PgRouting in GCP Cloud SQL - google-cloud-platform

Is there any good reason why the pgrouting extension is still not supported by GCP Cloud SQL? I mean, Cloud SQL even supports PostGIS 2.3 version.
Also, considering I already have PostGIS 2.3 installed on Cloud SQL, is there any way I could install pgrouting manually without issuing the CREATE EXTENSION statement?
Thanks in advance.

As far as I'm aware, there's no way you can install pgRouting manually without using the CREATE EXTENSION statement, and as you already know, it's currently not supported unfortunately.
However, I was able to find a public feature request open here for pgRouting to be supported by PostgreSQL (in CloudSQL). You could comment and follow updates there on the potential support for it in future.

As of the 26th of August, pgRouting is now supported in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.


Migrate Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB

I want to migrate the database from Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB.
I am following this user guide
When I try to create a clone data centre for extraction it throws
If you read through that document, you'll find that the conversion tool supports very old versions of Cassandra: 3.11.2, 3.1.1, 3.0, 2.1.20.
There will be a lot of configuration items in your cassandra.yaml that will not be compatible with the conversion tool including replica_filtering_protection since that property was not added until C* 3.0.22, 3.11.8 (CASSANDRA-15907).
You'll need to engage AWS Support to figure out what migration options are available to you. Cheers!

Mysql Cloud SQL support for vertical partition

I want to partition my table by date. We are using CloudSQL instance for hosting our Mysql db. Does Cloud SQL support vertical partitioning? If yes, would it be similar to Mysql?
Cloud SQL for MySQL is basically a fully managed MySQL Community Edition databases by GCP. As mentioned in the comment, if the feature is not supported by MySQL itself, unfortunately you cannot expect that it will appear as a feature in Cloud SQL as well.
Here's the doc per each supported version which will inform you that vertical partitioning is not supported in MySQL 8.0, 5.7, and 5.6 (you can switch the doc version on their page):

Talend Identity and Access Management for Talend Cloud

We are using the Talend Cloud version, so, there is TMC (Talend Management Console) instead of TAC. We need to set up authentication and authorization for our ESB services, but it is impossible within TMC. We have found Talend Identity and Access Management, but no idea if it is used for only TAC or TMC as well. Could you inform me if this Talend IAM supports TMC or not, if yes then how? If not, then which tool could be used instead?
Kind Regards
It would appear that TIA is a white labeled version of Apache Syncope. Using on-premise Talend (i.e. TAC) you could install this on the same server running TAC, however as you are using Talend Cloud this isn't an option.
It looks like you are going to need a server of some description to run TIA on, if you are using Remote Engines (which I think you much be as I don't think you can run ESB jobs on Cloud Engines yet) then I recommend you install TIA (or even the latest version of Apache Syncope as Talend can sometimes ship some pretty ancient versions of software they have white-labeled) on a remote engine.
As far as I can tell there should be no reason why your ESB jobs shouldn't be able to use TIA (or Syncope) provided the appropriate firewall rules are in place.

Installing Sitecore9.2 in AWS

Can anyone provide me answer to below query?
I wanted to install Sitecore9.2 on AWS, does the installation process requires SQL VMs?
or Can someone point me to right article to this
Thanks in advance.
From my own experience Sitecore XM can use AWS RDS for the Database. If that is a good idea you must know yourself. For the installation, the Sitecore 9 installation uses contained database that may broke the SIF installation, you can turn it on in AWS RDS or use normal database user account but you need a workaround. like first installing on SQL server and migrate to RDS, or installing manual without SIF. or adjust SIF
For more information see:

How to change database version of a Google Cloud SQL (Second Gen) instance?

I have a large Google Cloud SQL (Second Gen) instance, and I would like to upgrade my database version from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7. But database version option is disabled on the edit instance form.
Why it is disabled, do i have to create a new instance then export and import existing database? My database is too large, and it will be a long downtime.
Per the Cloud SQL Migration docs, the only way to migrate versions is to export your data, and re-import into a new instance. The documentation mentions going from 5.5 to 5.6, but I would believe that going 5.6 to 5.7 would follow the same procedure.
Minor version upgrades to MySQL through Google Cloud now appears to be supported, though only through API calls:
The pertinent section if using the gcloud CLI:
gcloud sql instances patch $INSTANCE_NAME --database-version=$DATABASE_VERSION
Substitute your instance name for the $INSTANCE_NAME variable, and your target database version in place of $DATABASE_VERSION.
There appear to be two REST APIs also available - see the documentation for details.