facebook Live stream on my own feed using graph API - facebook-graph-api

I'm trying to live stream on my own profile, do i need app review for that purpose also ?, can someone please explain as this page says i need an app review??

Certain permissions can be granted by people with a role in your app (admin, developer, tester) when the app is in live mode, even without review.
It used to be all of them, but Facebook has further restricted this since.
You will not be able to grant this permission to the app in live mode, even with one of those accounts with an app role, unless you get it reviewed first.
And your app needs to be in live mode; while in dev mode, only people with a role in the app can see any content created through it.
So NO, you will not be able to make this work and have your video be visible to everyone, without submitting your app for review.


Instagram Video API

We are already setup with API access to instagram functions like instagram_manage_comments, instagram_manage_insights. But with new function available to post videos, we want to use that.
The new permission is instagram_content_publish, see facebook description below:
The instagram_content_publish permission allows your app to create organic feed photo and video posts on behalf of a business user.
How do we apply for this access, as facebook demands video to show how it will work and login so they can check it as well. But the problem is that we can't implement this API until permission is granted. Also our website / facebook app is in Live Mode and we can't change it to development mode for obvious reasons.
Please advise how we can move forward with this.
You will need to create a "test app" version of your live app where you can demo these new features without having to change the live app to development mode.

My website have only login with facebook feature, can I submit it for app review?

I made a website using Django.
The only way to log into it is the facebook login.
When I had to submit my app for review in the facebook developer console. They are asking me testing id and password. Since the only way to login is facebook, and it won't work till they test.
And they are asking how to open this website for testing. It's kind of a loop.
Is there another way out?
I don't want to use other ways of logging in (is in accordance with my idea)
I believe you can test your app with your own login credentials according to Facebook:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used in
Development Mode by you or someone with a role on your app. Any
account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins,
developers, and testers, can use all permissions but will only be able
to access their own data, that of test users, and test pages belonging
to them.
You can use any of these accounts to test your app and create a
See this similar answer.

How get publish_pages permission, to post on own business Facebook page using Graph API?

I am making a server-to-server Facebook 'app' so that some of the news articles we post to our own website can be posted on our own Facebook page too. I have read 14 squintillion pages of documentation, but cannot find how to get the publish_pages permission for myself or the app.
I have coaxed the app through the review process, and got the manage_pages permission allowed. I thought I had to submit all over again, to get publish_pages too, but the documentation says no. Apparently anyone appearing in the Roles for the app can grant the necessary permissions.
I have set myself up as admin for the app, yet when trying to get a token using the Facebook developer tools, I am never shown publish_pages. So even if I create a non-expiring token (my end goal) it is rejected with a message about the lack of publish_pages.
Shouldn't I be seeing more permissions listed here?
I'm sure I've read all relevant parts of the official documentation, plus StackOverflow answers and several unofficial walk-throughs, but I cannot work out what I am missing...
I thought I had to submit all over again, to get publish_pages too,
You do.
but the documentation says no. Apparently anyone appearing in the Roles for the app can grant the necessary permissions.
That is for apps in dev mode. Any of those users can grant the permission to your app, while it is in dev mode. But whatever you publish through your app, will only be visible to this group of users only, and not to the general public.
For the content to be visible to everyone, your app needs to be in live mode.
Before you can ask people - even those with a role in the app - for publish_pages when your app is in live mode, you need to submit that permission for review.

How to set privacy policy url for a fb app when working on localhost?

I am working on a local application that needs to retrieve data from user's Facebook profile. As long as I can see, by default I can only get name, picture and age range, but I need many others information like education, location, likes and so on. I tried to submit approval for these items, but Facebook won't set my submission because I don't have a Privacy Policy URL added. I don't know what Privacy Policy URL to add because I'm working on localhost.
Please help me figure it out and excuse me if my question is wrong, it's the first time when I work with fb api. Also, if there is another way to retrieve this items, I would be more than happy to hear about it.
Have a look at
It's saying that
in order to help you craft your Facebook Login experience, your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
Also, if you're the developer of an app and are the only person using it, then your app doesn't need to go through review. Since you're the developer, all app capabilities should be available. You will still need to take your app out of developer mode, but you should be able to do that without going through review.
So, to be able to develop your app and request extended permissions, you don't need to pass your app to review, as long as you test with an app admin/developer/tester.

how to test facebook application with extended permissions, without asking for review

i have read all the answers ( i could find on the matter), and they say, if you are a developer, tester or admin of the application, you should be able to test the app without any problem. I have tried as a admin of the app, developer, tester etc (all the roles given in the developer dashboard) no luck, next i have tried with the test users, still no luck, when i ask the user for the permission (publish_stream), the popup always says
Submit for Login Review Some of the permissions below have not been
approved for use by Facebook.
I have setup the "privacy policy link", i have uploaded the application icon, entered the application description, still no luck. in the mean time, the other two permissions i ask (user_photos and email) work with no problem.
I can't get what i am doing wrong. has anyone had problems like this?how did he manage to solve them? any help will be much appreciated.
P.S the only thing i haven't tried is to submit the freaking app for review, but the app is far from done, so i think, the review will be rejected
You really don´t need to go through the review process for testing, unapproved permissions work for every Admin, Developer or Tester of the App. publish_stream is deprecated though, what you probably want is publish_actions.
If it still does not work with an Admin/Dev/Tester and the publish_actions permission, i´d suspect a bug. In that case you could report it: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/