"Format" CSV output in Qt - c++

Hi have a c++ program that generates a CSV file, all works fine but when I open the CSV file it looks rather messy and I have to manually expand columns to read all the text.
My question is, is there a way in Qt to do ay kind of formatting when generating CSV file e.g. make columns a certain width?

The QString class has several methods that you can use to format the fields of a CSV file.
As an example consider the QString::leftJustified method (link to Qt docs here). Also, you may want to check the right equivalent.
The main advantage of using Qt APIs, in this case, is that you do not have to split formatting and arguments as with standard C++ APIs based on streams.
Anyhow the best API, among those of the QString class, depends on your specs. Check the Qt docs to learn more.


Parsing markdown with C discount library

I'm writing a markdown editor (C++/Qt) and i'm using discount library for that purpose.
Documentation: http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/
i wrote that code to convert HTML to markdown.
#include <mkdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
FILE *out;
out = fopen("/home/abdeljalil/test.html","w");
const char* mkdown= "__hello__";
MMIOT *doc;
doc = mkd_string(mkdown,strlen(mkdown),flags);
is using output file an efficient method? (i will update the GUI every time markdown is changed in the editor)
can i write HTML directly to a string instead of file? (can't find such function)
is there any other notes to optimize the code?
Markdown is sort of notorious for being a bit hacked together, nonstandard, and contradictory. Anyone (including myself) who has tried to write a Markdown-to-visual system can tell you just how puzzling/maddening it is. I don't know about "discount" but see CommonMark.org for some current state of thinking from formerly-of-StackOverflow-Jeff and others.
Doing a full reformat of the document on each edit (on entry to idle so as not to block user input) to produce a markdown preview is probably okay for modestly sized documents. Haven't looked at the StackOverflow JavaScript but it is probably doing precisely that.
Your library documentation says:
There are 17 public functions in the markdown library, broken into three categories:
Those functions are file based. As far as I know, you aren't going to find any platform-independent convenience layer allowing you to pass a std::stringstream or otherwise as a C stream FILE *:
cstdio streams vs iostream streams?
You could look into fmemopen to avoid the file creation and write to a buffer, though:
So perhaps investigate that.
Finding the size of a file created by fmemopen
More generally, I might suggest that starting from scratch to wrap a random C-based FILE stream Markdown library up in a Qt editor is a bit of a fool's errand. Either embrace an existing project like CuteMarkEd or embed a JavaScript engine to run the common markdown code, or... something.

Qt : Avoid Rebuilding Applications incase strings change

I wanted to know what my options are for storing strings in a QT application.
One of my major requirements in not re-building the entire project or any file in-case one string changes and also have all the strings in one place.In short I would like to have the strings in one place and extract them during Application startup
I've used all of the elements talked about in above answers.
XML, JSON, QSettings w/ Ini files, tr()
All of them can do it just fine. I've put together some notes on the different options:
Qt Linguist and the tr() tags are designed to take your stock language and translate it into another language. Keeping track of multiple versions of the english translation and modifying/releasing without Qt Linguist is almost impossible. Qt Linguist is required to "release" your translations and convert them from a TS file (translation source) to an optimized QM file.
The QM file format is a compact binary format that is used by the localized application. It provides extremely fast lookups for translations.
Here is what using a translation file looks like:
QTranslator translator;
I think using QTranslator for a few string changes may be a weird use case, unless you are using for localizing your program. But like the docs say, it is optimized for very fast look ups of string replacements.
The stream reader is "recommended" way to access XML files, or at least with better support. You write your own files for organizing it, or you write code to generate the XML.
<STRING_1>Some string</STRING_1>
Here is what it looks like to navigate into xml.
QXmlStreamReader xml;
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
... // do processing
if (xml.hasError()) {
... // do error handling
XML is very similar to Json, but with larger files and the start and end tags are longer. There are a lot more stock readers out there for XML. It is also a lot more human readable in many cases because so many people know html and they are very similar.
The JSON suppport in Qt 5 looks really good. I haven't built a project with it quite yet It is as easy as it looks, and as far as accessing and setting, it looks just like using a dictionary or a map or a vector.
UPDATE: You just pass around a pointer into your QJsonDocument or your QJsonObject or your QJsonArray as you are navigating deeper or appending more onto your Json file. And when you are done you can save it as a binary file, or as a clear text, human readable file, with proper indentation and everything!
How to create/read/write JSon files in Qt5
Json seems to be turning into the replacement for XML for many people. I like the example of using Json to save and load the state of a role playing game.
QSettings is one of my favorites, just because it has been supported for so long, and it is how most persistent settings should be saved and accessed.
When I use it, to take advantage of the defaults and fall back mechanisms, I put this in my main.cpp:
QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Star Runner");
And because I sometimes find a need to edit these setting by hand in windows, I use the Ini format.
QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); // also in main.cpp
Then when I deploy my exe, and I want to have particular value loaded instead of the hardcoded defaults, the installer drops the main fallback into
C:/ProgramData/MySoft/Star Runner.ini
And when the program saves a change at runtime, it gets saved to:
C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/MySoft/Star Runner.ini
And then throughout my program if I need to get a setting or set a setting, it takes 3 lines of code or less.
// setting the value
QSettings s;
s.setValue("Strings/string_1", "new string");
// getting the value
QString str;
QSettings s;
str = s.value("Strings/string_1", "default string").toString();
And here is what your ini file would look like:
string_1=default string
QSettings is the way to go if you are storing a few strings you want to change on deployment or at runtime. (or if a checkbox is now checked, or your window size and position, or the recent files list or whatever).
QSettings has been optimized quite a bit and is well thought out. The ini support is awesome, with the exception that it sometimes reorders groups and keys (usually alphabetically), and it may drop any comments you put in it. I think ini comments are either started with a ; or a #.
Hope that helps.
One way to do this would be to put it in a shared library. This way you can only recompile the shared library, but not the whole project. Another approach would be to put it in a file or a database and load it at runtime.
And of course you have to check your include dependencies. If you are including the headers everywhere, the compiler will rebuild everything that depends on it, even if the header is not really needed.
Another possible solution is to replace all strings with default ones inside tr() calls and use Qt Linguist to manage all the strings.
You'll also be able to load all the "translations" from external .qm file on startup.
It is simple: Store your volatile strings in QSettings http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qsettings.html (you can use ini files or registry) or an XML file which will make you application configurable.
Edit: Well, after thinking about it a few more minutes, Guilherme's comment is right. QSettings will need to be initialized somehow (either manually or from some default values in your code)... and to be honest manual editing registry to change a few strings is not the brightest idea. So I conclude that XML or JSON is definitely better. It has advantages, for example you can keep several config files which allow you for switching languages at runtime etc.

Prgrammably making excel spreadsheets (97 - 2003 format)

I was wondering how difficult it would be to make an application like this. Basically, I have some old html files that use tables. I want to put these tables into excel for easier reading and manipulation. I only have text, I have no numbers of formulas or anything.
Are there any tutorials on how to do this sort of thing?
The application would produce .xls
You have three options:
Output a CSV file. While not an XLS file, Excel is more than capable of opening such a file, and it's extremely easy to create. You need nothing more than standard C++ to implement this solution. This is by far the easiest and quickest way to output to Excel (or any spreadsheet program, for that matter).
Use OLE automation. Microsoft even has a Knowledge Base article that provides an example of how to invoke Excel from your native C++ application and fill in some values. If you absolutely need to output XLS files, this is the easiest way to go. Note that users must have Excel installed on their computers for this to work.
Create your own XLS writer. Don't even bother with this option unless you really want to generate XLS files without requiring Excel to be installed on end-user computers. Options 1 and 2 are more than good enough for just about any application.
You don't need to reverse-engineer the XLS format; Microsoft documents the excel file format here. Due to the evolution of Excel over the years, it's not exactly a clean specification.
If you don't mind installing a copy of Excel along with your program, using OLE Automation would be much easier.
The simplest thing to do is simply create a CSV file. If you have column headers, put them in the first row. CSV files can be opened natively in Excel as if they were Excel spreadsheets.
There is a trick here: save .html tables with the .xls extension and Excel can read them (ie Excel can read the output of the DataGrid control).
But, if you want to create 'real' Excel files, then you can either use Excel Interop (which could be messy, requires Excel and the PIA's to be installed on the machine, and needs careful memory management (since its COM)). You could also opt for a 3rd-party library like FlexCel - which will avoid many of the InterOp problems but will not give you 'complete' Excel functionality (addins, custom vba macros etc.). For most uses, however, a 3rd party library should do the trick.
Looks like there's another alternative called ExcelFormat. I didn't try it, though.

How to start using xml with C++

(Not sure if this should be CW or not, you're welcome to comment if you think it should be).
At my workplace, we have many many different file formats for all kinds of purposes. Most, if not all, of these file formats are just written in plain text, with no consistency. I'm only a student working part-time, and I have no experience with using xml in production, but it seems to me that using xml would improve productivity, as we often need to parse, check and compare these outputs.
So my questions are: given that I can only control one small application and its output (only - the inputs are formats that are used in other applications as well), is it worth trying to change the output to be xml-based? If so, what are the best known ways to do that in C++ (i.e., xml parsers/writers, etc.)? Also, should I also provide a plain-text output to make it easy for the users (which are also programmers) to get used to xml? Should I provide a script to translate xml-plaintext? What are your experiences with this subject?
Don't just use XML because it's XML.
Use XML because:
other applications (that only accept XML) are going to read your output
you have an hierarchical data structure that lends itself perfectly for XML
you want to transform the data to other formats using XSL (e.g. to HTML)
A nice personal experience:
Customer: your application MUST be able to read XML.
Me: Er, OK, I will adapt my application so it can read XML.
Same customer (a few days later): your application MUST be able to read fixed width files, because we just realized our mainframe cannot generate XML.
Amir, to parse an XML you can use TinyXML which is incredibly easy to use and start with. Check its documentation for a quick brief, and read carefully the "what it does not do" clause. Been using it for reading and all I can say is that this tiny library does the job, very well.
As for writing - if your XML files aren't complex you might build them manually with a string object. "Aren't complex" for me means that you're only going to store text at most.
For more complex XML reading/writing you better check Xerces which is heavier than TinyXML. I haven't used it yet I've seen it in production and it does deliver it.
You can try using the boost::property_tree class.
It's pretty easy to use, but the page does warn that it doesn't support the XML format completely. If you do use this though, it gives you the freedom to easily use XML, INI, JSON, or INFO files without changing more than just the read_xml line.
If you want that ability though, you should avoid xml attributes. To use an attribute, you have to look at the key , which won't transfer between filetypes (although you can manually create your own subnodes).
Although using TinyXML is probably better. I've seen it used before in a couple of projects I've worked on, but don't have any experience with it.
Another approach to handling XML in your application is to use a data binding tool, such as CodeSynthesis XSD. Such a tool will generate C++ classes that hide all the gory details of parsing/serializing XML -- all that you see are objects corresponding to your XML vocabulary and functions that you can call to get/set the data, for example:
Person p = person ("person.xml");
cout << p.name ();
p.name ("John");
p.age (30);
ofstream ofs ("person.xml");
person (ofs, p);
Here's what previous SO threads have said on the topic. Please add others you know of that are relevant:
What is the best open XML parser for C++?
What is XML good for and when should i be using it?
What are good alternative data formats to XML?
BTW, before you decide on an XML parser, you may want to make sure that it will actually be able to parse all XML documents instead of just the "simple" ones, as discussed in this article:
Are you using a real XML parser?

How do I deal with "Project Files" in my Qt application?

My Qt application should be able to create/open/save a single "Project" at once. What is the painless way to store project's settings in a file? Should it be XML or something less horrible?
Of course data to be stored in a file is a subject to change over time.
What I need is something like QSettings but bounded to a project in my application rather than to the whole application.
You can use QSettings to store data in a specific .ini file.
From the docs:
Sometimes you do want to access settings stored in a specific file or registry path. On all platforms, if you want to read an INI file directly, you can use the QSettings constructor that takes a file name as first argument and pass QSettings::IniFormat as second argument. For example:
QSettings settings("/home/petra/misc/myapp.ini",
I order to make it user editable, I would stick to plain text with one key = values by line, like in most of the Linux apps.
However this is only for the settings, not for the complete project's data which I suppose requires more complex structures.
So maybe JSON ?
Pro XML:
You can have a look at it in an editor
You can store any kind of string in any language in it (unicode support)
It's simple to learn
More than one program can read the same XML
It's easy to structure your data with XML. When you use key/value lists, for example, you'll run into problems when you need to save tree-like structures.
Contra XML
The result is somewhat bloated
Most programming languages (especially old ones like C++) have no good support for XML. The old XML APIs were designed in such a way that they could be implemented in any language (smallest common denominator). 'nuff said.
You need to understand the concept of "encoding" (or "charset"). While this may look trivial at first glance, there are some hidden issues which can bite you. So always test your code with some umlauts and even kanji (Japanese characters) to make sure you got it right.