Instagram Video API - facebook-graph-api

We are already setup with API access to instagram functions like instagram_manage_comments, instagram_manage_insights. But with new function available to post videos, we want to use that.
The new permission is instagram_content_publish, see facebook description below:
The instagram_content_publish permission allows your app to create organic feed photo and video posts on behalf of a business user.
How do we apply for this access, as facebook demands video to show how it will work and login so they can check it as well. But the problem is that we can't implement this API until permission is granted. Also our website / facebook app is in Live Mode and we can't change it to development mode for obvious reasons.
Please advise how we can move forward with this.

You will need to create a "test app" version of your live app where you can demo these new features without having to change the live app to development mode.


Facebook App Review instagram_basic not being tested properly

Currently I am trying to get my app approved by Facebook.
My app allows users to connect their instagram account. I use data like instagram_profile_picture and followed_by_count to complete their profile with reliable data.
For that, I request the permission instagram_basic within the Facebook-login process. Obviously the process only works if a instagram account is connected to the Facebook account which they are logging in with.
Facebook rejected my app because they could not test the permission properly. But they say that my screencast shows a valid use case (where my FB account is connected to a instagram account). I have checked the test-user they have used to review my app and it is not connected to a instagram account. What makes requesting the permission pretty useless.
I thought that Facebook is smart enough to understand that, but I guess that's not the case.
Can anyone help me?
Facebooks test-user-system is a mess. But you have to try (I tried several times) creating an Instagram-account using the fb test user, you should then try to connect the instagram account in the instagram mobile app to the fb test user. This worked out for me.

Extract my timeline posts from Facebook Graph API

I am trying to extract my posts, via Graph API from facebook. I used some basic code snippets but they don't work. I can not get my feed even in the Graph Explorer. It always says that I don;t have the permission and I have to submit my App for review and provide a video tutorial on how I use the extracted posts.
But I want to extract just my posts, I don't care for anybody elses. Do I seriously need FB App review to do that?
This is what I get with my token from my app:
user/posts requires additional contract signing:
Use /me/posts with your own App, with your User Token and authorize with the user_posts permission. This works without any approval from Facebook - for your account and your App only, of course. I just tested if it still works in the Graph API Explorer and it did:

facebook Live stream on my own feed using graph API

I'm trying to live stream on my own profile, do i need app review for that purpose also ?, can someone please explain as this page says i need an app review??
Certain permissions can be granted by people with a role in your app (admin, developer, tester) when the app is in live mode, even without review.
It used to be all of them, but Facebook has further restricted this since.
You will not be able to grant this permission to the app in live mode, even with one of those accounts with an app role, unless you get it reviewed first.
And your app needs to be in live mode; while in dev mode, only people with a role in the app can see any content created through it.
So NO, you will not be able to make this work and have your video be visible to everyone, without submitting your app for review.

create page programmatically for a test user

Can I create via api pages for a test users?
This is what I did:
Given my app, I got the user's token from app dashboard test users and I tried to use it in the graph explorer (POST /user_id/accounts).
I've the error "(#10) Application does not have permission for this action".
These are the permission the app has been granted for: manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_actions
Do I miss some permission or it is not possible?
[Edited following Simon's advice and the response below:]
I've been looking into this all day and it seems the answer is a solid, "Nope."
According to the developer documentation on creating pages, the {user_id}/accounts endpoint only supports Reading, not Creating, Updating, or Deleting.
Although apparently if you apply for Standard API access, you can receive permissions to create pages. (Only available if your app is generating ad revenue.)
Googling, reading and trying, I figure out that we can create a page via api. Applications with Standard API Access can create Pages through the API using the following paths: /{user_id}/accounts
So the answer to my question is yes, if your application has the Standard API Access, no matter if you are dealing with test users or not. Note that teh call is slow (about 5 sec.)
That's it.

Android-App using Facebook Graph Api

in my android app I use the facebook graph api. I need specific permissions for "user_likes".
for example the request could look like this: me/likes?fields={anyField}
such a request works in facebook graph api explorer but not in my own app because I have no permissions. I have to fill out a form to get this permissions:
Fill out the form below to submit your app for approval. You must
include usage information about your app for the review team. Your app
will be reviewed for compliance with our Platform Policy and Review
my app is under construction, I would like to have something like a "sandbox mode" is such a thing available?
I hope you understand what i mean...i do not really know how to explain it precisely.
You donĀ“t need to get anything reviewed for testing, user_likes will work for everyone with a role in the App (Admin, Developer, Tester), without the need to go through the review process.
If it does not work in your App, even as App Developer, you must have done something wrong in the login process: