
bool QCustomPlot::setCurrentLayer ( QCPLayer * layer)
Or you can specify layer for each QCPLayerable
bool QCPLayerable::setLayer ( QCPLayer * layer)
bool QCPLayerable::setLayer ( const QString & layerName)
As #EligijusPupeikis reminded me, I am deleting and re-creating the cursor every time I move it.
I didn't think this would have any effect to my issue, but apparently it is, because reploting a layer which has new items in it requires that the plot has be reploted first (source: will check the qcustomplot doc and add link).
So my code now looks like this:
QCustomPlot_custom::QCustomPlot_custom(QWidget* parent)
connect(this, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)));
QCustomPlot::setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, true);
QCustomPlot::setInteraction(QCP::iRangeZoom, true);
void QCustomPlot_custom::init(QVector<double> xdata, QVector<double> ydata)
this->graph(0)->setData(xdata, ydata);
QColor colorPen(10, 25, 180, 255);
QPen pen;
this->addLayer("cursorLayer", 0, QCustomPlot::limAbove);
cursorLayer = this->layer("cursorLayer");
//cursorLayer = new QCPLayer(this, "cursorLayer");
QPen qpen = QPen(Qt::DashDotLine);
cursor.hLine = new QCPItemLine(this);
cursor.vLine = new QCPItemLine(this);
cursor.cursorText = new QCPItemText(this);
cursor.cursorText->setFont(QFont(font().family(), 8));
//Add to layer:
cursor.hLine->setLayer("cursorLayer"); //"cursorLayer"
void QCustomPlot_custom::mouseMove(QMouseEvent* event)
//Cursor coordinates:
double x = this->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x());
double y = this->yAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y());
manageCursor(x, y);
void QCustomPlot_custom::manageCursor(double x, double y)
cursor.hLine->start->setCoords(-QCPRange::maxRange, y);
cursor.hLine->end->setCoords(QCPRange::maxRange, y);
cursor.vLine->start->setCoords(x, -QCPRange::maxRange);
cursor.vLine->end->setCoords(x, QCPRange::maxRange);
cursor.cursorText->setText(QString("(%1, %2)").arg(x).arg(y));
cursor.cursorText->position->setCoords(QPointF(x, y));
QPointF pp = cursor.cursorText->position->pixelPosition() + QPointF(50.0, -15.0);
As a test, if I plot 10 000 000 points, and set USING_LAYER to false, I will notice a clear lag on the cursor when moving the mouse. While setting it to true, will result in a smooth cursor movement.

Rendering a section of a non-smooth QImage using QSGImageNode

I'm trying to render individual tiles from a tileset. For example, I want to display the grey tile in the tileset below:
In the real use case, these would be e.g. water, grass, etc. tiles in a game. There are some requirements for rendering these tiles:
They are 32x32 pixels and will be rendered fullscreen, so performance is important.
They should not be smoothed when scaled.
None of the built-in Qt Quick types meet these requirements (rendering a section of an image that's not smoothed), as far as I can tell. I've tried QQuickPaintedItem with various QPainter render hints (such as SmoothPixmapTransform set to false) without success; the image is "blurry" when upscaled. AnimatedSprite supports rendering sections of an image, but has no API to disable smoothing.
My idea was to implement a custom QQuickItem using the scene graph API.
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QQuickWindow>
#include <QSGImageNode>
static QImage image;
static const int tileSize = 32;
static const int tilesetSize = 8;
class Tile : public QQuickItem
Q_PROPERTY(int index READ index WRITE setIndex NOTIFY indexChanged)
Tile() :
mIndex(-1) {
QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *)
if (!oldNode) {
oldNode = window()->createImageNode();
if (mIndex == -1)
return oldNode;
if (image.isNull()) {
image = QImage("C:/tileset.png");
if (image.isNull())
return oldNode;
QSGTexture *texture = window()->createTextureFromImage(image);
qDebug() << "textureSize:" << texture->textureSize();
if (!texture)
return oldNode;
QSGImageNode *imageNode = static_cast<QSGImageNode*>(oldNode);
// imageNode->setOwnsTexture(true);
qDebug() << "source rect:" << (mIndex % tileSize) * tileSize << (mIndex / tileSize) * tileSize << tileSize << tileSize;
imageNode->setSourceRect((mIndex % tileSize) * tileSize, (mIndex / tileSize) * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
return oldNode;
int index() const {
return mIndex;
void setIndex(int index) {
if (index == mIndex)
mIndex = index;
emit indexChanged();
void indexChanged();
int mIndex;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
qmlRegisterType<Tile>("App", 1, 0, "Tile");
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import App 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
width: 800
height: 800
visible: true
Slider {
id: slider
from: 1
to: 10
Tile {
scale: slider.value
index: 1
anchors.centerIn: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "transparent"
border.color: "darkorange"
The output from this application looks fine, but nothing is rendered within the rectangle:
textureSize: QSize(256, 256)
source rect: 32 0 32 32
Judging from the minimal docs, my implementation (in terms of how I create nodes) seems OK. Where am I going wrong?
A year late to the party, but I was running into the same problem as you. For the sake of anyone else who is trying to subclass a QQuickItem and has come across this thread, there's a little nugget that's in the documentation in regards to updatePaintNode:
The function is called as a result of QQuickItem::update(),
if the user has set the QQuickItem::ItemHasContents flag on the item.
When I set that flag, everything rendered.
And I considered myself a detail-oriented person...
After the OP pointed out they had already set the ItemHasContents flag, I looked at the code again and saw that while the OP had set the sourceRect on the node, the OP hadn't set the rect of the node, and that indeed was the problem the OP was running into.
I ended up going with a friend's idea of using QQuickImageProvider:
#include <QQuickImageProvider>
#include <QHash>
#include <QString>
#include <QImage>
class TileImageProvider : public QQuickImageProvider
QImage requestImage(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize) override;
QHash<QString, QImage> mTiles;
#include "tileimageprovider.h"
#include <QImage>
#include <QDebug>
TileImageProvider::TileImageProvider() :
QImage tilesetImage(":/sprites/tiles/tileset.png");
if (tilesetImage.isNull()) {
qWarning() << "Failed to load tileset image";
int index = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < 8; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; ++col) {
int sourceX = col * 32;
int sourceY = row * 32;
QImage subTile = tilesetImage.copy(sourceX, sourceY, 32, 32);
if (tilesetImage.isNull()) {
qWarning() << "Tile image at" << sourceX << sourceY << "is null";
mTiles.insert(QString::number(index++), subTile);
QImage TileImageProvider::requestImage(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &)
Q_ASSERT(mTiles.find(id) != mTiles.end());
*size = QSize(32, 32);
return mTiles.value(id);
I then create tile instances from the following Component:
Image {
width: 32
height: 32
smooth: false
asynchronous: true
source: "image://tile/" + index
property int index
There's also Tiled's tile rendering code, which uses scenegraph nodes and is likely more efficient.
It does seem like you can have it both easier and more efficient.
Instead of implementing a custom QQuickItem you can just use a trivial ShaderEffect. You can pass an offset and control the sampling.
Additionally, you would only need one single black and white plus, and you can have the color dynamic by passing it as a parameter to the shader.
Lastly, doing an atlas yourself is likely redundant, as the scenegraph will likely put small textures in atlases anyway. And of course, there is the advantage of not having to write a single line of C++, while still getting an efficient and flexible solution.

Calculating view offset for zooming in at the position of the mouse cursor

I've got a "canvas" that the user can draw pixels, etc. onto. It works well, but my zoom functionality currently uses the same origin regardless of the position of the mouse. I'd like to implement functionality like that of Google Maps' zoom behaviour:
That is, the zoom's origin should always be the position of the mouse cursor.
What I currently have is not exactly right...
My attempts have mostly been stabs in the dark, but I've also tried using the code from this answer without success.
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QtQuick>
class Canvas : public QQuickPaintedItem
Canvas() :
mOffset(QPoint(400, 400)),
void paint(QPainter *painter) override {
const int zoomedTileWidth = mTilesAcross * mZoomLevel;
const int zoomedTileHeight = mTilesDown * mZoomLevel;
const int zoomedMapWidth = qMin(mTilesAcross * zoomedTileWidth, qFloor(width()));
const int zoomedMapHeight = qMin(mTilesDown * zoomedTileHeight, qFloor(height()));
painter->fillRect(0, 0, zoomedMapWidth, zoomedMapHeight, QColor(Qt::gray));
for (int y = 0; y < mTilesDown; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < mTilesAcross; ++x) {
const QRect rect(x * zoomedTileWidth, y * zoomedTileHeight, zoomedTileWidth, zoomedTileHeight);
painter->drawText(rect, QString::fromLatin1("%1, %2").arg(x).arg(y));
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override {
const int oldZoomLevel = mZoomLevel;
mZoomLevel = qMax(1, qMin(mZoomLevel + (event->angleDelta().y() > 0 ? 1 : -1), 30));
const QPoint cursorPosRelativeToOffset = event->pos() - mOffset;
if (mZoomLevel != oldZoomLevel) {
mOffset.rx() -= cursorPosRelativeToOffset.x();
mOffset.ry() -= cursorPosRelativeToOffset.y();
// Attempts based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/14085161/904422
// mOffset.setX((event->pos().x() * (mZoomLevel - oldZoomLevel)) + (mZoomLevel * -mOffset.x()));
// mOffset.setY((event->pos().y() * (mZoomLevel - oldZoomLevel)) + (mZoomLevel * -mOffset.y()));
// mOffset.setX((cursorPosRelativeToOffset.x() * (mZoomLevel - oldZoomLevel)) + (mZoomLevel * -mOffset.x()));
// mOffset.setY((cursorPosRelativeToOffset.y() * (mZoomLevel - oldZoomLevel)) + (mZoomLevel * -mOffset.y()));
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override {
static const int panDistance = 50;
switch (event->key()) {
case Qt::Key_Left:
mOffset.rx() -= panDistance;
case Qt::Key_Right:
mOffset.rx() += panDistance;
case Qt::Key_Up:
mOffset.ry() -= panDistance;
case Qt::Key_Down:
mOffset.ry() += panDistance;
const int mTileWidth;
const int mTileHeight;
const int mTilesAcross;
const int mTilesDown;
QPoint mOffset;
int mZoomLevel;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
qmlRegisterType<Canvas>("App", 1, 0, "Canvas");
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import App 1.0 as App
Window {
visible: true
width: 1200
height: 900
title: qsTr("Hello World")
Shortcut {
sequence: "Ctrl+Q"
onActivated: Qt.quit()
App.Canvas {
focus: true
anchors.fill: parent
What am I doing wrong in the wheelEvent() function?
You have a rectangle R = [x_0, x_0 + w] x [y_0, y_0 + h] with absolute coordinates. When you map it to a widget (another rectangle), you apply some transformation T to an area W of R. This transformation is linear with offset:
Values of a_x, b_x, a_y, b_y are calculated to satisfy some simple conditions, you have already done it.
You also have a cursor (x_c, y_c) in R. It's coordinates in W are T(x_c, y_c). Now you want to apply another transformation ,
changing scale coefficients a_x, a_y to known a_x', a_y' with following condition: you want your cursor to point at the same coordinates (x_c, y_c) in R. I.e. T'(x_c, y_c) = T(x_c, y_c) — the same point in relative coordinates points to the same position in absolute coordinates. We derive a system for unknown offsets b_x', b_y' with known rest values. It gives
Last work is to find (x_c, y_c) from widget cursor position (x_p, y_p) = T(x_c, y_c):
and to substitute it:
In your terms it is
mOffset = event->pos() - float(mZoomLevel) / float(oldZoomLevel) *
(event->pos() - mOffset);
If you want to zoom like Google maps then your origin must be at top-left corner of the image(lets say (x,y) = (0,0) and (width, height) = (100,100)) with initial zoomLevel 100.
If you want to zoom at point(40,20) with zoom Factor of 5% then,
the displacement can be calculated as-
newX = 40 - 40*(100.0/105)
newY = 20 - 20*(100.0/105)
newWidth = width - (100.0/105)
newHeight = height - (100.0/105)
then set newX, newY as your origin and change width, height to newWidth and newHeight.
By this implementation you'll be able to zoom at a particular point where the cursor is. But this implementation will not work when you move the cursor at some other positions.
I am also looking for that implementation.

Qwt - replot does not clear current plot

This is my first question here and I believe that I havent seen anyone else asking for this specific problem but what I'm currently dealing with is a qwt plot that doesn't want to replot.
What I want to do: Call the replot() method to clear my current plot.
My problem: When calling replot() does not clear my current plot and my plots are drawn on top of eachother.
Here is a link to an image of my problem
As can be seen in the image, the new curves are drawn on top of the existing ones and this is what I want to solve.
Here is some of my code: (let me know if I missed some parts)
#include "plot.h"
#include <qwt_plot.h>
#include <qwt_plot_grid.h>
#include <qwt_plot_layout.h>
#include <qwt_plot_canvas.h>
#include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
#include <qwt_plot_directpainter.h>
#include <qwt_curve_fitter.h>
#include <qwt_painter.h>
class CurveData: public QwtArraySeriesData<QPointF>
virtual QRectF boundingRect() const
if ( d_boundingRect.width() < 0.0 )
d_boundingRect = qwtBoundingRect( *this );
return d_boundingRect;
inline void append( const QPointF &point )
d_samples += point;
void clear()
d_boundingRect = QRectF( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
Plot::Plot( QWidget *parent ):
QwtPlot( parent )
d_directPainter = new QwtPlotDirectPainter(this);
setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, 0.014,0.016);
setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, 0, 1000);
d_curve = new QwtPlotCurve();
d_curve->setData(new CurveData());
void Plot::AppendPoint(const QPointF &point)
CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>(d_curve->data());
void Plot::DrawCurveSegment()
CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>(d_curve->data());
d_directPainter->drawSeries(d_curve, data->size()-11, data->size()-1);
void Plot::ClearPlot()
CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>(d_curve->data());
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent):
QWidget( parent )
d_plot = new Plot();
counter = 0;
loopCounter = 0;
// ... //
void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) {
if (counter>0 && counter%1000==0)
for (int ii=0; ii<10;ii++)
double y = someArray[counter];
double x = (double)counter-((double)loopCounter*1000);
Would very much appreciate if someone can see what I'm doing wrong.
Best regards!
I solved the problem by changing the clearPlot method to the following:
void Plot::ClearPlot()
CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>(d_curve->data());
You can also do this:
QwtPlot::detachItems(QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotItem, true);