SwiftUI Toggle Switch without Binding - swiftui

This may seem like an odd question but I have looked around and can't seem to find an answer for it.
I would like to create toggles in a view that are not binded to any variable. Imagine a list of toggle switches that are toggle-able but don't actually do anything.
I have tried using .constant butt as you would expect, that doesn't allow me to toggle the switch. Obviously leaving It blank throws an error.
//Can't be changed
Toggle(isOn: .constant(true)) {
//Throws an error
Toggle() {
Is there anything that can be passed in the isOn: parameter to allow for that?
In theory I could just have a #State variable in my view and binding to the toggle and simple not used that variable anywhere else in my view. Only thing is, I do not know ahead of time how many toggles will be displayed in my view so I can't just declare a bunch of #State variables. And if I were too only create one #State variable and blind it to all of my toggles, they would all be in sync, which is not what I am looking for, I would like them to all be independent.
Below is a simplified example of the layout of my view
private var array: [String]
var body: some View {
ForEach((0..<self.array.count), id: \.self) {
Toggle("Show welcome message", isOn: *binding here*)
Thank you

You can simply create a single #State variable of type [Bool], an array containing all the toggle booleans.
Here is some example code:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ToggleStack(count: 5)
struct ToggleStack: View {
#State private var toggles: [Bool]
private let count: Int
init(count: Int) {
self.count = count
toggles = Array(repeating: true, count: count)
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(0 ..< count) { index in
Toggle(isOn: $toggles[index]) {


SwiftUI clean up ContentView

I'm trying to simplify the ContentView within a project and I'm struggling to understand how to move #State based logic into its own file and have ContentView adapt to any changes. Currently I have dynamic views that display themselves based on #Binding actions which I'm passing the $binding down the view hierarchy to have buttons toggle the bool values.
Here's my current attempt. I'm not sure how in SwiftUI to change the view state of SheetPresenter from a nested view without passing the $binding all the way down the view stack. Ideally I'd like it to look like ContentView.overlay(sheetPresenter($isOpen, $present).
Also, I'm learning SwiftUI so if this isn't the best approach please provide guidance.
class SheetPresenter: ObservableObject {
#Published var present: Present = .none
#State var isOpen: Bool = false
enum Present {
case none, login, register
func makeView(with presenter: Present) -> some View {
switch presenter {
case .none:
case .login:
BottomSheetView(isOpen: $isOpen, maxHeight: UIConfig.Utils.screenHeight * 0.75) {
case .register:
BottomSheetView(isOpen: $isOpen, maxHeight: UIConfig.Utils.screenHeight * 0.75) {
if you don't want to pass $binding all the way down the view you can create a StateObject variable in the top view and pass it with .environmentObject(). and access it from any view with EnvironmentObject
struct testApp: App {
#StateObject var s1: sViewModel = sViewModel()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
You are correct this is not the best approach, however it is a common mistake. In SwiftUI we actually use #State for transient data owned by the view. This means using a value type like a struct, not classes. This is explained at 4:18 in Data Essentials in SwiftUI from WWDC 2020.
EditorConfig can maintain invariants on its properties and be tested
independently. And because EditorConfig is a value type, any change to
a property of EditorConfig, like its progress, is visible as a change
to EditorConfig itself.
struct EditorConfig {
var isEditorPresented = false
var note = ""
var progress: Double = 0
mutating func present(initialProgress: Double) {
progress = initialProgress
note = ""
isEditorPresented = true
struct BookView: View {
#State private var editorConfig = EditorConfig()
func presentEditor() { editorConfig.present(…) }
var body: some View {
Button(action: presentEditor) { … }
Then you just use $editorConfig.isEditorPresented as the boolean binding in .sheet or .overlay.
Worth also taking a look at sheet(item:onDismiss:content:) which makes it much simpler to show an item because no boolean is required it uses an optional #State which you can set to nil to dismiss.

SwiftUI: how to make searchbar become first responder?

I would like to make the searchbar become first responder as soon as the view appears. Unfortunately there is no #FocusState support yet / other calls to achieve this out-of-the-box. Is there another way of achieving this?
struct SearchDemo: View {
#State var searchString : String = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
.searchable(text: $searchString)

NavigationLink 101: How to send data from the host to the secondary View?

Goal: To simply pass struct per List row to a secondary View via NavigationLink.
Baby Step (prior goal): Merely pass a member of a String Array to the secondary view.
Problem: The Secondary View is expecting a Binding-String value in the parameter call vs the closure String value within the context. So I have to set the #State var to the current/context value prior to the call.
That's my problem. I can't simply equate the Binding var with the current context var; because in SwiftUI, such statements are limited to View based stuff only.
This doesn't work:
Here's the actual code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var name = "" //... load with inital value to avoid having to add a call parameter.
var body: some View {
let myArray = ["Larry", "Moe", "Curly"]
NavigationView {
List(myArray, id: \.self) { theStooge in
NavigationLink(destination: SecondView(stoogeName: theStooge)) {
.navigationBarTitle("Three Stooges").navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline)
struct SecondView: View {
#Binding var stoogeName: String
var body: some View {
Text("Hello \(name)")
I can merely create the SecondView via a Text("Hello World") in the NavigationLink's destination parameter. But that's not very helpful. I want to pass data (struct of data) to a secondary View per List member.
But I need to set a binding variable.
Do I have to jury rig an EnvironmentObject or Singleton?
Binding can be set to dynamic property but your array is constant local variable. Here is possible solution to work with binding:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var name = "" //... load with inital value to avoid having to add a call parameter.
#State private var myArray = ["Larry", "Moe", "Curly"]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(myArray.indices, id: \.self) { index in
NavigationLink(destination: SecondView(stoogeName: $myArray[index])) {
.navigationBarTitle("Three Stooges").navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline)

SwiftUI - How to pass data then initialise and edit data

I'm downloading data from Firebase and trying to edit it. It works, but with an issue. I am currently passing data to my EditViewModel with the .onAppear() method of my view. And reading the data from EditViewModel within my view.
class EditViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var title: String = ""
struct EditView: View {
#State var selected_item: ItemModel
#StateObject var editViewModel = EditViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Name of item", text: self.$editViewModel.title)
}.onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
editViewModel.title = selected_item.title
I have given you the extremely short-hand version as it's much easier to follow.
However, I push to another view to select options from a list and pop back. As a result, everything is reset due to using the onAppear method. I have spent hours trying to use init() but I am struggling to get my application to even compile, getting errors in the process. I understand it's due to using the .onAppear method, but how can I use init() for this particular view/view-model?
I've search online but I've found the answers to not be useful, or different from what I wish to achieve.
Thank you.
You don't need to use State for input property - it is only for internal view usage. So as far as I understood your scenario, here is a possible solution:
struct EditView: View {
private var selected_item: ItemModel
#StateObject var editViewModel = EditViewModel()
init(selectedItem: ItemModel) {
selected_item = selectedItem
editViewModel.title = selectedItem.title
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Name of item", text: self.$editViewModel.title)
}.onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
editViewModel.title = selected_item.title

set #State var inside geometryReader

How is it possible to set a #State var inside a geometryReader?
This is my code:
#State var isTest:Int = 0
var body: some View {
ForEach(self.test, id: \.id) { Test in
GeometryReader { geometry in
self.isTest = 1
I try with a function but it doesn't work.
#State var isTest: Int = 0
func testValue() {
self.isTest = 1
var body: some View {
ForEach(self.test, id: \.id) { Test in
GeometryReader { geometry in
Any idea? Thanks!
I also had a similar problem yesterday. But I was trying to pass a value from inside the GeometryReader.
I tried a couple of ways but it didn't work.
When I use #State var to declare the variable, the compiler again complained in a purple line saying that Modifying the view during update will make it become Undefined.
When I tried to declare a variable using var only, the compiler just told me that it's immutable.
And then, I tried storing it onto my #EnvironmentObject. And I just got a dead loop.
So, my last hope was using the notification way and some how it worked. But I don't know if it's the standard way of implementation.
#State private var viewPositionY:CGFloat = 0
First, post the value frame.origin.y via notification.
GeometryReader{ geometry -> Text in
let frame = geometry.frame(in: CoordinateSpace.global)
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name("channelBlahblahblah"), object:nil, userInfo:["dict":frame.origin.y])
return Text("My View Title")
And then declare a publisher to receive the notification.
private let myPublisher = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: Notification.Name("channelBlahblahblah"))
Finally, use the the .onReceive modifier to receive the notification.
.onReceive(myPublisher) { (output) in
viewPositionY = output.userInfo!["dict"] as! CGFloat
//you can do you business here
While putting code into function is a nice touch, there may arrive another problem and that is altering the #State variable during update phase:
[SwiftUI] Modifying state during view update, this will cause undefined behavior
Using NotificationCenter to move #State variable update after view update phase can help, but one could use much more simple solution like performing variable update right after render phase by using DispatchQueue.
#State var windowSize = CGSize()
func useProxy(_ geometry: GeometryProxy) -> some View {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.windowSize = geometry.size
return EmptyView()
var body: some View {
return GeometryReader { geometry in
Text("Hello SwiftUI")
You can update #State variables in the onAppear method if you need the initial geometry values
#State var windowSize = CGSize()
var body: some View {
return GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack {
Text("Hello SwiftUI")
.onAppear {
windowSize = geometry.size
You can use onAppear(perform:) to update #State variables with the initial view size and onChange(of:perform:) to update the variables when the view size changes:
struct MyView: View {
#State private var size: CGSize = .zero
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack {
Text("Hello World")
}.onAppear {
size = geometry.size
}.onChange(of: geometry.size) { newSize in
size = newSize
Try this
#State private var viewSize: CGSize = .zero
var body: some View {
VStack {
// ...
.background(GeometryReader { proxy in
key: ViewSizePreferenceKey.self,
value: proxy.size
.onPreferenceChange(ViewSizePreferenceKey.self) { size in
viewSize = size
private struct ViewSizePreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
static var defaultValue: CGSize = .zero
static func reduce(value: inout CGSize, nextValue: () -> CGSize) {
value = value.width + value.height > nextValue().width + nextValue().height ? value : nextValue()
So it's totally possible to update a #State inside a GeometryReader. The solution is simple. However, there's a caveat:
you might end up with an infinite loop
(nothing too troublesome, I'll present a solution here)
You'll just need a DispatchQueue.main.async and explicitly declare the type of the view inside GeometryReader. If you execute the View below (don't forget to stop it) you'll see that it never stops updating the value of the Text.
struct GenericList: View {
#State var timesCalled = 0
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry -> Text in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
timesCalled += 1 // infinite loop
return Text("\(timesCalled)")
This happens because the View will "draw" the GeometryReader, which will update a #State of the View. Thus, the new #State invalidates the View causing the View to be redrawn. Consequently going back to the first step (drawing the GeometryReader and updating the state).
To solve this you need to put some constraints in the draw of the GeometryReader. Instead of returning your View inside the GeometryReader, draw it then add the GeometryReader as a transparent overlay or background. This will have the same effect but you'll be able to put constraints in the presentation.
Personally, I'd rather use an overlay because you can add as many as you want. Note that an overlay does not permit an if else inside of it, but it is possible to call a function. That's why there's the func geometryReader() below. Another thing is that in order to return different types of Views you'll need to add #ViewBuilder before it.
In this code, the GeometryReader is called only once and you get the #State var timesCalled updated.
struct GenericList: View {
#State var timesCalled = 0
func geometryReader() -> some View {
if timesCalled < 1 {
GeometryReader { geometry -> Color in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
timesCalled += 1
return Color.clear
} else {
var body: some View {
Note: you don't need to put the same constraints, for example, in my case, I wanted to move the view with the drag gesture. So, I've put the constraints to start when the user touches down and to stop when the user ends the drag gesture.