Mysql Cloud SQL support for vertical partition - google-cloud-platform

I want to partition my table by date. We are using CloudSQL instance for hosting our Mysql db. Does Cloud SQL support vertical partitioning? If yes, would it be similar to Mysql?

Cloud SQL for MySQL is basically a fully managed MySQL Community Edition databases by GCP. As mentioned in the comment, if the feature is not supported by MySQL itself, unfortunately you cannot expect that it will appear as a feature in Cloud SQL as well.
Here's the doc per each supported version which will inform you that vertical partitioning is not supported in MySQL 8.0, 5.7, and 5.6 (you can switch the doc version on their page):


AWS DocumentDb not support mongodb 4.0

I do not know why AWS DocumentDb does not support MongoDB version that above 3.6? Should I use mongo 3.6 or 4.0 above?
Amazon DocumentDB now supports MongoDB 4.0 compatibility including transactions:
Document DB is compatible with only MongoDB 3.6.
Whether you want to use 3.6 vs 4.0 or even 4.2 or 4.4 is very subjective to what you want to do with the DB.
The pros of using Document DB is that its a managed service and hence you dont have to worry a lot about setting it up.
The con is you will not get features present in version 3.6 onwards example multi document transactions, new operators in the agg pipeline, bug fixes etc.
To figure out the exact changes check -
You can install mongodb on EC2 instances, this will ensure you will get the latest and greatest mongodb. However this comes with the added work of managing the mongodb instance, its backups, High availability considerations etc.
Do note: No matter what you decide I would recommend that you try to use the latest drivers that are present today so that you have the freedom to go to the latest version of self installed mongo or even upgrade document db engine versions as they become available.
AWS DocumentDb uses its own database engine compatible with MongoDB 3.6 API.
MongoDB 4.0 API is not supported as of yet.
We have MongoDB Atlas available in AWS - AWS also supports fully managed database service - MongoDB Atlas -
AWS enables to set up the infrastructure to support MongoDB deployment in a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective manner on the AWS Cloud.

How can i configure a database in the node.conf file using Corda RPC?

I am using Corda version 4 community edition and I am trying to use a database like MySQL instead of the traditional H2 database. Is there any way to achieve this?
Community (or Opensource) version only tested with H2, Postgres and SQLServer. If you want to use mySql you've to upgrade to Enterprise version.
Hope this help

Can SQL Developer be used with the Athena JDBC Driver

I'm trying to connect to Athena using the JDBC drivers provided by Amazon, and using SQL Developer as the client. So far, I haven't had any luck with Java 1.8.181 and AthenaJDBC42-2.0.7.jar Has anyone had any luck on this front? Before I try mixing up which versions of Java, JDBC driver, and/or SQL Developer, I thought I'd at least ask if anyone has been successful using SQL Developer with the Athena JDBC drivers.
SQL Developer doesn't allow for just any JDBC driver to be added...we restrict connectivity to the platforms we officially support for database migrations to the Oracle Database platform.
Athena doesn't have migration support, hence the lack of connectivity. If you need assistance with a migration, please send me a note.

PgRouting in GCP Cloud SQL

Is there any good reason why the pgrouting extension is still not supported by GCP Cloud SQL? I mean, Cloud SQL even supports PostGIS 2.3 version.
Also, considering I already have PostGIS 2.3 installed on Cloud SQL, is there any way I could install pgrouting manually without issuing the CREATE EXTENSION statement?
Thanks in advance.
As far as I'm aware, there's no way you can install pgRouting manually without using the CREATE EXTENSION statement, and as you already know, it's currently not supported unfortunately.
However, I was able to find a public feature request open here for pgRouting to be supported by PostgreSQL (in CloudSQL). You could comment and follow updates there on the potential support for it in future.
As of the 26th of August, pgRouting is now supported in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.

How to change database version of a Google Cloud SQL (Second Gen) instance?

I have a large Google Cloud SQL (Second Gen) instance, and I would like to upgrade my database version from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7. But database version option is disabled on the edit instance form.
Why it is disabled, do i have to create a new instance then export and import existing database? My database is too large, and it will be a long downtime.
Per the Cloud SQL Migration docs, the only way to migrate versions is to export your data, and re-import into a new instance. The documentation mentions going from 5.5 to 5.6, but I would believe that going 5.6 to 5.7 would follow the same procedure.
Minor version upgrades to MySQL through Google Cloud now appears to be supported, though only through API calls:
The pertinent section if using the gcloud CLI:
gcloud sql instances patch $INSTANCE_NAME --database-version=$DATABASE_VERSION
Substitute your instance name for the $INSTANCE_NAME variable, and your target database version in place of $DATABASE_VERSION.
There appear to be two REST APIs also available - see the documentation for details.